103 research outputs found

    Omega-3 Fatty Acids from Fish Oil Lower Anxiety, Improve Cognitive Functions and Reduce Spontaneous Locomotor Activity in a Non-Human Primate

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    Omega-3 (ω3) polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) are major components of brain cells membranes. ω3 PUFA-deficient rodents exhibit severe cognitive impairments (learning, memory) that have been linked to alteration of brain glucose utilization or to changes in neurotransmission processes. ω3 PUFA supplementation has been shown to lower anxiety and to improve several cognitive parameters in rodents, while very few data are available in primates. In humans, little is known about the association between anxiety and ω3 fatty acids supplementation and data are divergent about their impact on cognitive functions. Therefore, the development of nutritional studies in non-human primates is needed to disclose whether a long-term supplementation with long-chain ω3 PUFA has an impact on behavioural and cognitive parameters, differently or not from rodents. We address the hypothesis that ω3 PUFA supplementation could lower anxiety and improve cognitive performances of the Grey Mouse Lemur (Microcebus murinus), a nocturnal Malagasy prosimian primate. Adult male mouse lemurs were fed for 5 months on a control diet or on a diet supplemented with long-chain ω3 PUFA (n = 6 per group). Behavioural, cognitive and motor performances were measured using an open field test to evaluate anxiety, a circular platform test to evaluate reference spatial memory, a spontaneous locomotor activity monitoring and a sensory-motor test. ω3-supplemented animals exhibited lower anxiety level compared to control animals, what was accompanied by better performances in a reference spatial memory task (80% of successful trials vs 35% in controls, p<0.05), while the spontaneous locomotor activity was reduced by 31% in ω3-supplemented animals (p<0.001), a parameter that can be linked with lowered anxiety. The long-term dietary ω3 PUFA supplementation positively impacts on anxiety and cognitive performances in the adult mouse lemur. The supplementation of human food with ω3 fatty acids may represent a valuable dietary strategy to improve behavioural and cognitive functions

    Challenges to determining whether DHA can protect against age-related cognitive decline

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    DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid, is an important constituent of brain membranes and has a key role in brain development and function. This review aims to highlight recent research on DHA’s role during age-related cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease. Animal and in vitro studies have provided some interesting mechanistic leads, especially on brain glucose metabolism, that may be involved in neuroprotection by DHA. However, results from human studies are more mitigated, perhaps due to changing DHA metabolism during aging. Recent innovative tools such as 13C-DHA for metabolic studies and 11C-DHA for PET provide interesting opportunities to study factors that affect DHA homeostasis during aging and to better understand whether and how to use DHA to delay or treat Alzheimer’s disease

    Rôle des acides gras polyinsaturés sur le métabolisme énergétique cérébral (impact sur le transport de glucose des cellules endothéliales de la barrière hémato-encéphalique des astrocytes)

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    Dans le cerveau, le transport du glucose à travers la barrière hémato-encéphalique puis vers les cellules cérébrales se fait grâce aux transporteurs membranaires de glucose GLUTs, dont les principaux représentants sont les transporteurs GLUT1 (cellules endothéliales et astrocytes) et GLUT3 (neurones). Les deux isoformes de GLUT1 étant co-localisées autour des microvaisseaux cérébraux, l immunomarquage de GLUT1 sur coupe de cortex ne permet pas de distinguer la forme endothéliale de la forme astrocytaire. D autre part, cette méthode ne permet pas de déterminer si la diminution de transporteur observée est liée à une baisse de la quantité de protéine ou à un changement de conformation de celle-ci. Pour déterminer l impact de la déficience sur l expression de GLUT1, la protéine a été quantifiée par western blot à partir de microvaisseaux isolés (exprimant l isoforme GLUT1 55 kDa) et à partir d homogénat de cortex cérébral (exprimant majoritairement l isoforme 45-kDa). Le transporteur GLUT3 a également été mesuré à partir d homogénat de cortex. Enfin les ARNm de GLUT1 extraits à partir de microvaisseaux cérébraux isolés et d homogénat de cortex et ont été quantifiés, en parallèle de GLUT3.Pour appréhender les effets directs des AGPI au niveau de la cellule endothéliale et les mécanismes impliqués, les effets d une supplémentation en AGPI (acide arachidonique (AA), acide eicosapentaénoïque (EPA) et DHA) sur la teneur membranaire en acides gras et le captage du glucose ont ensuite été étudiés in vitro sur deux modèles de cellules endothéliales cérébrales : la culture primaire de cellules endothéliales cérébrales (RBEC) et la lignée RBE4.Alterations in cognitive performance in animals deficient in omega-3 fatty acids (FA) have been linked to the decrease in docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3, DHA) level in brain membranes. It has also been reported that DHA may modulate ion channels, synaptic signaling, and the storage and release of neurotransmitter. Since neuronal activity depends on brain energy metabolism, we hypothesized that the omega-3 FA deficiency-induced alterations in neuronal activity could partly result from changes in brain energy metabolism. Objective - To explore this hypothesis, first we examined in vivo the effects of omega-3 FA deficiency on oxidative phosphorylation and glucose uptake in several brain areas with high rate of energy consumption. Glucose is translocated from the bloodstream to brain cells through the blood-brain barrier (BBB) via specific membrane glucose transporters (GLUTs), mainly GLUT1 and GLUT3. Rats raised with an omega-3 FA deficient diet throughout one generation were compared with rats fed a diet with adequate amounts of omega-6 and omega-3 FA. The omega-3 deficiency decreased by 20 to 40% the cytochrome oxidase activity and by 30% the glucose uptake in the three brain areas. In order to determine whether the decreased glucose uptake was due to reduced protein expression, the main GLUTs were quantified by immunohistochemical staining.In a second time, in vitro effects of supplemental arachidonic acid (AA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and DHA on membrane FA contents and glucose transport activity were investigated and compared on two culture models of rat brain endothelial cells generally used for glucose transport studies, the cell primary culture (RBEC) and the cell line RBE4.ORSAY-PARIS 11-BU Sciences (914712101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Impact de l'apport alimentaire en AGPI n-3 sur le métabolisme énergétique cérébral (approches in vivo chez le rat en situation de repos ou d'activation neuronale et in vitro sur un modèle d'astrocytes en culture primaire)

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    Le métabolisme énergétique cérébral via l utilisation du glucose est fortement impliqué dans la production d énergie nécessaire au fonctionnement du neurone en situation basale et d activation. Des travaux précédents ont mis en évidence chez le rat chroniquement déficient en acides gras polyinsaturés (AGPI) de la série n-3 une altération de ce métabolisme en situation basale (diminution de l utilisation cérébrale du glucose et de la densité des transporteurs de glucose GLUT1). Pour cerner les différentes étapes du métabolisme énergétique pouvant être modifiées par les AGPI n-3, l expression des gènes clés a été mesurée par approche transcriptomique (cartes microfluidiques) chez l animal déficient en AGPI n-3 ou supplémenté en acide docosahexaénoïque (DHA, 22 :6n-3). Ces mesures ont été réalisées sur deux zones cérébrales (cortex fronto-pariétal et couche CA1 de l hippocampe) chez les animaux en situation basale et soumis à un environnement enrichi activant ces deux zones cérébrales. Pour ces 2 situations, le niveau d utilisation cérébrale de glucose a été quantifié par la technique du fluoro-2-déoxyglucose couplée à l imagerie de tomographie par émissions de positons (18FDG-TEP) chez les animaux déficients en AGPI n-3. L analyse de la teneur cérébrale en AGPI membranaire a été réalisée par chromatographie en phase gazeuse et une approche in vitro sur culture primaire d astrocytes a été développée pour apprécier l impact du DHA sur les paramètres métaboliques de ces cellules.Les principaux résultats montrent que :- la déficience en n-3 diminue de 67% la teneur membranaire en DHA dans les deux zones cérébrales étudiées. Si la déficience induit principalement une diminution spécifique de l expression de GLUT1 (-33%) dans le cortex fronto-pariétal en situation basale et d activation, en revanche elle perturbe la neurotransmission glutamatergique dans l hippocampe en augmentant l expression des 2 transporteurs de glutamate (GLAST et GLT1). Par ailleurs, les données d imagerie TEP mettent en évidence un hypométabolisme général du glucose chez les animaux déficients en n-3 en situation basale. Les données recueillies sur le modèle astrocytes soulignent un effet direct du DHA sur l utilisation du glucose et l expression de GLUT1 ;- La supplémentation en DHA ne modifie pas de façon appréciable la teneur membranaire en DHA dans les deux zones cérébrales étudiées. Au contraire de la déficience, il apparaît clairement pour la couche CA1 de l hippocampe que l expression de l ensemble des gènes codant pour les complexes enzymatiques du cycle de krebs et de la voie de phosphorylation oxydative est significativement augmentée.Ces résultats originaux laissent ainsi entrevoir la possibilité que les acides gras de cette famille d AGPI puissent intervenir sur l énergétique et le fonctionnement de la synapse glutamatergique en modulant 1) le métabolisme glucidique (captage de glucose) et du glutamate en situation de déficit d apport et 2) la production d ATP (phosphorylation oxydative) en situation de supplémentation en DHA. L altération de ces paramètres métaboliques au cours du vieillissement et dans certains désordres neurologiques, liée à un déficit de statut en DHA, mettent en avant les potentialités nutritionnelles des AGPI n-3 comme facteur préventif.Cerebral energy metabolism via glucose utilization is heavily involved in the production of energy required to the neuron in basal conditions and activation. Previous work has shown in rats chronically deficient in n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) altered the metabolism in basal condition (decrease of cerebral glucose use and density of glucose transporters GLUT1). To identify the different stages of energy metabolism may be modified by n-3 PUFA, the expression of key genes was measured by transcriptomic approach (Taqman Low Density Arrays) in animals deficient in n-3 PUFA or docosahexaenoic acid supplementation (DHA, 22:6n-3). These measurements were performed on two brain areas (fronto-parietal cortex and layer CA1 of the hippocampus) in animals in basal condition or submit to an enriched environment. For these two situations, the level of cerebral glucose utilization was quantified by the technique of fluoro-2-deoxyglucose imaging coupled with positron emission tomography (18FDG-PET) only in deficient n-3 PUFA animals. Analysis of brain PUFA content of membrane was performed by gas chromatography and an in vitro approach to primary culture of astrocytes was developed to assess the impact of DHA on metabolic parameters of these cells.The main results show that: - n-3 Deficiency decreases from 67% in membrane DHA content in both brain areas studied. If the deficiency induces mainly a decrease in the specific expression of GLUT1 (-33%) in the fronto-parietal cortex in basal and activation conditions, however it disrupts glutamatergic neurotransmission in the hippocampus by increasing the expression of two glutamate transporters (GLAST and GLT1). In addition, PET data show a general hypometabolism of glucose in animals deficient in n-3 in basal situation. Data collected on the model astrocytes point to a direct effect of DHA on glucose utilization and expression of GLUT1; - DHA supplementation does not alter significantly the membrane content of DHA in both brain areas studied. Unlike the n-3 deficiency, it is clear for the layer CA1 of the hippocampus that the expression of all genes encoding the enzyme complexes of the Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation pathway is significantly increased. These original results suggest the possibility that the fatty acids of the n-3 PUFAs family can act on the energy and functioning of the glutamatergic synapse by modulating 1) glucose metabolism (glucose uptake) and glutamate in deficit intake situation and 2) the production of ATP (oxidative phosphorylation) in DHA supplementation. The alteration of these metabolic parameters during aging and certain neurological disorders, related to a deficit of DHA status, highlight the potential of dietary n-3 PUFA as a preventive factor.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Bilan du 7

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    The 7th congress was organized by the International Society For the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids (ISSFAL) in Cairns (Australia) from 23 to 28 July 2006. It joined more than 400 delegates from 35 countries. The meeting included a plenary program, with 25 conferences and selected short communications, and 32 concurrent sessions in which around 300 free communications were presented (oral + posters). The primary themes explored several areas of research on lipids, fatty acids, metabolism and cerebral functions (3 sessions and 4 plenary conferences) with respect to maternal and infant health (3 sessions), ageing (1 session) and Alzheimer disease (1 session), omega-3 fatty acids and mental health (1 session), PUFA metabolism (3 sessions), the impact of dietary omega-3 and trans fatty acids on several pathologies such as obesity (1 session), cardiovascular disease and the metabolic syndrome (4 sessions and 3 plenary conferences), diabetes (1 session), cancer (1 session) and osteoporosis (1 session). Lastly, several concurrent sessions focused on methodological aspects for implementing new dietary sources of fatty acids (4 sessions)
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