4,628 research outputs found

    Spin accumulation and dynamics in inversion-symmetric van der Waals crystals

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    Inversion symmetric materials are forbidden to show an overall spin texture in their band structure in the presence of time-reversal symmetry. However, in van der Waals materials which lack inversion symmetry within a single layer, it has been proposed that a layer-dependent spin texture can arise leading to a coupled spin-layer degree of freedom. Here we use time-resolved Kerr rotation in inversion symmetric WSe2_{2} and MoSe2_{2} bulk crystals to study this spin-layer polarization and unveil its dynamics. Our measurements show that the spin-layer relaxation time in WSe2_2 is limited by phonon-scattering at high temperatures and that the inter-layer hopping can be tunned by a small in-plane magnetic field at low temperatures, enhancing the relaxation rates. We find a significantly lower lifetime for MoSe2_{2} which agrees with theoretical expectations of a spin-layer polarization stabilized by the larger spin-orbit coupling in WSe2_2

    Thickness dependence of spin-orbit torques generated by WTe2

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    We study current-induced torques in WTe2/permalloy bilayers as a function of WTe2 thickness. We measure the torques using both second-harmonic Hall and spin-torque ferromagnetic resonance measurements for samples with WTe2 thicknesses that span from 16 nm down to a single monolayer. We confirm the existence of an out-of-plane antidamping torque, and show directly that the sign of this torque component is reversed across a monolayer step in the WTe2. The magnitude of the out-of-plane antidamping torque depends only weakly on WTe2 thickness, such that even a single-monolayer WTe2 device provides a strong torque that is comparable to much thicker samples. In contrast, the out-of-plane field-like torque has a significant dependence on the WTe2 thickness. We demonstrate that this field-like component originates predominantly from the Oersted field, thereby correcting a previous inference drawn by our group based on a more limited set of samples.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Large interfacial spin-orbit torques in layered antiferromagnetic insulator NiPS3/ferromagnet bilayers

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    Finding efficient ways of manipulating magnetic bits is one of the core goals in spintronic research. Electrically-generated spin-orbit torques (SOTs) are good candidates for this and the search for materials capable of generating highly-efficient SOTs has gained a lot of traction in the recent years. While antiferromagnet/ferromagnet bilayer structures have been employed extensively for passive applications, e.g. by using exchange bias fields, their active properties are not yet widely employed. Here we show the presence of large interfacial SOTs in bilayer of a ferromagnet and the two-dimensional layered antiferromagnetic insulator NiPS3_3. We observe a large in-plane damping-like interfacial torque, showing a torque conductivity of σDL1×105(2e)/(Ωm)\sigma_\mathrm{DL} \approx 1 \times 10^{5} \mathrm{(\frac{\hbar}{2e}) /(\Omega m)} even at room temperature, comparable to the best devices reported in the literature for standard heavy-metal-based and topological insulators-based devices. Additionally, our devices also show an out-of-plane field-like torque arising from the NiPS3_3/ferromagnet interface, further indicating the presence of an interfacial spin-orbit coupling in our structures. Temperature-dependent measurements reveal an increase of the SOTs with a decreasing temperature below the N\'eel temperature of NiPS3_3 (TN170KT_N \approx 170 \mathrm{K}), pointing to a possible effect of the magnetic ordering on our measured SOTs. Our findings show the potential of antiferromagnetic insulators and two-dimensional materials for future spintronic applications.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures, 1 table. Changed units of the torque normalized by the electric field from μmT/V\mathrm{\mu m \, T/V} to $\mathrm{nm \, T/V}

    Layer effects on the magnetic textures in magnets with local inversion asymmetry

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    Magnets with broken local inversion symmetries are interesting candidates for chiral magnetic textures such as skyrmions and spin spirals. The property of these magnets is that each subsequent layer can possess a different Dzyaloshniskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) originating from the local inversion symmetry breaking. Given that new candidates of such systems are emerging, with the Van der Waals crystals and magnetic multilayer systems, it is interesting to investigate how the chiral magnetic textures depend on the number of layers and the coupling between them. In this article, we model the magnetic layers with a classical Heisenberg spin model, where the sign of the DMI alternates for each consecutive layer. We use Monte Carlo simulations to examine chiral magnetic textures and show that the pitch of magnetic spirals is influenced by the interlayer coupling and the number of layers. We observe even-odd effects in the number of layers, where we observe a suppression of the spin spirals for even layer numbers. We give an explanation for our findings by proposing a net DMI in systems with strongly coupled layers. Our results can be used to determine the DMI in systems with a known number of layers, and for new technologies based on the tunability of the spiral wave length.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures and 2 table

    Neutron Transfer reactions induced by 8Li on 9Be

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    Angular distributions for the elastic scattering of 8Li on 9Be and the neutron transfer reactions 9Be(8Li,7Li)10Be and 9Be(8Li,9Li)8Be have been measured with a 27 MeV 8Li radioactive nuclear beam. Spectroscopic factors for 8Li|n=9Li and 7Li|n=8Li bound systems were obtained from the comparison between the experimental differential cross section and finite-range DWBA calculations with the code FRESCO. The spectroscopic factors obtained are compared to shell model calculations and to other experimental values from (d,p) reactions. Using the present values for the spectroscopic factor, cross sections for the direct neutron-capture reactions 7Li(n,g)8Li and 8Li(n,g)9Li were calculated in the framework of a potential model.Comment: 24 pages, 8 Figures, submitted as regular article to PR

    Control of polarization and mode mapping of small volume high Q micropillars

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    We show that the polarization of the emission of a single quantum dot embedded within a microcavity pillar of elliptical cross section can be completely controlled and even switched between two orthogonal linear polarizations by changing the coupling of the dot emission with the polarized photonic modes. We also measure the spatial profle of the emission of a series of pillars with different ellipticities and show that the results can be well described by simple theoretical modeling of the modes of an infinite length elliptical cylinder

    Spin-orbit torques in NbSe2_2/Permalloy bilayers

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    We present measurements of current-induced spin-orbit torques generated by NbSe2_2, a fully-metallic transition-metal dichalcogenide material, made using the spin-torque ferromagnetic resonance (ST-FMR) technique with NbSe2_{2}/Permalloy bilayers. In addition to the out-of-plane Oersted torque expected from current flow in the metallic NbSe2_{2} layer, we also observe an in-plane antidamping torque with torque conductivity σS103(/2e)\sigma_{S} \approx 10^{3} (\hbar / 2e)(Ω\Omegam)1^{-1} and indications of a weak field-like contribution to the out-of-plane torque oriented opposite to the Oersted torque. Furthermore, in some samples we also measure an in-plane field-like torque with the form m^×z^\hat{m} \times \hat{z}, where m^\hat{m} is the Permalloy magnetization direction and z^\hat{z} is perpendicular to the sample plane. The size of this component varies strongly between samples and is not correlated with the NbSe2_{2} thickness. A torque of this form is not allowed by the bulk symmetries of NbSe2_{2}, but is consistent with symmetry breaking by a uniaxial strain that might result during device fabrication.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure