19 research outputs found

    Comparison of five assays for DNA extraction from bacterial cells in human faecal samples

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    Aim To determine the most effective DNA extraction method for bacteria in faecal samples. Materials and Results This study assessed five commercial methods, that is, NucliSens easyMag, QIAamp DNA Stool Mini kit, PureLink Microbiome DNA purification kit, QIAamp PowerFecal DNA kit and RNeasy PowerMicrobiome kit, of which the latter has been optimized for DNA extraction. The DNA quantity and quality were determined using Nanodrop, Qubit and qPCR. The PowerMicrobiome kit recovered the highest DNA concentration, whereby this kit also recovered the highest gene copy number of Gram positives, Gram negatives and total bacteria. Furthermore, the PowerMicrobiome kit in combination with mechanical pre-treatment (bead beating) and with combined enzymatic and mechanical pre-treatment (proteinase K+mutanolysin+bead beating) was more effective than without pre-treatment. Conclusion From the five DNA extraction methods that were compared, the PowerMicrobiome kit, preceded by bead beating, which is standard included, was found to be the most effective DNA extraction method for bacteria in faecal samples. Significance and Impact of the Study The quantity and quality of DNA extracted from human faecal samples is a first important step to optimize molecular methods. Here we have shown that the PowerMicrobiome kit is an effective DNA extraction method for bacterial cells in faecal samples for downstream qPCR purpose

    p-Cresyl sulfate

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    If chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated with an impairment of kidney function, several uremic solutes are retained. Some of these exert toxic effects, which are called uremic toxins. p-Cresyl sulfate (pCS) is a prototype protein-bound uremic toxin to which many biological and biochemical (toxic) effects have been attributed. In addition, increased levels of pCS have been associated with worsening outcomes in CKD patients. pCS finds its origin in the intestine where gut bacteria metabolize aromatic amino acids, such as tyrosine and phenylalanine, leading to phenolic end products, of which pCS is one of the components. In this review we summarize the biological effects of pCS and its metabolic origin in the intestine. It appears that, according to in vitro studies, the intestinal bacteria generating phenolic compounds mainly belong to the families Bacteroidaceae, Bifidobacteriaceae, Clostridiaceae, Enterobacteriaceae, Enterococcaceae, Eubacteriaceae, Fusobacteriaceae, Lachnospiraceae, Lactobacillaceae, Porphyromonadaceae, Staphylococcaceae, Ruminococcaceae, and Veillonellaceae. Since pCS remains difficult to remove by dialysis, the gut microbiota could be a future target to decrease pCS levels and its toxicity, even at earlier stages of CKD, aiming at slowing down the progression of the disease and decreasing the cardiovascular burden

    Gut-derived metabolites and their role in immune dysfunction in chronic kidney disease

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    Several of the uremic toxins, which are difficult to remove by dialysis, originate from the gut bacterial metabolism. This opens opportunities for novel targets trying to decrease circulating levels of these toxins and their pathophysiological effects. The current review focuses on immunomodulatory effects of these toxins both at their side of origin and in the circulation. In the gut end products of the bacterial metabolism such as p-cresol, trimethylamine and H2S affect the intestinal barrier structure and function while in the circulation the related uremic toxins stimulate cells of the immune system. Both conditions contribute to the pro-inflammatory status of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Generation and/or absorption of these toxin precursors could be targeted to decrease plasma levels of their respective uremic toxins and to reduce micro-inflammation in CKD

    Isolation and quantification of uremic toxin precursor-generating gut bacteria in chronic kidney disease patients

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    In chronic kidney disease (CKD), impaired kidney function results in accumulation of uremic toxins, which exert deleterious biological effects and contribute to inflammation and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Protein-bound uremic toxins (PBUTs), such as p-cresyl sulfate, indoxyl sulfate and indole-3-acetic acid, originate from phenolic and indolic compounds, which are end products of gut bacterial metabolization of aromatic amino acids (AAA). This study investigates gut microbial composition at different CKD stages by isolating, identifying and quantifying PBUT precursor-generating bacteria. Fecal DNA extracts from 14 controls and 138 CKD patients were used to quantify total bacterial number and 11 bacterial taxa with qPCR. Moreover, isolated bacteria from CKD 1 and CKD 5 fecal samples were cultured in broth medium supplemented with AAA under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, and classified as PBUT precursor-generators based on their generation capacity of phenolic and indolic compounds, measured with U(H)PLC. In total, 148 different fecal bacterial species were isolated, of which 92 were PBUT precursor-generators. These bacterial species can be a potential target for reducing PBUT plasma levels in CKD. qPCR indicated lower abundance of short chain fatty acid-generating bacteria, Bifidobacterium spp. and Streptococcus spp., and higher Enterobacteriaceae and E. coli with impaired kidney function, confirming an altered gut microbial composition in CKD

    Comparison of procedures for RNA-extraction from peripheral blood mononuclear cells

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    RNA quality and quantity are important factors for ensuring the accuracy of gene expression analysis and other RNA-based downstream applications. Thus far, only a limited number of methodological studies have compared sample storage and RNA extraction procedures for human cells. We compared three commercially available RNA extraction kits, i.e., (NucliSENS) easyMAG, RNeasy (Mini Kit) and RiboPure (RNA Purification Kit–blood). In addition, additional conditions, such as storage medium and storage temperature of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells were evaluated, i.e., 4 °C for RNAlater or -80 °C for QIAzol and for the respective cognate lysis buffers; easyMAG, RNeasy or RiboPure. RNA was extracted from aliquots that had been stored for one day (Run 1) or 83 days (Run 2). After DNase treatment, quantity and quality of RNA were assessed by means of a NanoDrop spectrophotometer, 2100 Bioanalyzer and RT-qPCR for the ACTB reference gene. We observed that high-quality RNA can be obtained using RNeasy and RiboPure, regardless of the storage medium, whereas samples stored in RNAlater resulted in the least amount of RNA extracted. In addition, RiboPure combined with storage of samples in its cognate lysis buffer yielded twice as much RNA as all other procedures. These results were supported by RT-qPCR and by the reproducibility observed for two independent extraction runs

    Gut microbiota generation of protein-bound uremic toxins and related metabolites is not altered at different stages of chronic kidney disease see

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is characterized by accumulation of protein-bound uremic toxins such as p-cresyl sulfate, p-cresyl glucuronide, indoxyl sulfate and indole-3-acetic acid, which originate in the gut. Intestinal bacteria metabolize aromatic amino acids into p-cresol and indole, (further conjugated in the colon mucosa and liver) and indole-3-acetic acid. Here we measured fecal, plasma and urine metabolite concentrations; the contribution of gut bacterial generation to plasma protein-bound uremic toxins accumulation; and influx into the gut of circulating protein-bound uremic toxins at different stages of CKD. Feces, blood and urine were collected from 14 control individuals and 141 patients with CKD. Solutes were quantified by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography. To assess the rate of bacterial generation of p-cresol, indole and indole-3-acetic acid, fecal samples were cultured ex vivo. With CKD progression, an increase in protein-bound uremic toxins levels was observed in plasma, whereas the levels of these toxins and their precursors remained the same in feces and urine. Anaerobic culture of fecal samples showed no difference in ex vivo p-cresol, indole and indole-3-acetic acid generation. Therefore, differences in plasma protein-bound uremic toxins levels between different CKD stages cannot be explained by differences in bacterial generation rates in the gut, suggesting retention due to impaired kidney function as the main contributor to their increased plasma levels. Thus, as fractional clearance decreased with the progression of CKD, tubular clearance appeared to be more affected than the glomerular filtration rate, and there was no net increase in protein-bound uremic toxins influx into the gut lumen with increased plasma levels

    Development of a qPCR platform for quantification of the five bacteriophages within bacteriophage cocktail 2 (BFC2)

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    To determine phage titers accurately, reproducibly and in a non-laborious and cost-effective manner, we describe the development of a qPCR platform for molecular quantification of five phages present in bacteriophage cocktail 2 (BFC2). We compared the performance of this molecular approach, with regard to quantification and reproducibility, with the standard culture-based double agar overlay method (DAO). We demonstrated that quantification of each of the five phages in BFC2 was possible by means of qPCR, without prior DNA extraction, but yields were significantly higher in comparison to DAO. Although DAO is assumed to provide an indication of the number of infective phage particles, whereas qPCR only provides information on the number of phage genomes, the difference in yield (qPCR/DAO ratio) was observed to be phage-dependent and appeared rather constant for all phages when analyzing different (freshly prepared) stocks of these phages. While DAO is necessary to determine sensitivity of clinical strains against phages in clinical applications, qPCR might be a valid alternative for rapid and reproducible quantification of freshly prepared stocks, after initial establishment of a correction factor towards DAO

    p-Cresyl Sulfate

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    If chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated with an impairment of kidney function, several uremic solutes are retained. Some of these exert toxic effects, which are called uremic toxins. p-Cresyl sulfate (pCS) is a prototype protein-bound uremic toxin to which many biological and biochemical (toxic) effects have been attributed. In addition, increased levels of pCS have been associated with worsening outcomes in CKD patients. pCS finds its origin in the intestine where gut bacteria metabolize aromatic amino acids, such as tyrosine and phenylalanine, leading to phenolic end products, of which pCS is one of the components. In this review we summarize the biological effects of pCS and its metabolic origin in the intestine. It appears that, according to in vitro studies, the intestinal bacteria generating phenolic compounds mainly belong to the families Bacteroidaceae, Bifidobacteriaceae, Clostridiaceae, Enterobacteriaceae, Enterococcaceae, Eubacteriaceae, Fusobacteriaceae, Lachnospiraceae, Lactobacillaceae, Porphyromonadaceae, Staphylococcaceae, Ruminococcaceae, and Veillonellaceae. Since pCS remains difficult to remove by dialysis, the gut microbiota could be a future target to decrease pCS levels and its toxicity, even at earlier stages of CKD, aiming at slowing down the progression of the disease and decreasing the cardiovascular burden