240 research outputs found


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    The microbial population represents a group of heterogeneous germs comprising several different species which live and act together in the same place. The communities of micro-organisms, as independent population groups, are better adapted for growing than a unique species. The microbial flora of the puerperal uterus differs from case to case, being represented both as bacteria admitted as pathogenic and particular tropism for the uterine morphological structures and opportunist bacteria which are quite numerous. Here are some of the microbial identified species: Streptococcus spp., E.coli, C.pyogenes . These exercise the pathogenic action under certain circumstances such as: the existence of these germs in big quantities, virulence and the high rate of pathogenity, the low resistence of the body. The experimental and epidemiological observations have proved the fact that autochthonous microorganisms (the normal, permanent microflora), adapted to develop in certain natural habitats, exercise a barrier function which protects the animal organisms from the implantation of several microorganisms which penetrate in the outer environment. The necrotic processes at the level of the uterine mucous membrane were at different stages of evolution in all the cases in question with big or even huge differences from one geographical area to another one. In some geographical areas the alternative processes were obvious only at the surface of the mucous membrane, with the affecting of the cells and area placed close under the basic membrane, while the epithelium although it seemed obviously affected, was not detached from the basic membrane. The cells of the uterine mucous membrane seemed detached here and there either under the form of groups taking up small areas, or in big areas alternating with zones where the epithelium was still partially preserved and, eventually extensive areas, completely without mucuos membrane, where even traits of cells at the level of the mucous membrane could not be noticed

    Emotions Assessment on Simulated Flights

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    Trabalho apresentado em 14th edition of IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurement and Applications (MeMeA'19), junho 2019, Istanbul, TurquiaN/

    Fabrication of the Ni[3]Al-based alloy formed by spark plasma sintering of VKNA powders

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    The material based on Ni[3]Al intermetallic has been obtained from the industrial powder of a VKNA type by the method of spark plasma sintering. Materials sintering was conducted at the temperature of 1100 °С, compacting pressure of 20 MPa, and during soaking time equal to 5 minutes. The heating rate of samples amounted to 50 and 200 °С/min. It has been established that the material obtained by sintering at the rate of 50 °С/min possesses a maximum value of density (5.93 g/cm{3}) and a maximum level of bending strength (~ 400 MPa)

    Получение производных замещенных фенолов с потенциальной антимикробной активностью

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    Objectives. With the growing resistance of pathogenic microorganisms to antibiotics, the development of new antimicrobial drugs offering specific mechanisms of action becomes an urgent task. Only few antimicrobials offer a broad spectrum of activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, molds, and yeasts. In this regard, the purpose of the work was to develop methods for synthesizing biologically active derivatives of alkyl-substituted phenols (reactions at the hydroxy group) to study their biological effect.Methods. The synthesis of imidazole acetates of substituted phenols was carried out in two stages. At the first stage, the chloroacetyl derivative of the selected compounds was obtained, to which imidazole was then added. O-acylation reactions at the first stage of the synthesis were carried out under varying conditions. The first version of the synthesis was carried out using chloroacetyl chloride as an acylating agent together with a high-boiling solvent. In the second variant, chloroacetic anhydride was used, along with an attempt to replace the solvent with a low-boiling one. A thymol methoxy derivative was additionally synthesized by a known method using methyl iodide and varying the reaction parameters.Results. The parameters of chloroacetylation and methoxylation of aromatic alcohols were optimized with rational selection of solvents and the ratio of reagents in the reactions. Synthesized thymol (2-isopropyl-5-methylphenol) and propofol (2,6-isopropylphenol) derivatives contained imidazole as an additional pharmacophore with affinity for microorganism cell membrane proteins. A thymol methoxy derivative comprising an aromatic ether exhibiting increased hydrophobicity was also obtained. The synthesized compounds were characterized by NMR spectroscopy.Conclusions. Chloroacetyl derivatives of aromatic alcohols can be effectively synthesized by cooling the reaction mixture using an excess quantity of an acylating agent and increasing the reaction time (compared to literature data). The yield of thymol chloroacetate was 75%, while that of propofol chloroacetate was 30%. This can be explained by the sterically hindered reaction of the propofol alcohol group, which has isopropyl substituents at the second and sixth positions of the benzene ring.Цели. В связи с растущей резистентностью патогенных микроорганизмов к антибиотикам актуальной задачей является разработка новых противомикробных препаратов с уникальным механизмом действия. Немногие антимикробные препараты обладают широким спектром действия на грамположительные и грамотрицательные бактерии, плесени и дрожжи. В связи с этим, цель нашей работы – разработать способы синтеза биологически активных производных алкил-замещенных фенолов (реакций по гидроксигруппе) для исследования их биологического действия.Методы. Синтез имидазолацетатов замещенных фенолов проводился в две стадии. На первой стадии было получено хлорацетильное производное выбранных соединений, к которому далее присоединялся имидазол. Реакции O-ацилирования на первой стадии синтеза проводились в различных условиях. Первый вариант синтеза проводили с использованием хлорацетилхлорида в качестве ацилирующего агента и высококипящего растворителя. Во втором варианте использовали хлоруксусный ангидрид, и была предпринята попытка заменить растворитель на низкокипящий. Также было синтезировано метоксипроизводное тимола по известной методике, с применением метилйодида и варьирования параметров реакции.Результаты. Проведена оптимизация параметров хлорацетилирования и метоксилирования ароматических спиртов. Осуществлен подбор растворителей и соотношения реагентов в реакциях. Были синтезированы производные тимола (2-изопропил-5-метилфенола) и пропофола (2,6-изопропилфенола), содержащие имидазол в качестве дополнительного фармакофора, имеющего сродство к белкам клеточных мембран микроорганизмов. Также было получено метоксипроизводное тимола – ароматический простой эфир с повышенной гидрофобностью. Синтезированные соединения были охарактеризованы методом ЯМР-спектроскопии.Выводы. Синтез хлорацетильных производных ароматических спиртов при охлаждении реакционной массы с использованием избытка ацилирующего агента и увеличением времени реакции (по сравнению с литературными данными) является более предпочтительным. Выход хлорацетета тимола составил 75%, хлорацетата пропофола – 30%, что можно объяснить стерически затрудненным реагированием спиртовой группы пропофола, имеющего изопропильные заместители по 2 и 6 положениям бензольного кольца

    The exponential map for representations of Up,q(gl(2))U_{p,q}(gl(2))

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    For the quantum group GLp,q(2)GL_{p,q}(2) and the corresponding quantum algebra Up,q(gl(2))U_{p,q}(gl(2)) Fronsdal and Galindo explicitly constructed the so-called universal TT-matrix. In a previous paper we showed how this universal TT-matrix can be used to exponentiate representations from the quantum algebra to get representations (left comodules) for the quantum group. Here, further properties of the universal TT-matrix are illustrated. In particular, it is shown how to obtain comodules of the quantum algebra by exponentiating modules of the quantum group. Also the relation with the universal RR-matrix is discussed.Comment: LaTeX-file, 7 pages. Submitted for the Proceedings of the 4th International Colloquium ``Quantum Groups and Integrable Systems,'' Prague, 22-24 June 199

    Белково-липидный состав пыльцы березы бородавчатой (Betula verrucosa) и ее антиоксидантная активность в зависимости от места произрастания

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    Pollen has various effects on the human body. In order to study and compare the biological activity of the mature pollen grains of Betula verrucosa Ehrh. we investigated the protein-lipid composition and total antioxidant activity (TAA) of 10 samples from different habitats in the territory of Ukraine and the Slovak Republic. The collection sites are near highways and apartment blocks, as well as a nature reserve, forest and botanical garden. The protein content was determined by the Kjeldahl method. A chromatographic analysis of fatty acids from lipids was performed using a “Cvet 500” gas chromatograph, equipped with a flame-ionization detector in the isothermal mode. The bioactivity of aqueous, ethanol and methanol extracts of pollen grains was evaluated by the DPPH free radical scavenging method (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) by means spectrophotometry in vitro. The protein content of the pollen of B. verrucosa ranged from 17.9% to 25.6%, depending on the habitat. Unsaturated fatty acids were found in higher amounts than saturated fatty acids. The profile of fatty acids indicates a higher content of palmitic (33.9%), oleic (29.5%) and linoleic (27.8%) acids and a low content of arachidonic (0.4%) and pentadecanoic (0.8%) acids. We also established that silver birch pollen is characterized by high antioxidant activity. The measured value of TAA for aqueous pollen extracts was within 74.8–85.5%. For the ethanol extracts it was quantified within 60.3–95.0% and for the methanol extracts – 46.1–92.6%. The Tukey test was used to determine the differences between the means at a level of P < 0.05. A strong correlation coefficient (0.70) was defined between the protein content and the TAA of aqueous extracts. In general, the Ukrainian and Slovak samples of pollen differ in the fatty acid composition of lipids and aqueous and ethanol TAA extracts. Pollen of B. verrucosa should be used for diagnostic, therapeutic and prophylactic purposes as close as possible to the place of origin. Исследованы белковый и липидный состав и биологическая активность 10 образцов пыльцы Betula verrucosa Ehrh. из разных мест произрастания на территории Украины и Словакии. Определено содержание белков (17,9–25,6%) и 8 жирных кислот (с числом углеродных атомов от 14 до 20) в составе липидов. Выявлено преобладание ненасыщенных жирных кислот (58,6%) с доминированием пальмитиновой (33,9%), олеиновой (29,5%) и линолевой (27,8%). Оценена общая антиоксидантная активность водных, этаноловых и метаноловых экстрактов пыльцы березы бородавчатой с использованием свободного стабильного радикала дифенил­пикрилгидразила колориметрически в реакции in vitro. Установлены статистически достоверные различия между образцами как внутри украинских и словацких генотипов, так и между ними. Рассматриваются факторы влияния на вариации белково-липидного состава пыльцы и ее биологической активности.Исследованы белковый и липидный состав и биологическая активность 10 образцов пыльцы Betula verrucosa Ehrh. из разных мест произрастания на территории Украины и Словакии. Определено содержание белков (17,9–25,6%) и 8 жирных кислот (с числом углеродных атомов от 14 до 20) в составе липидов. Выявлено преобладание ненасыщенных жирных кислот (58,6%) с доминированием пальмитиновой (33,9%), олеиновой (29,5%) и линолевой (27,8%). Оценена общая антиоксидантная активность водных, этаноловых и метаноловых экстрактов пыльцы березы бородавчатой с использованием свободного стабильного радикала дифенил­пикрилгидразила колориметрически в реакции in vitro. Установлены статистически достоверные различия между образцами как внутри украинских и словацких генотипов, так и между ними. Рассматриваются факторы влияния на вариации белково-липидного состава пыльцы и ее биологической активности