344 research outputs found

    Motion of a Solitonic Vortex in the BEC-BCS Crossover

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    We observe a long-lived solitary wave in a superfluid Fermi gas of 6^6Li atoms after phase-imprinting. Tomographic imaging reveals the excitation to be a solitonic vortex, oriented transverse to the long axis of the cigar-shaped atom cloud. The precessional motion of the vortex is directly observed, and its period is measured as a function of the chemical potential in the BEC-BCS crossover. The long period and the correspondingly large ratio of the inertial to the bare mass of the vortex are in good agreement with estimates based on superfluid hydrodynamics that we derive here using the known equation of state in the BEC-BCS crossover

    Interpretación constitucional: El cambio de la Doctrina Tradicional de la función jurisdiccional en el Estado Constitucional.

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    The paper analyses changes in constitutional interpretation since the postwar constitutional paradigm. Specifically, focuses on interpretation of human rights and changes with the traditional view of the jurisdictional function. El trabajo aborda la problemática de la interpretación constitucional desde un aspecto de neoconstitucionalismo metodológico, en el que da cuenta de un cambio en la función jurisdiccional, de manera específica, cuando realizan interpretación en materia de Derechos Humano

    Pedagogía de las emociones: Las potencialidades de la enseñanza afectiva en un entorno urbano marginal

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    El maestro debe contextualizar su enseñanza en todo momento atendiendo las características particulares de su materia prima, los alumnos. El contexto urbano marginal exige al docente de una adaptación inmediata para salir avante ante las dificultades que se presentan en tal contexto. Por lo anterior, en este trabajo se pretende dar a conocer como una enseñanza afectiva puede coadyuvar a superar la problemática presente y se recomiendan algunas estrategias pedagógicas que los docentes pueden utilizar y que pueden ser un aliciente para los alumnos a permanecer en la escuela contrarrestando las adversidades propias del entorno. También se plantea la idea de potencializar los aprendizajes y habilidades de los estudiantes mediante una pedagogía afectiva, basada en relaciones significativas

    Use of serology in a systematic screening programme for strongyloidiasis in an immigrant population

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    Objectives: The aim of this cross-sectional study was to describe the results of a systematic serological screening programme for strongyloidiasis. Methods: Aprospective serological screeningprogramme for strongyloidiasis wasperformedbetween2009 and2014 for allimmigrantpatients attending theTropicalMedicineUnit. Three formalin-etherconcentrated stool samples and an ELISA for anti-Strongyloides stercoralis antibodies were used as screening tools. Results: Of 659 patients screened, 79 (12%) were positive for S. stercoralis regardless of the diagnostic method used. The prevalence of infection was 42.9% in East African patients, 16.3% in Central African patients,10.9% in those fromSouthAmerica, and 10% in the case ofWestAfrica. Univariate analysis showed thatinfection by S. stercoralis was significantly more frequentinpatients from CentralAfrica (p = 0.026; OR 1.72, 95% CI 1.03–2.85) and East Africa (p<0.001; OR 5.88, 95% CI 1.75–19.32). Taking West Africa as the reference (as the area of lowest prevalence among the positive prevalence areas), the statistical analysis showed that the risk of infection was higher in East Africa (p = 0.001; OR 6.750, 95% CI 2.127–21.423) and Central Africa (p = 0.065; OR 1.747, 95% CI 0.965–3.163). Conclusions: Due to the potential complications of strongyloidiasis infection, we recommend that immigrantpatients fromdevelopingcountriesbe routinelyscreenedfor S. stercoralis, especiallythose from East Africa. A serological test is a highly appropriate screening tool

    A High Docosahexaenoic Acid Diet Alters the Lung Inflammatory Response to Acute Dust Exposure

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    Agricultural workers are at risk for the development of acute and chronic lung diseases due to their exposure to organic agricultural dusts. A diet intervention using the omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) has been shown to be an effective therapeutic approach for alleviating a dust-induced inflammatory response. We thus hypothesized a high-DHA diet would alter the dust-induced inflammatory response through the increased production of specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs). Mice were pre-treated with a DHA-rich diet 4 weeks before being intranasally challenged with a single dose of an extract made from dust collected from a concentrated swine feeding operation (HDE). This omega-3-fatty-acid-rich diet led to reduced arachidonic acid levels in the blood, enhanced macrophage recruitment, and increased the production of the DHA-derived SPM Resolvin D1 (RvD1) in the lung following HDE exposure. An assessment of transcript-level changes in the immune response demonstrated significant differences in immune pathway activation and alterations of numerous macrophage-associated genes among HDE-challenged mice fed a high DHA diet. Our data indicate that consuming a DHA-rich diet leads to the enhanced production of SPMs during an acute inflammatory challenge to dust, supporting a role for dietary DHA supplementation as a potential therapeutic strategy for reducing dust-induced lung inflammation

    Diretrizes de boas práticas para a transcrição de amostras de fala de crianças na prática clínica e investigação

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    Introdução: Na avaliação de crianças com alterações de produção dos sons da fala, o terapeuta da fala recolhe uma amostra do discurso e concretiza a transcrição fonética para proceder à análise das características e especificidades de produção. Os procedimentos de transcrição não são uniformes entre terapeutas da fala. Em Portugal, não existe evidência de diretrizes que sustentem o processo de transcrição fonética do discurso. Objetivo: Desenvolvimento de um guião de transcrição fonética do discurso, para o Português Europeu, a ser utilizado pelos terapeutas da fala. Metodologia: Adaptação transcultural das Good practice guidelines for the transcription of children’s speech in clinical practice and research (2017) cumprindo com as seis etapas defendidas por Beaton et. al. (2000). Resultados: Foram cumpridas as seis etapas que permitiram a tradução, adaptação e validação para o Português Europeu do guião de procedimentos de transcrição fonética do discurso, uniformizado e padronizado para o uso dos terapeutas da fala. Conclusão: As Diretrizes de boas práticas para a transcrição de amostras de fala de crianças na prática clínica e investigação são uma mais-valia na prática clínica do terapeuta da fala em Portugal, nas áreas da avaliação e investigação, ao nível dos sons da fala.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio