326 research outputs found

    Innocence vs. Experience: A Conflict Revealed through Storytelling

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    Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials trilogy contains a critique of religion and theology that is unique insofar as it is directed not at Christianity as its primary audience, but instead to young readers of science fiction and fantasy. He criticizes the Church for its idealization of innocence and passivity, proposing instead that there is nothing to be lost in a fall from grace and everything to gain in a new world of experience in which one constantly engages in active understanding. The ongoing conflict between innocence and experience persists through the trilogy’s entirety. In this, Pullman’s books react against C. S. Lewis’s Narnia series, wherein, according to Pullman, the importance of innocence is a central theme. Directing his trilogy to the same audiences as Lewis, Pullman insinuates that he too has a religious truth to share: that humanity is shaped by experience, and these experiences make people unique. Through experience people recognize the agency of which they are capable, that not everything is predetermined, that they have a responsibility to the world and to themselves. By utilizing a fantastic narrative, Pullman effectively communicates his human truths, for stories have been and always will be interpreted through the experience of the reader. Thus, Pullman draws the reader into the hard choices of experience and, by extension, into his polemic: that validating innocence in the world would eliminate much of human agency and choice. As Lyra, Pullman’s main character, learns the true nature of the worlds existing within this trilogy, so too does the reader. As Lyra grows into her experience, so too does the reader. With His Dark Materials, Pullman analyzes the nature of innocence and experience and concludes that experience is necessary in shaping the human condition

    Concurrent Permanency Planning: Implementation in Hennepin County

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    From Dartboards to Dashboards: The Imperative of using Data to Improve Student Achievement

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    Aimee Guidera, Director of the National Data Quality Campaign, delivered the second annual Lee Gurel \u2748 Lecture in Education, From Dartboards to Dashboards: The Imperative of Using Data to Improve Student Outcomes. Aimee Rogstad Guidera is the Founding Executive Director of the Data Quality Campaign. She manages a growing partnership among national organizations collaborating to improve the quality, accessibility and use of education data to improve student achievement. Working with 10 Founding Partners, Aimee launched the DQC in 2005 with the goal of every state having a robust longitudinal data system in place by 2009. The Campaign is now in the midst of its second phase focusing on State Actions to ensure effective data use. Aimee joined the National Center for Educational Accountability as Director of the Washington, DC office in 2003. During her eight previous years in various roles at the National Alliance of Business, Aimee supported the corporate community\u27s efforts to increase achievement at all levels of learning. As NAB Vice President of Programs, she managed the Business Coalition Network, comprised of over 1,000 business led coalitions focused on improving education in communities across the country. Prior to joining the Alliance, Aimee focused on school readiness, academic standards, education goals and accountability systems while in the Center for Best Practices at the National Governors Association. She taught for the Japanese Ministry of Education in five Hiroshima high schools where she interviewed educators and studied the Japanese education system immediately after receiving her AB from Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public & International Affairs. Aimee also holds a Masters Degree in Public Policy from Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government

    Sevoflurane Induces Coherent Slow-Delta Oscillations in Rats

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    Although general anesthetics are routinely administered to surgical patients to induce loss of consciousness, the mechanisms underlying anesthetic-induced unconsciousness are not fully understood. In rats, we characterized changes in the extradural EEG and intracranial local field potentials (LFPs) within the prefrontal cortex (PFC), parietal cortex (PC), and central thalamus (CT) in response to progressively higher doses of the inhaled anesthetic sevoflurane. During induction with a low dose of sevoflurane, beta/low gamma (12–40 Hz) power increased in the frontal EEG and PFC, PC and CT LFPs, and PFC–CT and PFC–PFC LFP beta/low gamma coherence increased. Loss of movement (LOM) coincided with an abrupt decrease in beta/low gamma PFC–CT LFP coherence. Following LOM, cortically coherent slow-delta (0.1–4 Hz) oscillations were observed in the frontal EEG and PFC, PC and CT LFPs. At higher doses of sevoflurane sufficient to induce loss of the righting reflex, coherent slow-delta oscillations were dominant in the frontal EEG and PFC, PC and CT LFPs. Dynamics similar to those observed during induction were observed as animals emerged from sevoflurane anesthesia. We conclude that the rat is a useful animal model for sevoflurane-induced EEG oscillations in humans, and that coherent slow-delta oscillations are a correlate of sevoflurane-induced behavioral arrest and loss of righting in rats.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant PO1-GM118269)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant TR01-GM104948

    Optogenetic activation of dopamine neurons in the ventral tegmental area induces reanimation from general anesthesia

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    Dopamine (DA) promotes wakefulness, and DA transporter inhibitors such as dextroamphetamine and methylphenidate are effective for increasing arousal and inducing reanimation, or active emergence from general anesthesia. DA neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) are involved in reward processing, motivation, emotion, reinforcement, and cognition, but their role in regulating wakefulness is less clear. The current study was performed to test the hypothesis that selective optogenetic activation of VTA DA neurons is sufficient to induce arousal from an unconscious, anesthetized state. Floxed-inverse (FLEX)-Channelrhodopsin2 (ChR2) expression was targeted to VTA DA neurons in DA transporter (DAT)-cre mice (ChR2+ group; n = 6). Optical VTA stimulation in ChR2+ mice during continuous, steady-state general anesthesia (CSSGA) with isoflurane produced behavioral and EEG evidence of arousal and restored the righting reflex in 6/6 mice. Pretreatment with the D1 receptor antagonist SCH-23390 before optical VTA stimulation inhibited the arousal responses and restoration of righting in 6/6 ChR2+ mice. In control DAT-cre mice, the VTA was targeted with a viral vector lacking the ChR2 gene (ChR2− group; n = 5). VTA optical stimulation in ChR2− mice did not restore righting or produce EEG changes during isoflurane CSSGA in 5/5 mice. These results provide compelling evidence that selective stimulation of VTA DA neurons is sufficient to induce the transition from an anesthetized, unconscious state to an awake state, suggesting critical involvement in behavioral arousal.United States. National Institutes of Health (TR01-GM104948)United States. National Institutes of Health (T32-GM07592

    Preliminary evidence of dual-marked lymphocytes in thoracic duct lymph fluid

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    Thoracic duct lymphocytes from patients receiving thoracic duct drainage as a pretransplant therapy were examined for cell surface markers. Patients followed over the drainage time period showed a variable but decreasing percentage of E-rosette-positive cells in the lymph fluid. A substantial percentage of these E-rosette-positive cells also had C3 receptors on their cell surface. Reactions of the whole lymphocytes with a heteroantisera to human B-lymphocyte antigens reflected the increasing proportion of B cells in the sample, but also indicated that a fraction of the T cells have Ia-like antigens on their surface. Some cells may have all 3 surface marker characteristics. Significance of these cells with respect to graft survival is discussed

    Acute surgical wound-dressing procedure: Description of the steps involved in the development and validation of an observational metric

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    The aim of this study was to develop an observational metric that could be used to assess the performance of a practitioner in completing an acute surgical wound-dressing procedure using aseptic non-touch technique (ANTT). A team of clinicians, academics, and researchers came together to develop an observational metric using an iterative six-stage process, culminating in a Delphi panel meeting. A scoping review of the literature provided a background empirical perspective relating to wound-dressing procedure performance. Video recordings of acute surgical wound-dressing procedures performed by nurses in clinical (n = 11) and simulated (n = 3) settings were viewed repeatedly and were iteratively deconstructed by the metric development group. This facilitated the identification of the discrete component steps, potential errors, and sentinel (serious) errors, which characterise a wound dressing procedure and formed part of the observational metric. The ANTT wound-dressing observational metric was stress tested for clarity, the ability to be scored, and interrater reliability, calculated during a further phase of video analysis. The metric was then subjected to a process of cyclical evaluation by a Delphi panel (n = 21) to obtain face and content validity of the metric. The Delphi panel deliberation verified the face and content validity of the metric. The final metric has three phases, 31 individual steps, 18 errors, and 27 sentinel errors. The metric is a tool that identifies the standard to be attained in the performance of acute surgical wound dressings. It can be used as both an adjunct to an educational programme and as a tool to assess a practitioner's performance of a wound-dressing procedure in both simulated and clinical practice contexts

    Spontaneous corneal melting in pregnancy: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To report a case of spontaneous corneal melting in pregnancy. We reviewed the literature on corneal melting and the effect of pregnancy on cornea and collagen containing tissues.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 29-year-old woman who underwent radial keratotomy in both eyes followed by trabeculectomy in her left eye developed corneal melting in the same eye, in her seventh month of pregnancy. Despite screening, no infectious or immune mediated condition could be identified. She was managed conservatively with cyanoacrylate glue, bandage contact lens, lubricants and antibiotics.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>It may not always be possible to find the underlying cause of corneal melting but the more common underlying causes should be ruled out by proper investigations. Pregnancy with its host of hormonal changes could potentially have some effect on corneal collagen leading to corneal melting in compromised corneas.</p
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