17 research outputs found
MercĂșrio total em mĂșsculo de cação Prionace glauca (Linnaeus, 1758) e de espadarte Xiphias gladius Linnaeus, 1758, na costa sul-sudeste do Brasil e suas implicaçÔes para a saĂșde pĂșblica Total mercury in muscle of the shark Prionace glauca (Linnaeus, 1758) and swordfish Xiphias gladius Linnaeus, 1758, from the South-Southeast coast of Brazil and the implications for public health
Foram analisadas as concentraçÔes de mercĂșrio total (THg) em tecido muscular do tubarĂŁo azul Prionace glauca e do teleĂłsteo Xiphias gladius, vulgarmente conhecido como espadarte, provenientes das regiĂ”es sul e sudeste da costa brasileira, para verificar se estas se encontram dentro dos padrĂ”es legais para consumo humano. As amostras foram obtidas utilizando-se o programa REVIZEE, de agosto a setembro de 2001, e por intermĂ©dio de uma empresa de pesca em ItajaĂ, Santa Catarina. Foi analisado um total de 95 espĂ©cimes, testando-se as correlaçÔes entre THg, comprimento (cm) e peso (kg). As concentraçÔes de mercĂșrio total em todas as amostras variaram de 0,13 a 2,26”gg-1 (peso Ășmido). A mĂ©dia de mercĂșrio total em P. glauca foi de 0,76 ± 0,48”gg-1 (p.u.), e em X. gladius foi de 0,62 ± 0,31”gg-1 (p.u.) com diferença nĂŁo significativa (teste Mann-Whitney, p < 0,05). Em cerca de 16% das amostras, o THg excedeu o limite de 1”gg-1 (AgĂȘncia Nacional de VigilĂąncia SanitĂĄria) e em 62% excedeu o limite de 0,5”gg-1 (Organização Mundial da SaĂșde - OMS). O consumo regular (100 g.dia-1) de P. glauca e de X. gladius resultaria em uma ingestĂŁo diĂĄria de THg que excederia em mais de duas vezes o limite diĂĄrio de ingestĂŁo recomendado pela OMS.<br>Total mercury (THg) was analyzed in muscle tissue from the blue shark Prionace glauca and the swordfish Xiphias gladius, obtained from the South and Southeast coast of Brazil, to verify compliance with current limits for human consumption. Samples were obtained through the REVIZEE Program and a commercial fishery in ItajaĂ, Santa Catarina State. A total of 95 specimens were analyzed (48 X. gladius and 47 P. glauca), and correlations were checked between THg and fish length and weight. THg ranged from 0.13 to 2.26”gg-1 (fresh weight), and there was no significant difference between the means for P. glauca, 0.76 ± 0.48”gg-1 (f.w.) and X. gladius, 0.62 ± 0.31 (Mann-Whitney test, p < 0.05). In 16% of samples, THg was above the limits set by the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), namely 1”gg-1, and 62% exceeded the World Health Organization (WHO) limit of 0.5”gg-1. The ingestion of 100g/ day-1 of P. glauca or X. gladius would result in a daily THg intake of more than twice the WHO (1990) suggested limit
Identifying nursing interventions associated with the accuracy used nursing diagnoses for patients with liver cirrhosis
ABSTRACT Objective: to identify the nursing interventions associated with the most accurate and frequently used NANDA International, Inc. (NANDA-I) nursing diagnoses for patients with liver cirrhosis. Method: this is a descriptive, quantitative, cross-sectional study. Results: a total of 12 nursing diagnoses were evaluated, seven of which showed high accuracy (IVC â„ 0.8); 70 interventions were identified and 23 (32.86%) were common to more than one diagnosis. Conclusion: in general, nurses often perform nursing interventions suggested in the NIC for the seven highly accurate nursing diagnoses identified in this study to care patients with liver cirrhosis. Accurate and valid nursing diagnoses guide the selection of appropriate interventions that nurses can perform to enhance patient safety and thus improve patient health outcomes