33,080 research outputs found

    Spin and angular momentum in the nucleon

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    Using the covariant spectator theory (CST), we present the results of a valence quark-diquark model calculation of the nucleon structure function f(x) measured in unpolarized deep inelastic scattering (DIS), and the structure functions g1(x) and g2(x) measured in DIS using polarized beams and targets. Parameters of the wave functions are adjusted to fit all the data. The fit fixes both the shape of the wave functions and the relative strength of each component. Two solutions are found that fit f(x) and g1(x), but only one of these gives a good description of g2(x). This fit requires the nucleon CST wave functions contain a large D-wave component (about 35%) and a small P-wave component (about 0.6%). The significance of these results is discussed.Comment: 27 pages; 13 figure

    Mastering the Master Field

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    The basic concepts of non-commutative probability theory are reviewed and applied to the large NN limit of matrix models. We argue that this is the appropriate framework for constructing the master field in terms of which large NN theories can be written. We explicitly construct the master field in a number of cases including QCD2_2. There we both give an explicit construction of the master gauge field and construct master loop operators as well. Most important we extend these techniques to deal with the general matrix model, in which the matrices do not have independent distributions and are coupled. We can thus construct the master field for any matrix model, in a well defined Hilbert space, generated by a collection of creation and annihilation operators---one for each matrix variable---satisfying the Cuntz algebra. We also discuss the equations of motion obeyed by the master field.Comment: 46 pages plus 11 uuencoded eps figure

    "Third places" and social interaction in deprived neighbourhoods in Great Britain

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    This paper explores social interaction in local ‘public’ social spaces such as local shops, pubs, cafés, and community centres in deprived neighbourhoods. More specifically, it examines the importance, role and function of these places, which have been described by Oldenberg and Brissett (Qual Sociol 5(4):265–284, 1982), Oldenburg (Urban design reader. Architectural Place, Oxford, 2007) as being “third places” of social interaction after the home (first) and workplace (second). It does so by drawing on data gleaned from in-depth interviews with 180 residents in six deprived areas neighbourhoods across Great Britain, conducted as part of a study of the links between poverty and place funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. The paper notes that local third places are an important medium for social interaction in these areas, although their importance appears to vary by population group. It notes that shops appear to be a particularly important social space. It also identifies some of the barriers to social interaction within third places and concludes by highlighting some of the key implications for policy to emerge from the research

    The String Theory Approach to Generalized 2D Yang-Mills Theory

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    We calculate the partition function of the SU(N)SU(N) ( and U(N)U(N)) generalized YM2YM_2 theory defined on an arbitrary Riemann surface. The result which is expressed as a sum over irreducible representations generalizes the Rusakov formula for ordinary YM_2 theory. A diagrammatic expansion of the formula enables us to derive a Gross-Taylor like stringy description of the model. A sum of 2D string maps is shown to reproduce the gauge theory results. Maps with branch points of degree higher than one, as well as ``microscopic surfaces'' play an important role in the sum. We discuss the underlying string theory.Comment: TAUP-2182-94, 53 pages of LaTeX and 5 uuencoded eps figure

    Fixed-axis polarization states: covariance and comparisons

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    Addressing the recent criticisms of Kvinikhidze and Miller, we prove that the spectator wave functions and currents based on ``fixed-axis'' polarization states (previously introduced by us) are Lorentz covariant, and find an explicit connection between them and conventional direction-dependent polarization states. The discussion shows explicitly how it is possible to construct pure SS-wave models of the nucleon.Comment: Changed title and introductory material to match accepted pape

    Programmes in transition - between closure and start. Review of programme developments: Winter-Summer 2007

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    The past six months have seen a shift in emphasis from the 2000-2006 to the 2007-2013 programmes. Programme managers and other implementing organisations have not only been negotiating draft programmes for 2007-2013 with European Commission staff, but have also been undertaking a range of tasks to prepare for implementing these programmes. A number of initiatives have also occurred at EU level, which direct policymakers’ attention forward to the EU budget review of 2008-2009 and beyond. In addition, ongoing efforts have been needed to ensure that the remaining funds under the 2000-2006 programmes are effectively absorbed, and that all technical preparations for programme closure are underway

    Leading Large N Modification of QCD_2 on a Cylinder by Dynamical Fermions

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    We consider 2-dimensional QCD on a cylinder, where space is a circle. We find the ground state of the system in case of massless quarks in a 1/N1/N expansion. We find that coupling to fermions nontrivially modifies the large NN saddle point of the gauge theory due to the phenomenon of `decompactification' of eigenvalues of the gauge field. We calculate the vacuum energy and the vacuum expectation value of the Wilson loop operator both of which show a nontrivial dependence on the number of quarks flavours at the leading order in 1/N1/N.Comment: 24 pages, TIFR-TH-94/3

    Two-pion exchange potential and the πN\pi N amplitude

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    We discuss the two-pion exchange potential which emerges from a box diagram with one nucleon (the spectator) restricted to its mass shell, and the other nucleon line replaced by a subtracted, covariant πN\pi N scattering amplitude which includes Δ\Delta, Roper, and D13D_{13} isobars, as well as contact terms and off-shell (non-pole) dressed nucleon terms. The πN\pi N amplitude satisfies chiral symmetry constraints and fits πN\pi N data below \sim 700 MeV pion energy. We find that this TPE potential can be well approximated by the exchange of an effective sigma and delta meson, with parameters close to the ones used in one-boson-exchange models that fit NNNN data below the pion production threshold.Comment: 9 pages (RevTex) and 7 postscript figures, in one uuencoded gzipped tar fil