24 research outputs found

    Role of Wnt signaling pathway in joint development and cartilage degeneration

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) is a prevalent musculoskeletal disease that affects approximately 500 million people worldwide. Unfortunately, there is currently no effective treatment available to stop or delay the degenerative progression of joint disease. Wnt signaling pathways play fundamental roles in the regulation of growth, development, and homeostasis of articular cartilage. This review aims to summarize the role of Wnt pathways in joint development during embryonic stages and in cartilage maintenance throughout adult life. Specifically, we focus on aberrant mechanical loading and inflammation as major players in OA progression. Excessive mechanical load activates Wnt pathway in chondrocytes, resulting in chondrocyte apoptosis, matrix destruction and other osteoarthritis-related changes. Additionally, we discuss emerging Wnt-related modulators and present an overview of emerging treatments of OA targeting Wnt signaling. Ultimately, this review provides valuable insights towards discovering new drugs or gene therapies targeting Wnt signaling pathway for diagnosing and treating osteoarthritis and other degenerative joint diseases

    Partial femoral head replacement: a new innovative hip-preserving approach for treating osteonecrosis of the femoral head and its finite element analysis

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    Purpose: Controversy remains regarding the optimal treatment for stage III Osteonecrosis of the femoral head (ONFH). This study presents, for the first time, the precise treatment of stage III ONFH using the “substitute the beam for a pillar” technique and performs a comparative finite element analysis with other hip-preserving procedures.Methods: A formalin-preserved femur of male cadavers was selected to obtain the CT scan data of femur. The proximal femur model was reconstructed and assembled using Mimics 20.0, Geomagic, and UG-NX 12.0 software with four different implant types: simple core decompression, fibula implantation, porous tantalum rod implantation, and partial replacement prosthesis. The finite element simulations were conducted to simulate the normal walking gait, and the stress distribution and displacement data of the femur and the implant model were obtained.Results: The peak von Mises stress of the femoral head and proximal femur in the partial replacement of the femoral head (PRFH) group were 22.8 MPa and 37.4 MPa, respectively, which were 3.1%–38.6% and 12.8%–37.4% lower than those of the other three surgical methods.Conclusion: The PRFH group exhibits better mechanical performance, reducing stress and displacement in the ONFH area, thus maintaining femoral head stability. Among the four hip-preserving approaches, from a biomechanical perspective, PRFH offers a new option for treating ONFH

    In Vivo Toxicity Evaluation of PEGylated CuInS2/ZnS Quantum Dots in BALB/c Mice

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    In recent years, quantum dots (QDs) have emerged as a potential contrast agent for bioimaging due to their bright luminescence and excellent photostability. However, the wide use of QDs in vivo has been limited due to underlying toxicity caused by leakage of heavy metals. Although non-cadmium QDs have been developed to resolve this issue, a comprehensive understanding of the toxicity of these newly developed QDs remains elusive. In this study, we administered PEGylated copper indium sulfide/zinc sulfide (CuInS2/ZnS), which are typical non-cadmium QDs, and analyzed the long-term effects of these nanoparticles in BALB/c mice. Body weight, hematology, blood biochemistry, organ histology, and biodistribution were examined at different time points. We found no significant difference in body weight after injection of CuInS2/ZnS QDs. These CuInS2/ZnS QDs entered and were accumulated in major organs for 90 days post-injection. The majority of biochemical indicators were not significantly different between the QDs-treated group and the control group. In addition, no significant histopathological abnormalities were observed in the treated mice compared with the control mice. CuInS2/ZnS QDs did not lead to observable toxicity in vivo following either the administration of a high or low dose. Our research not only provides direct evidence of the bio-safety of CuInS2/ZnS QDs, but also a feasible method for evaluating nanoparticle toxicity

    The Ultrasmall Biocompatible CuS@BSA Nanoparticle and Its Photothermal Effects

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    Nanomaterials with localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) have exquisite optical properties, which allow a wide range of applications. Non-stoichiometric copper sulfides with active LSPR have drawn great attention, because its LSPR peak falls in the NIR region that is suitable for deep bioimaging and photothermal therapy (PTT). Despite numerous biomedical applications, the biocompatibility and toxicity of copper sulfides have not been studied systematically. In this contribution, we synthesized the ultrasmall biocompatible copper sulfide nanoparticle encapsulated within bovine serum albumin (BSA), CuS@BSA. The physical features of CuS@BSA were characterized. The MTT and flow cytometry assays were performed. The in vitro PTT was also investigated. The results indicated that such CuS@BSA nanoparticle had an average TEM size of 8 nm, and an average DLS size of 15 nm. A lower concentration of CuS@BSA was not toxic to HeLa cells, but the critical apoptotic events occurred in HeLa cells after co-incubation with 45 μg/mL CuS@BSA for 48 h. The photothermal effect of the CuS@BSA in aqueous medium were concentration-dependent and time-dependent, which were also verified by flow cytometry and microscopy, while the CuS@BSA were co-cultured with HeLa cells and treated with laser. This work designed an ultrasmall potential biocompatible nanoparticle, CuS@BSA, for cancer photothermal therapy, and provided the toxic information to safely guide its biomedical applications

    Menin Deficiency Leads to Depressive-like Behaviors in Mice by Modulating Astrocyte-Mediated Neuroinflammation

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    厦门大学医学院、神经科学研究所张杰教授团队发现了抑郁症新的致病基因MEN1,并阐明了MEN1调控星形胶质细胞炎症导致抑郁发生发展的新机制,为抑郁症的诊治提供了新靶点和方向。抑郁症是严重威胁人类健康的重大神经系统疾病,危及全球30%的人口。但对其发病机制并不清楚。张杰教授团队发现,在慢性不可预测以及LPS处理的模拟抑郁小鼠模型中,多发性内分泌肿瘤蛋白(menin)在大脑中的表达显著降低,并且在星形胶质细胞中降低最明显。为了研究menin是否参与了小鼠抑郁表型的产生,研究团队制作了多种神经系统menin条件性敲除小鼠。通过对这些小鼠行为学的检测,锁定了只有在星形胶质细胞中敲除menin后,小鼠才会表现出抑郁样表型。证实了menin可能是通过调控星形胶质细胞的功能促进了抑郁的发生。 MEN1基因的突变会导致多发性内分泌肿瘤,而内分泌的紊乱和抑郁等精神疾病有着密切的联系。下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴(HPA轴)的功能紊乱直接参与了抑郁的产生。基于此研究团队推测MEN1的基因突变是否也会导致抑郁的发生。通过和中国医学科学院基础所的许琪教授合作,研究团队对1000多例重度抑郁患者和800多例对照人群进行了MEN1基因的外显子测序。通过测序发现MEN1的一个SNP s375804228和抑郁的发生有着显著关联。该SNP导致menin第503位的氨基酸由G突变成D。通过功能研究进一步证实该突变可以阻断menin和p65的结合,从而过度激活NF-κB-IL-1β通路,导致神经炎症的发生。 张杰,厦门大学特聘教授、博士生导师。国家优秀青年科学基金;教育部新世纪优秀人才;福建省杰出青年科学基金;厦门市五四青年奖章等获得者。2011年8月加入厦门大学医学院神经科学研究所担任教授至今。张杰博士主要从事重大神经系统疾病(老年痴呆、帕金森、抑郁症、自闭症、术后认知障碍、胶质瘤)等的发病机制和药物开发研究。至今以第一作者或者通讯作者在国际知名期刊发表研究论文21篇。其中回国独立开展研究工作以后,作为通讯作者在 Neuron,Cell Reports, PNAS, The Journal of Neuroscience, Clinical Cancer Research,Cell Death and Disease, JBC, Chemistry,Chem. Biol. Drug Des.等杂志上发表多篇研究论文。【Abstract】Astrocyte dysfunction and inflammation are associated with the pathogenesis of major depressive disorder (MDD). However, the mechanisms underlying these effects remain largely unknown. Here, we found that multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (Men1; protein: menin) expression is attenuated in the brain of mice exposed to CUMS (chronic unpredictable mild stress) or lipopolysaccharide. Astrocyte-specific reduction of Men1 (GcKO) led to depressive-like behaviors in mice. We observed enhanced NF-κB activation and IL-1β production with menin deficiency in astrocytes, where depressive-like behaviors in GcKO mice were restored by NF-κB inhibitor or IL-1β receptor antagonist. Importantly, we identified a SNP, rs375804228, in human MEN1, where G503D substitution is associated with a higher risk of MDD onset. G503D substitution abolished menin-p65 interactions, thereby enhancing NF-κB activation and IL-1β production. Our results reveal a distinct astroglial role for menin in regulating neuroinflammation in depression, indicating that menin may be an attractive therapeutic target in MDD.We thank Prof. Guanghui Jin (Xiamen University) and Prof. Xianxin Hua (University of Pennsylvania) for providing the Men1-floxp mice. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grants 81522016, 81271421, and 31571055 to J.Z.; 81625008 and 31430048 to Q.X.; 81630026 to Z.Y.; 81771163 and U1405222 to H.X.; U1505227 to G.B.; 81472725 to W.M.), the Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province of China (grant 2013J01147 and 2014J06019 to J.Z.), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (grants 20720150062 and 20720180049 to J.Z.), the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2016YFC1305903), and CAMS Innovation Fund for Medical Sciences (grant 2016I2M1004 to Q.X.).研究工作得到国家自然科学基金项目(81522016、81271421、31571055)以及厦门大学校长基金等资助

    CDK5-dependent BAG3 degradation modulates synaptic protein turnover

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    阿尔茨海默病(AD)是严重威胁人类健康的重大神经系统疾病,AD的发生发展与衰老密切相关,目前临床治疗方法十分有限。因此迫切需要从AD致病早期入手,发现和鉴定导致AD神经功能紊乱的机制和靶点,为AD的早期防治提供基础。张杰教授及其团队从高通量磷酸化蛋白质组学入手,系统研究了CDK5在神经细胞中的磷酸化底物,鉴定出了在蛋白质量控制中发挥重要功能的BAG3蛋白是CDK5的全新底物。课题组从磷酸化蛋白质组学入手,发现和阐明了细胞周期蛋白激酶5(CDK5)通过调控BAG3在维持突触蛋白水平调控中的作用机制,及其在阿尔茨海默病(AD)发生发展中的机理。 该研究是多个团队历时8年合作完成的,香港中文大学的周熙文教授、美国匹兹堡大学的Karl Herrup教授、美国Sanford-Burnham研究所的许华曦教授、美国梅奥医学中心的卜国军教授,厦门大学医学院的文磊教授、张云武教授、赵颖俊教授、薛茂强教授,军事医学科学院的袁增强教授等都参与了该工作。 厦门大学医学院2012级博士生周杰超等为文章的第一作者,张杰教授为通讯作者。Background Synaptic protein dyshomeostasis and functional loss is an early invariant feature of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), yet the unifying etiological pathway remains largely unknown. Knowing that cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (CDK5) plays critical roles in synaptic formation and degeneration, its phosphorylation targets were re-examined in search for candidates with direct global impacts on synaptic protein dynamics, and the associated regulatory network was also analyzed. Methods Quantitative phospho-proteomics and bioinformatics analyses were performed to identify top-ranked candidates. A series of biochemical assays were used to investigate the associated regulatory signaling networks. Histological, electrochemical and behavioral assays were performed in conditional knockout, shRNA-mediated knockdown and AD-related mice models to evaluate its relevance to synaptic homeostasis and functions. Results Among candidates with known implications in synaptic modulations, BCL2-associated athanogene-3 (BAG3) ranked the highest. CDK5-mediated phosphorylation on Ser297/Ser291 (Mouse/Human) destabilized BAG3. Loss of BAG3 unleashed the selective protein degradative function of the HSP70 machinery. In neurons, this resulted in enhanced degradation of a number of glutamatergic synaptic proteins. Conditional neuronal knockout of Bag3 in vivo led to impairment of learning and memory functions. In human AD and related-mouse models, aberrant CDK5-mediated loss of BAG3 yielded similar effects on synaptic homeostasis. Detrimental effects of BAG3 loss on learning and memory functions were confirmed in these mice, and such were reversed by ectopic BAG3 re-expression. Conclusions Our results highlight that neuronal CDK5-BAG3-HSP70 signaling axis plays a critical role in modulating synaptic homeostasis. Dysregulation of the signaling pathway directly contributes to synaptic dysfunction and AD pathogenesis.This work was supported by the National Science Foundation in China (Grant: 31571055, 81522016, 81271421 to J.Z.; 81801337 to L.L; 81774377 and 81373999 to L.W.); Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China-Xiamen University (Grant: 20720150062, 20720180049 and 20720160075 to J.Z.); Fundamental Research Funds for Fujian Province University Leading Talents (Grant JAT170003 to L.L); Hong Kong Research Grants Council (HKUST12/CRF/13G, GRF660813, GRF16101315, AoE/M-05/12 to K.H.; GRF16103317, GRF16100718 and GRF16100219 to H.-M,C.); Offices of Provost, VPRG and Dean of Science, HKUST (VPRGO12SC02 to K.H.); Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Improvement on Competitiveness in Hiring New Faculty Funding Scheme (Ref. 133), CUHK Faculty Startup Fund and Alzheimer’s Association Research Fellowship (AARF-17-531566) to H.-M, C. 该研究受到了国家自然科学基金、厦门大学校长基金、福建省卫生教育联合攻关基金等的资助

    Cytotoxicity of InP/ZnS Quantum Dots With Different Surface Functional Groups Toward Two Lung-Derived Cell Lines

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    Although InP/ZnS quantum dots (QDs) have emerged as a presumably less hazardous alternative to cadmium-based QDs, their toxicity has not been fully understood. In this work, we report the cytotoxicity of InP/ZnS QDs with different surface groups (NH2, COOH, OH) toward two lung-derived cell lines. The diameter and the spectra of InP/ZnS QDs were characterized and the hydrodynamic size of QDs in aqueous solution was compared. The confocal laser scanning microscopy was applied to visualize the labeling of QDs for human lung cancer cell HCC-15 and Alveolar type II epithelial cell RLE-6TN. The flow cytometry was used to confirm qualitatively the uptake efficiency of QDs, the cell apoptosis and ROS generation, respectively. The results showed that in deionized water, InP/ZnS-OH QDs were easier to aggregate, and the hydrodynamic size was much greater than the other InP/ZnS QDs. All these InP/ZnS QDs were able to enter the cells, with higher uptake efficiency for InP/ZnS-COOH and InP/ZnS-NH2 at low concentration. High doses of InP/ZnS QDs caused the cell viability to decrease, and InP/ZnS-COOH QDs and InP/ZnS-NH2 QDs appeared to be more toxic than InP/ZnS-OH QDs. In addition, all these InP/ZnS QDs promoted cell apoptosis and intracellular ROS generation after co-cultured with cells. These results suggested that appropriate concentration and surface functional groups should be optimized when InP/ZnS QDs are utilized for biological imaging and therapeutic purpose in the future

    Tongxinluo promotes axonal plasticity and functional recovery after stroke

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the neural plasticity in contralesional cortex and the effects of tongxinluo (TXL) in cerebral ischemic rats

    The reproductive toxicity of CdSe/ZnS quantum dots on the in vivo ovarian function and in vitro fertilization

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    Despite the usefulness of quantum dots (QDs) in biomedicine and optoelectronics, their toxicity risks remain a major obstacle for clinical usages. Hence, we studied the reproductive toxicity of CdSe/ZnS QDs on two aspects, (i) in vivo ovarian functions and (ii) in vitro fertilization process. The body weight, estrous cycles, biodistribution of QDs, and oocyte maturation are evaluated on female mice treated with QDs. The mRNA level of the follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (FSHr) and luteinizing hormone receptor (LHr) in ovaries are assayed. Then, the matured cumulus-oocyte-complexes are harvested to co-culture with in vitro capacitated sperms, and the in vitro fertilization is performed. The result revealed that QDs are found in the ovaries, but no changes are detected on the behavior and estrous cycle on the female mice. The mRNA downregulations of FSHr and LHr are observed and the number of matured oocytes has shown a significant decrease when the QDs dosage was above 1.0 pmol/day. Additionally, we found the presence of QDs has reduced the in vitro fertilization success rate. This study highly suggests that the exposure of CdSe/ZnS QDs to female mice can cause adverse effects to the ovary functions and such QDs may have limited applications in clinical usage.Published versio

    Biodistribution and acute toxicity of cadmium-free quantum dots with different surface functional groups in mice following intratracheal inhalation

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    Indium phosphide/zinc sulfate (InP/ZnS) quantum dots (QDs) are presumed to be less hazardous than those that contain cadmium. However, the toxicological profile has not been established. The present study investigated the acute toxicity of InP/ZnS QDs with different surface modifications (COOH, NH2, and OH) in mice after pulmonary aerosol inhalation. InP/ZnS QDs were able to pass through the blood-gas barrier and enter the circulation, and subsequently accumulated in major organs. No obvious changes were observed in the body weight or major organ coefficients. Red blood cell counts and platelet-related indicators were in the normal range, but the proportion of white blood cells was altered. The InP/ZnS QDs caused varying degrees of changes in some serum markers, but no histopathological abnormalities related to InP/ZnS QDs treatment was observed in major organs except that hyperemia in alveolar septa was found in lung sections. These results suggested that the effects of respiratory exposure to InP/ZnS QDs on the lungs need to be fully considered in future biomedical application although the overall toxicity of quantum dots is relatively low.Published versio