35 research outputs found

    Do Safer Sex Self-Efficacy, Attitudes toward Condoms, and HIV Transmission Risk Beliefs Differ among Men who Have Sex with Men, Heterosexual Men, and Women Living with HIV?

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    To understand sexual decision-making processes among people living with HIV, we compared safer sex self-efficacy, condom attitudes, sexual beliefs, and rates of unprotected anal or vaginal intercourse with at-risk partners (UAVI-AR) in the past 3 months among 476 people living with HIV: 185 men who have sex with men (MSM), 130 heterosexual men, and 161 heterosexual women. Participants were enrolled in SafeTalk, a randomized, controlled trial of a safer sex intervention. We found 15% of MSM, 9% of heterosexual men, and 12% of heterosexual women engaged in UAVI-AR. Groups did not differ in self-efficacy or sexual attitudes/beliefs. However, the associations between these variables and UAVI-AR varied within groups: greater self-efficacy predicted less UAVI-AR for MSM and women, whereas more positive condom attitudes – but not self-efficacy – predicted less UAVI-AR for heterosexual men. These results suggest HIV prevention programs should tailor materials to different subgroups

    Serologic Screening for Genital Herpes: An Updated Evidence Report and Systematic Review for the US Preventive Services Task Force

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    Importance: Genital herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection is a prevalent sexually transmitted infection. Vertical transmission of HSV can lead to fetal morbidity and mortality. Objective: To assess the evidence on serologic screening and preventive interventions for genital HSV infection in asymptomatic adults and adolescents to support the US Preventive Services Task Force for an updated recommendation statement. Data Sources: MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, EMBASE, and trial registries through March 31, 2016. Surveillance for new evidence in targeted publications was conducted through October 31, 2016. Study Selection: English-language randomized clinical trials (RCTs) comparing screening with no screening in persons without past or current symptoms of genital herpes; studies evaluating accuracy and harms of serologic screening tests for HSV-2; RCTs assessing preventive interventions in asymptomatic persons seropositive for HSV-2. Data Extraction and Synthesis: Dual review of abstracts, full-text articles, and study quality; pooled sensitivities and specificities of screening tests using a hierarchical summary receiver operating characteristic curve analysis when at least 3 similar studies were available. Main Outcomes and Measures: Accuracy of screening tests, benefits of screening, harms of screening, reduction in genital herpes outbreaks. Results: A total of 17 studies (n = 9736 participants; range, 24-3290) in 19 publications were included. No RCTs compared screening with no screening. Most studies of the accuracy of screening tests were from populations with high HSV-2 prevalence (greater than 40% based on Western blot). Pooled estimates of sensitivity and specificity of the most commonly used test at the manufacturer's cutpoint were 99% (95% CI, 97%-100%) and 81% (95% CI, 68%-90%), respectively (10 studies; n = 6537). At higher cutpoints, pooled estimates were 95% (95% CI, 91%-97%) and 89% (95% CI, 82%-93%), respectively (7 studies; n = 5516). Use of this test at the manufacturer's cutpoint in a population of 100 000 with a prevalence of HSV-2 of 16% (the seroprevalence in US adults with unknown symptom status) would result in 15 840 true-positive results and 15 960 false-positive results (positive predictive value, 50%). Serologic screening for genital herpes was associated with psychosocial harms, including distress and anxiety related to positive test results. Four RCTs compared preventive medications with placebo, 2 in nonpregnant asymptomatic adults who were HSV-2 seropositive and 2 in HSV-2-serodiscordant couples. Results in both populations were heterogeneous and inconsistent. Conclusions and Relevance: Serologic screening for genital herpes is associated with a high rate of false-positive test results and potential psychosocial harms. Evidence from RCTs does not establish whether preventive antiviral medication for asymptomatic HSV-2 infection has benefit

    Opt-Out HIV Testing of Inmates in North Carolina Prisons: Factors Associated with not Wanting a Test and not Knowing They Were Tested

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    Opt-out HIV testing is recommended for correctional settings but may occur without inmates’ knowledge or against their wishes. Through surveying inmates receiving opt-out testing in a large prison system, we estimated the proportion unaware of being tested or not wanting a test, and associations (prevalence ratios [PRs]) with inmate characteristics. Of 871 tested, 11.8% were unknowingly tested and 10.8% had unwanted tests. Not attending an educational HIV course (PR=2.34, 95% CI 1.47–3.74), lower HIV knowledge (PR=0.95, 95% CI 0.91–0.98), and thinking testing is not mandatory (PR=9.84, 95% CI 4.93–19.67) were associated with unawareness of testing. No prior incarcerations (PR=1.59, 95% CI 1.03–2.46) and not using crack/cocaine recently (PR=2.37, 95% CI 1.21–4.64) were associated with unwanted testing. Residence at specific facilities was associated with both outcomes. Increased assessment of inmate understanding and enhanced implementation are needed to ensure inmates receive full benefits of opt-out testing: being informed and tested according to their wishes

    Start Talking About Risks: Development of a Motivational Interviewing-Based Safer Sex Program for People Living with HIV

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    The epidemiology of HIV infection in the US in general, and in the southeast, in particular, has shifted dramatically over the past two decades, increasingly affecting women and minorities. The site for our intervention was an infectious diseases clinic based at a university hospital serving over 1,300 HIV-infected patients in North Carolina. Our patient population is diverse and reflects the trends seen more broadly in the epidemic in the southeast and in North Carolina. Practicing safer sex is a complex behavior with multiple determinants that vary by individual and social context. A comprehensive intervention that is client-centered and can be tailored to each individual’s circumstances is more likely to be effective at reducing risky behaviors among clients such as ours than are more confrontational or standardized prevention messages. One potential approach to improving safer sex practices among people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) is Motivational Interviewing (MI), a non-judgmental, client-centered but directive counseling style. Below, we describe: (1) the development of the Start Talking About Risks (STAR) MI-based safer sex counseling program for PLWHA at our clinic site; (2) the intervention itself; and (3) lessons learned from implementing the intervention

    Examining the Role of Serostatus Disclosure on Unprotected Sex Among People Living with HIV

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    Given the increasing prevalence of HIV, it is important to identify factors associated with safer sex behaviors between people living with HIV and their partners. Utilizing a diverse sample of 242 HIV-infected adults [n=69 men who have sex with men (MSM); n=68 men who have sex with women (MSW); n=105 women who have sex with men (WSM)], we examined the association between serostatus disclosure and unprotected anal or vaginal intercourse (UAVI) and the moderating effect of sexual behavior group on this association. Overall, 88.7% disclosed to their current partner. Approximately 18.8% of MSM, 17.7% of MSW, and 29.5% of WSM reported UAVI. Controlling for age, time since diagnosis, and partner serostatus, we found main effects on UAVI for disclosure and sexual behavior group; specifically, disclosure was inversely related to unprotected sex [AOR=0.09, 95% CI (0.02, 0.43), p<0.001], and MSM were less likely to engage in UAVI relative to WSM [AOR=0.11, 95% CI (0.17, 0.82), p<0.05]. However, the relationship between disclosure and UAVI was not moderated by sexual behavior group. Future strategies that aim to increase disclosure to partners may consider focusing on its value as a means by which to reduce sexual risk behavior

    Implementation and Quality Improvement of a Screening and Counseling Program for Unhealthy Alcohol Use in an Academic General Internal Medicine Practice

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    Unhealthy alcohol use is the third leading cause of preventable death in the United States (U.S.). The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends screening for unhealthy alcohol use but little is known about how best to do so. We used quality improvement techniques to implement a systematic approach to screening and counseling primary care patients for unhealthy alcohol use. Components included use of validated screening and assessment instruments; an evidence-based 2-visit counseling intervention using motivational interviewing techniques for those with risky drinking behaviors who did not have an alcohol use disorder (AUD); shared decision making about treatment options for those with an AUD; support materials for providers and patients; and training in motivational interviewing for faculty and residents. Over the course of one year, we screened 52% (N=5,352) of our clinic’s patients and identified 294 with positive screens. Of those 294, appropriate screening-related assessments and interventions were documented for 168 and 72 patients, respectively. Although we successfully implemented a systematic screening program and structured processes of care, ongoing quality improvement efforts are needed to screen the rest of our patients and to improve the consistency with which we provide and document appropriate interventions

    Adherence During Antiviral Treatment Regimens for Chronic Hepatitis C: A Qualitative Study of Patient-reported Facilitators and Barriers

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    To understand patients’ perceptions of factors which facilitate and hinder adherence in order to inform adherence-enhancing interventions

    Does the quality of safetalk motivational interviewing counseling predict sexual behavior outcomes among people living with HIV?

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    Although past research has demonstrated a link between the quality of motivational interviewing (MI) counseling and client behavior change, this relationship has not been examined in the context of sexual risk behavior among people living with HIV/AIDS. We studied MI quality and unprotected anal/vaginal intercourse (UAVI) in the context of SafeTalk, an evidence-based secondary HIV prevention intervention

    Serostatus disclosure to sexual partners among people living with HIV: Examining the roles of partner characteristics and stigma

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    HIV serostatus disclosure among people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) is an important component of preventing HIV transmission to sexual partners. Due to barriers like stigma, however, many PLWHA do not disclose their serostatus to all sexual partners. This study explored differences in HIV serostatus disclosure based on sexual behavior subgroup [men who have sex with men (MSM), heterosexual men, and women], characteristics of the sexual relationship (relationship type and HIV serostatus of partner), and perceived stigma. We examined disclosure in a sample of 341 PLWHA: 138 MSM, 87 heterosexual men, and 116 heterosexual women who were enrolled in SafeTalk, a randomized, controlled trial of a safer sex intervention. We found that, overall, 79% of participants disclosed their HIV status to all sexual partners in the past 3 months. However, we found important differences in disclosure by subgroup and relationship characteristics. Heterosexual men and women were more likely to disclose their HIV status than MSM (86%, 85%, and 69%, respectively). Additionally, disclosure was more likely among participants with only primary partners than those with only casual or both casual and primary partners (92%, 54%, and 62%, respectively). Participants with only HIV-positive partners were also more likely to disclose than those with only HIV-negative partners, unknown serostatus partners, or partners of mixed serostatus (96%, 85%, 40%, and 60%, respectively). Finally, people who perceived more HIV-related stigma were less likely to disclose their HIV serostatus to partners, regardless of subgroup or relationship characteristics. These findings suggest that interventions to help PLWHA disclose, particularly to serodiscordant casual partners, are needed and will likely benefit from inclusion of stigma reduction components

    Sexuality, Sexual Practices, and HIV Risk Among Incarcerated African-American Women in North Carolina

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    Background—Women who have been in prison carry a greater lifetime risk of HIV for reasons that are not well understood. This effect is amplified in the Southeastern United States, where HIV incidence and prevalence is especially high among African American (AA) women. The role of consensual sexual partnerships in the context of HIV risk, especially same-sex partnerships, merits further exploration. Methods—We conducted digitally recorded qualitative interviews with 29 AA women (15 HIVpositive, 14 HIV-negative) within three months after entry into the state prison system. We explored potential pre-incarceration HIV risk factors, including personal sexual practices. Two researchers thematically coded interview transcripts and a consensus committee reviewed coding. Results—Women reported complex sexual risk profiles during the six months prior to incarceration, including sex with women as well as prior sexual partnerships with both men and women. Condom use with primary male partners was low and a history of transactional sex work was prevalent. These behaviors were linked to substance use, particularly among HIV-positive women. Conclusions—Although women may not formally identify as bisexual or lesbian, sex with women was an important component of this cohort’s sexuality. Addressing condom use, heterogeneity of sexual practices, and partner concurrency among at-risk women should be considered for reducing HIV acquisition and preventing forward transmission in women with a history of incarceration