432 research outputs found

    Otros ojos, misma nobleza: imágenes de la nobleza portuguesa en el periodo Habsburgo

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    El artículo analiza la imagen de la nobleza portuguesa durante 1580-1640 a la luz de un conjunto de fuentes diverso. En primer lugar se ofrece un retrato de la imagen construida por los viajeros extranjeros al reino luso en las últimas décadas del Quinientos. Imágenes que remiten al siempre subjetivo mundo de la mirada del otro y la comprensión de otras formas de representación. Paralelamente se analizan también las obras de autores portugueses de la primera mitad del siglo XVII que ofrecen una imagen más institucionalizada en torno a su nobleza. El confronto de dos modelos y de dos interpretaciones de la realidad nobiliaria portuguesa ofrecen al historiador una herramienta de comprensión de las formas de expresión de la idea de fama durante la Edad Moderna y permite ver también cómo la idea de una Europa de noblezas transnacionales debe ser puesta cada vez más al frente en las investigaciones sobre la cultura nobiliaria. La permeabilidad de las imágenes y sus formas de articulación en un discurso entorno a las formas de expresión del poder son ejes esenciales en la comprensión del fenómeno nobiliario portugués y europeo.This article analyzes the image of the Portuguese nobility in the light of a combination of different sources. In the first place, a picture is offered of the image that was constructed by foreign travellers to the Lusitanian kingdom during the last decades of the sixteenth century. These are images that refer to the always subjective world of the ''view of the others" and the understanding of forms of representation which are different. At the same time, the works of the Portuguese authors from the first half of the seventeenth century, who offer a more institutionalized image of their nobility, are also analyzed. The comparison of these two models and interpretations of the reality of the Portuguese nobility, offer the historian an instrument with which he can understand the forms in which the idea of fame was expressed during the modem age, and also allows us to sea how the idea of a Europe of transnational nobilities should be given more importance in studies about aristocratic culture. The permeability of the images and the ways in which they are articulated in a discourse around the forms of expression of power are the central points of the comprehension of the phenomenon of the European and Portuguese nobility

    Interpretaciones del héroe clásico: la genealogía de la idea de noble/honrado y su desarrollo en la tratadística nobiliaria luso-castellana (1556- 1640). Algunos ejemplos

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    El artículo busca reflexionar sobre la relación entre el mundo clásico y el concepto de noble en la tratadística nobiliaria luso‐castellana de la primera Edad Moderna, analizando el papel y la influencia de autores como Aristóteles o Cicerón y su interpretación por parte de los teóricos de la nobleza modernos. Se trata de una aproximación al estudio de la idea de la excelencia y de preeminencia social inherente al propio concepto de noble junto con la operatividad social de algunos conceptos llave como los de virtud y honor. Los tratados de nobleza deben ser interpretados no únicamente como juegos retóricos más o menos exitosos, sino como formas de comunicación del prestigio social. En este sentido la antigüedad y los clásicos ofrecen formas variadas de expresión y articulación del concepto de noble útiles para una época de predomino nobiliario como fue la Edad Moderna.This text seeks to reflect on the relation ship between the Classical world and the concept of nobleman, as defined in the Luso -Castilin nobiliary treatises at the beginning of the Modern Age, by examining the role and influence of such authors as Aristotle and Cicero and its interpretation by modern theoreticians of nobility. It therefore provides an approach to the study of the idea of excellence and social prominence which are inherent in the concept of nobleman proper and to the social relevance of some key concepts, such as virtue and honour. Nobility treatises should be interpreted not only as variably successful rhetorical games, but also as strategies to communicate social prestige. In this respect, both antiquity and the classics provide diverse forms of expression and the articulation of the concept of nobleman which was useful at a time when, as was the case of the Modern Age, nobility was prevalent

    Momentos: Julio Iglesias and the vitalistic discourse in the contemporary visual system

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    El presente trabajo es una reflexión ensayística sobre la construcción de Julio Iglesias como arquetipo musical e intérprete de canciones propias del vitalismo burgués en el régimen visual del siglo XXThis paper deals with the construction of Julio Iglesias as a musical archetype and vocalist of melodies related to a bourgeois vitalism in the visual regime of the twentieth centur

    Between Honour and Excellence: Nobiliary Genealogy and Common Opinion in Early Modern Spain

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    This article inquires after the causes of the unprecedented growth and scope of genealogical expertise in the many realms that comprised the Spanish Monarchy in the seventeenth century. Lengthy proofs of nobility were a prerequisite for admission to orders of chivalry, courtly institutions, colleges, and universities. The nature and means of transmission of genealogical knowledge are analysed in order to grasp its socio-political significance. Indeed, besides their critical importance for the nobility, genealogies were relevant for society at large and were tied to the recurring debates on the essence of nobility that were taking place in Europe from the thirteenth century.This article inquires after the causes of the unprecedented growth and scope of genealogical expertise in the many realms that comprised the Spanish Monarchy in the seventeenth century. Lengthy proofs of nobility were a prerequisite for admission to orders of chivalry, courtly institutions, colleges, and universities. The nature and means of transmission of genealogical knowledge are analysed in order to grasp its socio-political significance. Indeed, besides their critical importance for the nobility, genealogies were relevant for society at large and were tied to the recurring debates on the essence of nobility that were taking place in Europe from the thirteenth century

    Morphological changes, beach inundation and overwash caused by an extreme storm on a low-lying embayed beach bounded by a dune system (NW Mediterranean)

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    The geomorphological evolution of a low-lying, micro-tidal sandy beach in the western Mediterranean, Pals beach, was characterized using airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data. Data were collected in prior to and six months after the impact of an extreme storm with a return period of approx. 50 years, with the aim of characterizing the beach's response to the storm. The use of repeated high-resolution topographic data to quantify beach geomorphic changes has allowed assessment of the accuracy of different proxies for estimating beach volume changes. Results revealed that changes in the shoreline position cannot accurately reproduce beach volume changes on low-lying beaches where overwash processes are significant. Observations also suggested that volume estimations from beach profiles do not accurately represent subaerial volume changes at large profile distances on beaches with significant alongshore geomorphological variability. Accordingly, the segmentation of the beach into regularly spaced bins is proposed to assess alongshore variations in the beach volume with the accuracy of the topographic data. The morphological evolution of Pals beach during the study period showed a net shoreline retreat (- 4 m) and a significant sediment gain on the subaerial beach (+ 7.5 m3/m). The net gain of sediment is mostly due to the impact of the extreme storm, driving significant overwash processes that transport sediment landwards, increasing volume on the backshore and dunes. The increase of volume on the foreshore and the presence of cuspate morphologies along the shoreline also evidence post-storm beach recovery. Observed morphological changes exhibit a high variability along the beach related to variations in beach morphology. Changes in the morphology and migration of megacusps result in a high variability in the shoreline position and foreshore volume changes. On the other hand, larger morphological changes on the backshore and larger inundation distances occur when the beach and the dunes are lower, favouring the dominance of overwash. The observed storm-induced morphological changes differ from predicted beach storm impacts because of spatial and temporal variations in the beach morphology, suggesting that detailed morphological parameters and indicators used for predicting beach vulnerability to storms should be regularly updated in order to represent the pre-storm beach conditions. Finally, observed morphological changes in Pals Bay evidenced a different behaviour between natural and urban areas, with better post-storm beach recovery on natural areas where the beach is not artificially narrowed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    On the role of Prognostics and Health Management in advanced maintenance systems

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    The advanced use of the Information and Communication Technologies is evolving the way that systems are managed and maintained. A great number of techniques and methods have emerged in the light of these advances allowing to have an accurate and knowledge about the systems’ condition evolution and remaining useful life. The advances are recognized as outcomes of an innovative discipline, nowadays discussed under the term of Prognostics and Health Management (PHM). In order to analyze how maintenance will change by using PHM, a conceptual model is proposed built upon three views. The model highlights: (i) how PHM may impact the definition of maintenance policies; (ii) how PHM fits within the Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) and (iii) how PHM can be integrated into Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) programs. The conceptual model is the research finding of this review note and helps to discuss the role of PHM in advanced maintenance systems.EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020, 645733 - Sustain-Owner - H2020-MSCA-RISE-201