596 research outputs found

    Biomimetic Hierarchically Arranged Nanofibrous Structures Resembling the Architecture and the Passive Mechanical Properties of Skeletal Muscles: A Step Forward Toward Artificial Muscle

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    Skeletal muscles are considered to date the best existing actuator in nature thanks to their hierarchical multiscale fibrous structure capable to enhance their strength and contractile performances. In recent years, driven by the growing of the soft robotics and tissue-engineering research field, many biomimetic soft actuators and scaffolds were designed by taking inspiration from the biological skeletal muscle. In this work we used the electrospinning technique to develop a hierarchically arranged nanofibrous structure resembling the morphology and passive biomechanical properties of skeletal muscles. To mimic the passive properties of muscle, a low-modulus polyurethane was used. Several electrospun structures (mats, bundles, and a muscle-like assembly) were produced with different internal 3D arrangements of the nanofibers. A thermal characterization through thermogravimetric and differential scanning calorimetry analysis investigated the physico-chemical properties of the material. The multiscale morphological similarities with the biological counterpart were verified by means of scanning electron microscopy investigation. The tensile tests on the different electrospun samples revealed that the muscle-like assembly presented slightly higher strength and stiffness compared to the skeletal muscle ones. Moreover, mathematical models of the mechanical behavior of the nanofibrous structures were successfully developed, allowing to better investigate the relationships between structure and mechanics of the samples. The promising results suggest the suitability of this hierarchical electrospun nanofibrous structure for applications in regenerative medicine and, if combined with active materials, in soft actuators for robotic

    Deterministic and stochastic chaos characterize laboratory earthquakes

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    We analyze frictional motion for a laboratory fault as it passes through the stability transition from stable sliding to unstable motion. We study frictional stick-slip events, which are the lab equivalent of earthquakes, via dynamical system tools in order to retrieve information on the underlying dynamics and to assess whether there are dynamical changes associated with the transition from stable to unstable motion. We find that the seismic cycle exhibits characteristics of a low-dimensional system with average dimension similar to that of natural slow earthquakes (<5). We also investigate local properties of the attractor and find maximum instantaneous dimension ≳10, indicating that some regions of the phase space require a high number of degrees of freedom (dofs). Our analysis does not preclude deterministic chaos, but the lab seismic cycle is best explained by a random attractor based on rate- and state-dependent friction whose dynamics is stochastically perturbed. We find that minimal variations of 0.05% of the shear and normal stresses applied to the experimental fault influence the large-scale dynamics and the recurrence time of labquakes. While complicated motion including period doubling is observed near the stability transition, even in the fully unstable regime we do not observe truly periodic behavior. Friction's nonlinear nature amplifies small scale perturbations, reducing the predictability of the otherwise periodic macroscopic dynamics. As applied to tectonic faults, our results imply that even small stress field fluctuations (≲150 kPa) can induce coefficient of variations in earthquake repeat time of a few percent. Moreover, these perturbations can drive an otherwise fast-slipping fault, close to the critical stability condition, into a mixed behavior involving slow and fast ruptures

    The pulsed electron deposition technique for biomedical applications: A review

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    The "pulsed electron deposition" (PED) technique, in which a solid target material is ablated by a fast, high-energy electron beam, was initially developed two decades ago for the deposition of thin films of metal oxides for photovoltaics, spintronics, memories, and superconductivity, and dielectric polymer layers. Recently, PED has been proposed for use in the biomedical field for the fabrication of hard and soft coatings. The first biomedical application was the deposition of low wear zirconium oxide coatings on the bearing components in total joint replacement. Since then, several works have reported the manufacturing and characterization of coatings of hydroxyapatite, calcium phosphate substituted (CaP), biogenic CaP, bioglass, and antibacterial coatings on both hard (metallic or ceramic) and soft (plastic or elastomeric) substrates. Due to the growing interest in PED, the current maturity of the technology and the low cost compared to other commonly used physical vapor deposition techniques, the purpose of this work was to review the principles of operation, the main applications, and the future perspectives of PED technology in medicine

    Influence of biological matrix and artificial electrospun scaffolds on proliferation, differentiation and trophic factor synthesis of rat embryonic stem cells.

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    Abstract Two-dimensional vs three-dimensional culture conditions, such as the presence of extracellular matrix components, could deeply influence the cell fate and properties. In this paper we investigated proliferation, differentiation, survival, apoptosis, growth and neurotrophic factor synthesis of rat embryonic stem cells (RESCs) cultured in 2D and 3D conditions generated using Cultrex® Basement Membrane Extract (BME) and in poly-( l -lactic acid) (PLLA) electrospun sub-micrometric fibres. It is demonstrated that, in the absence of other instructive stimuli, growth, differentiation and paracrine activity of RESCs are directly affected by the different microenvironment provided by the scaffold. In particular, RESCs grown on an electrospun PLLA scaffolds coated or not with BME have a higher proliferation rate, higher production of bioactive nerve growth factor (NGF) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) compared to standard 2D conditions, lasting for at least 2 weeks. Due to the high mechanical flexibility of PLLA electrospun scaffolds, the PLLA/stem cell culture system offers an interesting potential for implantable neural repair devices

    The 2006 hot phase of Romano's star (GR 290) in M33

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    Understanding the nature of the instabilities of LBVs is important to understand the late evolutionary stages of very massive stars. We investigate the long term, S Dor-type variability of the luminous blue variable GR290 (Romano's star) in M33, and its 2006 minimum phase. New spectroscopic and photometric data taken in November and December 2006 were employed in conjunction with already published data on GR290 to derive the physical structure of GR290 in different phases and the time scale of the variability. We find that by the end of 2006, GR 290 had reached the deepest visual minimum so far recorded. Its present spectrum resembles closely that of the Of/WN9 stars, and is the hottest so far recorded in this star (and in any LBV as well), while its visual brightness decreased by about 1.4 mag. This first spectroscopic record of GR290 during a minimum phase confirms that, similarly to AG Car and other LBVs, the star is subject to ample S Dor-type variations, being hotter at minimum, suggesting that the variations take place at constant bolometric luminosity.Comment: 4 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    Production of polyhydroxybutyrate by the cyanobacterium cf. Anabaena sp

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    Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) production by the cyanobacterium cf. Anabaena sp. was here studied by varying the medium composition and the carbon source used to induce mixotrophic growth conditions. The highest PHB productivity (0.06 gPHB gbiomass−1 d−1) was observed when cultivating cf. Anabaena sp. in phosphorus-free medium and in the presence of sodium acetate (5.0 g L−1 concentration), after an incubation period of 7 days. A content of 40% of PHB on biomass, a dry weight of 0.1 g L−1, and a photosynthetic efficiency equal to the control were obtained. The cyanobacterium was then grown on a larger scale (10 L) to evaluate the characteristics of the produced PHB in relation to the main composition of the biomass (the content of proteins, polysaccharides, and lipids): after an incubation period of 7 days, a content of 6% of lipids (52% of which as unsaturated fatty acids with 18 carbon atoms), 12% of polysaccharides, 28% of proteins, and 46% of PHB was reached. The extracted PHB had a molecular weight of 3 MDa and a PDI of 1.7. These promising results demonstrated that cf. Anabaena sp. can be included among the Cyanobacteria species able to produce polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) either in photoautotrophic or mixotrophic conditions, especially when it is grown under phosphorus-free conditions

    GR 290 (Romano's Star): 2. Light history and evolutionary state

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    We have built the historical light curve of the luminous variable GR 290 back to 1901, from old observations of the star found in several archival plates of M 33. These old recordings together with published and new data show that for at least half a century the star was in a low luminosity state, with B ~18. After 1960, five large variability cycles of visual luminosity were recorded. The amplitude of the oscillations was seen increasing towards the 1992-1994 maximum, then decreasing during the last maxima. The recent light curve indicates that the photometric variations have been quite similar in all the bands, and that the B-V color index has been constant within +/-0.1 m despite the 1.5m change of the visual luminosity. The spectrum of GR 290 at the large maximum of 1992-94, was equivalent to late-B type, while, during 2002-2014, it has varied between WN10h-11h near the visual maxima to WN8h-9h at the luminosity minima. We have detected, during this same period, a clear anti-correlation between the visual luminosity, the strength of the HeII 4686 A emission line, the strength of the 4600-4700 A lines blend and the spectral type. From a model analysis of the spectra collected during the whole 2002-2014 period we find that the Rosseland radius R_{2/3}, changed between the minimum and maximum luminosity phases by a factor of 3, while T_eff varied between about 33,000 K and 23,000 K. The bolometric luminosity of the star was not constant, but increased by a factor of ~1.5 between minimum and maximum luminosity, in phase with the apparent luminosity variations. In the light of current evolutionary models of very massive stars, we find that GR 290 has evolved from a ~60 M_Sun progenitor star and should have an age of about 4 million years. We argue that it has left the LBV stage and is moving to a Wolf-Rayet stage of late nitrogen spectral type.Comment: Accepted on The Astronomical Journal, 10 figures. Replaced because the previous uploaded file was that without the final small corrections requested by the refere