209 research outputs found

    Frequency of virulence genes related to diarrheogenic E. coli in cattle from Cordillera Department of Paraguay in 2016

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    The present work was carried out with the objective of detecting the presence of stx1, stx2, ehxA, saa, eae, elt, est, aggR, ipaH genes all of them coding for virulence factors of DECs in fecal samples of cattle.CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Aplicación de métodos físicos en el diagnóstico de la litiasis renal

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    Los objetivos de la estancia fueron: - Comprender fundamentos de métodos físicos como espectroscopía infrarroja con transformada de fourier, microscopía de polarización y Fluorescencia de rayos X. - Aplicar métodos físicos para el análisis morfoconstitucional de cálculos urinarios paraguayos. - Establecer nexos con grupo de investigación internacional, con proyecciones de colaboraciones futuras.CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    WGS en el análisis de aislamientos de S. aureus que causaron infecciones invasivas en niños paraguayos

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    La estancia de investigación se dio en la División Genómica del Instituto de Tecnológico y de Energías Renovables, Granadilla, España, con la finalidad de realizar secuenciación masiva de ADN de aislamientos de S. aureus que infectaron a niños paraguayos. Estos aislados son el resultado de proyectos de investigación previos llevados a cabo por pediatras, microbiólogos y biólogos moleculares desde el año 2009 en Paraguay. La estancia no sólo permitió el entrenamiento en tecnología de avanzada y análisis bioinformático, sino que además ha generado datos de alto valor epidemiológico a partir del estudio de genes asociados a resistencia a antibióticos y factores de virulencia en un tiempo récord.CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Transferencia de resultados de investigación sobre enseñanza y aprendizaje de la geometría al aula

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    En este trabajo presentamos algunos ítems del test que hemos diseñado con objeto de obtener información sobre la Geometría que se enseña en escuelas de primaria de algunos estados de México y así poder, por un lado, valorar si la Geometría que se contempla en el currículum de primaria mexicano se corresponde con la que imparten estos maestros y, por otor, determinar las posibles causas que han llevado a la enseñanza de la geometría a la situación actual. En este informe hacemos también referencia a un estudio que estamos realizando en el que analizamos algunos libros de texto de primaria mexicanos y algunos de los test utilizados en este país para la evaluación de los estudiantes de este nivel

    A Contribution to the Study of Writers’ Self-representation: Visible Researchers, Invisible Writers, or How to Make Medical Electronic Popularizations Trustworthy

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    The polyphonic nature of voice has been one of the most debated topics of study in Applied Linguistics over the past three decades. The different points of view adopted by researchers about its definition, its realisation, its pedagogical implications or even its applicability, for instance to the field of EAP, have resulted in insightful studies (c.f Matsuda 2001; John 2009; Hyland and Sancho 2012; among many others). Their findings cast light onto unexplored spaces in Applied Linguistics such as the implications of voice in specialised texts. This dissertation aims to explore how the writers¿ voice in medical electronic popularizations (Med-E-Pops) is modelled in texts that have been used by various discourse communities. Med-E-Pops can be conceptualised both as faithful summaries of medical research articles (Med-RAs) and as a response to lay readers' urge to know. These Med-E-Pops, potentially designed for a lay international Internet audience, seem to exhibit very similar rhetorical conventions as well as linguistic choices. This piece of research (which includes a survey-based approach to the state of the art among medical personnel) confirms that not only members of the Med-RAs discourse community, who have prior experiences and expectations based on knowledge rules, but also the lay audience as the main target audience of the Med-E-Pops genre accept the Med-E-Pop genre as a reliable and valid vehicle to disseminate medical findings outside the scientific community. The medical electronic popularizations genre under study are framed in the ESP tradition. Med-E-Pops genre is the result of a genre (medical popularizations) in constant evolution due to its adaptation to the information demands of the 21st century society. Therefore, the Med-E-Pops genre should be considered as a dynamic genre that evolves within the socio-rhetorical activity of the community, lay Internet readers and medical personnel. Med-E-Pops should be conceptualised as a new combination of Med-RAs form and purpose, embedded in the medical colony, which reorganises linguistic, textual and scientific Med-RAs content for the sake of the understanding by the Internet community. This new balanced understanding of form and function does not represent a threat; on the contrary, it constitutes a new opportunity for sharing reliable medical knowledge within an international and varied electronic audience outside academia. We must consider that Med-E-Pops are therefore differentiated from the genre they draw upon (Med-E-RAs) and recognised, as well as accepted, in their discourse community reading and writing practises. Thus, as discussed in this dissertation, the results obtained with regard to the generic and lexico-grammatical features explored lead me to conclude that the invisibility that the Med-E-Pops writers attempt to achieve has as its ultimate aim the dissemination of reliable medical information among Internet readers worldwide. Med-E-Pops writers represent themselves as invisible for the sake of this genre ultimate aim, which is to be conceptualised as a scientific reliable genre. It should then be concluded that the invisibility of Med-E-Pops writers is constrained by Med-E-Pops generic conventions and their ultimate communicative aim. Finally, this research aimed to raise awareness about the concept of writer's voice and its pedagogical implications, since all writers should anticipate the impact of their (in)visibility on their potential readership and the ensuing effect of their (in)visibility on the communicative purpose of the text they are drafting, since voice is inevitable in written discourse (Burgess and Ivanic 2010)

    Impact of cooking temperature on in vitro starch digestibility of rice varieties with different amylose contents

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of cooking temperature on the in vitro starch digestibility of four varieties of rice: Basmati, Calrose, Arborio and Bomba. Total starch, resistant starch and amylose contents were determined in raw and cooked samples. The in vitro kinetics of starch hydrolysis were also determined, and the hydrolysis and glycemic indexes were estimated. Both the initial amylose content and the cooking temperature had a significant influence on the resistant starch content. Rice cooked at 95ºC retained a higher resistant starch content than rice cooked at 100ºC. The in vitro study of starch hydrolysis showed that hydrolysis tended to be slower and less complete for rice with a higher amylose content and for rice cooked at a lower temperature. Cooking rice at 95ºC instead of 100ºC reduced the estimated glycaemic index by approximately 10% for the varieties tested

    Effect of covers on swine slurry nitrogen conservation during storage in Mediterranean conditions

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    31 Pag., 5 Tabl., 2 Fig. The definitive version is available at: http://www.springerlink.com/content/1385-1314/Swine slurry (SS) is usually stored in open ponds in Mediterranean conditions before being applied to crop fields. During this storage nitrogen (N) is lost to the atmosphere mainly by ammonia volatilization diminishing the fertilizer value of the slurry and causing environmental problems. Permeable covers made from plant materials are low-cost alternatives to reduce these losses. This work evaluates the effectiveness of four composite permeable covers to conserve N during SS storage under semi-arid Mediterranean conditions. The covers, supported by a raschel mesh floating over the SS, were 3.5 and 7 cm thickness pine bark (PB3.5 and PB7), 8 cm thickness pruned wood (PW8), and 8 cm thickness cornstalk (CS8) and uncovered treatment (C). In the first four storage months, the pine bark and cornstalk covers conserved ammonium more effectively than the pruned wood and the control treatments (73–76% of the initial mass of SS ammonium conserved in the PB3.5, PB7 and CS8 treatments, against 51 and 39% in the PW8 and C treatments). In contrast, after 10 months of SS storage all treatments behaved similarly (conservation of ammonium below 20%) due to cover’s physical degradation. In general, the nutrient concentrations in SS and their ratios changed during storage and the C/N ratio at the end of the experiment was affected by the type of cover pointing to differential effects between covers. The pine bark and cornstalk covers were more effective than pruned wood to conserve N in SS stored for 4 months, a period that matches satisfactorily with the spring-summer months of typical SS storage in semi-arid Mediterranean conditions.This study was funded by the Research Agreement between Gobierno de Aragón, La Caixa and Grupo Jorge S. L.Peer reviewe