278 research outputs found

    Fragmentos de cantoral en el archivo de la Catedral de Guadix

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    En el presente artículo presentamos un breve estudio codicológico de dos fragmentos de un libro de coro pertenecientes a un misal del Común de los Santos, que, según todos los datos que proporcionamos, pertenecen a la fábrica de la parroquia de Santiago de Guadix. Las fuentes documentales proceden de las Actas Capitulares y Libros de Fábrica del Archivo Capitular y Diocesano de la Catedral de Guadix.This paper offers a brief codicologic study of two choir book excerpts contained in a Common Book of Saints' mass book which, according to the data here presented, belong to the fabric of Saint James parish in Guadix. The documentary sources come from the Acta of the ecclesiastic chapter and from the Books of Fabric in the Chapter and Diocesan Archives of the Cathedral of Guadix.Nous présentons dans cet article une brève étude des codes de deux fragments d'un livre de choeur qui font partie d'un missel du Commun des Saints et qui, d'après toutes les données que nous fournissons, appartiennent à la fabrique de la paroisse de Santiago (Saint Jacques) de Guadix. Les sources documentaires procèdent des Actes Capitulaires et «Libros de Fábrica» des Archives Capitulaires et Diocésaines de la Cathédrale de Guadix

    Aportación al estudio palinológico de la flora ornamental de la ciudad de Granada (España)

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    Se estudian los caracteres polínicos de 23 especies pertenecientes a la flora ornamental de la ciudad de Granada, utilizando microscopía óptica y microscopía electrónica de barrido, indicando su posible incidencia alergógena.The pollen characters of 23 species, representing the flora ornamental from the city of Granada (Spain), are studied by optical and scanning electron microscopy to determine allergenic incidence

    Trichotecenes in breakfast cereals from the Spanish retail market

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    [EN] Deoxynivalenol (DON), nivalenol (NIV), 3-acetyl-DON (3-AcDON), 15-acetyl-DON (15-AcDON) and fusarenone X (Fus-X) were analysed in 148 breakfast cereal samples collected from the Spanish retail market. The samples were taken from the products most commonly consumed by the Spanish population. Major ingredients included corn, wheat and rice, alone or mixed. The trichothecenes were extracted with acetonitrile:water (84:16, v/v). The extracts were cleaned by means of Mycosep 227 columns. For analysis gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) after derivatisation to trimethylsilyl ethers was utilised. Mean recovery values, obtained from different matrices of cereal samples spiked with trichothecenes ranged from 69% to 110% with relative standard deviation lower than 10%. The estimated limits of detection and quantification, calculated at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3:1 and of 6:1, respectively, were between 8.90 and 14.7 mu g/kg, and between 15.2 and 23.6 mu g/kg, respectively. DON was the most frequently detected mycotoxin and was usually present at the highest concentration. NW and Fus-X were detected in 4 and 2 samples, respectively; 3- and 15-AcDON were not detected. The calculated dietary intake was compared to tolerable daily intake (TDI) values. The survey demonstrated a regular occurrence of low levels of trichothecenes in breakfast cereals on the Spanish market. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.This work has been financed by the Spanish Comision Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologia (Project Ref. AGL2004-07549-C05-04) whose support is gratefully acknowledged.Montes Estellés, RM.; Segarra Guerrero, RO.; Castillo López, MÁ. (2012). Trichotecenes in breakfast cereals from the Spanish retail market. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. 27(1):38-44. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfca.2012.05.004S384427

    Citizen debates in social networks about didactic resources for mathematics

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    Citizens are increasingly turning to social media to open up debates on issues of utmost importance, such as health or education. When analyzing citizens' social media interactions on COVID-19, research has underlined the importance of sharing and spreading information based on scientific evidence rather than on fake news. However, whether and how citizens' interactions in the field of education, particularly in mathematics, are based on scientific evidence remains underexplored. To contribute to filling this gap, this article presents an analysis of citizen debates in social networks about didactic resources for mathematics. Through social media analytics, 136,964 posts were extracted from Reddit, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, of which 1755 were analyzed. Results show that out of the 213 posts of citizen debates on didactic resources for mathematics, only two contained scientific evidence and eight claimed to contain scientific evidence. These findings highlight the importance of promoting actions to encourage citizen debates around didactic resources for mathematics based on scientific evidence

    Transformación curricular y pedagógica en educación media en Venezuela: caso Educación Física

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    El presente artículo presenta una visión de la trasformación curricular que se ha venido realizando en el área de formación Educación Física del sistema educativo venezolano. Este cambio ha sido paulatino pero se ha venido consolidando a partir de los estamentos legales existentes, particularmente la Constitución de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, la Ley Orgánica de Educación y la Ley Orgánica de Deporte, Actividad Física y Educación Física. Se evidenció la necesidad de transformación a raíz de la Consulta Nacional por la Calidad Educativa (CNCE) y esto conllevó a que se iniciará una transformación curricular y pedagógica desde el año 2016, sin desconocer que en los últimos 12 años también se habían gestado modificaciones. Esta transformación ha permitido incorporar en todas las áreas a nuestros pensadores latinoamericanos y a generar propuestas a partir de experiencias propias. La propuesta de Educación Física además de la CNCE, también incluyó la discusión con grupos de trabajos, especialistas en el área. Los resultados han sido positivo, una nueva propuesta para educación media y la implementación a través de la aprobación en gaceta oficial de tres sesiones de clases semanales. Hay retos que se tienen actualmente ante los cambios presentes y quizás el más complejo es la transformación del docente de Educación Física y su praxis

    FamTV : an architecture for presence-aware personalized television

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    Since the advent of the digital era, the traditional TV scenario has rapidly evolved towards an ecosystem comprised of a myriad of services, applications, channels, and contents. As a direct consequence, the amount of available information and configuration options targeted at today's end consumers have become unmanageable. Thus, personalization and usability emerge as indispensable elements to improve our content-overloaded digital homes. With these requirements in mind, we present a way to combine content adaptation paradigms together with presence detection in order to allow a seamless and personalized entertainment experience when watching TV.This work has been partially supported by the Community of Madrid (CAM), Spain under the contract number S2009/TIC-1650.Publicad

    Highly effective SERS nanopattern substrate. The enhancement is demonstrated using thiophenol as a molecular probe

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    The number of different types of Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) substrates available for experimentation is increasing at high speed. New alternatives are introduced and explored every year in the literature including both novel nano-particles in solution as well as self-assembled or engineered structures with different levels of control over their optical properties. In this work silver nanopattern obtained by the nano-sphere lithography approach was prepared and characterized by AFM. This method basically exploits the regular patterns formed by self-assembly of dielectric (polystyrene, PS) nano-spheres on a surface upon drying. The evaporation of a silver film on top of the array can be followed by the lift-off of the nano-spheres themselves in which case an array of interstitial sites is left on the surface [1-2] (Fig. 1). We have observed in the AFM images that the shape of the nanopatterns is regular but the surface is rough and they are homogeneously distributed with dimensions in the sub-wavelength range.SERS properties of this substrate were examined by using thiophenol (TP) as molecular probe through the preparation of self-assembled monolayer (SAM) by dipping the substrates for 1h in 0.1mM solution of TP in CH2Cl2 at the temperature of 25ºC. Samples were subsequently rinsed with solutions solvents and dried before scanning. The surface interaction of this molecule has been studied by several groups and the most significant Raman change after the adsorption is the disappearance of the S-H stretching mode at about 2566 cm-1 in the SERS spectrum and indicating that an Ag-S bond has been formed [3]. The reproducibility on different areas of this substrate has been analyzed by using this molecular probe concluding that a fairly homogeneous distribution of the SERS intensity is observed (Fig. 2) which is a prerequisite for applications as ultrasensitive sensing assemblies.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Improving privacy in identity management systems for health care scenarios

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    Privacy is a very complex and subjective concept with different meaning to different people. The meaning depends on the context. Moreover, privacy is close to the user information and thus, present in any ubiquitous computing scenario. In the context of identity management (IdM), privacy is gaining more importance since IdM systems deal with services that requires sharing attributes belonging to users’ identity with different entities across domains. Consequently, privacy is a fundamental aspect to be addressed by IdM to protect the exchange of user attributes between services and identity providers across different networks and security domains in pervasive computing. However, problems such as the effective revocation consent, have not been fully addressed. Furthermore, privacy depends heavily on users and applications requiring some degree of flexibility. This paper analyzes the main current identity models, as well as the privacy support presented by the identity management frameworks. After the main limitations are identified, we propose a delegation protocol for the SAML standard in order to enhance the revocation consent within healthcare scenarios.Proyecto CCG10-UC3M/TIC-4992 de la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid y la Universidad Carlos III de Madri

    SuSSo: seamless and ubiquitous single sign-on for cloud service continuity across devices

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    The great variety of consumer electronic devices with support of wireless communications combined with the emerging Cloud Computing paradigm is paving the way to real anytime/anywhere computing. In this context, many services, such as music or video streaming, are delivered to the clients using Cloud-based providers. However, service continuity when moving across different terminals is still a major challenge. This paper proposes SuSSo, a novel middleware architecture that allows sessions initiated from one device to be seamlessly transferred to a second one, as might be desirable in the enjoyment of long running media.Publicad