19 research outputs found

    Surveillance and evidence of contamination in hospital environment from meticillin and vancomycin-resistant microbial agents

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    Introduction. Direct contact is undoubtedly the main means of transmission of hospital infections. An investigative study was therefore conducted to assess workplace surfaces at risk from microbial contamination. Methods. The study was conducted using swabs and contact slides placed on the palms of healthcare workers during their routine patient care and on workplace surfaces (e.g. telephones, computers, medication trolleys, taps) in treatment rooms, oper- ating theatres and wards. Disposable swabs were used for rapid screening and read with a bioluminometer. At the same time, a sample was taken from those testing positive using a contact slide. The samples testing positive for Staphylococci underwent identification to assess resistance to meticillin-resistant Sta- phylococcus aureus (MRS/MRSA) and to vancomycin (VISA/ VRSA) Results. Meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus strains were found on 14.7% (20/136) of samples taken from the hands of workers and 35.7% (15/42) of those from hospital surfaces. An even higher resistance to meticillin and/or vancomycin than that found for S. aureus was identified in nosocomial strains of coagulase negative staphylococci, including S. epidermidis and S. haemolyticus. Conclusion. The study concludes that there is thus a need for greater care in complying with procedures designed and support for surveillance to reduce the risk of infection

    Human papillomavirus vaccination coverage among adolescents living in southern Italy

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to estimate HPV vaccination coverage in the target population residing in Sicily, five years after launch of the vaccination campaign, and to analyze its organization in this region. Methods: Regional data as at 31 December 2013, grouped by province, issued by the Regional Health Authority were used. The organization and information materials of the campaign were also assessed (letters, posters, brochures, etc.). Results: The results for Sicily show uptake rates for three doses of HPV vaccination of 56.5%, 55.8%, 58.2%, 55.3% for cohorts born in 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 respectively, and 56.4% for cohorts born in 1996. These figures highlight the problems encountered during the promotion campaign and vaccination provision. Conclusions: Vaccine uptake in Sicily was lower than national figures for Italy as a whole for all cohorts and both fall far short of the targets set by the National Immunization Prevention Plan 2012-2014. In order to promote vaccination uptake and improve coverage, at both regional and local level, the quality of information should be improved and more communication campaigns be instigated to increase the involvement of professionals

    Hepatitis E virus (HEV) in sewage from treatment plants of Messina University Hospital and of Messina city council

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    Samples of sewage from treatment plants at the ?G. Martino? University Hospital of Messina (AOU) and that of Messina City Council were analysed to detect the hepatits E virus. Samples were taken on sewage entering and exiting the treat- ment plants on a monthly basis over a one-year period from both the hospital plant (24 samples) and the municipal plant (22 samples). All sewage samples were pretreated by ultrafiltraton and concen- tration and finally processed by the PCR method to amplify gene material. A total of three samples tested positive: two (8.33%) entering the AOU treatment plant and one (4.5%) entering the municipal plant while no cases of HEV were detected in samples of treated sewage. These findings confirm the presence of the virus in the city of Messina and showed that the two treatment plants to be working efficiently when tested

    Eliminating congenital rubella: a seroepidemiological study on women of childbearing age and MMR vaccine coverage in newborns

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    Introduction. Rubella can have particularly serious effects on the product of conception if contracted during pregnancy. Thus, the main aim of rubella vaccination programmes is to prevent infection during pregnancy. Materials and methods. A seroepidemiological study was conducted from July 2006 to December 2007 on 1,000 women of childbearing age, 15 to 45 years old, using specific rubivirus antibody assays, IgG and IgM. A questionnaire administered at the same time allowed us to survey how much women knew about this disease. In addition, MMR vaccine coverage rates were analysed for cohorts born in the local health districts of Messina for the period 1993-2006. Results. An analysis of the replies given to the questionnaire showed an estimated 42.8% of the women to have immunity from rubella, while the serological study showed an immunity coverage rate of 80.6%. Vaccination coverage in the local health districts regarding the first dose of MMR was 81% (cohorts 1993-2005), while the rate was only 24% for the second dose (cohorts 1993-2002). Conclusions. Both immunity coverage in women of childbearing age and that for newborns (for the cohort considered) fall below the 95% target set by the National Elimination Plan for Measles and Congenital Rubella (PNEM). It is therefore necessary to provide women with adequate information about the risks of rubella during pregnancy and about the benefits of vaccination, as well as to recoup subjects at risk or those whose immune status is unknown. Public health authorities also need to make continued efforts to increase the number of MMR vaccinations throughout the region

    Il ruolo dell\u2019educazione fisica nella promozione della salute: uno studio multicentrico

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    Objectives: to point out weaknesses and strengths of Physical Education (PE) in the Italian school system on the basis of the students\u2019 opinions. Methods: an anonymous, self-administered questionnaire regarding experiences and opinions about PE learned in the last two years of secondary school was distributed to a sample of freshmen from 14 Italian prouniversities. Differences among groups coming from North, Center and South regions of Italy were also analyzed. Results: for 42,2% of the 7.033 participants the principal aim pursued during PE lessons was mainly recreation. More than the half of the students (62,2%) reported none or modest influence of PE on current personal Physical Activity (PA) practice. 67,2% of the sample is satisfied of PE received, mainly in Northern regions. Discussion and conclusions: there is a need to enhance PE teaching in the Italian school through an increase of time allocated to PE lessons and through their assignment to well-trained teachers

    Influenza vaccination coverage among medical residents: An Italian multicenter survey

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    Although influenza vaccination is recognized to be safe and effective, recent studies have confirmed that immunization coverage among health care workers remain generally low, especially among medical residents (MRs). Aim of the present multicenter study was to investigate attitudes and determinants associated with acceptance of influenza vaccination among Italian MRs. A survey was performed in 2012 on MRs attending post-graduate schools of 18 Italian Universities. Each participant was interviewed via an anonymous, self-administered, web-based questionnaire including questions on attitudes regarding influenza vaccination. A total of 2506 MRs were recruited in the survey and 299 (11.9%) of these stated they had accepted influenza vaccination in 2011-2012 season. Vaccinated MRs were older (P = 0.006), working in clinical settings (P = 0.048), and vaccinated in the 2 previous seasons (P < 0.001 in both seasons). Moreover, MRs who had recommended influenza vaccination to their patients were significantly more compliant with influenza vaccination uptake in 2011-2012 season (P < 0.001). "To avoid spreading influenza among patients" was recognized as the main reason for accepting vaccination by less than 15% of vaccinated MRs. Italian MRs seem to have a very low compliance with influenza vaccination and they seem to accept influenza vaccination as a habit that is unrelated to professional and ethical responsibility. Otherwise, residents who refuse vaccination in the previous seasons usually maintain their behaviors. Promoting correct attitudes and good practice in order to improve the influenza immunization rates of MRs could represent a decisive goal for increasing immunization coverage among health care workers of the future. © 2014 Landes Bioscience

    Understanding Factors Associated With Psychomotor Subtypes of Delirium in Older Inpatients With Dementia

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    Il ruolo dell’educazione fisica nella promozione della salute: uno studio multicentrico

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    Objectives: to point out weaknesses and strengths of Physical Education (PE) in the Italian school system on the basis of the students’ opinions. Methods: an anonymous, self-administered questionnaire regarding experiences and opinions about PE learned in the last two years of secondary school was distributed to a sample of freshmen from 14 Italian universities. Differences among groups coming from North, Center and South regions of Italy were also analyzed. Results: for 42,2% of the 7.033 participants the principal aim pursued during PE lessons was mainly recreation. More than the half of the students (62,2%) reported none or modest influence of PE on current personal Physical Activity (PA) practice. 67,2% of the sample is satisfied of PE received, mainly in Northern regions. Discussion and conclusions: there is a need to enhance PE teaching in the Italian school through an increase of time allocated to PE lessons and through their assignment to well-trained teachers

    Il ruolo dell’educazione fisica nella promozione della salute: uno studio multicentrico [The role of physical education in health promotion: a multicenter study]

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    RIASSUNTO Obiettivi: evidenziare limiti e punti di forza dell’insegnamento di Educazione Fisica (EF) nell’attuale sistema scolastico italiano sulla base delle opinioni degli studenti. Metodi: ad un campione di matricole provenienti da 14 università italiane è stato somministrato un questionario anonimo da autocompilare riguardante esperienze e giudizi relativi all’insegnamento di EF ricevuto nell’ultimo biennio di scuola. Sono state anche analizzate eventuali differenze tra Nord, Centro e Sud. Risultati: su 7.033 partecipanti, il 42,2% riportava come obiettivo principale perseguito durante le lezioni di EF quello “ricreativo”. Più della metà degli studenti (62,2%) ha riferito nessuna o modesta influenza delle lezioni di EF sulla pratica corrente di Attività Fisica (AF). Il 67,2% del campione si ritiene soddisfatto degli insegnamenti di educazione fisica ricevuti, soprattutto nelle regioni del Nord. Discussione e conclusioni: l’analisi condotta ha evidenziato la necessità di migliorare l’offerta di tale insegnamento nella scuola italiana, sia incrementando il tempo dedicato alle lezioni, sia impiegando insegnanti adeguatamente preparati

    L’insegnamento di educazione fisica come strumento di promozione dell’attività motoria: risultati di un’indagine multicentrica

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    INTRODUZIONE. Essere attivi durante l’adolescenza predispone ad uno stile di vita attivo in età adulta. L’insegnamento dell’Educazione Fisica (EF), contribuendo ad avvicinare i giovanissimi all’attività motoria e al piacere di praticarla, può costituire uno strumento strategico di promozione del movimento. Spesso però il tempo e le strutture riservate a questa disciplina risultano non sufficienti, e talvolta le lezioni vengono focalizzate più sul gesto tecnico che sui benefici dell’esercizio fisico. Il Gruppo di Lavoro “Scienze motorie per la Salute” (GSMS) della SItI ha effettuato uno studio multicentrico finalizzato alla valutazione dell’insegnamento di EF nella scuola superiore di secondo grado basato sulla raccolta retrospettiva di informazioni tra gli studenti universitari. METODI. Agli studenti iscritti al primo anno di diversi corsi di laurea in 14 atenei è stato somministrato un questionario inerente esperienze e opinioni in merito all’insegnamento ricevuto negli ultimi due anni della scuola superiore e l’attuale pratica di attività fisica (AF). RISULTATI. Su un totale di 7.033 rispondenti (41.3% M, 58.7% F, età mediana 19), il 42.2% considera l’EF come momento di svago eil 51.7% riporta solo lezioni pratiche. La disponibilità di palestre e attrezzature è dichiarata da circa il 90% degli studenti. Il 51.6% del campione riporta la partecipazione ad attività motoria extracurriculare, che risulta associata (OR 1.689, IC95% 1.519-1.878) con l’attuale pratica di AF, dichiarata dal 58.1% degli studenti. CONCLUSIONI. Sebbene strutture e attrezzature risultino disponibili in quasi tutto il territorio, alcune criticità emergono riguardo le modalità di insegnamento. L’offerta di AF in orario extrascolastico sembra una strategia promettente per promuovere il mantenimento di uno stile di vita attivo