31 research outputs found

    Influence des facteurs biotiques et abiotiques sur la dynamique de la matière organique du sol à partir de la caractérisation biogéochimique des matières organiques solubles

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    Soils are the greatest reservoir of C on the continents, and organic matter mineralisation bymicrobial activity represents the major part of the CO2 emitted by terrestrial ecosystems.In this work, we studied water-extractable organic matter (WEOM), which corresponds to themore reactive fraction of soil organic matter (SOM). Our objectives were (i) to identify therelationships of WEOM dynamics with bacterial communities, and with soil physico-chemicalparameters; (ii) to provide a precise chemical characterisation of WEOM.There is a strong link between SOM solubility and the structure of bacterial communities, andan erosion of their diversity has an impact on SOM and WEOM dynamics, and leads to adecrease in organic matter mineralisation. A study at the regional scale then allowed us to identifythat the SOM and clay contents control the quantities of WEOM and its aromaticity. TheWEOM characterisation at the molecular level revealed the presence of a large number ofubiquitous molecules in the WEOM. Based on these analyses, we were also able to describe theeffects of vegetation and soil physico-chemical properties on the chemical composition ofWEOM.Les sols sont le plus grand réservoir de carbone des écosystèmes terrestres, et la minéralisation des matières organiques par l’activité microbienne représente la majeure partie des flux de CO2 émis à la surface des continents.Dans ce travail, nous avons étudié les matières organiques extraites à l’eau (WEOM), qui correspondent à la fraction la plus réactive des matières organiques du sol (MOS). Nos objectifs étaient (i) d’identifier les liens de la dynamique du WEOM avec les communautés bactériennes, et avec les paramètres physico-chimiques du sol ; (ii) de réaliser une caractérisation chimique précise du WEOM.Il existe un lien fort entre la solubilité des MOS et les structures des communautés bactériennes, et une baisse de leur diversité impacte la dynamique des MOS et du WEOM, et provoque une baisse de la minéralisation des matières organiques. Une étude à l’échelle régionale a également permis d’identifier que les taux de MOS et d’argile contrôlent les quantités de WEOM et leur aromaticité. La caractérisation au niveau moléculaire a montré la présence d’un grand nombre de molécules ubiquistes dans le WEOM. À partir de ces analyses, nous avons également pu décrire les effets du couvert végétal et des propriétés physico-chimiques des sols sur la composition chimique du WEOM

    A methodology for the computation of the macro-element stiffness matrix for the stress analysis of a lap joint with functionally graded adhesive properties

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    The interest of functionally graded adhesives (FGA) is growing as it is a mean to increase a bonded joint strength without any modification of the initial design of the adherends. The behaviour of bonded joints with variable adhesive properties along the overlap can be predicted with a potentially time-costly Finite Element (FE) analysis. Dedicated numerical procedures and design tools for FGA bonded joints would increase. The objective of this paper is to offer a mesh-free method for the analysis of functionally graded joints. The technique is based on the macro-element (ME) method and Taylor expansion in power series (TEPS) are used to approach the shape functions of the ME. The method has been developed so far for 1D-bar and 1D-beam kinematics frameworks. This mesh-free_method and a Finite-Element analysis give similar results

    Simulating Root Growth as a Function of Soil Strength and Yield With a Field-Scale Crop Model Coupled With a 3D Architectural Root Model

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    Accurate prediction of root growth and related resource uptake is crucial to accurately simulate crop growth especially under unfavorable environmental conditions. We coupled a 1D field-scale crop-soil model running in the SIMPLACE modeling framework with the 3D architectural root model CRootbox on a daily time step and implemented a stress function to simulate root elongation as a function of soil bulk density and matric potential. The model was tested with field data collected during two growing seasons of spring barley and winter wheat on Haplic Luvisol. In that experiment, mechanical strip-wise subsoil loosening (30–60 cm) (DL treatment) was tested, and effects on root and shoot growth at the melioration strip as well as in a control treatment were evaluated. At most soil depths, strip-wise deep loosening significantly enhanced observed root length densities (RLDs) of both crops as compared to the control. However, the enhanced root growth had a beneficial effect on crop productivity only in the very dry season in 2018 for spring barley where the observed grain yield at the strip was 18% higher as compared to the control. To understand the underlying processes that led to these yield effects, we simulated spring barley and winter wheat root and shoot growth using the described field data and the model. For comparison, we simulated the scenarios with the simpler 1D conceptual root model. The coupled model showed the ability to simulate the main effects of strip-wise subsoil loosening on root and shoot growth. It was able to simulate the adaptive plasticity of roots to local soil conditions (more and thinner roots in case of dry and loose soil). Additional scenario runs with varying weather conditions were simulated to evaluate the impact of deep loosening on yield under different conditions. The scenarios revealed that higher spring barley yields in DL than in the control occurred in about 50% of the growing seasons. This effect was more pronounced for spring barley than for winter wheat. Different virtual root phenotypes were tested to assess the potential of the coupled model to simulate the effect of varying root traits under different conditions.Peer Reviewe

    The ANTENATAL multicentre study to predict postnatal renal outcome in fetuses with posterior urethral valves: objectives and design

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    Abstract Background Posterior urethral valves (PUV) account for 17% of paediatric end-stage renal disease. A major issue in the management of PUV is prenatal prediction of postnatal renal function. Fetal ultrasound and fetal urine biochemistry are currently employed for this prediction, but clearly lack precision. We previously developed a fetal urine peptide signature that predicted in utero with high precision postnatal renal function in fetuses with PUV. We describe here the objectives and design of the prospective international multicentre ANTENATAL (multicentre validation of a fetal urine peptidome-based classifier to predict postnatal renal function in posterior urethral valves) study, set up to validate this fetal urine peptide signature. Methods Participants will be PUV pregnancies enrolled from 2017 to 2021 and followed up until 2023 in >30 European centres endorsed and supported by European reference networks for rare urological disorders (ERN eUROGEN) and rare kidney diseases (ERN ERKNet). The endpoint will be renal/patient survival at 2 years postnatally. Assuming α = 0.05, 1–β = 0.8 and a mean prevalence of severe renal outcome in PUV individuals of 0.35, 400 patients need to be enrolled to validate the previously reported sensitivity and specificity of the peptide signature. Results In this largest multicentre study of antenatally detected PUV, we anticipate bringing a novel tool to the clinic. Based on urinary peptides and potentially amended in the future with additional omics traits, this tool will be able to precisely quantify postnatal renal survival in PUV pregnancies. The main limitation of the employed approach is the need for specialized equipment. Conclusions Accurate risk assessment in the prenatal period should strongly improve the management of fetuses with PUV

    Influence of biotic and abiotic factors on soil organic matter dynamics assessed by the biogeochemical characterisation of soluble organic matter

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    Les sols sont le plus grand réservoir de carbone des écosystèmes terrestres, et la minéralisation des matières organiques par l’activité microbienne représente la majeure partie des flux de CO2 émis à la surface des continents.Dans ce travail, nous avons étudié les matières organiques extraites à l’eau (WEOM), qui correspondent à la fraction la plus réactive des matières organiques du sol (MOS). Nos objectifs étaient (i) d’identifier les liens de la dynamique du WEOM avec les communautés bactériennes, et avec les paramètres physico-chimiques du sol ; (ii) de réaliser une caractérisation chimique précise du WEOM.Il existe un lien fort entre la solubilité des MOS et les structures des communautés bactériennes, et une baisse de leur diversité impacte la dynamique des MOS et du WEOM, et provoque une baisse de la minéralisation des matières organiques. Une étude à l’échelle régionale a également permis d’identifier que les taux de MOS et d’argile contrôlent les quantités de WEOM et leur aromaticité. La caractérisation au niveau moléculaire a montré la présence d’un grand nombre de molécules ubiquistes dans le WEOM. À partir de ces analyses, nous avons également pu décrire les effets du couvert végétal et des propriétés physico-chimiques des sols sur la composition chimique du WEOM.Soils are the greatest reservoir of C on the continents, and organic matter mineralisation bymicrobial activity represents the major part of the CO2 emitted by terrestrial ecosystems.In this work, we studied water-extractable organic matter (WEOM), which corresponds to themore reactive fraction of soil organic matter (SOM). Our objectives were (i) to identify therelationships of WEOM dynamics with bacterial communities, and with soil physico-chemicalparameters; (ii) to provide a precise chemical characterisation of WEOM.There is a strong link between SOM solubility and the structure of bacterial communities, andan erosion of their diversity has an impact on SOM and WEOM dynamics, and leads to adecrease in organic matter mineralisation. A study at the regional scale then allowed us to identifythat the SOM and clay contents control the quantities of WEOM and its aromaticity. TheWEOM characterisation at the molecular level revealed the presence of a large number ofubiquitous molecules in the WEOM. Based on these analyses, we were also able to describe theeffects of vegetation and soil physico-chemical properties on the chemical composition ofWEOM

    Note de lecture : M. Poux, L'âge du vin : rites de boisson, festins et libations en Gaule indépendante, Montagnac, 2004

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    Julien Guigue (M1, Université Lyon 2) Trois années après sa soutenance de doctorat, sous la direction d’André Tchernia qui préface l’ouvrage, Matthieu Poux propose cette version remaniée de sa thèse et publie L'âge du vin : rites de boisson, festins et libations en Gaule indépendante. Il dresse ici un bilan provisoire de l’état de la recherche sur le domaine de la consommation du vin en Gaule, bilan qui continuera d’être complété au fil des nouvelles découvertes archéologiques et des parution..

    Les peintures de la villa de Mané-Véchen

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    Visualizing the transfer of organic matter from decaying plant residues to soil mineral surfaces controlled by microorganisms

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    The interface between decaying plant residues and soil minerals represents an essential soil microenvironment at which soil organic matter forms. The high amount of microbial products and residues within this hot spot of microbial activity fosters the formation of mineral-associated organic matter. Besides classical quantitative analyses, our understanding of processes controlling soil organic matter formation greatly benefits from microscopic observations and measurements, which provide spatially resolved information at a meaningful scale for microbial processes and for the association between organic and mineral particles. We studied carbon and nitrogen transfer from fresh-plant residues to the mineral soil, through a litter decomposition experiment in an artificial soil mixture. Needles of Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) were placed in microbatch containers filled with an artificial soil mixture free of soil organic matter. Containers were buried in fresh organic layer material from a Norway spruce stand and incubated for 14 and 42 days. We applied nanoscale secondary ion mass spectroscopy (NanoSIMS) to investigate the spatial distribution of mineral and organic compounds at the needle vicinity and into the mineral soil (0–550 μm from the needle). After 14 days, we depicted the formation of mineral-associated organic matter in the surrounding of the decaying needles. After 42 days, we observed substantial colonization of the needles and the detritusphere by saprotrophic fungi. The fungal hyphae extended into the mineral matrix of the artificial soil acting as vectors for the transfer of litter-derived carbon and nitrogen into the bulk soil. This resulted in an increase of the area covered by organic matter in the detritusphere, with up to 10% of the total investigated area classified as organic matter closely associated with mineral surfaces. Our results provide evidence that the carbon and nitrogen derived from litter decomposition transformed by microorganisms is transferred as mineral-associated organic matter, heterogeneously distributed from the litter source, and still detected 550 μm away from the latter. The close association of newly formed soil organic matter and fine sized minerals suggests that the formation of mineral-associated OM and likely also microaggregates is directly driven by microbial activity in the vicinity of hot spots for plant carbon input (e.g. the detritusphere)

    A simplified modal analysis of a single lap bonded joint using the macro-element technique

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    International audienceModal analyses are essential steps in structural design. Simple and quick numerical procedures and design tools for modal and dynamic analysis of bonded joints would be an attractive option to increase the efficiency of the design process in its early phases. This paper offers a simple and quick numerical tool dedicated to the modal analysis of single lap bonded joints with balanced and unbalanced adherends with various boundary conditions. Based on the macro-element technique developed with Taylor expansion in power series, this paper gives all the steps to develop the mass matrix associated with a macro-element. The mass matrix has been developed so far for 1D-bar and 1D-beam kinematic frameworks. The results obtained with the macro-element technique and a Finite Element analysis give similar results