541 research outputs found

    The evolution of the orbit distance in the double averaged restricted 3-body problem with crossing singularities

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    We study the long term evolution of the distance between two Keplerian confocal trajectories in the framework of the averaged restricted 3-body problem. The bodies may represent the Sun, a solar system planet and an asteroid. The secular evolution of the orbital elements of the asteroid is computed by averaging the equations of motion over the mean anomalies of the asteroid and the planet. When an orbit crossing with the planet occurs the averaged equations become singular. However, it is possible to define piecewise differentiable solutions by extending the averaged vector field beyond the singularity from both sides of the orbit crossing set. In this paper we improve the previous results, concerning in particular the singularity extraction technique, and show that the extended vector fields are Lipschitz-continuous. Moreover, we consider the distance between the Keplerian trajectories of the small body and of the planet. Apart from exceptional cases, we can select a sign for this distance so that it becomes an analytic map of the orbital elements near to crossing configurations. We prove that the evolution of the 'signed' distance along the averaged vector field is more regular than that of the elements in a neighborhood of crossing times. A comparison between averaged and non-averaged evolutions and an application of these results are shown using orbits of near-Earth asteroids.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figure

    Symmetrization in Geometry

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    The concept of an ii-symmetrization is introduced, which provides a convenient framework for most of the familiar symmetrization processes on convex sets. Various properties of ii-symmetrizations are introduced and the relations between them investigated. New expressions are provided for the Steiner and Minkowski symmetrals of a compact convex set which exhibit a dual relationship between them. Characterizations of Steiner, Minkowski and central symmetrization, in terms of natural properties that they enjoy, are given and examples are provided to show that none of the assumptions made can be dropped or significantly weakened. Other familiar symmetrizations, such as Schwarz symmetrization, are discussed and several new ones introduced.Comment: A chacterization of central symmetrization has been added and several typos have been corrected. This version has been accepted for publication on Advances in Mathematic

    Orbit Determination with the two-body Integrals

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    We investigate a method to compute a finite set of preliminary orbits for solar system bodies using the first integrals of the Kepler problem. This method is thought for the applications to the modern sets of astrometric observations, where often the information contained in the observations allows only to compute, by interpolation, two angular positions of the observed body and their time derivatives at a given epoch; we call this set of data attributable. Given two attributables of the same body at two different epochs we can use the energy and angular momentum integrals of the two-body problem to write a system of polynomial equations for the topocentric distance and the radial velocity at the two epochs. We define two different algorithms for the computation of the solutions, based on different ways to perform elimination of variables and obtain a univariate polynomial. Moreover we use the redundancy of the data to test the hypothesis that two attributables belong to the same body (linkage problem). It is also possible to compute a covariance matrix, describing the uncertainty of the preliminary orbits which results from the observation error statistics. The performance of this method has been investigated by using a large set of simulated observations of the Pan-STARRS project.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figur

    Platonic polyhedra, periodic orbits and chaotic motions in the N-body problem with non-Newtonian forces

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    We consider the NN-body problem with interaction potential Ualpha=rac1ertxixjertalphaU_alpha=rac{1}{ert x_i-x_jert^alpha} for alpha>1. We assume that the particles have all the same mass and that NN is the order ertmathcalRertertmathcal{R}ert of the rotation group mathcalRmathcal{R} of one of the five Platonic polyhedra. We study motions that, up to a relabeling of the NN particles, are invariant under mathcalRmathcal{R}. By variational techniques we prove the existence of periodic and chaotic motions

    Long term dynamics for the restricted N-body problem with mean motion resonances and crossing singularities

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    We consider the long term dynamics of the restricted N -body problem, modeling in a statistical sense the motion of an asteroid in the gravitational field of the Sun and the solar system planets. We deal with the case of a mean motion resonance with one planet and assume that the osculating trajectory of the asteroid crosses the one of some planet, possibly different from the resonant one, during the evolution. Such crossings produce singularities in the differential equations for the motion of the asteroid, obtained by standard perturbation theory. In this work we prove that the vector field of these equations can be extended to two locally Lipschitz-continuous vector fields on both sides of a set of crossing conditions. This allows us to define generalized solutions, continuous but not differentiable, going beyond these singularities. Moreover, we prove that the long term evolution of the ’signed’ orbit distance (Gronchi and Tommei 2007) between the asteroid and the planet is differentiable in a neighborhood of the crossing times. In case of crossings with the resonant planet we recover the known dynamical protection mechanism against collisions. We conclude with a numerical comparison between the long term and the full evolutions in the case of asteroids belonging to the ’Alinda’ and ’Toro’ classes (Milani et al. 1989). This work extends the results in (Gronchi and Tardioli 2013) to the relevant case of asteroids in mean motion resonance with a planet

    On the possible values of the orbit distance between a near-Earth asteroid and the Earth

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    We consider all the possible trajectories of a near-Earth asteroid (NEA), corresponding to the whole set of heliocentric orbital elements with perihelion distance q ≤ 1.3 au and eccentricity e ≤ 1 (NEA class). For these hypothetical trajectories, we study the range of the values of the distance from the trajectory of the Earth (assumed on a circular orbit) as a function of selected orbital elements of the asteroid. The results of this geometric approach are useful to explain some aspects of the orbital distribution of the known NEAs. We also show that the maximal orbit distance between an object in the NEA class and the Earth is attained by a parabolic orbit, with apsidal line orthogonal to the ecliptic plane. It turns out that the threshold value of q for the NEA class (qmax = 1.3 au) is very close to a critical value, below which the above result is not valid

    Maps of secular resonances in the NEO region

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    Context. From numerical simulations, it is known that some secular resonances may affect the motion of near-Earth objects (NEOs). However, the specific location of the secular resonance inside the NEO region is not fully known, because the methods previously used to predict their location can not be used for highly eccentric orbits and when the NEOs cross the orbits of the planets. Aims. In this paper, we aim to map the secular resonances with the planets from Venus to Saturn in the NEO region, even for high values of the eccentricity. Methods. We used an averaged semi-analytical model that can deal with orbit crossing singularities for the computation of the secular dynamics of NEOs, from which we can obtain suitable proper elements and proper frequencies. Then, we computed the proper frequencies over a uniform grid in the proper elements space. Secular resonances are thus located by the level curves corresponding to the proper frequencies of the planets. Results. We determined the location of the secular resonances with the planets from Venus to Saturn, showing that they appear well inside the NEO region. By using full numerical N-body simulations we also showed that the location predicted by our method is fairly accurate. Finally, we provided some indications about possible dynamical paths inside the NEO region, due to the presence of secular resonances.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Orbit Determination with the two-body Integrals. II

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    The first integrals of the Kepler problem are used to compute preliminary orbits starting from two short observed arcs of a celestial body, which may be obtained either by optical or radar observations. We write polynomial equations for this problem, that we can solve using the powerful tools of computational Algebra. An algorithm to decide if the linkage of two short arcs is successful, i.e. if they belong to the same observed body, is proposed and tested numerically. In this paper we continue the research started in [Gronchi, Dimare, Milani, 'Orbit determination with the two-body intergrals', CMDA (2010) 107/3, 299-318], where the angular momentum and the energy integrals were used. A suitable component of the Laplace-Lenz vector in place of the energy turns out to be convenient, in fact the degree of the resulting system is reduced to less than half.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure