252 research outputs found

    From efficacy to equity: Literature review of decision criteria for resource allocation and healthcare decisionmaking

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    Objectives Resource allocation is a challenging issue faced by health policy decisionmakers requiring careful consideration of many factors. Objectives of this study were to identify decision criteria and their frequency reported in the literature on healthcare decisionmaking. Method An extensive literature search was performed in Medline and EMBASE to identify articles reporting healthcare decision criteria. Studies conducted with decisionmakers (e.g., focus groups, surveys, interviews), conceptual and review articles and articles describing multicriteria tools were included. Criteria were extracted, organized using a classification system derived from the EVIDEM framework and applying multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) principles, and the frequency of their occurrence was measured. Results Out of 3146 records identified, 2790 were excluded. Out of 356 articles assessed for eligibility, 40 studies included. Criteria were identified from studies performed in several regions of the world involving decisionmakers at micro, meso and macro levels of decision and from studies reporting on multicriteria tools. Large variations in terminology used to define criteria were observed and 360 different terms were identified. These were assigned to 58 criteria which were classified in 9 different categories including: health outcomes; types of benefit; disease impact; therapeutic context; economic impact; quality of evidence; implementation complexity; priority, fairness and ethics; and overall context. The most frequently mentioned criteria were: equity/fairness (32 times), efficacy/effectiveness (29), stakeholder interests and pressures (28), cost-effectiveness (23), strength of evidence (20), safety (19), mission and mandate of health system (19), organizational requirements and capacity (17), patient-reported outcomes (17) and need (16). Conclusion This study highlights the importance of considering both normative and feasibility criteria for fair allocation of resources and optimized decisionmaking for coverage and use of healthcare interventions. This analysis provides a foundation to develop a questionnaire for an international survey of decisionmakers on criteria and their relative importance. The ultimate objective is to develop sound multicriteria approaches to enlighten healthcare decisionmaking and priority-settin

    Understanding soil fertility management under cereal cropping systems in southern Mali

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    For decades, Malian stakeholders, including farm households and scientists, have increasingly recognized soil-nutrient depletion as one of the major constraints to sustainable agricultural development. Farming systems in the country are diverse due to variations in climate, soils, and production goals. Many complex factors influence the level of soil nutrient depletion and include nutrient management, regeneration and plant protection, livestock integration, soil and water conservation, biodiversity, agricultural policies, and marketing structures. Farm households are confronted with declining price relations between farm inputs and outputs resulting in a net exploitation of soil nutrients. Due to prevailing poverty, farm households have limited options for investment in nutrient adding or nutrient saving technologies. Nowadays, this situation is worsening due to climate change and variability. Climate smart technologies such as using organic manure and micro dosing have been implemented by various actors to address soil nutrient depletion and the effects of climate change, but questions about the sustainability of this system remain. In this progress report we explore farm characterization for understanding the management strategies regarding soil fertility. This activity is the first of a series of four monitoring steps for assessing nutrient flow at farm scale in the Koutiala District of southern Mali

    Recours aux soins prénatals au Mali : Une analyse de la qualité des soins

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    L’amĂ©lioration de la santĂ© maternelle fait partie des objectifs du dĂ©veloppement durable. MalgrĂ© les efforts dĂ©ployĂ©s pour promouvoir l’accès aux soins maternels afin d’atteindre ces objectifs, le niveau de recours aux soins prĂ©natals reste en deçà des attentes au Mali. Et le niveau des dĂ©cès maternels reste prĂ©occupant, ils sont estimĂ©s Ă  325 pour 100000 naissances vivantes en 2018. En effet et en dĂ©pit des normes de l’organisation mondiale de la santĂ©, en 2018 seules 43% des gestantes maliennes ont eu au moins 4 consultations prĂ©natales et près de 20% n’ont reçu aucune consultation prĂ©natale. Du fait du lien entre le suivi normal d’une grossesse et les dĂ©cès maternels, l’objectif de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait d’identifier le profil des gestantes Ă  l’égard de la visite prĂ©natale et les facteurs explicatifs du recours normal aux soins prĂ©natals au Mali. Notre investigation s’est appuyĂ©e sur la dernière EnquĂŞte DĂ©mographique et de SantĂ© du Mali en 2018. L’analyse explicative Ă  l’aide d’une rĂ©gression logistique ordinale sous l’approche multiniveau nous a permis d’identifier les facteurs explicatifs de l’utilisation adĂ©quate des services de soins prĂ©natals. La rĂ©gion de rĂ©sidence, la proportion des mĂ©nages pauvres et de femmes non modernes dans la communautĂ©, le niveau de vie du mĂ©nage, la catĂ©gorie socio-professionnelle du conjoint de la femme, le degrĂ© de modernitĂ© de la femme, la paritĂ© de la femme, l’opportunitĂ© de grossesse, et la perception des femmes sur les contraintes d’accès au milieu de soins sont des facteurs qui expliquent le comportement de la femme malienne Ă  l’égard des soins prĂ©natals. Le rĂ©sultat du profilage indique que les femmes qui recourent aux soins prĂ©natals sans respecter les normes sont principalement celles issues des zones rurales des rĂ©gions de Sikasso, Kayes et Mopti, elles sont multipares et ont plus de 35 ans rĂ©sident dans les mĂ©nages de grande taille. Le groupe des gestantes n’ayant fait aucune visite prĂ©natale sont pour la plupart des rĂ©gions du nord Gao, Tombouctou et Kidal, aussi dans des mĂ©nages pauvres avec des conjoints de catĂ©gorie socioprofessionnelle faible, elles ne sont pas modernes et ont d’énormes difficultĂ©s en termes financiers, d’accessibilitĂ© et de permission de se rendre dans un centre de santĂ©. Ces rĂ©sultats impliquent la nĂ©cessitĂ© d’une meilleure rĂ©partition et d’un renforcement des infrastructures sanitaires dans les diffĂ©rentes rĂ©gions. Aussi, l’autonomie de la femme Ă  travers son instruction et celui de son conjoint ainsi que la crĂ©ation des activitĂ©s gĂ©nĂ©ratrices de revenus sont des gages d’un meilleur recours aux soins prĂ©natals.   Improving maternal health is one of the Sustainable Development Goals. Despite the efforts made to promote access to maternal care in order to achieve these objectives, the level of use of prenatal care remains below expectations in Mali. And the level of maternal deaths remains worrying, they are estimated at 325 per 100,000 live births in 2018. Indeed and despite the standards of the World Health Organization, in 2018 only 43% of Malian pregnant women had at least 4 prenatal consultations and nearly 20% did not receive any prenatal consultation. Because of the link between the normal follow-up of a pregnancy and maternal deaths, the objective of this study was to identify the profile of pregnant women with regard to the prenatal visit and the explanatory factors of the normal use of prenatal care in mali. Our investigation was based on the last Demographic and Health Survey of Mali in 2018. The explanatory analysis using an ordinal logistic regression under the multilevel approach allowed us to identify the explanatory factors of the adequate use of antenatal care services. The region of residence, the proportion of poor households and non-modern women in the community, the household's standard of living, the socio-professional category of the woman's spouse, the woman's degree of modernity, the woman's parity, opportunity for pregnancy, and women's perception of the constraints of access to health care are factors that explain the behavior of Malian women with regard to prenatal care. The results of the profiling indicate that the women who resort to prenatal care without respecting the standards are mainly those from rural areas of the regions of Sikasso, Kayes and Mopti, they are multiparous and are over 35 years old and live in large households. The group of pregnant women who have not made any prenatal visit are mostly from the northern regions of Gao, Timbuktu and Kidal, also in poor households with spouses of low socio-professional category, they are not modern and have enormous difficulties in financial terms, accessibility and permission to visit a health center. These results imply the need for a better distribution and strengthening of health infrastructure in the different regions. Also, the autonomy of the woman through her education and that of her spouse as well as the creation of income-generating activities are guarantees of better use of prenatal care

    Recours aux Soins Prénatals au Mali : Une Analyse de la Qualité des Soins

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    Au Mali, le niveau de recours aux soins prĂ©natals reste en deçà des normes internationales. En 2018, seules 43% des gestantes ont eu au moins 4 consultations prĂ©natales et près de 20% n’ont reçu aucune consultation. Le niveau des dĂ©cès maternels et ceux liĂ©s Ă  la grossesse sont respectivement estimĂ© Ă  325 et 373 pour 100000 naissances vivantes. La promotion de la santĂ© maternelle Ă  travers un suivi normal de la grossesse contribuera Ă  rĂ©duire les risques de dĂ©cès maternels et infantiles. Cette Ă©tude visait Ă  identifier le profil des gestantes Ă  l’égard des soins prĂ©natals et les facteurs explicatifs du recours Ă  ces soins au Mali. Les donnĂ©es proviennent de l’enquĂŞte dĂ©mographique et de santĂ© du Mali de 2018. L’analyse explicative Ă  l’aide d’une rĂ©gression logistique ordinale sous l’approche multiniveau a permis d’identifier les facteurs explicatifs de l’utilisation adĂ©quate des services de soins prĂ©natals. La rĂ©gion de rĂ©sidence, la proportion des mĂ©nages pauvres et de femmes non modernes dans la communautĂ©, le niveau de vie du mĂ©nage, la catĂ©gorie socio-professionnelle du conjoint de la femme, le degrĂ© de modernitĂ©, la paritĂ©, l’opportunitĂ© de la grossesse, et la perception sur les contraintes d’accès au milieu de soins sont des facteurs qui expliquent le comportement de la femme malienne Ă  l’égard des soins prĂ©natals. Le rĂ©sultat du profilage indique que les gestantes qui recourent aux soins prĂ©natals sans respecter les normes sont principalement celles issues des zones rurales des rĂ©gions de Sikasso, Kayes et Mopti, elles sont multipares et ont plus de 35 ans rĂ©sidant dans les mĂ©nages de grande taille. Le groupe des gestantes n’ayant fait aucuns soins prĂ©natals sont pour la plupart des rĂ©gions de Gao, Tombouctou et Kidal, aussi dans des mĂ©nages pauvres avec des conjoints de catĂ©gorie socioprofessionnelle faible, elles ne sont pas modernes et ont d’énormes difficultĂ©s en termes financiers, d’accessibilitĂ© et de permission Ă  se rendre dans une structure sanitaire. Ces rĂ©sultats impliquent la nĂ©cessitĂ© d’une meilleure rĂ©partition et d’un renforcement des infrastructures sanitaires dans les diffĂ©rentes rĂ©gions. Aussi, l’autonomie de la femme Ă  travers son instruction et celui de son conjoint ainsi que la crĂ©ation des activitĂ©s gĂ©nĂ©ratrices de revenus peuvent contribuer Ă  un meilleur recours aux soins prĂ©natals.   In Mali, the level of use of prenatal care remains below international standards. In 2018, only 43% of pregnant women had at least 4 prenatal consultations and nearly 20% received no consultation. The level of maternal deaths and those related to pregnancy are respectively estimated at 325 and 373 per 100,000 live births. Promoting maternal health through normal pregnancy monitoring will help reduce the risk of maternal and child deaths. This study aimed to identify the profile of pregnant women with regard to prenatal care and the explanatory factors for the use of this care in Mali. Data are from the 2018 Mali Demographic and Health Survey. Explanatory analysis using ordinal logistic regression under the multilevel approach identified explanatory factors for adequate use of services prenatal care. The region of residence, the proportion of poor households and non-modern women in the community, the standard of living of the household, the socio-professional category of the wife's spouse, the degree of modernity, parity, the opportunity of pregnancy, and the perception of the constraints of access to the health care environment are factors that explain the behavior of Malian women with regard to prenatal care. The results of the profiling indicate that the pregnant women who resort to prenatal care without respecting the standards are mainly those from rural areas of the regions of Sikasso, Kayes, and Mopti, they are multiparous, and are over 35 years old residing in large households. The group of pregnant women who have had no prenatal care are mostly from the regions of Gao, Timbuktu, and Kidal, also in poor households with spouses of low socio-professional category, they are not modern and have enormous difficulties in terms of financial, accessibility and permission to visit a health facility. These results imply the need for better distribution and strengthening of health infrastructure in the different regions. Also, the autonomy of the woman through her education and that of her spouse, as well as the creation of income-generating activities, can contribute to better use of prenatal care

    Recours aux soins prénatals au Mali : Une analyse de la qualité des soins

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    L’amĂ©lioration de la santĂ© maternelle fait partie des objectifs du dĂ©veloppement durable. MalgrĂ© les efforts dĂ©ployĂ©s pour promouvoir l’accès aux soins maternels afin d’atteindre ces objectifs, le niveau de recours aux soins prĂ©natals reste en deçà des attentes au Mali. Et le niveau des dĂ©cès maternels reste prĂ©occupant, ils sont estimĂ©s Ă  325 pour 100000 naissances vivantes en 2018. En effet et en dĂ©pit des normes de l’organisation mondiale de la santĂ©, en 2018 seules 43% des gestantes maliennes ont eu au moins 4 consultations prĂ©natales et près de 20% n’ont reçu aucune consultation prĂ©natale. Du fait du lien entre le suivi normal d’une grossesse et les dĂ©cès maternels, l’objectif de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait d’identifier le profil des gestantes Ă  l’égard de la visite prĂ©natale et les facteurs explicatifs du recours normal aux soins prĂ©natals au Mali. Notre investigation s’est appuyĂ©e sur la dernière EnquĂŞte DĂ©mographique et de SantĂ© du Mali en 2018. L’analyse explicative Ă  l’aide d’une rĂ©gression logistique ordinale sous l’approche multiniveau nous a permis d’identifier les facteurs explicatifs de l’utilisation adĂ©quate des services de soins prĂ©natals. La rĂ©gion de rĂ©sidence, la proportion des mĂ©nages pauvres et de femmes non modernes dans la communautĂ©, le niveau de vie du mĂ©nage, la catĂ©gorie socio-professionnelle du conjoint de la femme, le degrĂ© de modernitĂ© de la femme, la paritĂ© de la femme, l’opportunitĂ© de grossesse, et la perception des femmes sur les contraintes d’accès au milieu de soins sont des facteurs qui expliquent le comportement de la femme malienne Ă  l’égard des soins prĂ©natals. Le rĂ©sultat du profilage indique que les femmes qui recourent aux soins prĂ©natals sans respecter les normes sont principalement celles issues des zones rurales des rĂ©gions de Sikasso, Kayes et Mopti, elles sont multipares et ont plus de 35 ans rĂ©sident dans les mĂ©nages de grande taille. Le groupe des gestantes n’ayant fait aucune visite prĂ©natale sont pour la plupart des rĂ©gions du nord Gao, Tombouctou et Kidal, aussi dans des mĂ©nages pauvres avec des conjoints de catĂ©gorie socioprofessionnelle faible, elles ne sont pas modernes et ont d’énormes difficultĂ©s en termes financiers, d’accessibilitĂ© et de permission de se rendre dans un centre de santĂ©. Ces rĂ©sultats impliquent la nĂ©cessitĂ© d’une meilleure rĂ©partition et d’un renforcement des infrastructures sanitaires dans les diffĂ©rentes rĂ©gions. Aussi, l’autonomie de la femme Ă  travers son instruction et celui de son conjoint ainsi que la crĂ©ation des activitĂ©s gĂ©nĂ©ratrices de revenus sont des gages d’un meilleur recours aux soins prĂ©natals.   Improving maternal health is one of the Sustainable Development Goals. Despite the efforts made to promote access to maternal care in order to achieve these objectives, the level of use of prenatal care remains below expectations in Mali. And the level of maternal deaths remains worrying, they are estimated at 325 per 100,000 live births in 2018. Indeed and despite the standards of the World Health Organization, in 2018 only 43% of Malian pregnant women had at least 4 prenatal consultations and nearly 20% did not receive any prenatal consultation. Because of the link between the normal follow-up of a pregnancy and maternal deaths, the objective of this study was to identify the profile of pregnant women with regard to the prenatal visit and the explanatory factors of the normal use of prenatal care in mali. Our investigation was based on the last Demographic and Health Survey of Mali in 2018. The explanatory analysis using an ordinal logistic regression under the multilevel approach allowed us to identify the explanatory factors of the adequate use of antenatal care services. The region of residence, the proportion of poor households and non-modern women in the community, the household's standard of living, the socio-professional category of the woman's spouse, the woman's degree of modernity, the woman's parity, opportunity for pregnancy, and women's perception of the constraints of access to health care are factors that explain the behavior of Malian women with regard to prenatal care. The results of the profiling indicate that the women who resort to prenatal care without respecting the standards are mainly those from rural areas of the regions of Sikasso, Kayes and Mopti, they are multiparous and are over 35 years old and live in large households. The group of pregnant women who have not made any prenatal visit are mostly from the northern regions of Gao, Timbuktu and Kidal, also in poor households with spouses of low socio-professional category, they are not modern and have enormous difficulties in financial terms, accessibility and permission to visit a health center. These results imply the need for a better distribution and strengthening of health infrastructure in the different regions. Also, the autonomy of the woman through her education and that of her spouse as well as the creation of income-generating activities are guarantees of better use of prenatal care

    Spatial and temporal variation of malaria entomological parameters at the onset of a hydro-agricultural development in central CĂ´te d'Ivoire

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    A deeper understanding of the ecology and small-scale heterogeneity of malaria transmission is essential for the design of effective prevention, control and elimination interventions. The spatial and temporal distribution of malaria vectors was investigated in five villages in close proximity to a hydro-agricultural system in Côte d'Ivoire over the course of construction and the early phase of irrigated rice farming.; The study was carried out in five villages (Raffierkro, N'Douakro, Ahougui, Kpokahankro, Koffikro) near Bouaké, central Côte d'Ivoire, between early 2007 and late 2009. In each village, mosquitoes were collected by human landing catches and identified morphologically at genus and species level, and entomological parameters were determined. Plasmodium infection was assessed by dissection and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.; A total of 19,404 mosquitoes belonging to the genus Anopheles were sampled during 328 human-night catches. Before the construction of the hydro-agricultural system, comparable densities of Anopheles gambiae were observed in all villages. In subsequent years, densities in Raffierkro and Ahougui were significantly higher than the other villages [Kruskal-Wallis (KW) test = 31.13, p > 0.001]. The density of Anopheles funestus in the five villages was comparable in the early stage of the project, while a high density was reported in Koffikro at the end (KW test = 11.91, p = 0.018). Transmission of Plasmodium falciparum is perennial in the study area. Over the course of the study, high entomological inoculation rates (EIRs) were found: 219-328 infectious bites per person per year with An. gambiae. For An. funestus considerably lower EIRs were observed (5.7-39.4). Changing patterns of An. gambiae were not correlated with malaria transmission.; In this study setting, located in the bioclimatic transition zone of Côte d'Ivoire, rice cultivation was not observed to increase malaria transmission. The entomological parameters recorded until the onset of rice-growing activities in a hydro-agricultural system presented considerable heterogeneity both in space and time; a strong increase of Anopheles mosquitoes was observed in two of the five villages located in close proximity to the dam and irrigated rice fields. Malaria still is a main public health problem in all villages that require adequate control measures


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    Erysipèle de jambe du nourrisson: Une observation dans l’unité dermatologie de l’hôpital régional de Gao (mali)

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    L’érysipèle est une dermohypodermite bactérienne aiguë non nécrosante, affectant le plus souvent les membres inférieurs. Les facteurs favorisant sa survenue sont l’existence d’une porte d’entrée (plaies traumatiques négligées, intertrigo), le lymphœdème, l’obésité et la dépigmentation volontaire. La complication la plus fréquente est la récidive. Les autres complications incluent notamment abcédassions, la fasciite et les bactériémies. Nous rapportons une première observation malienne d’érysipèle chez un nourrisson de 8 mois, de sexe féminin, amené en consultation dans l’unité dermatologique de l’hôpital régional de Gao pour l’installation brutale d’une grosse jambe rouge plus notion de fièvre et de frissons. Le diagnostic a été porté devant une tuméfaction du membre inférieur droit rouge, chaude et douloureuse surmontée de bulles tendues associée à une adénopathie inguinale et une leucocytose à l’hémogramme. Un traitement à base d’antibiotique associé à un pansement et le repos a été instauré. L’évolution a été émaillée par la disparition des lésions en dix jours. Le diagnostic positif est fondé sur la clinique renforcé par la recherche de l’origine streptococcique
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