27 research outputs found

    PROFESSIONS AND BUSINESSES Patient Self-Referral: Prohibit Referral of Patients by Health Care Providers to Entities in Which the Provider Holds an Investment Interest

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    The Act prohibits a health care provider from referring a patient to an entity providing health care services when the referring provider holds an investment interest in that entity. A transition period extending until July 1, 1996 is provided for those investment interests acquired prior to July 1. 1993. During this time, an otherwise prohibited referral may be made if specified disclosures are made to the patient. After July 1, 1996, a referral is prohibited unless there is demonstrated community need for the entity and other investment and referral criteria are satisfied

    TORTS Wrongful Death: Designate Guardian for Children in Wrongful Death Recoveries

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    This Act designates who controls wrongful death recoveries intended to benefit a surviving child. For awards less than 15,000,thenaturalguardianshallholdandusethemoneyforthebenefitofthechild.Aguardianofthepropertyshallbeappointedtoholdanduseawardsof15,000, the natural guardian shall hold and use the money for the benefit of the child. A guardian of the property shall be appointed to hold and use awards of 15,000 or more to benefit the child

    TORTS Wrongful Death: Designate Guardian for Children in Wrongful Death Recoveries

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    This Act designates who controls wrongful death recoveries intended to benefit a surviving child. For awards less than 15,000,thenaturalguardianshallholdandusethemoneyforthebenefitofthechild.Aguardianofthepropertyshallbeappointedtoholdanduseawardsof15,000, the natural guardian shall hold and use the money for the benefit of the child. A guardian of the property shall be appointed to hold and use awards of 15,000 or more to benefit the child

    PROFESSIONS AND BUSINESSES Patient Self-Referral: Prohibit Referral of Patients by Health Care Providers to Entities in Which the Provider Holds an Investment Interest

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    The Act prohibits a health care provider from referring a patient to an entity providing health care services when the referring provider holds an investment interest in that entity. A transition period extending until July 1, 1996 is provided for those investment interests acquired prior to July 1. 1993. During this time, an otherwise prohibited referral may be made if specified disclosures are made to the patient. After July 1, 1996, a referral is prohibited unless there is demonstrated community need for the entity and other investment and referral criteria are satisfied

    Progress on the Development of the UAS C2 Link and Supporting Spectrum - from LOS to BLOS

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    In order to provide for the safe integration of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) into the National Airspace System, the control and non-payload communications (CNPC) link connecting the ground-based pilot with the unmanned aircraft must be highly reliable and robust, based upon standards that enable certification. Both line-of-sight (LOS) links using terrestrial-based communications and beyond-line-of-sight (BLOS) links using satellite communications are required to support UAS operations. The development of standards has been undertaken by RTCA Special Committee 228 (SC-228), with supporting technical data developed by NASA under the UAS in the National Airspace (NAS) Project. As a result of this work minimum operational performance standards (MOPS) have been completed and published for the LOS CNPC system. The second phase of work, for both NASA and RTCA involves the BLOS CNPC systems. The development of technical data to support MOPS development for UAS BLOS satellite-based CNPC links has now been initiated by NASA, and RTCA SC-228 has organized itself to begin the MOPS development process. This paper will provide an overview of the work that has been completed to date by the Communications Subproject in support of LOS C2 communications for UAS followed by an update of plans and progress for the BLOS phase of the project, with the focus on the UAS C2 spectrum aspects

    A systematic review of naturalistic interventions in refugee populations

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    Naturalistic interventions with refugee populations examine outcomes following mental health interventions in existing refugee service organisations. The current review aimed to examine outcomes of naturalistic interventions and quality of the naturalistic intervention literature in refugee populations with the view to highlight the strengths and limitations of naturalistic intervention studies. Database search was conducted using the search terms ā€˜refugeeā€™, ā€˜asylum seekerā€™, ā€˜treatmentā€™, ā€˜therapyā€™ and ā€˜intervention. No date limitations were applied, but searches were limited to articles written in English. Seven studies were identified that assessed the outcome of naturalistic interventions on adult refugees or asylum seekers in a country of resettlement using quantitative outcome measures. Results showed significant variation in the outcomes of naturalistic intervention studies, with a trend towards showing decreased symptomatology at post-intervention. However, conclusions are limited by methodological problems of the studies reviewed, particularly poor documentation of intervention methods and lack of control in the design of naturalistic intervention studies. Further examination of outcomes following naturalistic interventions is needed with studies which focus on increasing the rigour of the outcome assessment process

    Improving teaching on an inpatient pediatrics service: a retrospective analysis of a program change

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    Background: The traditional role of the faculty inpatient attending providing clinical care and effectively teaching residents and medical students is threatened by increasing documentation requirements, pressures to increase clinical productivity, and insufficient funding available for medical education. In order to sustain and improve clinical education on a general pediatric inpatient service, we instituted a comprehensive program change. Our program consisted of creating detailed job descriptions, setting clear expectations, and providing salary support for faculty inpatient attending physicians serving in clinical and educational roles. This study was aimed at assessing the impact of this program change on the learnersā€™ perceptions of their faculty attending physicians and learnersā€™ experiences on the inpatient rotations. Methods: We analyzed resident and medical student electronic evaluations of both clinical and teaching faculty attending physician characteristics, as well as resident evaluations of an inpatient rotation experience. We compared the proportions of ā€œsuperiorā€ ratings versus all other ratings prior to the educational intervention (2005ā€“2006, baseline) with the two subsequent years post intervention (2006ā€“2007, year 1; 2007ā€“2008, year 2). We also compared medical student scores on a comprehensive National Board of Medical Examiners clinical subject examination pre and post intervention. Results: When compared to the baseline year, pediatric residents were more likely to rate as superior the quality of didactic teaching (OR=1.7 [1.0-2.8] year 1; OR=2.0 [1.1-3.5] year 2) and attendingsā€™ appeal as a role model (OR=1.9 [1.1-3.3] year 2). Residents were also more likely to rate as superior the quality of feedback and evaluation they received from the attending (OR=2.1 [1.2-3.7] year 1; OR=3.9 [2.2-7.1] year 2). Similar improvements were also noted in medical student evaluations of faculty attendings. Most notably, medical students were significantly more likely to rate feedback on their data gathering and physical examination skills as superior (OR=4.2 [2.0-8.6] year 1; OR=6.4 [3.0-13.6] year 2). Conclusions: A comprehensive program which includes clear role descriptions along with faculty expectations, as well as salary support for faculty in clinical and educational roles, can improve resident and medical student experiences on a general pediatric inpatient service. The authors provide sufficient detail to replicate this program to other settings.JH Libraries Open Access Promotion Fun