64 research outputs found

    Detecting regularities in soccer dynamics : a T-pattern approach

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    The dynamics of play during professional soccer matches are complex phenomena that traditional approaches to the quantification of team sports are not fully able to identify. The aim of this study was to detect such dynamics through an analysis of temporal patterns. In particular, the objective was to reveal the hidden yet stable structures which underlie the interactive situations that determine the attack actions of play in soccer. The methodological approach is based on observational design, supported by digital recordings and computer analysis. Data were analyzed with Theme 6 beta software, which detects the temporal and sequential structure of data sets, revealing repeated patterns that may regularly or irregularly occur within a period of observation. Theme detected many temporal patterns (T-patterns) in the soccer matches analyzed. Striking differences were found when won and lost matches were compared. The number of pattern occurrences and the number of different T-patterns detected was greater for lost matches and lower for the won matches, whereas the number of events coded was similar. Theme software and T-pattern enhance research opportunities by moving further than frequency-based analysis of performance, making this method an effective research and support tool for sports analysis. Our results indicate a need for further investigation upon the possible links between temporal structure detection and human observations in soccer performance. This approach could assist both soccer teams' staff and coaches in obtaining a greater understanding of game dynamics, providing information that current methods may overlook or not detect at all.La dinámica del juego en partidos de fútbol profesional es un fenómeno complejo que no ha estado resuelto de forma óptima a través de las vías tradicionales que han pretendido la cuantificación en deportes de equipo. El objetivo de este estudio es el de detectar la dinámica existente mediante un análisis de patrones temporales. Específicamente, se pretenden revelar las estructuras ocultas pero estables que subyacen a las situaciones interactivas que determinan las acciones de ataque en el fútbol. El planteamiento metodológico se basa en un diseño observacional, y con apoyo de registros digitales y análisis informatizados. Los datos se analizaron mediante el programa Theme 6 beta, el cual permite detectar la estructura temporal y secuencial de las series de datos, poniendo de manifiesto patrones que regular o irregularmente ocurren repetidamente en un período de observación. El Theme ha detectado muchos patrones temporales (T-patterns) en los partidos de fútbol analizados. Se hallaron notables diferencias entre los partidos ganados y perdidos. El número de distintos T-patterns detectados fue mayor para los partidos perdidos, y menor para los ganados, mientras que el número de eventos codificados fue similar. El programa Theme y los T-patterns mejoran las posibilidades investigadoras respecto a un análisis de rendimiento basado en la frecuencia, y hacen que esta metodología sea eficaz para la investigación y constituya un apoyo procedimental en el análisis del deporte.Nuestros resultados indican que se requieren posteriores investigaciones relativas a posibles conexiones entre la detección de estas estructuras temporales y las observaciones humanas respecto al rendimiento en el fútbol. Este planteamiento sería un apoyo tanto para los miembros de los equipos como para los entrenadores, permitiendo alcanzar una mejor comprensión de la dinámica del juego y aportando una información que no ofrecen los métodos tradicionales. A dinâmica do jogo em competições de futebol de competição é um fenómeno complexo que não é abordado de forma suficiente através das vias tradicionais que se pretendem na qualificação em desportos de equipa. O objectivo deste estudo é detectar a dinâmica existente mediante uma análise de padrões temporais. Especificamente, pretende-se revelar as estructuras ocultas mas estáveis subjacentes às situações interactivas que determinam as acções de ataque no futebol. O planeamento metodológico baseia-se no delineamento observacional, a registos digitais e a análises informatizadas. Os dados foram analisados mediante o programa Theme 6 beta, o qual permite detectar a estrutura temporal e sequencial das séries de dados, pondo em relevo padrões que regular ou irregularmente ocorrem repetidamente num período de observação. O Theme detectou vários padrões temporais (padrões-T) nos jogos de futebol analisados. Verificaram-se notáveis diferenças entre os jogos ganhos e perdidos. O número de distintos padrões-T detectados foi maior para os jogos perdidos, e menor para os ganhos, enquanto que o número de eventos codificados foi semelhante. O programa Theme e os padrões-T melhoram as possibilidades de investigação a respeito da análise de rendimento baseada na frequência, fazendo com que esta metodologia seja eficaz para a investigação e se constitua como um suporte procedimental na análise desportiva. Os resultados obtidos requerem posteriores investigações relativas às possíveis conexões entre a detecção destas estruturas temporais e as observações humanas relativas ao rendimento no futebol. Este planeamento seria um suporte tanto para os membros das equipas como para os treinadores, permitindo alcançar uma melhor compreensão da dinâmica de jogo e fornecendo informação que não se obtém através dos métodos tradicionais

    Detection and Selection of Behavioral Patterns Using Theme: A Concrete Example in Grassroots Soccer

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    Observational methodology provides a rigorous yet flexible framework for capturing behaviors over time to allow for the performance of subsequent diachronic analyses of the data captured. Theme is a specialized software program that detects hidden temporal behavioral patterns (T-patterns) within data sets. It is increasingly being used to analyze performance in soccer and other sports. The aim of this study was to show how to select and interpret T-patterns generated by the application of three “quantitative” sort options in Theme and three “qualitative” filters established by the researchers. These will be used to investigate whether 7-a-side (F7) or 8-a-side (F8) soccer is best suited to the learning and skills development needs of 7- and 8-year-old male soccer players. The information contained in the T-patterns generated allowed us to characterize patterns of play in children in this age group. For both formats, we detected technical-tactical behaviors showing that children of this age have difficulty with first-touch actions and controlling the ball after a throw-in. We also found that ball control followed by a pass or a shot at the goal are common in the central corridor of the pitch. Further, depth of play is achieved by ball control, followed by dribbling and a pass or shot. In F8, we saw that depth of play was achieved through ball control, followed by dribbling and passing of one or more opponents leading to a pass or shot. However, in F7, we saw that players succeeded in advancing from their goal area to the rival goal area through a sequence of actions.Secretaria de Estado de Investigacion, Desarrollo e Innovacion del Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad DEP2015-66069-P Avances metodologicos y tecnologicos en el estudio observacional del comportamiento deportivo (Secretaria de Estado de Investigacion, Desarrollo e Innovacion del Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad) PSI2015-71947-REDT University of La RiojaPeer Reviewe

    El sistema de puntuación de acumulación-desacumulación a través del juego triádico y su mensaje pedagógico

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    The scoring system based on accumulation-decumulation involves a transfer in the teams scoring. It is confirmed in the triad game studied the ambivalent effect of motor situations and how it reduces the differences between the teams that revert to the scoring system. The analysis was carried out through the role frequencies, performance rate, throughout three moments during the development of the game; in addition, a T-Patterns analysis was applied to find out the differences through the T-Patterns. A parallel reflection was established about the social message and the pedagogical repercussion which emanates from the studied scoring system.El sistema de puntuación basado en la acumulación-desacumulación comporta un trasiego en la puntuación de los equipos. En el juego de tríada estudiado se confirma el efecto ambivalente de las situaciones motrices y cómo reduce las diferencias entre los equipos que revierten en el marcador. El análisis se realiza a través de la frecuencia de roles, tasa de actuación, y todo ello en tres momentos del desarrollo del juego; además, se aplica una prueba T-Patterns, para conocer las diferencias a través de los patrones temporales. Se establece una reflexión paralela acerca del mensaje social y la repercusión pedagógica que emana del sistema de puntuación estudiado

    Gender Differences in Strategic Behavior in a Triadic Persecution Motor Game Identified Through an Observational Methodology

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    Publisher's version (útgefin grein)The main objective of the work is to address the effective behavior of girls and boys through Triadic Motor Games (TMG). A chasing game “The Maze” was applied on two class groups with a total of 42 players, 18 girls, and 24 boys, who were 12- and 13-year-old secondary school students. An observational methodology was adopted, with a nomothetic, punctual, and multidimensional design. We used a mixed registry system that two expert observers later applied through an observational methodology, obtaining sufficient record-quality levels. THEME was applied to detect temporary regularities, while cross-tabulations and growth trees were applied with the SPSS v.24 tool to reveal whether girls and boys played in similar or distinct ways. The fact that the specific decision groups within the physical education class are different for girls and boys (p < 0.005) is worth reflecting on. The game’s TMG complexity was addressed through roles and subroles, giving rise to a certain motor asymmetry in relation to gender, which is an expression of behaviors lacking in playful neutrality. Through a mixed-methods approach, a study was built using observational methodology that reveals more varied motor solutions in girls, while male behavior showed greater specialization of roles and subroles, and the linkage of these solutions with the favorable modification of the marker. Identifying relevant variables when playing TMG allows a better understanding of girls and boys by analyzing their relationships, which are sometimes paradoxical, in a practical context.Peer Reviewe

    Kinesics and proxemics communication of expert and novice PE teachers

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    The aim of the study is to analyse the sequential paraverbal communication used while teaching by expert and novice PE teachers. Four expert and four novice teachers were observed using a coding scheme of paraverbal behavior. The detection of temporal patterns using Theme v.5 enabled sequential analyses of paraverbal behaviour. The results indicate that compared to expert teachers, novice teachers used a greater number of gestures and did not always make effective use of the teaching space. Their gestures were also less qualitative in nature as they did not take full advantage of the communicative possibilities offered by some of the gestures analyse

    Observational Analysis of the Organization of On-Task Behavior in the Classroom Using Complementary Data Analyses

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the organization of on-task behavior in the classroom. Four observational methodology techniques T-pattern detection, lag sequential analysis, trend analysis, and polar coordinate analysis were used to study the organization of on-task and off-task behavioral patterns during class time in a primary school setting. The specific objective was to detect and explore relationships between on-task behavior and different social interaction categories in relation to the actual distribution of activities in a real-life classroom setting. The study was conducted using the behavioral observation system for social interaction SOC-IS and the software programs Theme (version 6, Edu), SDIS-GSEQ (version 4.1.2), HOISAN (version 1.6), and STATGRAPHICS (version 6). We describe the results obtained for the four techniques and discuss the methodological implications of combining complementary techniques in a single study

    Detection and selection of behavioral patterns using Theme: a concrete example in grassroots soccer

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    Observational methodology provides a rigorous yet flexible framework for capturing behaviors over time to allow for the performance of subsequent diachronic analyses of the data captured. Theme is a specialized software program that detects hidden temporal behavioral patterns (T-patterns) within data sets. It is increasingly being used to analyze performance in soccer and other sports. The aim of this study was to show how to select and interpret T-patterns generated by the application of three "quantitative" sort options in Theme and three "qualitative" filters established by the researchers. These will be used to investigate whether 7-a-side (F7) or 8-a-side (F8) soccer is best suited to the learning and skills development needs of 7- and 8-year-old male soccer players. The information contained in the T-patterns generated allowed us to characterize patterns of play in children in this age group. For both formats, we detected technical-tactical behaviors showing that children of this age have difficulty with first-touch actions and controlling the ball after a throw-in. We also found that ball control followed by a pass or a shot at the goal are common in the central corridor of the pitch. Further, depth of play is achieved by ball control, followed by dribbling and a pass or shot. In F8, we saw that depth of play was achieved through ball control, followed by dribbling and passing of one or more opponents leading to a pass or shot. However, in F7, we saw that players succeeded in advancing from their goal area to the rival goal area through a sequence of actions

    T-patterns analysis in soccer games: Relationship between time and attack actions

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    Sports performance consists of a multiple series of strategies that tend to follow one another. Performance analysis in team sports is usually focused on primary (fundamental skill execution), secondary (scoring) and tertiary (match result) outcomes. While there is general agreement over measuring secondary and tertiary outcomes, literature does not show a unanimous agreement over a unique measure of the primary level of performance. 'e aim of this study was to investigate primary performance outcomes through an analysis of temporal patterns. In particular, we were interested in verifying if changes in tertiary performance outcomes may be related to changes in primary ones. We selected three soccer matches played by a top club during the Serie A league over the 2012-2013 season in which there was a change in match result between *rst and second half (tertiary level of performance). 'e methodological approach was based on observational design, supported by digital recordings and computer analysis. Data were analyzed with 'eme 6 beta software, which detects the temporal and sequential structure of datasets, revealing repeated patterns that may regularly or irregularly occur within a period of observation (Tpatterns). Striking di+erences were found comparing *rst and second half temporal patterns, especially when the *nal match outcome showed an improvement of the *rst half 's one. Our results suggest that 'eme software and T-pattern enhance research opportunities by identifying a useful tool to study the link between primary and tertiary level of performance, making this an e+ective research and support instrument for sports analysis