785 research outputs found


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    De modo geral, assume-se, com freqüência, que na agricultura operam-se retornos constantes de escala. É interessante verificar essa hipótese para o caso da fruticultura, um setor dinâmico, ou seja, com elasticidade-preço da demanda maior do que um. Para ver isso, adotou-se uma abordagem da lei de Verdoorn, estimando-a pelo método das regressões ponderadas geograficamente (RPG). Os resultados mostraram que o melhor modelo para a agricultura no período de 1990 a 2004 foi o modelo de defasagem espacial local. O termo da defasagem espacial no modelo fornece evidências em favor da hipótese da existência de um efeito de transbordamento da pesquisa agrícola no Brasil. Houve, ainda, evidências de ocorrência de retornos crescentes de escala para a fruticultura tanto globalmente quanto localmente. Além disso, a evidência de ocorrência local de retornos crescentes foi revelada para todas as microrregiões. In general terms, one assumes often the agricultural sector has constant returns to scale. It is noteworthy to verify this hypothesis for the case of fruit culture, a dynamic sector, that is, with demand price elasticity larger than one. To do so, a Verdoorn’s law approach is adopted and estimated by geographically weighted regressions (GWR). The findings showed the best model for the agriculture over the period 1990-2004 was the local spatial lag model. The spatial lag provides evidence in favor of the hypothesis of existence of a spillover effect of agricultural research in Brazil. There was yet evidence of exsitence of increasing returns to scale for fruit culture both globally and locally. Furthermore, the evidence of local existence of increasing returns to scale was revealed across all microregions.lei de Verdoorn local, regressões ponderadas geograficamente, produtividade frutícola, local Verdoorn’s law, geographically weighted regressions, fruit culture productivity, Crop Production/Industries,

    Os tratamentos para pessoas privadas de liberdade que fazem uso problemático de álcool e outras drogas: uma revisão integrativa

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    There are high rates of psychological disorders regarding abuse of psychoactive substances among Freedom-Deprived People (FDP) in prisons, and those numbers represent an issue in the prison environment. Having that into consideration, this integrative review has had as a goal to analyse both national and international scientific production regarding the treatment of substance abuse in prison. The research was done based on the PICO strategy, and through access to the data bases LILACS, CINAHL and PubMed, between 2011 and 2021, having 8 articles as the main material of analysis. Themes like strategies offered to the treatment of Psychoactive Substance Use, sustenance and waiver of treatment, and social reintegration were analysed through thematic analysis. The literature points out to total abstinence as the main treatment offered in prison, even though it is the least effective way of treatment, and the one showing greatest correlation between relapse and overdose when in freedom again. FDP are severely affected by the use, abuse, and addiction of Psychoactive Substances; therefore, it is necessary the development of effective strategies on the treatment of substance abuse, taking into consideration the peculiarities of prison settings, and assuring the basic constitutional rights of this population.As taxas de transtornos associados ao uso de Substâncias Psicoativas (SPA) entre Pessoas Privadas de Liberdade (PPL) são altas e mostram-se como uma problemática no cárcere. Diante disso, esta revisão integrativa objetivou analisar a produção científica nacional e internacional referente ao tratamento do uso problemático de SPA entre PPL. A estratégia PICO conduziu a busca de evidências por meio do acesso às bases de dados LILACS, CINAHL e PubMed, no período de 2011 a 2021, compondo 8 artigos como corpus de análise. Por meio da análise temática, obteve-se como variáveis: estratégias ofertadas para o tratamento do uso de SPA, retenção e desistência no tratamento e reinserção social. A literatura aponta a abstinência total como principal forma de tratamento ofertada em presídios, porém é a que demonstra menor eficácia e maior relação com o número de recaídas e overdoses pós-encarceramento. Portanto, o uso, o abuso e a dependência de SPA atingem imensamente a população privada de liberdade, mostrando-se necessário o desenvolvimento de estratégias efetivas que atuem no tratamento dos usuários, considerando as especificidades do cenário prisional e garantindo os direitos constitucionais básicos acerca dessa população

    Vulnerability in adolescence: a case report of attempted abortion and sexual violence

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    Background: Abortion, even when provided by law in cases of sexual violence, continues to be practiced in an insecure way, since women who suffer violence are not reported or guarded by social, institutional or age vulnerability, as in adolescence. Objective: Describe the clinical consequences of unsafe abortion, report this experience as well as sexual violence in situations of social and age vulnerability. Methods: It is a clinical case report, with the consent of the patient, in the year 2016, of a 16-year-old female adolescent with a personal history of sexual violence by an intimate aggressor. Admitted to the health service with diagnosis of acute abdomen and induced abortion using antibiotic therapy. Results: Laboratory tests revealed altered C reactive protein and presence of leukocytosis, ultrasound showed heterogenic mass, computed tomography showed presence of cylindrical foreign body in vaginal cavity, surgical interventions, sepsis, clinical complications (pulmonary thromboembolism) and prolonged hospitalization. Conclusion: The history of violence portrayed in this study reveals an attempt of abortion with self harm, revealing negative clinical repercussions and the health problems of the adolescent. This person has committed an abortion that does not fit into the abortion criteria provided by law. It also revealed the need for further discussion on the topic, highlighting health promotion practices against unsafe abortion

    Produtividade do setor agrícola brasileiro (1991-2003): uma análise espacial

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    Agricultural productivity is characterized by location patterns, represented by the so-called spatial effects, namely, spatial heterogeneity and spatial dependence. This paper analyzes the spatial effects which exert influence on agricultural land productivity at three points in time – 1991, 1997 and 2003 – at the microregional level, using exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA). The main finding shows that agricultural productivity is increasingly self-correlated in space, over time. Two high-high (HH) clusters are identified consistently: one of them is located in the State of São Paulo and parts of the Center-West region, while the other cluster (HH) lies in the Northeastern Coast.A produtividade agrícola é marcada por padrões de localização representados pelos chamados efeitos espaciais, a saber: a heterogeneidade espacial e a dependência espacial. Assim, este trabalho analisa os efeitos espaciais que exercem influência sobre a produtividade agrícola da terra para três momentos do tempo – 1991, 1997 e 2003 – em nível microrregional. Para isso, implementa-se a análise exploratória de dados espaciais. O principal resultado mostra que a produtividade agrícola está crescentemente autocorrelacionada no espaço ao longo do tempo. Dois clusters alto-alto (AA) são identificados consistentemente: um deles localiza-se no Estado de São Paulo e partes do Centro-Oeste, enquanto o outro cluster AA situa-se no litoral nordestino

    Gut microbiota profile of COVID-19 patients: prognosis and risk stratification (microCOVID-19 study)

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    FCT_UIDB/05608/2020. FCT_UIDP/05608/2020.Background: Gut microbiota is intrinsically associated with the immune system and can promote or suppress infectious diseases, especially viral infections. This study aims to characterize and compare the microbiota profile of infected patients with SARS-CoV-2 (milder or more severe symptoms), non-infected people, and recovered patients. This is a national, transversal, observational, multicenter, and case-control study that analyzed the microbiota of COVID-19 patients with mild or severe symptoms at home, at the hospital, or in the intensive care unit, patients already recovered, and healthy volunteers cohabiting with COVID-19 patients. DNA was isolated from stool samples and sequenced in a NGS platform. A demographic questionnaire was also applied. Statistical analysis was performed in SPSS. Results: Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratios were found to be significantly lower in infected patients (1.61 and 2.57) compared to healthy volunteers (3.23) and recovered patients (3.89). Furthermore, the microbiota composition differed significantly between healthy volunteers, mild and severe COVID-19 patients, and recovered patients. Furthermore, Escherichia coli, Actinomyces naeslundii, and Dorea longicatena were shown to be more frequent in severe cases. The most common COVID-19 symptoms were linked to certain microbiome groups. Conclusion: We can conclude that microbiota composition is significantly affected by SARS-CoV-2 infection and may be used to predict COVID-19 clinical evolution. Therefore, it will be possible to better allocate healthcare resources and better tackle future pandemics.The authors acknowledge financial support from Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa which supported this project with the grant Microcovid.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Vigilância epidemiológica do vírus do Nilo Ocidental no mundo e no Brasil: relevância da vigilância equina no contexto de saúde única

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    O vírus do Nilo Ocidental (WNV) é um flavivírus neuropatogênico transmitido por mosquito, mantido na natureza emum ciclo de transmissão zoonótica entre as aves e os mosquitos ornitofílicos, principalmente do gênero Culex. Até a décadade 1990, o WNV era considerado um arbovírus do mundo antigo, mas em 1999 surgiu nos Estados Unidos da Américae se espalhou rapidamente, tornando-se uma grande ameaça à saúde pública. O WNV se adaptou ao ciclo envolvendomosquitos e pássaros americanos e chegou à América Central e do Sul nos anos subsequentes. Em 2003, o Sistema Nacionalde Vigilância da Febre do Nilo Ocidental no Brasil foi criado com base na triagem sorológica de animais sentinelas evetores, conforme recomendado pela Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde (OPAS) e pela Organização Mundial daSaúde (OMS). Desde 2008, evidências sorológicas de infecção por WNV em equinos brasileiros têm sido relatadas e acirculação do WNV monitorada por meio de triagem sorológica de cavalos sentinelas, além da notificação de casos deencefalomielite. Os equinos são altamente suscetíveis ao WNV e surtos de doenças neurológicas geralmente precedemcasos humanos. Nesse sentido, a vigilância equina tem sido essencial para fornecer um alerta precoce às autoridades desaúde pública e animal em vários países, incluindo o Brasil. Isso demonstra a necessidade de programas de intervençãoem saúde pública e animal para alocar recursos e conscientizar os médicos veterinários sobre seu papel em processos devigilância humana que envolvam equinos. Nesta revisão, é discutida a importância da vigilância equina e dos médicosveterinários como linha de frente na vigilância humana no Brasil e no mundo, no contexto de saúde única.West Nile virus (WNV) is a neurovirulent mosquito-borne Flavivirus that is maintained in nature by a zoonotic transmissioncycle between avian hosts and ornithophilic mosquito vectors, mostly from the Culex genus. Until the 1990s, WNV wasconsidered to be an old-world arbovirus, but in 1999, WNV emerged in the United States (US) and spread rapidly, becoming amajor threat to public health. WNV adapted to the transmission cycle involving American mosquitoes and birds and reachedCentral and South America in subsequent years. In 2003, the National West Nile Fever Surveillance System was created in Brazilbased on serological screening of animals and sentinel vectors, as recommended by the Pan American Health Organization(PAHO) and the World Health Organization (WHO). Since 2008, serological evidence of WNV infection in Brazilian horseshas been reported, and the circulation of WNV has been monitored through the regular serological screening of sentinel horsesand reporting of encephalomyelitis cases. Horses are highly susceptible to WNV infection, and outbreaks of neurologicaldisease among horses often precede human cases. In this regard, equine surveillance has been essential in providing earlywarning to public and animal health authorities in several countries, including Brazil. This demonstrates the need for animaland public health intervention programs to allocate resources to make veterinarians aware of the role they can play in thehuman surveillance processes by monitoring horses. This review discusses the importance of equine surveillance and the gapthat veterinarians can fill on the front line in human surveillance, in Brazil and worldwide, in the context of “One Health

    Low Density Lipoproteins at 2% Concentration Can Replace Whole Egg Yolk in TES-Tris-Milk Extender for Freezing Buffalo Sperm Cells

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    Background: Over the years, the most commonly used extenders for semen cryopreservation contain egg yolk as cryoprotectant. However, more recent studies have used the low density lipoproteins, extract of hen egg yolk which is responsible for the cryoprotective effect. Nevertheless, little was known about its required minimum concentration as well as its interaction with other extra cellular cryoprotectants, like skimmed milk. The present study aimed at investigating the effect of replacing whole egg yolk by adding low density lipoproteins at low concentrations, in TES-Tris-skim milk based extender, on the post-thaw quality of buffalo bull sperm.Materials, Methods & Results: Eighteen ejaculates were collected from six buffalo bulls and diluted with TES-Tris-skim milk based extender containing LDL, extracted from hen egg yolks, at the concentrations of 2%, 4%, 8% and 14%, against a control extender containing 20% fresh egg yolk. After semen collection, analyses of subjective motility, vigor, force tourbillon, sperm concentration (Neubauer chamber) and sperm morphology (phase contrast microscopy) were performed. The diluted semen was packaged in 0.25 mL straws, and cooling was performed on computerized machine (TK 4000®), using a cooling rate of -0.25°C/min to 5°C. Semen was kept in balance at 5°C for 4 h. The straws were frozen in an ice chest, kept at 5 cm from the surface of liquid nitrogen for 20 min and then immersed in liquid nitrogen. The samples were kept in cryogenic container until thawing. Post-thaw kinetic parameters during incubation at 37°C (CASA), sperm membrane integrity (SYBR-14/PI), membrane functionality (hypo-osmotic swelling test) and DNA fragmentation (%DFI - SCSA) were evaluated after thawing. Immediately post-thaw, total motility was higher in the control (56.53 ± 9.73) than in the tested extenders; however, after 30 min the difference was no longer detected. All other kinetic parameters presented significantly better results in extenders containing 2%, 4% and 8% LDL, compared with the control. There was no difference between treatments regarding the integrity of membranes or fragmentation of the DNA after freezing/thawing procedures.Discussion: The molecules of low density lipoproteins of egg yolk have the known action of sequestering BSP ( binder of sperm proteins) protein, due to the chemical affinity of their main components, phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine. The BSP are responsible for removing cholesterol from the plasma membrane of the sperm, preparing it for the sperm capacitation phase. Low density lipoproteins by inhibiting the action of the BSP increase the stability of the plasma membrane during the freeze-thaw process. The milk caseins micelles have a similar ability to bind the BSP, but with lower affinity. The present study has shown that the use of purified low density lipoproteins has an advantage over the use of whole egg yolk, especially with regard to the kinetic parameters of the spermatozoa after thawing. Furthermore, it was observed that low concentrations of low density lipoproteins, such as 2%, in extenders containing skim milk, could preserve the sperm cell during the freeze-thawing process like that higher LDL concentrations and whole egg yolk. Further studies are needed to determine if the cryoprotectant action found in this study was a result of the synergistic action of skim milk with lipoproteins or even at low concentrations like 2% the lipoproteins can provide protection to the buffalo spermatozoa during freezing, as it has been reproduced in other domestic species. In conclusion, our results indicated that the extender TES-Tris-skim milk containing 2% LDL extracted from egg yolk could be used successfully in the cryopreservation of buffalo sperm cells

    Ações e Desafios do Projeto de Extensão Educação Ambiental em Comunidades em Tempos de Pandemia: Relato de Experiência / Actions and Challenges of the Project of Extension Environmental Education in Communities in Times of Pandemic: Report of Experience

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    A magnitude da pandemia imposta pela COVID-19 implantou inúmeros desafios, incluindo os sociais e a educação. No que diz respeito à extensão universitária, a continuidade das atividades só foi possível através do planejamento de ações adaptadas, passando a ser realizadas de forma remota/virtual ou adotando protocolos rígidos de biossegurança. Nesse sentido, o presente artigo tem por objetivo apresentar um relato das experiências do Projeto de Extensão Educação Ambiental em Comunidades, da Universidade Católica Dom Bosco (UCDB), ao longo de quinze meses, mostrando os obstáculos e as adaptações necessárias para cumprir com o objetivo do projeto e realizar as atividades na modalidade remota. O projeto, que tem por objetivo desenvolver competências e habilidades para a conservação e uso consciente dos recursos naturais, realizou ações voltadas à temática das questões ambientais e resíduos sólidos, junto às comunidades parceiras, fazendo uso de recursos audiovisuais, além de tecnologias e ferramentas de comunicação, adequadas à realidade das comunidades. Tais mudanças permitiram concluir que a extensão se apresentou de maneira efetiva e inovadora, trazendo informações importantes e esperança às comunidades e instituições atendidas