63 research outputs found

    Are the clinical features of leprosy and American tegumentary leishmaniasis worse in patients with both diseases?

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    This cross-sectional population-based study compared clinical features of leprosy and American tegumentary leishmaniasis (ATL) in patients diagnosed with both diseases (n=414) and in those diagnosed with only leprosy (n=27,790) or only ATL (n=24,357) in Mato Grosso State, which is a hyperendemic area for both diseases in Midwest Brazil. All new cases of leprosy and ATL reported in the area from 2008 to 2017 were included. Patients diagnosed with both diseases were identified by a probabilistic linkage procedure applied to leprosy and ATL databases of the national reporting system. The distribution of the frequency of clinical features between groups was compared by the chi-square test, followed by a multivariate logistic regression. Patients diagnosed with both leprosy and ATL presented higher odds of having nerve damage (OR: 1.34; 95% CI: 1.09-1.66) and leprosy reactions (OR: 1.35; 95% CI: 1.04-1.76) compared to patients diagnosed only with leprosy. Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (OR: 2.29; 95% CI: 1.74-3.00) was more frequent among patients with both diagnoses when compared to patients who only had ATL. In conclusion, patients diagnosed with both leprosy and ATL present more severe clinical features of such diseases. Our data can be useful for designing health policies aimed at timely and integrated management of leprosy and ATL in co-endemic areas

    Hyperendemicity, heterogeneity and spatial overlap of leprosy and cutaneous leishmaniasis in the southern Amazon region of Brazil

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    Neglected tropical diseases characterized by skin lesions are highly endemic in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. We analyzed the spatial distribution of leprosy and Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (CL) and identified the degree of overlap in their distribution. All new cases of leprosy and CL reported between 2008 and 2017 through the national reporting system were included in the study. Scan statistics together with univariate Global and Local Moran's I were employed to identify clusters and spatial autocorrelation for each disease, with the spatial correlation between leprosy and CL measured by bivariate Global and Local Moran's I. Finally, we evaluated the demographic characteristics of the patients. The number of leprosy (N = 28,204) and CL (N = 24,771) cases in Mato Grosso and the highly smoothed detection coefficients indicated hyperendemicity and spatial distribution heterogeneity. Scan statistics demonstrated overlap of high-risk clusters for leprosy (RR = 2.0; p <0.001) and CL (RR = 4.0; p <0.001) in the North and Northeast mesoregions. Global Moran's I revealed a spatial autocorrelation for leprosy (0.228; p = 0.001) and CL (0.311; p = 0.001) and a correlation between them (0.164; p = 0.001). Both diseases were found to be concentrated in urban areas among men aged 31-60 years, of brown-skinned ethnicity and with a low educational level. Our findings indicate a need for developing integrated and spatially as well as socio-demographically targeted public health policies

    Regionalização da saúde no Brasil: uma perspectiva de análise

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    Este artigo visa a contribuir com o debate sobre a política de regionalização do SUS e a constituição das regiões de saúde no Brasil. Compreendê-las pressupõe reconhecer a dicotomia entre saúde coletiva e saúde individual - que marca a história da saúde pública brasileira - e identificar as diferentes racionalidades que conduzem esse processo. Tais racionalidades permitem não apenas considerar o legado da municipalização no atual processo de regionalização, como também estabelecer nexos entre dois campos do conhecimento fundamentais para o debate, a epidemiologia e a geografia. A epidemiologia clínica, ao privilegiar a saúde individual, fundamenta um modelo assistencial que prioriza a otimização de recursos. O reconhecimento da saúde no seu conceito ampliado, na epidemiologia social, fundamenta um modelo de atenção voltado para os determinantes sociais. Com a geografia, podem-se formular regiões funcionais, baseadas na teoria de Christaller, ou regiões lablachianas, que reconhecem a estrutura social loco/regional, possibilitando a intervenção nos determinantes ou condicionantes da maneira de adoecer e morrer das populações