105 research outputs found

    Pest risk analysis for Bactrocera invadens : Guidelines on Pest Risk Analysis

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    Stripping related moisture damage has been recognized as one of the major pavement distresses since the early 1990s. The main objective of this study is to establish an effective test protocol to quantify moisture susceptibility of asphalt pavements. To this end, selective test methods (Texas Boiling test, Tensile Strength Ratio, Retained Stability, and Hamburg Wheel Test), and procedures based on surface chemistries and molecular-level mechanistic properties have been investigated in this study. Firstly, a comprehensive list of literature related to moisture damage in asphalts was reviewed. Based on the literature review, a detailed project plan and test matrix were developed. Binder samples originated from two different crude sources were collected. The moisture resistance related tests such as static contact angle measurements and Texas Boiling tests were conducted. Besides, asphalt binders’ nanomechanical properties using an Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and surface chemistries using a static contact were evaluated in the laboratory. Based on limited test data and analysis, it is concluded that there does not exist any single test method that all agencies are comfortable and equipped to follow in their daily work as each technique has some merits and demerits. However, the Texas Boiling test is found to be the simplest method that requires minimal time and resources. On the other hand, surface chemistry and atomic force microscope-based techniques are becoming popular among researchers and pavement professionals. Findings of this study are expected to help ARDOT in selecting an appropriate moisture resistance test method that is simple, reliable, and easy to implement in their routine work

    Geo Satellites’ Manufacturing Markers From Photometric Colors

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    We present the photometric analysis of 23 GEO satellites, by using more than 1,200 multi-band images acquired in the Johnson-Cousin photometric system (BVRI). The dataset was acquired by three optical telescopes geographically located in different observational sites (in Italy and Mexico). By using an observational strategy based on alternating the V-R-I filter-sequence, we obtained consecutive multi-band images we used to reconstruct satellites’ color-lightcurves. We calculated the color-indexes of GEO satellites by taking into account the average value of color-lightcurves. We investigated the color-indexes in the color-color planes. Moreover, we studied a possible correlation among colors and satellite manufacturing and peculiar features. We obtained that some of the considered parameters seem to significantly affect the color indexes

    Observation of two-mode squeezing in a traveling wave parametric amplifier

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    Traveling wave parametric amplifiers (TWPAs) have recently emerged as essential tools for broadband near quantum-limited amplification. However, their use to generate microwave quantum states still misses an experimental demonstration. In this letter, we report operation of a TWPA as a source of two-mode squeezed microwave radiation. We demonstrate broadband entanglement generation between two modes separated by up to 400 MHz by measuring logarithmic negativity between 0.27 and 0.51 and collective quadrature squeezing below the vacuum limit between 1.5 and 2.1 dB. This work opens interesting perspectives for the exploration of novel microwave photonics experiments with possible applications in quantum sensing and continuous variable quantum computing

    Suppression of Tumor Growth and Angiogenesis by a Specific Antagonist of the Cell-Surface Expressed Nucleolin

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    BACKGROUND: Emerging evidences suggest that nucleolin expressed on the cell surface is implicated in growth of tumor cells and angiogenesis. Nucleolin is one of the major proteins of the nucleolus, but it is also expressed on the cell surface where is serves as a binding protein for variety of ligands implicated in cell proliferation, differentiation, adhesion, mitogenesis and angiogenesis. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: By using a specific antagonist that binds the C-terminal tail of nucleolin, the HB-19 pseudopeptide, here we show that the growth of tumor cells and angiogenesis are suppressed in various in vitro and in vivo experimental models. HB-19 inhibited colony formation in soft agar of tumor cell lines, impaired migration of endothelial cells and formation of capillary-like structures in collagen gel, and reduced blood vessel branching in the chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane. In athymic nude mice, HB-19 treatment markedly suppressed the progression of established human breast tumor cell xenografts in nude mice, and in some cases eliminated measurable tumors while displaying no toxicity to normal tissue. This potent antitumoral effect is attributed to the direct inhibitory action of HB-19 on both tumor and endothelial cells by blocking and down regulating surface nucleolin, but without any apparent effect on nucleolar nucleolin. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results illustrate the dual inhibitory action of HB-19 on the tumor development and the neovascularization process, thus validating the cell-surface expressed nucleolin as a strategic target for an effective cancer drug. Consequently, the HB-19 pseudopeptide provides a unique candidate to consider for innovative cancer therapy

    2016, ano em que o país sofreu um golpe político-institucional, não termina

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    2016 foi um ano especialmente difícil para o Brasil, devido ao inaceitável golpe político e suas inúmeras implicações econômicas, políticas e sociais. O golpe, de fato, acabou determinando o clima e o ritmo do ano, já que envolveu incansáveis e intermitentes manobras institucionais e de mídia que mantiveram as relações políticas e sociais em um estado de convulsão prolongado, dolorido e desagregador. E como parte fundamental das manobras do golpe era a intensificação brutal da crise econômica..

    Para Marielle Franco, na luta por um país mais democrático e justo!

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    Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, sob Intervenção Militar, noite de 14 de março de 2018. Marielle Franco, 38 anos de idade, nascida na Favela da Maré, socióloga com mestrado em Administração Pública, vereadora carioca eleita com 46.502 votos vinculada ao Partido Socialismo e Liberdade (PSOL), retornava de um debate com jovens negras na Casa das Pretas, situada na Lapa, por volta das 21 horas. Em seu carro, estavam uma assessora e o motorista Anderson Pedro Gomes, 39 anos, pai do pequeno Arthur, de 2 ..

    Por uma Geografia Econômica do Tempo Presente

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    Espaço & Economia: Revista Brasileira de Geografia Econômica, periódico que temos a honra de apresentar ao público nacional e internacional no âmbito da plataforma Revues.org, tem como intuito divulgar e fortalecer pesquisas dedicadas às relações entre espaço e economia. Decerto, a tarefa não é das mais fáceis. Todavia, o momento histórico em que vivemos marca uma série de transições, dentre as quais a reestruturação capitalista assume lugar de destaque. Por conseguinte, novas dinâmicas espac..

    Por uma Geografia Econômica do Tempo Presente

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    Espaço & Economia: Revista Brasileira de Geografia Econômica, periódico que temos a honra de apresentar ao público nacional e internacional no âmbito da plataforma Revues.org, tem como intuito divulgar e fortalecer pesquisas dedicadas às relações entre espaço e economia. Decerto, a tarefa não é das mais fáceis. Todavia, o momento histórico em que vivemos marca uma série de transições, dentre as quais a reestruturação capitalista assume lugar de destaque. Por conseguinte, novas dinâmicas espac..