271 research outputs found

    Collective spin waves in arrays of Permalloy nanowires with single-side periodically modulated width

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    We have experimentally and numerically investigated the dispersion of collective spin waves prop-agating through arrays of longitudinally magnetized nanowires with periodically modulated width. Two nanowire arrays with single-side modulation and different periodicity of modulation were studied and compared to the nanowires with homogeneous width. The spin-wave dispersion, meas-ured up to the third Brillouin zone of the reciprocal space, revealed the presence of two dispersive modes for the width-modulated NWs, whose amplitude of magnonic band depends on the modula-tion periodicity, and a set of nondispersive modes at higher frequency. These findings are different from those observed in homogeneous width NWs where only the lowest mode exhibits sizeable dis-persion. The measured spin-wave dispersion has been satisfactorily reproduced by means of dynam-ical matrix method. Results presented in this work are important in view of the possible realization of frequency tunable magnonic device

    Brillouin light scattering studies of planar metallic magnonic crystals

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    The application of Brillouin light scattering to the study of the spin-wave spectrum of one- and two-dimensional planar magnonic crystals consisting of arrays of interacting stripes, dots and antidots is reviewed. It is shown that the discrete set of allowed frequencies of an isolated nanoelement becomes a finite-width frequency band for an array of identical interacting elements. It is possible to tune the permitted and forbidden frequency bands, modifying the geometrical or the material magnetic parameters, as well as the external magnetic field. From a technological point of view, the accurate fabrication of planar magnonic crystals and a proper understanding of their magnetic excitation spectrum in the GHz range is oriented to the design of filters and waveguides for microwave communication systems

    Metabolic reprogramming of murine cardiomyocytes during autophagy requires the extracellular nutrient sensor decorin.

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    The extracellular matrix is a master regulator of tissue homeostasis in health and disease. Here we examined how the small, leucine-rich, extracellular matrix proteoglycan decorin regulates cardiomyocyte metabolism during fasting in vivo. First, we validated in Dcn-/- mice that decorin plays an essential role in autophagy induced by fasting. High-Throughput metabolomics analyses of cardiac tissue in Dcn-/- mice subjected to fasting revealed striking differences in the hexosamine biosynthetic pathway resulting in aberrant cardiac O-β-N-Acetylglycosylation as compared with WT mice. Functionally, Dcn-/- mice maintained cardiac function at a level comparable with nonfasted animals whereas fasted WT mice showed reduced ejection fraction. Collectively, our results suggest that reduced sensing of nutrient deprivation in the absence of decorin preempts functional adjustments of cardiac output associated with metabolic reprogramming. © 2018 Gubbiotti et al

    EH-DPD: a dissipative particle dynamics approach to electrohydrodynamics

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    Abstract: Electrohydrodynamics is crucial in many nanofluidic and biotechnological applications. In such small scales, the complexity due to the coupling of fluid dynamics with the dynamics of ions is increased by the relevance of thermal fluctuations. Here, we present a mesoscale method based on the Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD) model of the fluid. Two scalar quantities, corresponding to the number of positive and negative ions carried by each DPD particle, are added to the standard DPD formulation. We introduced a general framework that, given the definition of the free-energy of the DPD particle, allows to derive a fluctuation-dissipation relation and the expression for ionic fluxes between the DPD particles. This provides a link between the dynamics of the system and its equilibrium properties. The model is then validated simulating a planar electroosmotic flow for the cases of overlapping and non overlapping electric double layers. It is shown that using a Van der Waals equation of state the effect of ionic finite size can be accounted, leading to significant effects on the concentration and velocity profiles with respect to the ideal solution case. Graphic abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]

    Polarization proximity effect in isolator crystal pairs

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    We experimentally studied the polarization dynamics (orientation and ellipticity) of near infrared light transmitted through magnetooptic Yttrium Iron Garnet crystal pairs using a modified balanced detection scheme. When the pair separation is in the sub-millimeter range, we observed a proximity effect in which the saturation field is reduced by up to 20%. 1D magnetostatic calculations suggest that the proximity effect originates from magnetostatic interactions between the dipole moments of the isolator crystals. This substantial reduction of the saturation field is potentially useful for the realization of low-power integrated magneto-optical devices.Comment: submitted to Optics Letter

    The efficacy and safety of duloxetine in a multidrug regimen for chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome.

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    OBJECTIVE To evaluate the efficacy and safety of duloxetine hydrochloride in the treatment of patients affected by chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS). METHODS Thirty-eight CP/CPPS patients completed the National Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) and International Index of Erectile Function-Erectile Function-5 (IIEF-5) questionnaires, uroflowmetry, and evaluation of psychologic status using Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAM-A) and Hamilton Depression Scale (HAM-D). Patients were randomly assigned to 2 treatments groups. Treatment in group 1 consisted of a simultaneous oral administration of tamsulosin (0.4 mg/d, 60 mg/d), saw palmetto (320 mg/d), and duloxetine (60 mg/d). Treatment in group 2 consisted of tamsulosin (0.4 mg/d) and saw palmetto (320 mg/d). NIH-CPSI and IIEF-5 questionnaires, uroflowmetry, and evaluation of the psychological status were repeated at 16 weeks of follow-up. RESULTS At 16 weeks, a significant improvement in NIH-CPSI pain subscore, NIH-CPSI quality of life subscore, and NIH-CPSI total score were observed in group 1 patients compared with those in group 2 (P <.01, respectively), together with a significant improvement in HAM-A and HAM-D scores (P <.01, respectively). Patients in group 2 showed a significant improvement in NIH-CPSI total score, in the urinary symptoms subscore, and in the HAM-A total score. No significant differences were observed in IIEF-5 scores in the 2 groups. Maximum flow rate significantly increased in both groups. In group 1, 20% of patients stopped the study due to adverse effects. CONCLUSION The use of duloxetine in a multimodal treatment with an alpha-blocker medication and a saw palmetto extract allowed better results in controlling clinical symptoms, psychologic status and quality of life patients affected by CP/CPPS

    Non-genetic factors affecting hunting ability in italian maremma scent hound

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    This study aimed to evaluate the effect of four non-genetic factors (sex, coat colour, competition judges, type of trial) on the five hunting traits (search, approach, tracking of prey, standstill barking and physical skills) used to estimate the aptitude for wild boar hunt in Italian Maremma Scent Hound. A total of 1147 dogs (734 males, 399 females, and 14 not sexed dogs) were evaluated in competitions held in North-Central Italy, from 2010 to 2011. Dogs were tested as individuals, pairs and packs. Coat colour had no effect on the five tested traits. A significant difference (p&lt;0.01) between males and females was observed only for search. Type of trial had a significant effect (p&lt;0.01) on all the five hunting traits. Judges factor was significant (p&lt;0.01) for physical skills and barking remaining firm in place. A significant positive phenotypic correlation was observed among tracking of prey, approach and physical skills (p&lt;0.01). Approach and physical skills were positively correlated with approach (p&lt;0.05) and tracking of prey (p&lt;0.01). Search was negatively correlated with all the other four, whereas standstill barking showed no correlation with any traits. These data are the basis to improve our knowledge about the values of variability in considered hunting traits and they provide genetic criteria to the breeders to achieve more stringent selective choices

    Reprogrammable magnonic band structure of layered Permalloy/Cu/Permalloy nanowires

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    Reprogrammability of magnonic band structure in layered Permalloy/Cu/Permalloy nanowires is demonstrated to depend on the relative orientation of the two layers magnetization. By using Brillouin light spectroscopy, we show that when the layers are aligned parallel two dispersive modes, with positive and negative group velocity, are observed while when the magnetic layers are aligned anti-parallel, only one dispersive mode, with positive group velocity, is detected. Our findings are successfully compared and interpreted in terms of a microscopic (Hamiltonian-based) method. An explanation for the observed behavior can be attributed to mode-mixing (or hybridization) effect when the two magnetic layers are aligned anti-parallel. This work opens the path to magnetic field-controlled reconfigurable magnonic crystals with multi-modal frequency transmission characteristics

    Collective modes for an array of magnetic dots in the vortex state

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    The dispersion relations for collective magnon modes for square-planar arrays of vortex-state magnetic dots, having closure magnetic flux are calculated. The array dots have no direct contact between each other, and the sole source of their interaction is the magnetic dipolar interaction. The magnon formalism using Bose operators along with translational symmetry of the lattice, with the knowledge of mode structure for the isolated dot, allows the diagonalization of the system Hamiltonian giving the dispersion relation. Arrays of vortex-state dots show a large variety of collective mode properties, such as positive or negative dispersion for different modes. For their description, not only dipolar interaction of effective magnetic dipoles, but non-dipolar terms common to higher multipole interaction in classical electrodynamics can be important. The dispersion relation is shown to be non-analytic as the value of the wavevector approaches zero for all dipolar active modes of the single dot. For vortex-state dots the interdot interaction is not weak, because, the dynamical part (in contrast to the static magnetization of the vortex state) dot does not contain the small parameter, the ratio of vortex core size to the dot radius. This interaction can lead to qualitative effects like the formation of modes of angular standing waves instead of modes with definite azimuthal number known for the insolated vortex state dot