66 research outputs found

    Obesità post-neurochirurgia ipotalamica

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    SommarioLe malattie ipotalamiche e il loro trattamento chirurgico possono determinare un rapido incremento ponderale nei primi sei mesi, seguito da stabilizzazione del peso in un'elevata percentuale (40–80%) di pazienti. Gli interventi sullo stile di vita e i farmaci hanno fornito risultati insoddisfacenti. Maggiori benefici sono stati riportati con gli analoghi del glucagon like peptide-1 o con la chirurgia bariatrica ma gli studi ad oggi disponibili sono di bassa numerosità e di breve durata

    lanreotide 60 mg a new long acting formulation effectiveness in the chronic treatment of acromegaly

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    Lanreotide (LAN) 60 mg (LAN60), a new long-acting formulation of LAN alleged to suppress GH/IGF-I hypersecretion for 28 d in acromegalic patients, was administered in a prospective open multicenter study to 92 patients with active acromegaly (61 women and 31 men, aged 20–79 yr). LAN60 was given as adjuvant treatment (AT) in 62 patients; the other 30 patients [primary treatment (PT)] were de novo (n = 20) or previously treated only by pharmacotherapy (n = 10). After wash-out from previous treatments, LAN60 was started im every 28 d for 3 injections; the dose was then individually tailored, aiming at lowering GH to less than 2.5 μg/liter and IGF-I to the normal range. After a median follow-up of 24 months (range, 6–48 months), IGF-I normalized in 65% of patients, decreasing from 199 ± 8% (expressed as a percentage of the upper limit of normal range; mean ± se) to 87 ± 4% (P < 0.0001). GH fell to less than 2.5 μg/liter in 63% of patients and to less than 1 μg/liter in 25%, decreasing from 20 ± 3 to 3 ± 0.4 μ..

    Psychiatric disorders and anger in patients with controlled acromegaly

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    Background: Acromegaly (ACRO) is a chronic rare disease caused by a pathological increase in growth hormone (GH) secretion. In ACRO an increased prevalence of psychiatric disorders has been demonstrated, in particular depressive disorders, associated to a significant deterioration of the quality of life, independently from disease control. In addition, anger feelings, often detected in subjects affected by chronic disease, have not yet been investigated, in pituitary patients. Aim of the study was to evaluate in ACRO patients with a controlled disease, compared to patients suffering for non-functioning pituitary adenoma (NFPA) 1) prevalence of depressive and anxiety disorders, and 2) expression and control of anger feelings. The second purpose was to evaluate the correlation between psychiatric disorders, anger feelings and the "activity of disease," that is active ACRO that needs medical treatment versus cured ACRO. Methods: This is a cross-sectional, observational study, which included 53 patients enrolled at the Neuroendocrinology Outpatient Clinic of "Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino". Of the 53 enrolled patients (24 male and 29 female), 34 had ACRO, while 19 had NFPA, as control group. All subjects went through the following self-administered, validated psychological tools: SF-36 (Short-Form 36 Item); STAXI - 2; BDI-II (Beck Depression Inventory -II); STAI (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory). Only in ACRO group, patients completed PASQ (Patient-Assessed Acromegaly Symptom Questionnaire) and ACROQoL (Acromegaly Quality of Life Questionnaire) questionnaires. In addition 45 patients underwent the International Neuropsychiatric Short Interview to assess the presence of a psychiatric disorder. For each patient, anthropometric, clinical and biochemical information was collected. Results: A higher frequency of psychiatric anxiety and mood disorders (not reported in the medical history) was observed in patients with controlled ACRO. In the SF-36 questionnaire, a lower score was found in the "emotional well-being" items in ACRO compared to NFPA, particularly in those with cured ACRO. Cured acromegalic patients had a worse score in "emotional well-being," "energy/fatigue" and "general health" items. Finally, subjects in ACRO group obtained a lower score in the ability to control anger and a higher score in the physical expression of it, demonstrating a tendency to more aggressive behaviors. Conclusions: This study showed that psychiatric illness is often hidden in patient suffering from ACRO, despite normal IGF-I levels. Recovery from the disease do not necessarily improve QoL scores, in fact in cured patients the quality of life can be even worse

    Le neoplasie associate a feocromocitoma/paraganglioma in quadri SDHx positivi o negativi: adenomi ipofisari, tumori stromali gastro-intestinali e tumori renali

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    SommarioI feocromocitomi e paragangliomi (PPGL) sono geneticamente determinati in almeno il 30% dei casi. Le mutazioni identificate più recentemente, in particolare quelle dei geni SDHx, possono favorire, seppur raramente, anche l'insorgenza di tumori stromali gastro-intestinali, carcinomi renali e adenomi ipofisari. Pertanto, in caso di diagnosi di una delle suddette neoplasie, il clinico dovrebbe valutare l'anamnesi personale e familiare alla ricerca di eventuali PPGL, così come in pazienti con PPGL associato a mutazione di SDHx, TMEM127 e MAX si dovrebbe indagare la presenza di neoplasie potenzialmente correlate

    Psychological complications in patients with acromegaly: relationships with sex, arthropathy, and quality of life

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    Current treatment of acromegaly restores a normal life expectancy in most cases. So, the study of persistent complications affecting patients' quality of life (QoL) is of paramount importance, especially motor disability and depression. In a large cohort of acromegalic patients we aimed at establishing the prevalence of depression, to look for clinical and sociodemographic factors associated with it, and to investigate the respective roles (and interactions) of depression and arthropathy in influencing QoL

    Copeptin adaptive response to SGLT2 inhibitors in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: The GliRACo study

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    IntroductionIn type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), the antidiuretic system participates in the adaptation to osmotic diuresis further increasing urinary osmolality by reducing the electrolyte-free water clearance. Sodium glucose co-transporter type 2 inhibitors (SGLT2i) emphasize this mechanism, promoting persistent glycosuria and natriuresis, but also induce a greater reduction of interstitial fluids than traditional diuretics. The preservation of osmotic homeostasis is the main task of the antidiuretic system and, in turn, intracellular dehydration the main drive to vasopressin (AVP) secretion. Copeptin is a stable fragment of the AVP precursor co-secreted with AVP in an equimolar amount.AimTo investigate the copeptin adaptive response to SGLT2i, as well as the induced changes in body fluid distribution in T2DM patients.MethodsThe GliRACo study was a prospective, multicenter, observational research. Twenty-six consecutive adult patients with T2DM were recruited and randomly assigned to empagliflozin or dapagliflozin treatment. Copeptin, plasma renin activity, aldosterone and natriuretic peptides were evaluated at baseline (T0) and then 30 (T30) and 90 days (T90) after SGLT2i starting. Bioelectrical impedance vector analysis (BIVA) and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring were performed at T0 and T90.ResultsAmong endocrine biomarkers, only copeptin increased at T30, showing subsequent stability (7.5 pmol/L at T0, 9.8 pmol/L at T30, 9.5 pmol/L at T90; p = 0.001). BIVA recorded an overall tendency to dehydration at T90 with a stable proportion between extra- and intracellular fluid volumes. Twelve patients (46.1%) had a BIVA overhydration pattern at baseline and 7 of them (58.3%) resolved this condition at T90. Total body water content, extra and intracellular fluid changes were significantly affected by the underlying overhydration condition (p &lt; 0.001), while copeptin did not.ConclusionIn patients with T2DM, SGLT2i promote the release of AVP, thus compensating for persistent osmotic diuresis. This mainly occurs because of a proportional dehydration process between intra and extracellular fluid (i.e., intracellular dehydration rather than extracellular dehydration). The extent of fluid reduction, but not the copeptin response, is affected by the patient’s baseline volume conditions.Clinical trial registrationClinicaltrials.gov, identifier NCT03917758
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