15 research outputs found

    New approach to the design of Schottky barrier diodes for THz mixers

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    Near-ideal GaAs Schottky barrier diodes especially designed for mixing applications in the THz frequency range are presented. A diode fabrication process for submicron diodes with near-ideal electrical and noise characteristics is described. This process is based on the electrolytic pulse etching of GaAs in combination with an in-situ platinum plating for the formation of the Schottky contacts. Schottky barrier diodes with a diameter of 1 micron fabricated by the process have already shown excellent results in a 650 GHz waveguide mixer at room temperature. A conversion loss of 7.5 dB and a mixer noise temperature of less than 2000 K have been obtained at an intermediate frequency of 4 GHz. The optimization of the diode structure and the technology was possible due to the development of a generalized Schottky barrier diode model which is valid also at high current densities. The common diode design and optimization is discussed on the basis of the classical theory. However, the conventional fomulas are valid only in a limited forward bias range corresponding to currents much smaller than the operating currents under submillimeter mixing conditions. The generalized new model takes into account not only the phenomena occurring at the junction such as current dependent recombination and drift/diffusion velocities, but also mobility and electron temperature variations in the undepleted epi-layer. Calculated diode I/V and noise characteristics are in excellent agreement with the measured values. Thus, the model offers the possibility of optimizing the diode structure and predicting the diode performance under mixing conditions at THz frequencies

    QCD Improved bsγb\to s\gamma Constraints on the Minimal Supergravity Model

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    Recent advances in the QCD corrections to bsγb\to s\gamma decay in the MSSM include i.) evaluation of the relevant operators, Wilson coefficients and anomalous dimension matrix elements for the various MSSM effective theories valid at scales beyond Q=MWQ =M_W, ii.) calculations of most of the needed anomalous dimension matrix elements to next-to-leading order for scales m_b\alt Q , and iii.) calculations of O(αs){\cal O}(\alpha_s) virtual and bremsstrahlung corrections to the bsγb\to s\gamma decay operators at scale QmbQ\sim m_b. We assemble all these known results to gain an estimate of B(bsγ)B(b\to s\gamma ) for the parameter space of the minimal supergravity model (mSUGRA). We find a much reduced scale dependence of our result compared to usual leading-log evaluations. Comparison with the latest CLEO results yields stringent constraints on parameter space. Much of mSUGRA parameter space is ruled out for μ<0\mu <0, especially for large tanβtan\beta. We compare these results with other constraints from cosmology and non-standard vacua. Also, we compare with expectations for discovering mSUGRA at LEP2, the Tevatron and the CERN LHC.Comment: 14 pages REVTEX plus 7 PS figures; this version contains revised figures and text due to discovery of a bug in the program used to generate results for the previous version of this manuscrip

    Active nuclear import of single-stranded oligonucleotides and their complexes with non-karyophilic macromolecules

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    The objective of this investigation was to characterize intranuclear accumulation of oligonucleotides and their adducts with non-karyophilic compounds in cultured animal cells and thus to present a model system for nucleic acid-mediated nuclear import. In digitonin-permeabilized cells, nuclear uptake of 3'-FITC-labeled, single-stranded 25-mer oligodeoxyribonucleotides was independent of added cytosolic protein, largely energy-dependent, inhibitable by wheat germ agglutinin but not by N-ethylmaleimide, and a function of their base composition. When coupled to FITC-labeled streptavidin or streptavidin-bovine serum albumin conjugates, the oligonucleotides delivered the proteins to the nuclear interior with rates roughly proportional to their karyophilicity as free molecules. Transport activity was also demonstrated for single-stranded oligoribonucleotides. The transport was energy-dependent, inhibited by GMP-PNP and wheat germ agglutinin, but unaffected by N-ethylmaleimide. Nuclear import of oligo(dG)25/protein adducts needed 3 to 4 oligonucleotide signals per complex and the signal had to be at least 15 nucleotides long. Micro-injection experiments showed that the results obtained with digitonin-permeabilized cells are not artifacts of a quasi-intact cellular system. These data were confirmed by electron microscopy employing complexes of oligodeoxyribonucleotides with streptavidin-peroxidase-bovine serum albumin-1 nm gold. In permeabilized cells, the complexes docked to the cytoplasmic face of the nuclear pore complexes, were translocated through the central pore channel and accumulated in large quantities in the nuclear baskets before they were released into the nucleoplasm. These results demonstrate that nuclear uptake of oligonucleotides and their complexes is an active process mediated by nuclear pore complexes, which, at least regarding its cytoplasmic component, is different from the pathway requiring classical nuclear localization signals

    Binding of Fluorescence- and Gold-Labeled Oligodeoxyribonucleotides to Cytoplasmic Intermediate Filaments in Epithelial and Fibroblast Cells

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    Previously, in vitro experiments have demonstrated the capacity of intermediate filaments (IFs) to associate with polyanionic compounds, including nucleic acids. To prove that this activity is also shown by IFs in quasi-intact cells, digitonin-permeabilized epithelial PtK2 and mouse fibroblast cells were treated with FITC-labeled, single-stranded oligodeoxyribonucleotides and analyzed, after indirect decoration of their IF systems with TRITC-conjugated antibodies, by fluorescence microscopy. While cytokeratin IFs exhibited a strong affinity for and exact codistribution with oligo(dG)25, vimentin IFs were less active in binding this oligonucleotide. Other oligonucleotides, like oligo(dT)25, oligo[d(GT)12G] and oligo[d(G3T2A)4G], were bound to IFs with lower efficiency. In general, the introduction of dA residues into oligo(dG)n or oligo(dGT)n tracts reduced the IF-binding potential of the nucleic acids. This, however, increased significantly upon reduction of the ionic strength to half physiological, indicating a strong electrostatic binding component. The binding reaction was often obscured by simultaneous association of the oligonucleotides with cellular membranes mostly in the perinuclear region, an activity that was largely abolished by prior cell extraction with nonionic detergent. Strongly IF-binding oligonucleotides also disassembled microtubules, presumably via their interaction with microtubule-associated proteins, but left microfilaments intact. In PtK2 cells, oligo(dG)25-loaded IFs were frequently seen coaligned with microfilaments and to cross-bridge stress fibers with the formation of rope ladder-like configurations. Employing microinjection and confocal laser scanning microscopy, association of IFs with oligonucleotides could also be visualized in intact cells. In accord with these fluorescence microscopic data, transmission electron microscopy of permeabilized cells treated with gold-conjugated oligonucleotides revealed decoration of IFs and membrane systems with gold particles, whereby in PtK2 cells these structures showed a distinctly heavier labeling than in fibroblasts. These results demonstrate that in animal cells IFs are able to bind nucleic acids and, very likely, also nucleoprotein particles and suggest that this capacity is exploited by the cells for transient storage and, in cooperation with microtubules and microfilaments, controlled transport of such material in the cytoplasm