483 research outputs found

    Continuation of the Mega Map Production in the Republic of Croatia

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    After putting up the 11 m Ɨ 6 m mega map of the Dubrovnik-Neretva County and breaking the Guinness World Record in the category of the largest printed map in the world, the production and presentation of mega maps has continued in various county seats of the Republic of Croatia, according to the plan of the State Geodetic Administration (SGA). The production of topographic maps at the scale of 1: 25 000 (TK25) is finished in those areas. In addition to SGA, counties and cities also participated in financing


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    Background: Pediatric survivors of childhood cancer are at increased risk of poor quality of life and social-emotional outcomes following treatment. Aim of the research was to examine the possible predictors of quality of life, that is, to examine the impact and relative contribution of post-traumatic stress symptoms, post-traumatic growth, the effects of treatment and social functioning on quality of life. Subjects and methods: Participants were 83 pediatric cancer survivors at age 16 to 29 who were off-therapy for more than one year. They filled out the Impact of Event Scale-Revised Questionnaire (IES-R), Quality of life scale (QOLS) and Social Adjustment Scale (SAS-SR). Demographic data including child health status information were also collected. Results: Findings indicate a significant association between quality of life and social adjustment, posttraumatic growth, health consequences and posttraumatic stress disorder. Regression analysis showed that posttraumatic growth, social functioning and treatment consequences are significant predictors of quality of life in pediatric cancer survivors. Conclusion: The findings highlight the importance of key factors associated with quality of life in pediatric cancer survivors. Interventions aimed at strengthening social support and highlighting positive changes following trauma of cancer treatment could improve quality of life of pediatric cancer survivors

    Efekti upotrebe sirćetne kiseline kao konzervansa pri siliranju lucerke

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    The influence of acetic acid as the chemical conservant in three doses (4, 6 8 g/kg green mass) on the intensity of fermentation and proteolysis in lucerne silage was investigated. On the basis of chemical analysis, it was found that with the increase of conservant dose the pH value decreased aminogenesis and nitrogen solubility was limited. In silages treated the absolute and relative domination of acetic acid was found in total acid content. The increase of free and bonded acetic acid was discovered with the increase of conservant dose. Free butyric acid was not detected, while bonded butyric acid was present in negligible concentration, without effect on silage quality. Compared to control silage (III quality class according to DLG and Zelter method), a significant increase of acetic acid in silages resulted in the decline of their quality, and they were ranked as not useful (V quality class according to DLG method), or on the margin of usefulness (IV quality class according to Zelter method). In spite of some foreign references, domestic experiences show that acetic acid is not an effective conservant and it is not recommended for that use for lucerne that is not simple to ensile.U eksperimentu je ispitivan uticaj sirćetne kiseline, koriŔćene u svojstvu hemijskog konzervansa u tri doze (4, 6 i 8 g/kg zelene mase) na intenzitet fermentacije i proteolize u silažama lucerke. Na osnovu rezultata hemijskih analiza utvrđeno je da je sa porastom doze konzervansa doÅ”lo do snižavanja pH vrednosti, ograničavanja aminogeneze i rastvorljivosti azotnih materija. U tretiranim silažama utvrdjena je apsolutna i relativna dominacija sirćetne kiseline u ukupnom sadržaju kiselina. Pri dodavanju konzervansa doÅ”lo je do porasta količine slobodne i vezane sirćetne kiseline. Slobodna buterna kiselina nije utvrđena u silažama dok je prisustvo buterne kiseline u vezanom obliku bilo zanemarljivo i bez uticaja na kvalitet silaža. U odnosu na kontrolnu silažu (III klasa kvaliteta po DLG i Zelter-ovoj metodi) značajno povećanje zastupljenosti sirćetne kiseline u tretiranim silažama doprinelo je pogorÅ”anju njihovog kvaliteta, pa su ocenjene kao neupotrebljive (V klasa kvaliteta prema DLG metodi), odnosno, na granici upotrebljivosti (IV klasa kvaliteta po Zelter-ovoj metodi). I pored nekih stranih preporuka, iskustva iz domaćih istraživanja ukazuju da sirćetna kiselina nije efikasan konzervans, i ne preporučuje se za teže silirajuća hraniva, kakva je i lucerka

    Efekti upotrebe različitih doza mravlje kiseline kao konzervansa pri siliranju lucerke

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    The influence of formic acid added in three doses (3,5 and 7 g/kg fresh mass) in the intensity of proteolysis and fermentation in Lucerne silages was investigated. On the basis of chemical analyses, it is observed that with the increase of conserving dose the lower pH value, limited proteolysis and increased preservation of proteins was achieved. The amino acid content varied very much due to their degradation and biosynthesis. In treated silages a statistically significant increase of lactic acid was observed while silages with maximum dose of conserving had significantly less free and total acetic acid. Presence of bonded butyric acid only in the control silage had no statistical significance. According to Dulphy and Demarquilly (1981) method, control silage with minimum dose of conserving was estimated as III class and silages with medium and high dose of formic acid were estimated as II quality class.U eksperimentu je ispitivan uticaj mravlje kiseline, koriŔćene u tri doze (3, 5 i 7 g/kg zelene mase) na intenzitet proteolize i fermentacije u silažama lucerke. Na osnovu rezultata hemijskih analiza utvrđeno je da je sa porastom doze konzervansa doÅ”lo do snižavanja pH vrednosti, ograničavanja proteolize i povećanja očuvanosti proteina. Sadržaj pojedinih aminokiselina je dosta varirao usled njihovog razlaganja ili biosinteze. U tretiranim silažama utvrđena je statistički značajno veća produkcija mlečne kiseline, dok su silaže sa maksimalnom dozom konzervansa sadržale signifikantno manje slobodne i ukupne sirćetne kiseline. Prisustvo buterne kiseline u vezanom obliku samo u kontrolnoj silaži nije imalo statističku značajnost. Po metodi Dulphy-a i Demarquilly-a (1981) kontrolna i silaža sa minimalnom dozom konzervansa ocenjene su III klasom, a silaže sa dodatkom srednje i viÅ”e doze mravlje kiseline II klasom kvaliteta

    Cartographic Signs Ordinance and Cartographic Signs Compendium

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    A Commission for the Production of the Cartographic Signs Compendium (Ivan Landek, Damir PahiƦ, Marinko Bosiljevac, Prof. Dr. Stanislav FrangeÅ”, Dr. Marijan Marjanović, Aleksandar TonÅ”etić, Ivan Grubić, Antonio Å ustić, Slavko Lemajić and Hrvoje Matijević) has been appointed, pursuant to a decision by the State Geodetic Administration Director-General
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