106 research outputs found

    Semantic Tagging on Historical Maps

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    Tags assigned by users to shared content can be ambiguous. As a possible solution, we propose semantic tagging as a collaborative process in which a user selects and associates Web resources drawn from a knowledge context. We applied this general technique in the specific context of online historical maps and allowed users to annotate and tag them. To study the effects of semantic tagging on tag production, the types and categories of obtained tags, and user task load, we conducted an in-lab within-subject experiment with 24 participants who annotated and tagged two distinct maps. We found that the semantic tagging implementation does not affect these parameters, while providing tagging relationships to well-defined concept definitions. Compared to label-based tagging, our technique also gathers positive and negative tagging relationships. We believe that our findings carry implications for designers who want to adopt semantic tagging in other contexts and systems on the Web.Comment: 10 page

    On Merging Command Selection and Direct Manipulation

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    We present the results of a study comparing the relative benefits of three command selection techniques that merge command selection and direct manipulation: one two-handed technique , Toolglass, and two one-handed techniques , control menus and FlowMenu. Our results show that control menus and FlowMenu are significantly faster than Toolglass. Further analysis suggests that merging command selection and direct manipulation is the key factor in the performance of all three techniques. Keywords: FlowMenu, control menus, tool palette, Toolglass, empirical studies (UMIACS-TR-2002-91) (HCIL-TR-2002-20

    Paper Augmented Digital Documents

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    Paper Augmented Digital Documents (PADD), are digital documents that can be manipulated either on a computer screen or on paper. PADD, and the infrastructure supporting them, can be seen as a bridge between the digital and the paper worlds. As digital documents, PADD are easy to edit, distribute and archive; as paper documents, PADD are easy to navigate, annotate and well accepted in social settings. The chimeric nature of PADD makes them well suited for many tasks such as proofreading, editing, and annotation of large format document like blueprints. We are presenting an architecture which supports the seamless manipulation of PADs using today's technologies and reports on the lessons we learned while implementing the first PADD system. Keywords: Paper Augmented Digital Document, Paper based user interface, digital pen UMIACS-TR-2003-4

    Measuring FlowMenu Performance

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    This paper evaluates the performance characteristics of FlowMenu, a new type of pop-up menu mixing command and direct manipulation. FlowMenu was compared with marking menus on a simple selection task, and with tool palette selection on a task that combined selection with drawing. Our results compared with those in previous experiments indicate that FlowMenu offers as much of an advantag over tool palette selection as does Toolglass, a two-handed technique. At the same time, it is not significantly slower than marking menus. Additional results show that selection performance depends on distance around the menu, but not on initial position or direction. These results provide a guide for the design of high-performance menu configurations. Keywords: FlowMenu, marking menu, tool palette, Tool-glass, empirical studies (UMIACS-TR-2002-88) (HCIL-TR-2002-17

    The CaliPhoto Method

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    International audienceWe propose an innovative method based on photography and image processing of interdisciplinary relevance, permitting the uncomplicated and inexpensive evaluation of material properties. This method-CaliPhoto-consists of using a dedicated colour plate with a specific design, placed in the field of view of a photograph of the material to be characterized. A specific image processing workflow is then applied to obtain colour vectors independent of illumination conditions. The method works using commercial colour cameras (e.g., smartphone cameras), and the colour plate can be printed on any colour printer. Herein, we describe the principle of the method and demonstrate that it can be used to describe and compare samples, identify materials or make relatively precise concentration measurements. The CaliPhoto method is highly complementary to any scientific research and may find applications across a range of domains, from planetary science to oceanography. The method may also be widely used in industry

    Accuracy, Target Reentry and Fitts' Law Performance of Preschool Children Using Mice

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    Several experiments by psychologists and human factors researchers have shown that when young children execute pointing tasks, they perform at levels below older children and adults. However, these experiments were not conducted with the purpose of providing guidelines for the design of graphical user interfaces. To address this need, we conducted a study to gain a better understanding of 4 and 5 year-old children's use of mice. We compared the performance of thirteen 4 year-olds, thirteen 5 year-olds and thirteen young adults in point-and-click tasks. As expected, we found age had a significant effect on accuracy, target reentry and Fitts' law's index of performance. We also found that target size had a significant effect on accuracy and target reentry. Measuring movement time at four different times (first entering target, last entering target, pressing button, releasing button) yielded the result tha Fitts' law models children well only for the first time they enter the target. Another interesting result was that using the adjusted index of difficulty (IDe) in Fitts' law calculations yielded lower linear regression correlation coefficients than using the unadjusted index of difficulty (ID). These results provide valuable guidelines for the design of graphical user interfaces for young children, in particular when it comes to sizing visual targets. They also suggest designers should adopt strategies to accommodate users with varying levels of skill. (UMIACS-2003-42) (HCIL-2003-16

    Equal opportunities: Do shareable interfaces promote more group participation than single users displays?

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    Computers designed for single use are often appropriated suboptimally when used by small colocated groups working together. Our research investigates whether shareable interfaces–that are designed for more than one user to inter-act with–can facilitate more equitable participation in colocated group settings compared with single user displays. We present a conceptual framework that characterizes Shared Information Spaces (SISs) in terms of how they constrain and invite participation using different entry points. An experiment was conducted that compared three different SISs: a physical-digital set-up (least constrained), a multitouch tabletop (medium), and a laptop display (most constrained). Statistical analyses showed there to be little difference in participation levels between the three conditions other than a predictable lack of equity of control over the interface in the laptop condition. However, detailed qualitative analyses revealed more equitable participation took place in the physical-digital condition in terms of verbal utterances over time. Those who spoke the least contributed most to the physical design task. The findings are discussed in relation to the conceptual framework and, more generally, in terms of how to select, design, and combine different display technologies to support collaborative activities

    Propagation des vibrations acoustiques dans les matériaux non-cristallins: étude de verres d'oxydes simples

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    The aim of the study is to determine the mechanism responsible for the high-frequency sound attenuation in glasses. First, we performed Brillouin light scattering experiments in a large temperature range at different frequencies in simple oxide glasses. It is shown in v-B2O3 the difficulty to separate water and annealing effects. In v-GeO2 and v-Li2O-2B2O3 different sound attenuation mechanisms have been identified and their relative importance calculated. Annealing effect in v-GeO2 is also shown. High frequency sound has been observed in v-Li2O-2B2O3 by mean of inelastic x-rays scattering. An anomalous frequency dependence of the attenuation has been observed. It has been attributed to an hybridization of the acoustic waves with low frequency optic-like modes of the glassy matrix. The relation with the low temperature anomalies of glasses is then discussed.Nous présentons une étude expérimentale des divers processus à l'origine de l'atténuation des vibrations acoustiques. Des mesures de diffusion Brillouin de la lumière en fonction de la fréquence et sur une large gamme de température sont effectuées sur des verres d’oxyde simples. Il ressort des mesures sur v-B2O3 la difficulté de séparer les effets ayant pour origine l'eau présente dans le verre ou un recuit de ce dernier. En revanche, les différents mécanismes responsables de l'atténuation du son dans v-GeO2 et v-Li2O-2B2O3 sont clairement identifiés et leur contribution relative calculée. L'effet du recuit dans v-GeO2 est également présenté. Une atténuation forte des phonons acoustiques à des fréquences de l'ordre du THz est observée par hybridation des vibrations acoustiques avec les modes optiques basses fréquence du pic boson. Un rapprochement avec les anomalies basses température des verres est discuté

    Techno-critique et techno-réalisme contextuels : des clefs vers une Recherche durable

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    International audiencePartant du contexte socio-écologique de contraction de la disponibilité en ressources énergétiques et minérales, cette affiche invite à réfléchir au sens et à la nature de la « durabilité » d’une instrumentation scientifique en prenant comme repères les concepts fondateurs de la démarche low-tech, descendante d’un courant techno-critique historique. Ainsi, les questions de consommation de ressources, de pollution, de durabilité, utilité et accessibilité, confrontées à des briques conceptuels issues de la philosophie des techniques et des sciences de la durabilité, permettent d’identifier des concepts à fort potentiel et des pièges trop souvent passés sous silence. Dans sa globalité, cette prise de recul invite à réfléchir l’instrumentation du futur dans une démarche radicalement transdisciplinaire en impliquant citoyens, historiens et philosophes des techniques dans le montage et la réalisation des projets scientifiques et techniques