5 research outputs found

    Spatial and temporal variation of malaria entomological parameters at the onset of a hydro-agricultural development in central CĂ´te d'Ivoire

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    A deeper understanding of the ecology and small-scale heterogeneity of malaria transmission is essential for the design of effective prevention, control and elimination interventions. The spatial and temporal distribution of malaria vectors was investigated in five villages in close proximity to a hydro-agricultural system in Côte d'Ivoire over the course of construction and the early phase of irrigated rice farming.; The study was carried out in five villages (Raffierkro, N'Douakro, Ahougui, Kpokahankro, Koffikro) near Bouaké, central Côte d'Ivoire, between early 2007 and late 2009. In each village, mosquitoes were collected by human landing catches and identified morphologically at genus and species level, and entomological parameters were determined. Plasmodium infection was assessed by dissection and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.; A total of 19,404 mosquitoes belonging to the genus Anopheles were sampled during 328 human-night catches. Before the construction of the hydro-agricultural system, comparable densities of Anopheles gambiae were observed in all villages. In subsequent years, densities in Raffierkro and Ahougui were significantly higher than the other villages [Kruskal-Wallis (KW) test = 31.13, p > 0.001]. The density of Anopheles funestus in the five villages was comparable in the early stage of the project, while a high density was reported in Koffikro at the end (KW test = 11.91, p = 0.018). Transmission of Plasmodium falciparum is perennial in the study area. Over the course of the study, high entomological inoculation rates (EIRs) were found: 219-328 infectious bites per person per year with An. gambiae. For An. funestus considerably lower EIRs were observed (5.7-39.4). Changing patterns of An. gambiae were not correlated with malaria transmission.; In this study setting, located in the bioclimatic transition zone of Côte d'Ivoire, rice cultivation was not observed to increase malaria transmission. The entomological parameters recorded until the onset of rice-growing activities in a hydro-agricultural system presented considerable heterogeneity both in space and time; a strong increase of Anopheles mosquitoes was observed in two of the five villages located in close proximity to the dam and irrigated rice fields. Malaria still is a main public health problem in all villages that require adequate control measures

    Dynamics of freshwater snails and Schistosoma infection prevalence in schoolchildren during the construction and operation of a multipurpose dam in central CĂ´te d'Ivoire

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    The construction and operation of small multipurpose dams in Africa have a history of altering the transmission of water-based diseases, including schistosomiasis. The current study was designed to investigate the abundance and dynamics of schistosomiasis intermediate host snails and Schistosoma infections in humans during the construction and the first years of operation of a small multipurpose dam in Côte d'Ivoire.; The study was carried out in Raffierkro and four neighbouring villages in central Côte d'Ivoire between 2007 and 2012. Snails were collected by two experienced investigators using scoops and forceps for 15 min at each site. Snails were identified at genera and, whenever possible, species level, and subjected to testing for cercarial shedding. Schoolchildren aged 6-15 years were examined once every year for Schistosoma haematobium and S. mansoni infection, using urine filtration and duplication Kato-Katz thick smears, respectively. Additionally, 551 adults were examined for Schistosoma infection before (June 2007) and 359 individuals 2 years after dam construction (June 2009).; Overall, 1 700 snails belonging to nine different genera were collected from 19 sampling sites. Bulinus (potential intermediate host snails of S. haematobium) and Pila were the most common genera, whereas Biomphalaria (potential intermediate host snail of S. mansoni), Lymnaea, Physa and Melanoides were found in two villages. During the first-year sampling period, 65 snails were collected, of which 13 (20%) were schistosomiasis intermediate hosts. In subsequent years, out of 1 635 snails collected, 1 079 (66%) were identified as potential intermediate host for schistosomiasis, but none were shedding cercariae. The prevalence of S. mansoni among adults in the study area was low (0.4% in 2007 and 0.3% in 2009), whereas the prevalence of S. haematobium declined from 13.9% to 2.9% in this two-year period.; The low prevalence of schistosomiasis in humans and the absence of infected intermediate host snails during the construction and early phase of operation of a small multipurpose dam suggest that there was no or only very little local transmission. However, the considerable increase in the number of intermediate host snails and their dispersion in irrigation canals call for rigorous surveillance, so that adequate public health measures can be taken in case of early signs of an outbreak

    Effectiveness of school-based preventive chemotherapy strategies for sustaining the control of schistosomiasis in CĂ´te d'Ivoire: Results of a 5-year cluster randomized trial.

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    BackgroundPreventive chemotherapy using praziquantel is the mainstay for schistosomiasis control. However, there is little evidence on what is supposed to be the most effective school-based treatment strategy to sustain morbidity control. The aim of this study was to compare differences in Schistosoma mansoni prevalence and infection intensity between three different schedules of school-based preventive chemotherapy in an area with moderate prevalence of S. mansoni in CĂ´te d'Ivoire.MethodologySeventy-five schools were randomly assigned to one of three intervention arms: (i) annual school-based preventive chemotherapy with praziquantel (40 mg/kg) over four years; (ii) praziquantel treatment only in the first two years, followed by two years whithout treatment; and (iii) praziquantel treatment in years 1 and 3 without treatment in-between. Cross-sectional parasitologic surveys were carried out prior to each round of preventive chemotherapy. The difference in S. mansoni prevalence and infection intensity was assessed by multiple Kato-Katz thick smears, among children aged 9-12 years at the time of each survey. First-grade children, aged 5-8 years who had never received praziquantel, were also tested at baseline and at the end of the study.Principal findingsOverall, 7,410 children aged 9-12 years were examined at baseline and 7,223 at the final survey. The baseline prevalence of S. mansoni was 17.4%, 20.2%, and 25.2% in arms 1, 2, and 3, respectively. In the final year, we observed the lowest prevalence of 10.4% in arm 1, compared to 18.2% in arm 2 and 17.5% in arm 3. The comparison between arms 1 and 2 estimated an odds ratio (OR) of 0.52 but the difference was not statistically significant (95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.23-1.16). Likewise the difference between arms 1 and 3 lacked statistical significance (OR = 0.55, 95% CI = 0.23-1.29). There was no noteworthy difference observed between arms 2 and 3 (OR = 1.06, 95% CI = 0.64-1.75). The lowest S. mansoni fecal egg counts in the final year survey were observed in arm 1 (7.9 eggs per gram of stool (EPG)). However, compared with 11.5 EPG in arm 2 and 15.4 EPG in arm 3, the difference lacked statistical significance. There were 4,812 first-grade children examined at baseline and 4,513 in the final survey. The overall prevalence of S. mansoni in these children slightly decreased in arms 1 (from 4.5% to 3.6%) and 2 (from 4.7% to 4.3%), but increased in arm 3 (from 6.8% to 7.9%). However, there was no significant difference in prevalence and infection intensity observed between study arms.Conclusions/significanceThe three treatment schedules investigated led to a reduction in the prevalence and intensity of S. mansoni infection among children aged 9-12 years. Comparing intervention arms at the end of the study, no statistically significant differences were observed between annual treatement and the other two treatment schedules, neither in reduction of prevalence nor intensity of infection. It is important to combine our results with those of three sister trials conducted simultaneously in other African countries, before final recommendations can be drawn

    Evaluation of Human Exposure to Aedes Bites in Rubber and Palm Cultivations Using an Immunoepidemiological Biomarker

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    International audienceArbovirus infections, mainly transmitted by Aedes mosquito, are emerging in Africa. Efficient vector control requires an understanding of ecological factors which could impact on the risk of transmission, such as environmental changes linked to agricultural practices. The present study aims to assess the level of human exposure to Aedes mosquito bites in different agroecosystem area, using an immunological tool which quantifies human IgG antibody response to one Ae. aegypti salivary peptide. Specific IgG responses were assessed during dry and rainy seasons, in children living in different villages in Côte d'Ivoire: N'Zikro (rubber and oil palm exploitations), Ehania-V5 (oil palm), and Ayébo (without intensive agricultural activities). In the dry season, specific IgG levels were significantly lower in Ayébo compared to Ehania-V5 and N'Zikro and, interestingly, were similarly high in both villages with cultivations. In the rainy season, no difference of specific IgG was observed between villages. Specific IgG responses remained therefore high during both seasons in villages associated with intensive agricultural. The rubber and oil palm cultivations could maintain a high level of human exposure to Aedes mosquito bites during both dry and rainy seasons. These agricultural activities could represent a permanent risk factor of the transmission of arboviruses

    High Levels of Admixture in Anopheles gambiae Populations from Côte d’Ivoire Revealed by Multilocus Genotyping

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    Anopheles coluzzii and An. gambiae—the two most recently radiated species of the An. gambiae complex and the major Afrotropical malaria vector species—are identified by markers in the X-centromeric IGS rDNA region. Putative IGS-hybrids are rarely found in the field, except in restricted areas where genomic studies have led to the hypothesis that the observed IGS-patterns are due to cryptic taxa rather than to hybridization between the two species. We investigated the genome-wide levels of admixture in two villages in Côte d’Ivoire where high levels of IGS-hybrids have been detected, confirming unparalleled high frequencies in the coastal village. Genotyping of 24 Ancestry Informative Markers (AIMs) along the three chromosomes produced discordant results between the IGS-marker and the multilocus genotype obtained for AIMs across the whole genome (29%) as well as AIMs on chromosome-X (considered to be fundamental for species reproductive isolation) only (21%). Results highlight a complicated pattern of admixture that deserves deeper genomic analyses to understand better possible underlying causes (from extensive processes of hybridization to the existence of different cryptic taxa), and stress the need of developing advanced diagnostics for An. coluzzii, An. gambiae and putative new taxa, instrumental for assessing taxon-specific epidemiological characters