73 research outputs found

    RNA extraction, probe preparation, and competitive hybridization for transcriptional profiling using Neurospora crassa long-oligomer DNA microarrays

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    We developed protocols optimized for the performance of experiments assaying genomic gene expression using Neurospora crassa long-oligomer microarrays. We present methods for sample growth and harvesting, total RNA extraction, poly(A)+ mRNA selection, preparation of NH3-Allyl Cy3/Cy5 labeled probes, and microarray hybridization. The quality of the data obtained with these protocols is demonstrated by the comparative transcriptional profiling of basal and apical zones of vegetative growth of N. crassa

    Formation of the Xigaze Metamorphic Sole under Tibetan continental lithosphere reveals generic characteristics of subduction initiation

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    Metamorphic soles found under allochthonous oceanic lithosphere, or ophiolites, are interpreted as derived from lower plate oceanic crust material accreted to upper plate mantle during intraoceanic subduction initiation. Their metamorphic evolution is inferred to reflect the thermal structure at the site of subduction nucleation, with granulite-bearing soles linked to initiation at hot spreading centers. Here we present garnet Lu-Hf geochronology for the granulite-bearing sole of the Xigaze ophiolite in South Tibet, whose oceanic crust formed ∼130 Ma through continental forearc extension. Our study shows that sole metamorphism was ongoing by 144 Ma, implying that north-directed subduction began at least 14 million years before oceanic forearc spreading. The upper plate at the time of subduction initiation was thus continental, not oceanic. Our results demonstrate that metamorphic characteristics of soles are independent of the specific tectonic setting at the subduction nucleation site and rather provide generic constraints on the subduction initiation process

    Formation of the Xigaze Metamorphic Sole under Tibetan continental lithosphere reveals generic characteristics of subduction initiation

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    Metamorphic soles found under allochthonous oceanic lithosphere, or ophiolites, are interpreted as derived from lower plate oceanic crust material accreted to upper plate mantle during intraoceanic subduction initiation. Their metamorphic evolution is inferred to reflect the thermal structure at the site of subduction nucleation, with granulite-bearing soles linked to initiation at hot spreading centers. Here we present garnet Lu-Hf geochronology for the granulite-bearing sole of the Xigaze ophiolite in South Tibet, whose oceanic crust formed ∼130 Ma through continental forearc extension. Our study shows that sole metamorphism was ongoing by 144 Ma, implying that north-directed subduction began at least 14 million years before oceanic forearc spreading. The upper plate at the time of subduction initiation was thus continental, not oceanic. Our results demonstrate that metamorphic characteristics of soles are independent of the specific tectonic setting at the subduction nucleation site and rather provide generic constraints on the subduction initiation process

    Orally Administered DTPA Penta-Ethyl Ester for the Decorporation of Inhaled 241Am

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    Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) is an effective decorporation agent to facilitate the elimination of radionuclides from the body, but its permeability-limited oral bioavailability limits its utility in mass-casualty emergencies. To overcome this limitation, a prodrug strategy using the penta-ethyl ester form of DTPA is under investigation. Pharmacokinetic and biodistribution studies were conducted in rats by orally administering [14C]DTPA penta-ethyl ester, and this prodrug and its hydrolysis products were analyzed as a single entity. Compared to a previous reporting of intravenously administered DTPA, the oral administration of this prodrug resulted in a sustained plasma concentration profile with higher plasma exposure and lower clearance. An assessment of the urine composition revealed that the bioactivation was extensive but incomplete, with no detectable levels of the penta- or tetra-ester forms. Tissue distribution at 12 h was limited, with approximately 73% of the administered dose being associated with the gastrointestinal tract. In the efficacy study, rats were exposed to aerosols of 241Am nitrate before receiving a single oral treatment of the prodrug. The urinary excretion of 241Am was found to be 19% higher than with the control. Consistent with prior reports of DTPA, the prodrug was most effective when the treatment delays were minimized

    Orally administered DTPA di-ethyl ester for decorporation of 241 Am in dogs: Assessment of safety and efficacy in an inhalation-contamination model

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    Currently two injectable products of diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) are U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved for decorporation of 241Am, however, an oral product is considered more amenable in a mass casualty situation. The diethyl ester of DTPA, named C2E2, is being developed as an oral drug for treatment of internal radionuclide contamination

    Nunataryuk field campaigns: understanding the origin and fate of terrestrial organic matter in the coastal waters of the Mackenzie Delta region

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    Climate warming and related drivers of soil thermal change in the Arctic are expected to modify the distribution and dynamics of carbon contained in perennially frozen grounds. Thawing of permafrost in the Mackenzie River watershed of northwestern Canada, coupled with increases in river discharge and coastal erosion, triggers the release of terrestrial organic matter (OMt) from the largest Arctic drainage basin in North America into the Arctic Ocean. While this process is ongoing and its rate is accelerating, the fate of the newly mobilized organic matter as it transits from the watershed through the delta and into the marine system remains poorly understood. In the framework of the European Horizon 2020 Nunataryuk programme, and as part of the Work Package 4 (WP4) Coastal Waters theme, four field expeditions were conducted in the Mackenzie Delta region and southern Beaufort Sea from April to September 2019. The temporal sampling design allowed the survey of ambient conditions in the coastal waters under full ice cover prior to the spring freshet, during ice breakup in summer, and anterior to the freeze-up period in fall. To capture the fluvial–marine transition zone, and with distinct challenges related to shallow waters and changing seasonal and meteorological conditions, the field sampling was conducted in close partnership with members of the communities of Aklavik, Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk, using several platforms, namely helicopters, snowmobiles, and small boats. Water column profiles of physical and optical variables were measured in situ, while surface water, groundwater, and sediment samples were collected and preserved for the determination of the composition and sources of OMt, including particulate and dissolved organic carbon (POC and DOC), and colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), as well as a suite of physical, chemical, and biological variables. Here we present an overview of the standardized datasets, including hydrographic profiles, remote sensing reflectance, temperature and salinity, particle absorption, nutrients, dissolved organic carbon, particulate organic carbon, particulate organic nitrogen, CDOM absorption, fluorescent dissolved organic matter intensity, suspended particulate matter, total particulate carbon, total particulate nitrogen, stable water isotopes, radon in water, bacterial abundance, and a string of phytoplankton pigments including total chlorophyll. Datasets and related metadata can be found in Juhls et al. (2021) (https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.937587).</p

    Integrated Multi-Parameter Exploration Footprints of the Canadian Malartic Disseminated Au, McArthur River-Millennium Unconformity U, and Highland Valley Porphyry Cu Deposits: Preliminary Results from the NSERC-CMIC Mineral Exploration Footprints Research Network

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    Mineral exploration in Canada is increasingly focused on concealed and deeply buried targets, requiring more effective tools to detect large-scale ore-forming systems and to vector from their most distal margins to their high grade cores. A new generation of ore system models is required to achieve this. The Mineral Exploration Footprints Research Network is a consortium of 70 faculty, research associates, and students from 20 Canadian universities working with 30 mining, mineral exploration, and mining service providers to develop new approaches to ore system modelling based on more effective integration and visualization of multi-parameter geological-structural-mineralogical-lithogeochemical-petrophysical-geophysical exploration data. The Network is developing the next generation ore system models and exploration strategies at three sites based on integrated data visualization using self-consistent 3D Common Earth Models and geostatistical/machine learning technologies. Thus far over 60 footprint components and vectors have been identified at the Canadian Malartic stockwork-disseminated Au deposit, 20–30 at the McArthur-Millennium unconformity U deposits, and over 20 in the Highland Valley porphyry Cu system. For the first time, these are being assembled into comprehensive models that will serve as landmark case studies for data integration and analysis in the today’s challenging exploration environment

    Oxidative Dissolution of Nickel Metal in Hydrogenated Hydrothermal Solutions NOTICE Oxidative Dissolution of Nickel Metal in Hydrogenated Hydrothermal Solutions

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    ABSTRACT A platinum-lined, flowing autoclave facility is used to investigate the solubility behavior of metallic nickel in hydrogenated ammonia and sodium hydroxide solutions between 175 and 315ºC. The solubility measurements were interpreted by means of an oxidative dissolution reaction followed by a sequence of Ni(II) ion hydrolysis reactions: and Ni where n = 1 and 2. Gibbs energies associated with these reaction equilibria were determined from a least-squares analysis of the data
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