13 research outputs found

    Eosinophilic Enteritis: A Delayed Diagnosis

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    Treatment of Acral Persistent Papular Mucinosis with Electrocoagulation

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    Background: Acral persistent papular mucinosis is a rare localized form of lichen myxedematosus with few case reports and no documented therapeutic options.Objective: To report full resolution of acral persistent papular mucinosis after electrocoagulation.Methods: Case report of a 51-year-old white female diagnosed with an acral persistent papular mucinosis. The clinical and histopathologic features, treatment provided, and response to treatment are detailed.Results: Acral persistent papular mucinosis presented as multiple asymptomatic normochromic papules on the wrists. Treatment with topical and intralesional steroids was unsatisfactory. Gentle electrocoagulation led to complete resolution of the lesions and negligible scarring. The favorable results remained for 6 months of follow-up, and no new lesions have emerged.Conclusion: Our case of acral persistent papular mucinosis was successfully treated with electrocoagulation and long-lasting, excellent cosmetic results

    Safety assessment of punching shear failure according to the level of approximation approach

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    The fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010 introduced the concept of levels of approximation (LoA) as a strategy for simplifying the procedures involved in preliminary design stages or the design of non-critical structural elements while still providing the tools for engineers to use state-of-the-art techniques in the assessment of existing structures or in the advanced stages of design for critical structural elements. In this paper, this concept is applied to the determination of the punching shear resistance of reinforced concrete slabs. A procedure is validated for the highest LoA involving non-linear finite element analysis (NLFEA) with multi-layered shell elements and the critical shear crack theory (CSCT). The safety format proposed for use in the safety verification assisted by NLFEA is based on the definition of a global resistance safety factor. A semi-probabilistic approach is followed, based on the assumption of a lognormal distribution for the resistance and on an estimate of its coefficient of variation. This approach is validated by means of a comparison with the results from a probabilistic analysis. The LoA approach is initially applied to the study of statically determinate slabs supported on one column to verify the effectiveness of the procedure presented here compared with other validated methods available in the literature. The paper concludes with a case study illustrating the application of the proposed procedure to a bridge deck slab and highlighting the benefits of using a higher LoA

    The HEPD apparatus for the CSES mission

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    The High-Energy Particle Detector (HEPD) is one of the payloads of the CSES space mission. The HEPD is built by the Italian Limadou collaboration and has different goals. It will study the temporal stability of the inner Van Allen radiation belts, the precipitation of trapped particles in the atmosphere and the low energy component of the cosmic rays (5 - 100 MeV for electrons and 15 - 300 MeV for protons). It has been tested at the Beam Test Facility of the INFN National Laboratory of Frascati, for electrons, and at the Proton Cyclotron of Trento, for protons. Here is presented a study of the performance of the apparatus to separate electrons and protons and identify nuclei up to iron

    The hepd apparatus for the cses mission

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    The CSES (China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite) mission will investigate the structure and the dynamic of the topside ionosphere, will monitor electric and magnetic field and high energy particle fluctuations, searching for their correlations with the geophysical activity, in order to contribute to the monitoring of earthquakes from space. The High-Energy Particle Detector (HEPD) is one of the payloads of the CSES space mission, built by the Italian Limadou collaboration. Results of the test beams held at the Beam Test Facility of the INFN National Laboratory of Frascati, for electrons, and at the Proton Cyclotron of Trento, for protons, will be presented

    The HEPD apparatus for the CSES mission

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    The High-Energy Particle Detector (HEPD) is one of the payloads of the CSES space mission. The HEPD is built by the Italian Limadou collaboration and has different goals. It will study the temporal stability of the inner Van Allen radiation belts, the precipitation of trapped particles in the atmosphere and the low energy component of the cosmic rays (5-100 MeV for electrons and 15-300 MeV for protons). It has been tested at the Beam Test Facility of the INFN National Laboratory of Frascati, for electrons, and at the Proton Cyclotron of Trento, for protons. Here is presented a study of the performance of the apparatus to separate electrons and protons and identify nuclei up to iron