659 research outputs found

    Variations de l'élaboration conceptuelle dans différentes modalités d'enseignement bilingue

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    This paper examines the relationship between programmed and emergent aspects of knowledge construction in bilingual education, through the analysis of conceptual networks of subject content. More precisely, the focus is on classroom interaction sequences in which participants (teacher and students) are working on definitions of certain phenomena or discussing different notions and concepts. These concepts have a common conceptual structure and build up conceptual networks that reflect the paradigm of different subject disciplines (for example, chemistry, biology, law, etc.), but do not have the same relevance for the knowledge construction and acquisition process. By comparing conceptual structures of subject content with different modalities of classroom interaction in which they occur, we examine the degree of their relevance and their role in the knowledge construction process. In this way, we are trying to find out which conditions could emphasize the occurrence of non-programmed notions and what is the impact of code-switching and meta-linguistic activities on it

    Saisir le niveau méso-interactionnel dans l'interaction didactique: autour des notions de saturation et de mésoalternance

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    While instructional interaction is shaped by situated and dynamic conversational mechanisms, it also realises institutional "projects" designed beforehand (i.e. in the curriculum). In order to interpret participants' orientation towards these projects, as it is displayed in interaction, drawing on a meso-interactional level is often needed. We analyse two phenomena relating to this level in early immersion classroom interaction: saturation, an interactive process aiming at the co-construction of the necessary information at a given point in interaction, in relation to a given activity, and meso-alternation, performing language alternation at certain points of transition between activities addressing both didactic strategies and institutional organisation. The identification of this meso-interactional level lies on theoretical, methodological and epistemological issues. In between approaches that are deeply rooted in the micro level and do not find it useful to oppose it to a macro level and those that provide a top-down perspective on the micro-level, our approach offers a bottom-up perspective (micro to macro). This results in applying a new lense on analytical units of/in interaction and an integrated or continuous treatment of different types of data

    La vitrification en une seule Ă©tape d’embryons murins dĂ©finit de nouveaux standards de cryoprĂ©servation

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    La cryoprĂ©servation d’embryons est un des outils les plus efficaces, Ă©conomiques et utiles au niveau Ă©thique pour prĂ©server indĂ©finiment la gĂ©nĂ©tique des animaux de laboratoire. Les bĂ©nĂ©fices liĂ©s Ă  son utilisation sont nombreux, et incluent la rĂ©duction des coĂ»ts associĂ©s Ă  la pĂ©rennisation de lignĂ©es, la limitation de l’apparition et de la dissĂ©mination de mutations non voulues, la facilitĂ© et la sĂ©curitĂ© pour les transferts internationaux, et la rĂ©duction du nombre d’animaux Ă  Ă©lever en captivitĂ©. La vitrification a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©montrĂ©e comme Ă©tant plus efficace que la congĂ©lation lente en procrĂ©ation mĂ©dicalement assistĂ©e humaine, oĂč elle constitue maintenant la mĂ©thode de rĂ©fĂ©rence. Il en va de mĂȘme pour la cryoprĂ©servation des embryons de souris, oĂč la vitrification prĂ©serve mieux l’intĂ©gritĂ© de la chromatine, rĂ©duit la pĂ©nĂ©tration intracytoplasmique d’agents cryoprotecteurs potentiellement toxiques, et in fine permet une meilleure survie et un meilleur dĂ©veloppement aprĂšs rĂ©chauffement que la congĂ©lation lente. Cependant, pour ĂȘtre efficaces, les mĂ©thodes actuelles de vitrification nĂ©cessitent plusieurs Ă©tapes d’exposition des embryons Ă  des solutions spĂ©cifiques avant le refroidissement, mais aussi au cours de leur rĂ©chauffement ultĂ©rieur. Cette relative complexitĂ© peut s’avĂ©rer difficile Ă  gĂ©rer de maniĂšre optimale quand un grand nombre d’embryons doivent ĂȘtre traitĂ©s au cours d’une mĂȘme session. Nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© et brevetĂ© une technologie de vitrification d’embryons en une Ă©tape (« one-step ») qui est aussi efficace que les meilleures mĂ©thodes de vitrification multi-Ă©tapes. De plus, nos milieux sont chimiquement dĂ©finis (sans sĂ©rum ou autre composant biologique non dĂ©fini), et des supports permettant la vitrification aseptique peuvent ĂȘtre utilisĂ©s sans perte de rendement. Notre technologie de vitrification one-step d’embryons de rongeurs rĂ©pond ainsi aux problĂšmes d’ergonomie liĂ©s aux mĂ©thodes classiques de vitrification, et fournit ainsi aux scientifiques une solution efficace, biologiquement sĂ»re et facile Ă  utiliser pour la cryoprĂ©servation d’embryons de rongeurs. Elle rend ainsi l’efficacitĂ© de la vitrification plus aisĂ©ment applicable aux rongeurs de laboratoire, contribuant ainsi Ă  la rĂ©duction du nombre d’animaux nĂ©cessaires Ă  la pĂ©rennisation et Ă  la diffusion de lignĂ©es ou de colonies utiles.Vitricell: dĂ©veloppement et valorisation de kits de vitrification de cellules en conditions aseptiques et chimiquement dĂ©finie

    L’élaboration conceptuelle bilingue dans des disciplines non linguistiques : analyse discursive d’un cours en interaction

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    L’analyse dĂ©taillĂ©e d’un extrait d’interaction en classe bilingue (enseignement en droit impliquant le français et l’allemand) permet de mettre au jour la façon dont les connaissances disciplinaires et linguistiques sont co-construites par les participants en et avec deux langues. Les discussions terminologiques aboutissent Ă  la constitution d’un rĂ©seau conceptuel, dĂ©veloppĂ© tant par l’enseignant que par les Ă©tudiants. L’analyse met en Ă©vidence l’intĂ©rĂȘt d’une gestion flexible des langues accompagnĂ©e de discours mĂ©talinguistique et conduit Ă  la formulation de quelques propositions didactiques. Du point de vue de l’analyse du discours, ce type de corpus offre un « effet de loupe » sur les rĂ©seaux conceptuels, qui y sont particuliĂšrement dĂ©veloppĂ©s. Enfin, le croisement du point de vue de l’analyse du discours et de celui de l’enseignement des langues – y compris l’enseignement bilingue – conduit Ă  porter une attention toute particuliĂšre Ă  la question de la saturation informationnelle, certes encore peu Ă©tudiĂ©e, mais qui semble jouer un rĂŽle dĂ©terminant dans la rĂ©alisation des interactions en classe.The detailed discourse analysis of a bilingual classroom interaction sequence (subject discipline is law and the class is held both in French and German) helps to shed light on the way subject and linguistic knowledge is co-constructed by participants in and with two languages. The discussion about adequate terminology results in the construction of a conceptual network, built up both by the teacher and students. The analysis emphasizes the need for a flexible use of languages and the metalinguistic discourse, while taking into account the impact of ordinary discourse on the specialized one and leading up to some didactic proposals. From the point of view of discourse analysis, this type of data serves as a lens to focus on conceptual networks, particularly developed in this kind of context. Finally, combining perspectives of discourse analysis and language teaching – bilingual education included – puts special attention on the notion of information saturation, which has been little studied to date, but which seems to play a crucial role in classroom interactions

    Biosimilars helfen sparen

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    Sie sind gleichwertig und kostengĂŒnstiger. Dennoch werden Biosimilars – die Nachahmerprodukte von Biologika – in der Schweiz bisher selten verordnet. Was sind die GrĂŒnde dafĂŒr? Ein im Auftrag des BAG durchgefĂŒhrtes Health Technology Assessment (HTA) liefert Antworten anhand des Biologikums Infliximab und dessen Biosimilars bei der Behandlung von rheumatoider Arthritis

    Les dĂ©fis de la temporalitĂ© dans l’enseignement bilingue : une étude de cas

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    Dans l’enseignement bilingue, qui doit atteindre les mĂȘmes objectifs qu’un enseignement monolingue traditionnel mais doit aussi compter avec des objectifs linguistiques, la gestion de la temporalitĂ© est particuliĂšrement dĂ©licate pour l’enseignant‑e, dans la mesure oĂč il/elle doit dĂ©dier du temps au travail sur la formulation linguistique sans pour autant lĂ©ser l’enseignement-apprentissage du contenu disciplinaire. Pour explorer ce paramĂštre, nous Ă©tudierons, Ă  l’aide d’une analyse interactionnelle combinĂ©e aux apports des thĂ©ories de l’acquisition et de la didactique du plurilinguisme, une leçon issue d’un programme d’enseignement bilingue français-allemand. Cela permettra d’examiner trois questions : comment la temporalitĂ© est‑elle visible dans le discours de l’enseignant‑e ? L’enseignement bilingue permet‑il de gagner du temps ? Comment la temporalitĂ© influence‑t‑elle le dĂ©roulement des interactions ? La rĂ©ponse Ă  ces questions nous conduira Ă  souligner l’importance de l’intĂ©gration langue-contenu, non seulement du point de vue de la recherche mais Ă©galement au niveau de la formation des enseignant‑es.In bilingual education, which must attain the same objectives as traditional monolingual teaching while considering linguistic goals, teacher time management is particularly delicate. Teachers need to dedicate time to linguistic forms without compromising the teaching and learning of content. By adopting an approach that combines the didactics of plurilingualism and second language acquisition, we will offer an interactional analysis of a lesson from a bilingual French-German program to explore this phenomenon. We will examine the following questions: How does time management reverberate across teacher discourse? Does bilingual education save time? How does time management influence the course of interactions? The answers to these questions will lead us to emphasize language-content integration, which is crucial from the research point of view and for teacher training

    Validity, responsiveness and minimal important change of the EQ-5D-5L in patients after rotator cuff repair, shoulder arthroplasty or thumb carpometacarpal arthroplasty

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    Purpose: The aim was to investigate the measurement properties of the EQ-5D-5L utility index in patients after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair (RCR), total shoulder arthroplasty (TSA) or thumb carpometacarpal (CMC I) arthroplasty. Methods: In this prospective study, all patients completed the EQ-5D-5L before surgery and 6 months and 1 year after surgery. In addition, RCR patients completed the Oxford Shoulder Score (OSS), TSA patients completed the Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI) and CMC I patients completed the brief Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire (brief MHQ) at each designated time point. Construct validity (Pearson’s correlation coefficient, r), responsiveness (effect size), minimal important difference (MID), minimal important change (MIC), and floor and ceiling effects of the EQ-5D-5L were determined. To test discriminative ability, EQ-5D-5L utility indices of patients who were in a patient acceptable symptom state (PASS) or not at follow-up were compared using the Mann–Whitney U test. Results: We included 153 RCR, 150 TSA, and 151 CMC I patients. The EQ-5D-5L utility index correlated with the OSS (r?=?0.73), SPADI (r?=?-?0.65) and brief MHQ (r?=?0.61). The effect sizes were 1.3 (RCR and CMC I group) and 1.1 (TSA). The MID and MIC ranged from 0.027 to 0.209. Ceiling effects were found. The EQ-5D-5L utility index differed significantly between patients being in a PASS versus patients who were not in a PASS. Conclusion: The EQ-5D-5L utility index shows good construct validity, responsiveness and discriminative ability in patients after arthroscopic RCR, TSA and CMC I arthroplasty and is suitable to quantify quality of life

    FHL1 activates myostatin signalling in skeletal muscle and promotes atrophy

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    Myostatin is a TGFÎČ family ligand that reduces muscle mass. In cancer cells, TGFÎČ signalling is increased by the protein FHL1. Consequently, FHL1 may promote signalling by myostatin. We therefore tested the ability of FHL1 to regulate myostatin function. FHL1 increased the myostatin activity on a SMAD reporter and increased myostatin dependent myotube wasting. In mice, independent expression of myostatin reduced fibre diameter whereas FHL1 increased fibre diameter, both consistent with previously identified effects of these proteins. However, co‐expression of FHL1 and myostatin reduced fibre diameter to a greater extent than myostatin alone. Together, these data suggest that the expression of FHL1 may exacerbate muscle wasting under the appropriate conditions
