41 research outputs found

    Adaptation of the forecasting system to control Black Leaf Streak Disease of banana in the specific conditions of Dominican Republic

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    Introduction. Black Leaf Streak Disease (BLSD) is the most important foliar disease affecting banana production worldwide. A forecasting system has been developed and implemented in various countries aiming at optimal control of BLSD through minimum applications of fungicide. In Dominican Republic, favorable dry climatic conditions contrast with serious organizational issues for BLSD control. Our objective was to evaluate the adaptation of this forecasting strategy in these specific conditions. Materials and methods. Fungicide resistance analyses were carried out in the northwestern region of Dominican Republic, in order to determine the appropriate spectrum of systemic fungicides for the forecasting strategy. Three field experiments were set up on commercial farms where disease evolution was monitored every week, on reference plots, in order to decide the pertinence of fungicide applications. Results. Fungicide resistance to QoI fungicides and strong sensitivity reduction to DMI (Demethylation Inhibitor) fungicides were detected in all farms. In spite of these limitations in the use of some fungicide groups, disease control was achieved with a limited number of fungicide applications (6–9), as compared with 13–26 applications in most commercial farms of Dominican Republic over the same period. Discussion. The calculation of an indicator of the efficiency of the chemical control confirmed the potential of the forecasting strategy, underlining the influence of crop management as well as the neighboring environment of the farms on its efficiency. The requirements for further generalization of this system to commercial farms of this country are discussed. (Résumé d'auteur

    Inactivation of class II PI3K-C2 alpha induces leptin resistance, age-dependent insulin resistance and obesity in male mice

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    AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: While the class I phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3Ks) are well-documented positive regulators of metabolism, the involvement of class II PI3K isoforms (PI3K-C2α, -C2β and -C2γ) in metabolic regulation is just emerging. Organismal inactivation of PI3K-C2β increases insulin signalling and sensitivity, whereas PI3K-C2γ inactivation has a negative metabolic impact. In contrast, the role of PI3K-C2α in organismal metabolism remains unexplored. In this study, we investigated whether kinase inactivation of PI3K-C2α affects glucose metabolism in mice. METHODS: We have generated and characterised a mouse line with a constitutive inactivating knock-in (KI) mutation in the kinase domain of the gene encoding PI3K-C2α (Pik3c2a). RESULTS: While homozygosity for kinase-dead PI3K-C2α was embryonic lethal, heterozygous PI3K-C2α KI mice were viable and fertile, with no significant histopathological findings. However, male heterozygous mice showed early onset leptin resistance, with a defect in leptin signalling in the hypothalamus, correlating with a mild, age-dependent obesity, insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. Insulin signalling was unaffected in insulin target tissues of PI3K-C2α KI mice, in contrast to previous reports in which downregulation of PI3K-C2α in cell lines was shown to dampen insulin signalling. Interestingly, no metabolic phenotypes were detected in female PI3K-C2α KI mice at any age. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: Our data uncover a sex-dependent role for PI3K-C2α in the modulation of hypothalamic leptin action and systemic glucose homeostasis. ACCESS TO RESEARCH MATERIALS: All reagents are available upon request