18 research outputs found

    Humidity-Dependent Reversible Transitions in Gold Nanoparticle Superlattices

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    The changes in interparticle spacing upon hydration and dehydration of drop-cast films of hydrophilic gold nanoparticles (GNP) have been measured in situ with nanometer resolution using WetSTEM and ESEM. These subtle variations correlate well with the corresponding changes in the optical spectra and perceived color as well as changes in the electrical conductivity of the films. AC impedance analysis allows us to differentiate between resistive and capacitive components and to evaluate how these depend on average particle spacing and the water content of the matrix, respectively. Thin films of this type are well-known structures used for development of sensors and diagnostics

    Anisotropic nanomaterials: structure, growth, assembly, and functions

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    Comprehensive knowledge over the shape of nanomaterials is a critical factor in designing devices with desired functions. Due to this reason, systematic efforts have been made to synthesize materials of diverse shape in the nanoscale regime. Anisotropic nanomaterials are a class of materials in which their properties are direction-dependent and more than one structural parameter is needed to describe them. Their unique and fine-tuned physical and chemical properties make them ideal candidates for devising new applications. In addition, the assembly of ordered one-dimensional (1D), two-dimensional (2D), and three-dimensional (3D) arrays of anisotropic nanoparticles brings novel properties into the resulting system, which would be entirely different from the properties of individual nanoparticles. This review presents an overview of current research in the area of anisotropic nanomaterials in general and noble metal nanoparticles in particular. We begin with an introduction to the advancements in this area followed by general aspects of the growth of anisotropic nanoparticles. Then we describe several important synthetic protocols for making anisotropic nanomaterials, followed by a summary of their assemblies, and conclude with major applications

    Nanomaterials : impact on cells and cell organelles

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    Colloidal nanoparticles designed for the interactions with cells are very small, nanoscale objects usually consisting of inorganic cores and organic shells that are dispersed in a buffer or biological medium. By tuning the material properties of the nanoparticles a number of different biological applications of nanomaterials are enabled i.e. targeting, labelling, drug delivery, use as diagnostic tools or therapy. For all biological applications of nanoparticles, it is important to understand their interactions with the surrounding biological environment in order to predict their biological impact, in particular when designing the nanoparticles for diagnostic and therapeutic purpose. Due to the high surface-to-volume ratio, the surface of nanomaterials is very reactive. When exposed to biological fluids, the proteins and biomolecules present therein tend to associate with the nanoparticles’ surface. This phenomenon is defined as biomolecular corona formation. The biomolecular corona plays a key role in the interaction between nanoparticles and biological systems, impacting on how these particles interact with biological systems on a cellular and molecular level. This book chapter describes the nature of the interactions at the bio-nano interface, shows the design strategy of nanoparticles for nanomedicine, and defines the concepts of biomolecular corona and biological identity of nanoparticles. Moreover, it describes the interaction of functionalised nanomaterials with cell organelles and intracellular fate of nanoparticles and it shows therapeutic application of gold nanoparticles as dose enhancers in radiotherapy

    Ischemia-Induced Enhancement of CFTR Expression on the Plasma Membrane in Neonatal Rat Ventricular Myocytes

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