159 research outputs found

    Linguistic sleuthing for innovators

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    For centuries “innovation” has been a topic of book authors and academic researchers as documented by Ngram and Google Scholar search results. In contrast, “innovators” have had substantially less attention in both the popular domain and the academic domain. The purpose of this paper is to introduce a text analysis research methodology to linguistically identify “innovators” and “non-innovators” using Hebert F. Crovitz’s 42 relational words. Specifically, we demonstrate how to combine the use of two complementary text analysis software programs: Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count and WORDij to simply count the percent of use of these relational words and determine the statistical difference in use between “innovators” and “non-innovators.” We call this the “Crovitz Innovator Identification Method” in honor of Herbert F. Crovitz, who envisioned the possibility of using a small group of 42 words to signal “innovation” language. The Crovitz Innovator Identification Method is inexpensive, fast, scalable, and ready to be applied by others using this example as their guide. Nevertheless, this method does not confirm the viability of any innovation being created, used or implemented; it simply detects how a person’s language signals innovative thinking. We invite other scholars to join us in this linguistic sleuthing for innovators

    Forecasting consumer confidence through semantic network analysis of online news

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    This research studies the impact of online news on social and economic consumer perceptions through semantic network analysis. Using over 1.8 million online articles on Italian media covering four years, we calculate the semantic importance of specific economic-related keywords to see if words appearing in the articles could anticipate consumers' judgments about the economic situation and the Consumer Confidence Index. We use an innovative approach to analyze big textual data, combining methods and tools of text mining and social network analysis. Results show a strong predictive power for the judgments about the current households and national situation. Our indicator offers a complementary approach to estimating consumer confidence, lessening the limitations of traditional survey-based methods

    Petrofacies of Eocene sand injectites of the Tumey Giant Injection Complex, California (USA)

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    The authors gratefully acknowledge support from Shell Brazil and CNPq through the “BG05: UoA-UFRGS-SWB Sedimentary Systems” project at UFRGS and UoA and the strategic importance of the support given by ANP through the R&D levy regulation. We thank all the support from the Sand Injection Research Group (SIRG). We also wish to thank the support of the Bureau of Land Management (CA - USA) providing legal access to the study area.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Boosting advice and knowledge sharing among healthcare professionals

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    Purpose: This study investigates the dynamics of knowledge sharing in healthcare, exploring some of the factors that are more likely to influence the evolution of idea sharing and advice seeking in healthcare. Design/methodology/approach: We engaged 50 pediatricians representing many subspecialties at a mid-size US children's hospital using a social network survey to map and measure advice seeking and idea sharing networks. Through the application of Stochastic Actor-Oriented Models, we compared the structure of the two networks prior to a leadership program and eight weeks post conclusion. Findings: Our models indicate that healthcare professionals carefully and intentionally choose with whom they share ideas and from whom to seek advice. The process is fluid, non-hierarchical and open to changing partners. Significant transitivity effects indicate that the processes of knowledge sharing can be supported by mediation and brokerage. Originality: Hospital administrators can use this method to assess knowledge-sharing dynamics, design and evaluate professional development initiatives, and promote new organizational structures that break down communication silos. Our work contributes to the literature on knowledge sharing in healthcare by adopting a social network approach, going beyond the dyadic level, and assessing the indirect influence of peers' relationships on individual networks

    Il contributo degli esuli italiani alla riflessione sui caratteri dei totalitarismi: alcuni casi di studio

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    Il saggio esami la riflessione sviluppata da alcuni grandi esuli italiani sui caratteri dei totalitarism

    Control of Transdermal Permeation of Hydrocortisone Acetate from Hydrophilic and Lipophilic Formulations

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    The purpose of this research was the preparation of four formulations containing hydrocortisone acetate (HCA) for topical application, including two aqueous systems (hydrophilic microemulsion and aqueous gel) and two systems with dominant hydrophobicity (hydrophobic microemulsion and ointment). The formulations were tested for the release and permeation of HCA across an animal membrane. The release of HCA was found comparable for the four systems. The two microemulsions promote permeation across an ex-vivo membrane, examined by means of a Franz cell. Hydrophobic microemulsion guarantees the highest solubility (2,370 Όg/ml) and flux (133 Όg/cm2.h) of the drug, since it contains almost 40% Transcutol, a permeation enhancer. Gel and ointment provide lower solubility and flux, being the values, related to the ointment, the lowest ones (562 Όg/ml and 0.4 Όg/cm2.h). Experimental results allow the conclusion that gel and ointment can be suitable when it is desirable to minimize absorption of topically applied HCA as to keep the drug restricted to the diseased area and prevent side effects of the systemic presence of HCA

    Casi e materiali di diritto commerciale

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    Il volume raccoglie i casi trattati nelle esercitazioni di Diritto Commerciale I e II nel corso dell’A.A. 2012/2013. Esso vuole costituire, prima di tutto, per gli studenti che frequentano i corsi di Diritto commerciale uno strumento di approfondimento e conoscenza nel concreto dell’applicazione giurisprudenziale delle principali tematiche affrontate a lezione e una guida per la partecipazione alle esercitazioni; ma ancor piĂč serve agli studenti che, per scelta o per necessitĂ , non frequentano i corsi, in quanto li mette di fronte ad una diversa prospettiva di analisi delle norme e li aiuta a comprendere ragioni e metodi dello studio del Diritto Commerciale, piĂč di quanto potrebbe fare la semplice lettura non guidata dei testi didattici e delle norme. Ciascun caso viene presentato secondo uno schema standard: 1) il provvedimento e gli eventuali atti, sfrondati delle parti non strettamente necessarie agli scopi didattici; 2) i titoletti (che servono a classificare la pronuncia secondo partizioni prefissate, consentendo al lettore di individuare immediatamente l’argomento cui attiene e il principio di diritto affermato); 3) i richiami normativi, che individuano le norme la cui lettura e comprensione Ăš indispensabile allo studio del caso; 4) la massima, che enuncia analiticamente il principio di diritto contenuto nel provvedimento; 5) il commento, che guida il lettore attraverso il ragionamento condotto dal giudice, indicandogli il percorso logico/giuridico e le regole di diritto positivo utilizzate per la soluzione del caso; 6) le indicazioni bibliografiche, volutamente non troppo ampie, giacchĂ© si limitano a rimandare ad alcune fonti ulteriori che rappresentano punti di partenza basilari per avviare uno studio analitico di ciascuna tematica. Talvolta al centro dell’approfondimento non Ăš una pronuncia giurisprudenziale, ma un documento, parimenti idoneo ad illuminare aspetti problematici o particolarmente interessanti nella prospettiva dello studio del Diritto commerciale. In questo caso, al documento seguono immediatamente il commento/guida alla lettura e le indicazioni bibliografiche. I temi ruotano intorno ai nuclei fondamentali del diritto commerciale. L’impresa, innanzitutto, nelle sue articolate qualificazioni di impresa commerciale, agricola e artigiana, nonchĂ© negli aspetti concorrenziali. Il diritto societario, nella “summa divisio” fra societĂ  personali e societĂ  di capitali, senza trascurare i problemi che l’approvvigionamento dei mezzi finanziari sul mercato solleva a carico dei risparmiatori. E le procedure concorsuali, declinate soprattutto nel fallimento, che – nonostante la travagliata e sempre incompiuta riforma – resta al centro del sistema concorsuale
