394 research outputs found

    Superconductivity in Ca-doped graphene

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    Graphene, a zero-gap semimetal, can be transformed into a metallic, semiconducting or insulating state by either physical or chemical modification. Superconductivity is conspicuously missing among these states despite considerable experimental efforts as well as many theoretical proposals. Here, we report superconductivity in calcium-decorated graphene achieved by intercalation of graphene laminates that consist of well separated and electronically decoupled graphene crystals. In contrast to intercalated graphite, we find that Ca is the only dopant that induces superconductivity in graphene laminates above 1.8 K among intercalants used in our experiments such as potassium, caesium and lithium. Ca-decorated graphene becomes superconducting at ~ 6 K and the transition temperature is found to be strongly dependent on the confinement of the Ca layer and the induced charge carrier concentration. In addition to the first evidence for superconducting graphene, our work shows a possibility of inducing and studying superconductivity in other 2D materials using their laminates

    Magnetoresistance in Co-hBN-NiFe tunnel junctions enhanced by resonant tunneling through single defects in ultrathin hBN barriers

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    Hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) is a prototypical high-quality two-dimensional insulator and an ideal material to study tunneling phenomena, as it can be easily integrated in vertical van der Waals devices. For spintronic devices, its potential has been demonstrated both for efficient spin injection in lateral spin valves and as a barrier in magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs). Here we reveal the effect of point defects inevitably present in mechanically exfoliated hBN on the tunnel magnetoresistance of Co-hBN-NiFe MTJs. We observe a clear enhancement of both the conductance and magnetoresistance of the junction at well-defined bias voltages, indicating resonant tunneling through magnetic (spin-polarized) defect states. The spin polarization of the defect states is attributed to exchange coupling of a paramagnetic impurity in the few-atomic-layer thick hBN to the ferromagnetic electrodes. This is confirmed by excellent agreement with theoretical modelling. Our findings should be taken into account in analyzing tunneling processes in hBN-based magnetic devices. More generally, our study shows the potential of using atomically thin hBN barriers with defects to engineer the magnetoresistance of MTJs and to achieve spin filtering, opening the door towards exploiting the spin degree of freedom in current studies of point defects as quantum emitters

    Revealing common artifacts due to ferromagnetic inclusions in highly-oriented pyrolytic graphite

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    We report on an extensive investigation to figure out the origin of room-temperature ferromagnetism that is commonly observed by SQUID magnetometry in highly-oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG). Electron backscattering and X-ray microanalysis revealed the presence of micron-size magnetic clusters (predominantly Fe) that are rare and would be difficult to detect without careful search in a scanning electron microscope in the backscattering mode. The clusters pin to crystal boundaries and their quantities match the amplitude of typical ferromagnetic signals. No ferromagnetic response is detected in samples where we could not find such magnetic inclusions. Our experiments show that the frequently reported ferromagnetism in pristine HOPG is most likely to originate from contamination with Fe-rich inclusions introduced presumably during crystal growth.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Micromagnetometry of two-dimensional ferromagnets

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    The study of atomically thin ferromagnetic crystals has led to the discovery of unusual magnetic behaviour and provided insight into the magnetic properties of bulk materials. However, the experimental techniques that have been used to explore ferromagnetism in such materials cannot probe the magnetic field directly. Here, we show that ballistic Hall micromagnetometry can be used to measure the magnetization of individual two-dimensional ferromagnets. Our devices are made by van der Waals assembly in such a way that the investigated ferromagnetic crystal is placed on top of a multi-terminal Hall bar made from encapsulated graphene. We use the micromagnetometry technique to study atomically thin chromium tribromide (CrBr3). We find that the material remains ferromagnetic down to monolayer thickness and exhibits strong out-of-plane anisotropy. We also find that the magnetic response of CrBr3 varies little with the number of layers and its temperature dependence cannot be described by the simple Ising model of two-dimensional ferromagnetism.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figure

    Growth of a vortex polycrystal in type II superconductors

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    We discuss the formation of a vortex polycrystal in type II superconductors from the competition between pinning and elastic forces. We compute the elastic energy of a deformed grain boundary, that is strongly non-local, and obtain the depinning stress for weak and strong pinning. Our estimates for the grain size dependence on the magnetic field strength are in good agreement with previous experiments on NbMo. Finally, we discuss the effect of thermal noise on grain growth.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Giant oscillations in a triangular network of one-dimensional states in marginally twisted graphene

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    The electronic properties of graphene superlattices have attracted intense interest that was further stimulated by the recent observation of novel many-body states at "magic" angles in twisted bilayer graphene (BLG). For very small ("marginal") twist angles of 0.1 deg, BLG has been shown to exhibit a strain-accompanied reconstruction that results in submicron-size triangular domains with the Bernal stacking. If the interlayer bias is applied to open an energy gap inside the domain regions making them insulating, marginally-twisted BLG is predicted to remain conductive due to a triangular network of chiral one-dimensional (1D) states hosted by domain boundaries. Here we study electron transport through this network and report giant Aharonov-Bohm oscillations persisting to temperatures above 100 K. At liquid helium temperatures, the network resistivity exhibits another kind of oscillations that appear as a function of carrier density and are accompanied by a sign-changing Hall effect. The latter are attributed to consecutive population of the flat minibands formed by the 2D network of 1D states inside the gap. Our work shows that marginally twisted BLG is markedly distinct from other 2D electronic systems, including BLG at larger twist angles, and offers a fascinating venue for further research.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Long-range nonlocal flow of vortices in narrow superconducting channels

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    We report a new nonlocal effect in vortex matter, where an electric current confined to a small region of a long and sufficiently narrow superconducting wire causes vortex flow at distances hundreds of inter-vortex separations away. The observed remote traffic of vortices is attributed to a very efficient transfer of a local strain through the one-dimensional vortex lattice, even in the presence of disorder. We also observe mesoscopic fluctuations in the nonlocal vortex flow, which arise due to "traffic jams" when vortex arrangements do not match a local geometry of a superconducting channel.Comment: a slightly longer version of a tentatively accepted PR

    Small Scale Anisotropy Predictions for the Auger Observatory

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    We study the small scale anisotropy signal expected at the Pierre Auger Observatory in the next 1, 5, 10, and 15 years of operation, from sources of ultra-high energy (UHE) protons. We numerically propagate UHE protons over cosmological distances using an injection spectrum and normalization that fits current data up to \sim 10^{20}\eV. We characterize possible sources of ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) by their mean density in the local Universe, ρˉ=10r\bar{\rho} = 10^{-r} Mpc3^{-3}, with rr between 3 and 6. These densities span a wide range of extragalactic sites for UHECR sources, from common to rare galaxies or even clusters of galaxies. We simulate 100 realizations for each model and calculate the two point correlation function for events with energies above 4 \times 10^{19}\eV and above 10^{20}\eV, as specialized to the case of the Auger telescope. We find that for r\ga 4, Auger should be able to detect small scale anisotropies in the near future. Distinguishing between different source densities based on cosmic ray data alone will be more challenging than detecting a departure from isotropy and is likely to require larger statistics of events. Combining the angular distribution studies with the spectral shape around the GZK feature will also help distinguish between different source scenarios.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, 6 tables, submitted to JCA

    Myopia and its complications

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    According to the data of World Health Organization, weak sight at uncorrected anomalies of refringence is one of the main directions of liquidation of preventable blindness to the 2020. The article presents the review of present-day literature devoted to the etiology, pathogenesis of myopia and its complications. Data of Russian and foreign researchers are presented. The estimation of the methods of research in myopia diagnostics and associated complications is given. The attention is given to the unsolved problems of early diagnostics of myopia complications