45 research outputs found

    Genotype-specific Concordance of Chlamydia trachomatis Genital Infection within Heterosexual Partnerships

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    Background Sexual transmission rates of Chlamydia trachomatis (Ct) cannot be measured directly; however, the study of concordance of Ct infection in sexual partnerships (dyads) can help to illuminate factors influencing Ct transmission. Methods Heterosexual men and women with Ct infection and their sex partners were enrolled and partner-specific coital and behavioral data collected for the prior 30 days. Microbiological data included Ct culture, nucleic acid amplification testing (NAAT), quantitative Ct polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), and ompA genotyping. We measured Ct concordance in dyads, and factors (correlates) associated with concordance. Results 121 women and 125 men formed 128 dyads. Overall, 72.9% of male partners of NAAT-positive women and 68.6% of female partners of NAAT-positive men were Ct-infected. Concordance was more common in dyads with culture-positive members (78.6% of male partners, 77% of female partners). Partners of women and men who were NAAT-positive only had lower concordance (33.3%, 46.4%, respectively). Women in concordant dyads had significantly higher median endocervical qPCR values (3,032) compared with CT-infected women in discordant dyads (1,013 IFU DNA equivalents per ml), p<0.01. Among 54 Ct-concordant dyads with ompA genotype data for both members, 96.2% had identical genotypes. Conclusions Higher organism load appears associated with concordance among women. Same-genotype chlamydial concordance was high in sexual partnerships. No behavioral factors were sufficiently discriminating to guide partner services activities. Findings may help model coitus-specific transmission probabilities

    Structural and Immunological Characterization of Novel Recombinant MOMP-Based Chlamydial Antigens

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    Chlamydia is the most common cause of bacterial sexually transmitted infections worldwide. While infections resolve with antibiotic treatment, this is often neglected in women due to frequent asymptomatic infections, leading to disease progression and severe sequelae (pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy, infertility). Development of a vaccine against Chlamydia is crucial. Whole organism-based vaccines have short-lived activity, serovar/subgroup-specific immunity and can cause adverse reactions in vaccinated subjects. The Chlamydia major outer membrane protein (MOMP) is a prime candidate for a subunit vaccine. MOMP contains four regions of sequence variability (variable domains, VDs) with B-cell and T-cell epitopes that elicit protective immunity. However, barriers for developing a MOMP-based vaccine include solubility, yield and refolding. We have engineered novel recombinant antigens in which the VDs are expressed into a carrier protein structurally similar to MOMP and suitable for recombinant expression at a high yield in a correctly folded and detergent-free form. Using a carrier such as the PorB porin from the human commensal organism N. lactamica, we show that PorB/VD chimeric proteins are immunogenic, antigenic and cross-reactive with MOMP. VDs are unique for each serovar but if combined in a single vaccine, a broad coverage against the major Chlamydia serovars can be ensured

    Identification of Immunologic and Pathologic Parameters of Death versus Survival in Respiratory Tularemia▿

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    Francisella tularensis can cause severe disseminated disease after respiratory infection. The identification of factors involved in mortality or recovery following induction of tularemia in the mouse will improve our understanding of the natural history of this disease and facilitate future evaluation of vaccine candidate preparations. BALB/c mice were infected intranasally with the live vaccine strain (LVS) of F. tularensis subsp. holarctica and euthanized at different stages of disease to analyze the induction of immune molecules, gross anatomical features of organs, bacterial burdens, and progression of the histopathological changes in lung and spleen. Tissue-specific interleukin-6 (IL-6), macrophage inflammatory protein 2, and monocyte chemotactic protein 1 were immune markers of mortality, while anti-LVS immunoglobulin M and IL-1β were associated with survival. Moribund mice had enlarged spleens and lungs, while surviving mice had even more prominent splenomegaly and normal-appearing lungs. Histopathology of the spleens of severely ill mice was characterized by disrupted lymphoid follicles and fragmented nuclei, while the spleens of survivors appeared healthy but with increased numbers of megakaryocytes and erythrocytes. Histopathology of the lungs of severely ill mice indicated severe pneumonia. Lungs of survivors at early time points showed increased inflammation, while at late times they appeared healthy with peribronchial lymphoid aggregates. Our results suggest that host immune factors are able to affect bacterial dissemination after respiratory tularemia, provide new insights regarding the pathological characteristics of pulmonary tularemia leading to systemic disease, and potentially identify immune markers associated with recovery from the disease

    Human factor H interacts selectively with Neisseria gonorrhoeae and results in species-specific complement evasion

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    Complement forms a key arm of innate immune defenses against gonococcal infection. Sialylation of gonococcal lipo-oligosaccharide, or expression of porin 1A (Por1A) protein, enables Neisseria gonorrhoeae to bind the alternative pathway complement inhibitor, factor H (fH), and evade killing by human complement. Using recombinant fH fragment-murine Fc fusion proteins, we localized two N. gonorrhoeae Por1A-binding regions in fH: one in complement control protein domain 6, the other in complement control proteins 18-20. The latter is similar to that reported previously for sialylated Por1B gonococci. Upon incubation with human serum, Por1A and sialylated Por1B strains bound full-length human fH (HufH) and fH-related protein 1. In addition, Por1A strains bound fH-like protein 1 weakly. Only HufH, but not fH from other primates, bound directly to gonococci. Consistent with direct HufH binding, unsialylated Por1A gonococci resisted killing only by human complement, but not complement from other primates, rodents or lagomorphs; adding HufH to these heterologous sera restored serum resistance. Lipo-oligosaccharide sialylation of N. gonorrhoeae resulted in classical pathway regulation as evidenced by decreased C4 binding in human, chimpanzee, and rhesus serum but was accompanied by serum resistance only in human and chimpanzee serum. Direct-binding specificity of HufH only to gonococci that prevents serum killing is restricted to humans and may in part explain species-specific restriction of natural gonococcal infection. Our findings may help to improve animal models for gonorrhea while also having implications in the choice of complement sources to evaluate neisserial vaccine candidates