3 research outputs found

    Validation of a spectral correction procedure for sun and sky reflections in above-water reflectance measurements

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    A three-component reflectance model (3C) is applied to above-water radiometric measurements to derive remote-sensing reflectance Rrs (位). 3C provides a spectrally resolved offset 螖(位) to correct for residual sun and sky radiance (Rayleigh- and aerosol-scattered) reflections on the water surface that were not represented by sky radiance measurements. 3C is validated with a data set of matching above- and below-water radiometric measurements collected in the Baltic Sea, and compared against a scalar offset correction 螖. Correction with 螖(位) instead of 螖 consistently reduced the (mean normalized root-mean-square) deviation between Rrs (位) and reference reflectances to comparable levels for clear (螖: 14.3 卤 2.5 %, 螖(位): 8.2 卤 1.7 %), partly clouded (螖: 15.4 卤 2.1 %, 螖(位): 6.5 卤 1.4 %), and completely overcast (螖: 10.8 卤 1.7 %, 螖(位): 6.3 卤 1.8 %) sky conditions. The improvement was most pronounced under inhomogeneous sky conditions when measurements of sky radiance tend to be less representative of surface-reflected radiance. Accounting for both sun glint and sky reflections also relaxes constraints on measurement geometry, which was demonstrated based on a semi-continuous daytime data set recorded in a eutrophic freshwater lake in the Netherlands. Rrs (位) that were derived throughout the day varied spectrally by less than 2 % relative standard deviation. Implications on measurement protocols are discussed. An open source software library for processing reflectance measurements was developed and is made publicly available

    Variability of adjacency effects in sky reflectance measurements

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    Sky reflectance Rsky(l) is used to correct in situ reflectance measurements in the remote detection of water colour. We analysed the directional and spectral variability in Rsky(l) due to adjacency effects against an atmospheric radiance model. The analysis is based on one year of semi-continuous Rsky(l) observations that were recorded in two azimuth directions. Adjacency effects contributed to Rsky(l) dependent on season and viewing angle, and predominantly in the near-infrared (NIR). For our test area, adjacency effects spectrally resembled a generic vegetation spectrum. The adjacency effect was weakly dependent on the magnitude of Rayleigh- and aerosol-scattered radiance. Reflectance differed between viewing directions 5.4 +/- 6.3% for adjacency effects and 21.0 +/- 19.8% for Rayleigh- and aerosol-scattered Rsky(l), in the NIR. It is discussed under which conditions in situ water reflectance observations require dedicated correction for adjacency effects. We provide an open source implementation of our method to aid identification of such conditions. Copyright 2017 Optical Society of America