20 research outputs found

    Mono and stereoscopic image analysis for detecting the transverse profile of worn-out rails

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    The purpose of this paper is to suggest a new procedure for reconstructing the transverse profile of rails in operation by means of image-processing technique. This methodological approach is based on the “information” contained in high-resolution photographic images of tracks and on specific algorithms which allow to obtain the exact geometric profile of the rails and therefore to measure the state of the rail-head extrados wear. The analyses and the results concern rails taken from railway lines under upgrading by means of mono- and stereoscopic methods which are appropriate to be employed in laboratory applications or in high-efficiency surveys in situ

    Microstructural dynamics of motor learning and sleep-dependent consolidation: A diffusion imaging study

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    Memory consolidation can benefit from post-learning sleep, eventually leading to long-term microstructural brain modifications to accommodate new memory representations. Non-invasive diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI) allows the observation of (micro)structural brain remodeling after time-limited motor learning. Here, we combine conventional diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI) that allows modeling dendritic and axonal complexity in gray matter to investigate with improved specificity the microstructural brain mechanisms underlying time- and sleep-dependent motor memory consolidation dynamics. Sixty-one young healthy adults underwent four DWI sessions, two sequential motor trainings, and a night of total sleep deprivation or regular sleep distributed over five days. We observed rapid-motor-learning-related remodeling in occipitoparietal, temporal, and motor-related subcortical regions, reflecting temporary dynamics in learning-related neuronal brain plasticity processes. Sleep-related consolidation seems not to exert a detectable impact on diffusion parameters, at least on the timescale of a few days

    Revised NODDI model for diffusion MRI data with multiple b-tensor encodings

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    This work proposes a revision of the NODDI model to relate brain tissue microstructure to the new generation of diffusion MRI data with multiple b-tensor encodings. NODDI was developed originally for conventional multi-shell diffusion data acquired with linear tensor encoding (LTE). While adequate for LTE data, it has been shown to be incompatible with data using spherical tensor encoding (STE). We embed a different set of assumptions in NODDI, while retaining the tortuosity constraint, to accommodate both LTE and STE data. Experiments with human data with multiple b-tensor encodings confirm the efficacy of the revision

    Apparent diffusion coefficient assessment of brain development in normal fetuses and ventriculomegaly

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    Diffusion neuro-MRI has benefited significantly from sophisticated pre-processing procedures aimed at improving image quality and diagnostic. In this work, diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) was used with artifact correction and the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) was quantified to investigate fetal brain development. The DWI protocol was designed in order to limit the acquisition time and to estimate ADC without perfusion bias. The ADC in normal fetal brains was compared to cases with isolated ventriculomegaly (VM), a common fetal disease whose DWI studies are still scarce. DWI was performed in 58 singleton fetuses (Gestational age (GA) range: 19–38w) at 1.5T. In 31 cases, VM was diagnosed on ultrasound. DW-Spin Echo EPI with b-values = 50, 200, 700 s/mm2 along three orthogonal axes was used. All images were corrected for noise, Gibbs-ringing, and motion artifacts. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) was calculated and the ADC was measured with a linear least-squared algorithm. A multi-way ANOVA was used to evaluate differences in ADC between normal and VM cases and between second and third trimester in different brain regions. Correlation between ADC and GA was assessed with linear and quadratic regression analysis. Noise and artifact correction considerably increased SNR and the goodness-of-fit. ADC measurements were significantly different between second and third trimester in centrum semiovale, frontal white matter, thalamus, cerebellum and pons of both normal and VM brains (p ≤ 0.03). ADC values were significantly different between normal and VM in centrum semiovale and frontal white matter (p ≤ 0.02). ADC values in centrum semiovale, thalamus, cerebellum and pons linearly decreased with GA both in normal and VM brains, while a quadratic relation with GA was found in basal ganglia and occipital white matter of normal brains and in frontal white matter of VM (p ≤ 0.02). ADC values in all fetal brain regions were lower than those reported in literature where DWI with b = 0 was performed. Conversely, they were in agreement with the results of other authors who measured perfusion and diffusion contributions separately. By optimizing our DWI protocol we achieved an unbiased quantification of brain ADC in reasonable scan time. Our findings suggested that ADC can be a useful biomarker of brain abnormalities associated with VM

    Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Assessment of Brain Development in Normal Fetuses and Ventriculomegaly

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    Diffusion neuro-MRI has benefited significantly from sophisticated pre-processing procedures aimed at improving image quality and diagnostic. In this work, diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) was used with artifact correction and the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) was quantified to investigate fetal brain development. The DWI protocol was designed in order to limit the acquisition time and to estimate ADC without perfusion bias. The ADC in normal fetal brains was compared to cases with isolated ventriculomegaly (VM), a common fetal disease whose DWI studies are still scarce. DWI was performed in 58 singleton fetuses (Gestational age (GA) range: 19–38w) at 1.5T. In 31 cases, VM was diagnosed on ultrasound. DW-Spin Echo EPI with b-values = 50, 200, 700 s/mm2 along three orthogonal axes was used. All images were corrected for noise, Gibbs-ringing, and motion artifacts. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) was calculated and the ADC was measured with a linear least-squared algorithm. A multi-way ANOVA was used to evaluate differences in ADC between normal and VM cases and between second and third trimester in different brain regions. Correlation between ADC and GA was assessed with linear and quadratic regression analysis. Noise and artifact correction considerably increased SNR and the goodness-of-fit. ADC measurements were significantly different between second and third trimester in centrum semiovale, frontal white matter, thalamus, cerebellum and pons of both normal and VM brains (p ≤ 0.03). ADC values were significantly different between normal and VM in centrum semiovale and frontal white matter (p ≤ 0.02). ADC values in centrum semiovale, thalamus, cerebellum and pons linearly decreased with GA both in normal and VM brains, while a quadratic relation with GA was found in basal ganglia and occipital white matter of normal brains and in frontal white matter of VM (p ≤ 0.02). ADC values in all fetal brain regions were lower than those reported in literature where DWI with b = 0 was performed. Conversely, they were in agreement with the results of other authors who measured perfusion and diffusion contributions separately. By optimizing our DWI protocol we achieved an unbiased quantification of brain ADC in reasonable scan time. Our findings suggested that ADC can be a useful biomarker of brain abnormalities associated with VM

    The gamma-parameter of anomalous diffusion quantified in human brain by MRI depends on local magnetic susceptibility differences

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    Motivated by previous results obtained in vitro, we investigated the dependence of the anomalous diffusion (AD) MRI technique on local magnetic susceptibility differences (Δχ) driven by magnetic field inhomogeneity in human brains. The AD-imaging contrast investigated here is quantified by the stretched-exponential parameter γ, extracted from diffusion weighted (DW) data collected by varying diffusion gradient strengths. We performed T2* and DW experiments in eight healthy subjects at 3.0 T. T2*-weighted images at different TEs=(10,20,35,55) ms and DW-EPI images with fourteen b-values from 0 to 5000 s/mm2 were acquired. AD-metrics and Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) parameters were compared and correlated to R2* and to Δχ values taken from literature for the gray (GM) and the white (WM) matter. Pearson's correlation test and Analysis of Variance with Bonferroni post-hoc test were used. Significant strong linear correlations were found between AD γ-metrics and R2* in both GM and WM of the human brain, but not between DTI-metrics and R2*. Depending on Δχ driven magnetic field inhomogeneity, the new contrast provided by AD-γ imaging reflects Δχ due to differences in myelin orientation and iron content within selected regions in the WM and GM, respectively. This feature of the AD-γ imaging due to the fact that γ is quantified by using MRI, may be an alternative strategy to investigate, at high magnetic fields, microstructural changes in myelin, and alterations due to iron accumulation. Possible clinical applications might be in the field of neurodegenerative diseases

    Correction of Susceptibility Distortion in EPI: A Semi-supervised Approach with Deep Learning

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    Echo planar imaging (EPI) is the most common approach for acquiring diffusion and functional MRI data due to its high temporal resolution. However, this comes at the cost of higher sensitivity to susceptibility-induced B0 field inhomogeneities around air/tissue interfaces. This leads to severe geometric distortions along the phase encoding direction (PED). To correct this distortion, the standard approach involves an analogous acquisition using an opposite PED leading to images with inverted distortions and then non-linear image registration, with a transformation model constrained along the PED, to estimate the voxel-wise shift that undistorts the image pair and generates a distortion-free image. With conventional image registration approaches, this type of processing is computationally intensive. Recent advances in unsupervised deep learning-based approaches to image registration have been proposed to drastically reduce the computational cost of this task. However, they rely on maximizing an intensity-based similarity measure, known to be suboptimal surrogate measures of image alignment. To address this limitation, we propose a semi-supervised deep learning algorithm that directly leverages ground truth spatial transformations during training. Simulated and real data experiments demonstrate improvement to distortion field recovery compared to the unsupervised approach, improvement image similarity compared to supervised approach and precision similar to TOPUP but with much faster processing