8 research outputs found

    Orientifold Planar Equivalence: The Quenched Meson Spectrum

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    A numerical study of Orientifold Planar Equivalence is performed in SU(N) Yang-Mills theories for N=2,3,4,6. Quenched meson masses are extracted in the antisymmetric, symmetric and adjoint representations for the pseudoscalar and vector channels. An extrapolation of the vector mass as a function of the pseudoscalar mass to the large-N limit shows that the numerical results agree within errors for the three theories, as predicted by Orientifold Planar Equivalence. As a byproduct of the extrapolation, the size of the corrections up to O(1/N^3) are evaluated. A crucial prerequisite for the extrapolation is the determination of an analytical relationship between the corrections in the symmetric and in the antisymmetric representations, order by order in a 1/N expansion.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures. Talk given by B. Lucini at the XXVIII International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2010), Villasimius, Italy, June 201

    The running of the coupling in SU(N) pure gauge theories

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    The running of the coupling is studied in SU(4) gauge theory using the Schr\"odinger functional technique. Up to energies of the order of the square root of the string tension σ\sigma, the running is found to agree with the two-loop perturbative formula. Relating the perturbative to the non-perturbative regime of the running and converting to the \msbar scheme allows one to extract the ratio \Lambda_{\msbar}/\sqrt{\sigma}. The result is then used in combination with similar calculations present in the literature for SU(2) and SU(3) to extract \Lambda_{\msbar}/\sqrt{\sigma} in the large NN limit. Our results for N=3,4N=3,4 agree with a recent study of the same quantity performed using the Parisi mean field scheme as an intermediate scheme, while \Lambda_{\msbar}/\sqrt{\sigma} in SU(2) turns out to differ by 2.5%. Possible explanations of this discrepancy are discussed.Comment: Substantially modified version, with revised error analysis, large N extrapolation and conclusions; to appear on PL

    Non-Supersymmetric Seiberg Duality, Orientifold QCD and Non-Critical Strings

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    We propose an electric-magnetic duality and conjecture an exact conformal window for a class of non-supersymmetric U(N_c) gauge theories with fermions in the (anti)symmetric representation of the gauge group and N_f additional scalar and fermion flavors. The duality exchanges N_c with N_f -N_c \mp 4 leaving N_f invariant, and has common features with Seiberg duality in N=1 SQCD with SU or SO/Sp gauge group. At large N the duality holds due to planar equivalence with N=1 SQCD. At finite N we embed these gauge theories in a setup with D-branes and orientifolds in a non-supersymmetric, but tachyon-free, non-critical type 0B string theory and argue in favor of the duality in terms of boundary and crosscap state monodromies as in analogous supersymmetric situations. One can verify explicitly that the resulting duals have matching global anomalies. Finally, we comment on the moduli space of these gauge theories and discuss other potential non-supersymmetric examples that could exhibit similar dualities.Comment: 45 pages, 1 figur

    Spectrum of orientifold QCD in the strong coupling and hopping expansion approximation

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    We use the strong coupling and hopping parameter expansions to calculate the pion and rho meson masses for lattice Yang-Mills gauge theories with fermions in irreducible two-index representations, namely the adjoint, symmetric and antisymmetric. The results are found to be consistent with orientifold planar equivalence, and leading order 1/N corrections are calculated in the lattice phase. An estimate of the critical bare mass, for which the pion is massless, is obtained as a function of the bare coupling. A comparison to data from the two-flavour SU(2) theory with adjoint fermions gives evidence for a bulk phase transition at beta~2, separating a pure lattice phase from a phase smoothly connected to the continuum.Comment: 16 page

    CALPHAD modeling based on Gibbs energy functions from zero kevin and improved magnetic model: A case study on the Cr–Ni system

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