580 research outputs found

    An Expert System to Improve the Energy Efficiency of the Reaction Zone of a Petrochemical Plant

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    Energy is the most important cost factor in the petrochemical industry. Thus, energy efficiency improvement is an important way to reduce these costs and to increase predictable earnings, especially in times of high energy price volatility. This work describes the development of an expert system for the improvement of this efficiency of the reaction zone of a petrochemical plant. This system has been developed after a data mining process of the variables registered in the plant. Besides, a kernel of neural networks has been embedded in the expert system. A graphical environment integrating the proposed system was developed in order to test the system. With the application of the expert system, the energy saving on the applied zone would have been about 20%.Junta de Andalucía TIC-570

    An Approach to Detection of Tampering in Water Meters

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    Meter tampering is defined as a fraudulent manipulation which implies a service that is not billed by a utility company. It is a lack of consumption control for the utility company and a main problem because they represent an important loss of income. We have developed a methodology consists of a set of three algorithms for the detection of meter tampering in the Emasesa Company (a water distribution company in Seville and one of the most important of the country). The algorithms were generated and programmed after a data mining process from the database of the company and they detect three type of consumption patterns: Progressive drops, sudden drops and abnormally low consumption. The methodology has been tested with in situ inspections of the customers of a village of the province of Seville. Once carried out the inspections by the utility, the inspectors confirmed a good success rate taking into account that the detection of this type of fraud is very difficult because it is a noninvasive technique. Besides, this type of detections is a topic that, if we take a look at the state of the art, there are few references or works.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TEC2013-40767-

    Heterogeneous data source integration for smart grid ecosystems based on metadata mining

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    The arrival of new technologies related to smart grids and the resulting ecosystem of applications andmanagement systems pose many new problems. The databases of the traditional grid and the variousinitiatives related to new technologies have given rise to many different management systems with several formats and different architectures. A heterogeneous data source integration system is necessary toupdate these systems for the new smart grid reality. Additionally, it is necessary to take advantage of theinformation smart grids provide. In this paper, the authors propose a heterogeneous data source integration based on IEC standards and metadata mining. Additionally, an automatic data mining framework isapplied to model the integrated information.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2013-40767-

    Electricity clustering framework for automatic classification of customer loads

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    Clustering in energy markets is a top topic with high significance on expert and intelligent systems. The main impact of is paper is the proposal of a new clustering framework for the automatic classification of electricity customers’ loads. An automatic selection of the clustering classification algorithm is also highlighted. Finally, new customers can be assigned to a predefined set of clusters in the classificationphase. The computation time of the proposed framework is less than that of previous classification tech- niques, which enables the processing of a complete electric company sample in a matter of minutes on a personal computer. The high accuracy of the predicted classification results verifies the performance of the clustering technique. This classification phase is of significant assistance in interpreting the results, and the simplicity of the clustering phase is sufficient to demonstrate the quality of the complete mining framework.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2013-40767-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad IDI- 2015004

    Rule-based system to detect energy efficiency anomalies in smart buildings, a data mining approach

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    The rapidly growing world energy use already has concerns over the exhaustion of energy resources andheavy environmental impacts. As a result of these concerns, a trend of green and smart cities has beenincreasing. To respond to this increasing trend of smart cities with buildings every time more complex,in this paper we have proposed a new method to solve energy inefficiencies detection problem in smartbuildings. This solution is based on a rule-based system developed through data mining techniques andapplying the knowledge of energy efficiency experts. A set of useful energy efficiency indicators is alsoproposed to detect anomalies. The data mining system is developed through the knowledge extracted bya full set of building sensors. So, the results of this process provide a set of rules that are used as a partof a decision support system for the optimisation of energy consumption and the detection of anomaliesin smart buildings.Comisión Europea FP7-28522

    Improving Knowledge-Based Systems with statistical techniques, text mining, and neural networks for non-technical loss detection

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    Currently, power distribution companies have several problems that are related to energy losses. For example, the energy used might not be billed due to illegal manipulation or a breakdown in the customer’s measurement equipment. These types of losses are called non-technical losses (NTLs), and these losses are usually greater than the losses that are due to the distribution infrastructure (technical losses). Traditionally, a large number of studies have used data mining to detect NTLs, but to the best of our knowledge, there are no studies that involve the use of a Knowledge-Based System (KBS) that is created based on the knowledge and expertise of the inspectors. In the present study, a KBS was built that is based on the knowledge and expertise of the inspectors and that uses text mining, neural networks, and statistical techniques for the detection of NTLs. Text mining, neural networks, and statistical techniques were used to extract information from samples, and this information was translated into rules, which were joined to the rules that were generated by the knowledge of the inspectors. This system was tested with real samples that were extracted from Endesa databases. Endesa is one of the most important distribution companies in Spain, and it plays an important role in international markets in both Europe and South America, having more than 73 million customers

    Increasing the Efficiency of Rule-Based Expert Systems Applied on Heterogeneous Data Sources

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    Nowadays, the proliferation of heterogeneous data sources provided by different research and innovation projects and initiatives is proliferating more and more and presents huge opportunities. These developments create an increase in the number of different data sources, which could be involved in the process of decision-making for a specific purpose, but this huge heterogeneity makes this task difficult. Traditionally, the expert systems try to integrate all information into a main database, but, sometimes, this information is not easily available, or its integration with other databases is very problematic. In this case, it is essential to establish procedures that make a metadata distributed integration for them. This process provides a “mapping” of available information, but it is only at logic level. Thus, on a physical level, the data is still distributed into several resources. In this sense, this chapter proposes a distributed rule engine extension (DREE) based on edge computing that makes an integration of metadata provided by different heterogeneous data sources, applying then a mathematical decomposition over the antecedent of rules. The use of the proposed rule engine increases the efficiency and the capability of rule-based expert systems, providing the possibility of applying these rules over distributed and heterogeneous data sources, increasing the size of data sets that could be involved in the decision-making process

    Decision system based on neural networks to optimize the energy efficiency of a petrochemical plant

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    The energy efficiency of industrial plants is an important issue in any type of business but particularly in the chemical industry. Not only is it important in order to reduce costs, but also it is necessary even more as a means of reducing the amount of fuel that gets wasted, thereby improving productivity, ensuring better product quality, and generally increasing profits. This article describes a decision system developed for optimizing the energy efficiency of a petrochemical plant. The system has been developed after a data mining process of the parameters registered in the past. The designed system carries out an optimization process of the energy efficiency of the plant based on a combined algorithm that uses the following for obtaining a solution: On the one hand, the energy efficiency of the operation points occurred in the past and, on the other hand, a module of two neural networks to obtain new interpolated operation points. Besides, the work includes a previous discriminant analysis of the variables of the plant in order to select the parameters most important in the plant and to study the behavior of the energy efficiency index. This study also helped ensure an optimal training of the neural networks. The robustness of the system as well as its satisfactory results in the testing process (an average rise in the energy efficiency of around 7%, reaching, in some cases, up to 45%) have encouraged a consulting company (ALIATIS) to implement and to integrate the decision system as a pilot software in an SCADA

    Forecasting Recharging Demand to Integrate Electric Vehicle Fleets in Smart Grids

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    Electric vehicle fleets and smart grids are two growing technologies. These technologies provided new possibilities to reduce pollution and increase energy efficiency. In this sense, electric vehicles are used as mobile loads in the power grid. A distributed charging prioritization methodology is proposed in this paper. The solution is based on the concept of virtual power plants and the usage of evolutionary computation algorithms. Additionally, the comparison of several evolutionary algorithms, genetic algorithm, genetic algorithm with evolution control, particle swarm optimization, and hybrid solution are shown in order to evaluate the proposed architecture. The proposed solution is presented to prevent the overload of the power grid

    Forecasting Recharging Demand to Integrate Electric Vehicle Fleets in Smart Grids

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    Electric vehicle fleets and smart grids are two growing technologies. These technologies provided new possibilities to reduce pollution and increase energy efficiency. In this sense, electric vehicles are used as mobile loads in the power grid. A distributed charging prioritization methodology is proposed in this paper. The solution is based on the concept of virtual power plants and the usage of evolutionary computation algorithms. Additionally, the comparison of several evolutionary algorithms, genetic algorithm, genetic algorithm with evolution control, particle swarm optimization, and hybrid solution are shown in order to evaluate the proposed architecture. The proposed solution is presented to prevent the overload of the power grid