3,622 research outputs found

    Citations, Research and Agricultural Economists in 25 Universities, 1966-1990

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    REIT Stock Repurchases: Completion Rates, Long - Run Returns, and the Straddle Hypothesis

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    This study of real estate investment trusts (REITs) analyzes three possible explanations for the stock price reaction to a repurchase announcement and the subsequent repurchase behavior of managers under each hypothesis. Two of the hypotheses, the signaling hypothesis and the exchange option hypothesis, are established in the existing literature; the third hypothesis is a modification of the exchange option hypothesis. The exchange option hypothesis is extended to allow for additional flexibility in management decisions. This extended exchange option hypothesis is termed the ‘‘straddle’’ hypothesis because it provides management with both a call and put option. The empirical analyses show the straddle hypothesis is a more robust explanation of changes in shares outstanding in the postannouncement period than the alternative explanations.

    Loan Recovery in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study Using Rural Bank Branch Data

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    Constraints on the Intergalactic Transport of Cosmic Rays

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    Motivated by recent experimental proposals to search for extragalactic cosmic rays (including anti-matter from distant galaxies), we study particle propagation through the intergalactic medium (IGM). We first use estimates of the magnetic field strength between galaxies to constrain the mean free path for diffusion of particles through the IGM. We then develop a simple analytic model to describe the diffusion of cosmic rays. Given the current age of galaxies, our results indicate that, in reasonable models, a completely negligible number of particles can enter our Galaxy from distances greater than ∌100\sim 100 Mpc for relatively low energies (EE <106< 10^6 GeV/n). We also find that particle destruction in galaxies along the diffusion path produces an exponential suppression of the possible flux of extragalactic cosmic rays. Finally, we use gamma ray constraints to argue that the distance to any hypothetical domains of anti-matter must be roughly comparable to the horizon scale.Comment: 24 pages, AAS LaTex, 1 figure, accepted to Ap

    Assessment of an Innovative Medication Adherence Training Exercise in an Interprofessional Training Program

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    OBJECTIVE To assess the effect of an innovative training exercise on post-graduate healthcare trainees’ knowledge and perspectives of medication adherence and skills gained within an interprofessional training program. METHODS Postgraduate trainees (medicine, pharmacy, advanced practice nursing, and mental health) at the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center’s Center of Excellence in Primary Care Education interprofessional training program participated in a medication adherence exercise and training session. The session included a formal PowerPoint presentation, an innovative medication adherence simulation exercise, clinical scenarios, and a journal club. Verbal feedback during the debriefing session occurred after the medication adherence simulation exercise and throughout the session. RESULTS Six trainees participated in the exercise and training session (2 medical residents, 2 nurse practitioner residents, 1 pharmacy resident, and 1 clinical psychology fellow). Trainees reported developing a greater understanding for barriers patients face with medication adherence, empathy, and strategies to manage patients’ medication adherence. CONCLUSIONS The medication adherence exercise and training session provided an opportunity for healthcare professionals from different professions to discuss medication adherence and share their educational training and previous clinical experiences within an interprofessional training program

    Photoevaporation of Circumstellar Disks due to External FUV Radiation in Stellar Aggregates

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    When stars form in small groups (N = 100 - 500 members), their circumstellar disks are exposed to little EUV radiation but a great deal of FUV radiation from massive stars in the group. This paper calculates mass loss rates for circumstellar disks exposed to external FUV radiation. Previous work treated large disks and/or intense radiation fields in which the disk radius exceeds the critical radius (supercritical disks) where the sound speed in the FUV heated layer exceeds the escape speed. This paper shows that significant mass loss still takes place for subcritical systems. Some of the gas extends beyond the disk edge (above the disk surface) to larger distances where the temperature is higher, the escape speed is lower, and an outflow develops. The evaporation rate is a sensitive function of the stellar mass and disk radius, which determine the escape speed, and the external FUV flux, which determines the temperature structure of the flow. Disks around red dwarfs are readily evaporated and shrink to disk radii of 15 AU on short time scales (10 Myr) when exposed to moderate FUV fields with G0G_0 = 3000. Although disks around solar type stars are more durable, these disks shrink to 15 AU in 10 Myr for intense FUV radiation fields with G0G_0 = 30,000; such fields exist in the central 0.7 pc of a cluster with N = 4000 stars. If our solar system formed in the presence of such strong FUV radiation fields, this mechanism could explain why Neptune and Uranus in our solar system are gas poor, whereas Jupiter and Saturn are gas rich. This mechanism for photoevaporation can also limit the production of Kuiper belt objects and can suppress giant planet formation in sufficiently large clusters, such as the Hyades, especially for disks associated with low mass stars.Comment: 49 pages including 12 figures; accepted to Ap

    HIghMass - High HI Mass, HI-Rich Galaxies at z∌0z\sim0: Combined HI and H2_2 Observations

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    We present resolved HI and CO observations of three galaxies from the HIghMass sample, a sample of HI-massive (MHI>1010M⊙M_{HI} > 10^{10} M_\odot), gas-rich (MHIM_{HI} in top 5%5\% for their M∗M_*) galaxies identified in the ALFALFA survey. Despite their high gas fractions, these are not low surface brightness galaxies, and have typical specific star formation rates (SFR/M∗/M_*) for their stellar masses. The three galaxies have normal star formation rates for their HI masses, but unusually short star formation efficiency scale lengths, indicating that the star formation bottleneck in these galaxies is in the conversion of HI to H2_2, not in converting H2_2 to stars. In addition, their dark matter spin parameters (λ\lambda) are above average, but not exceptionally high, suggesting that their star formation has been suppressed over cosmic time but are now becoming active, in agreement with prior Hα\alpha observations.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figure

    Diversity and Keratin Degrading Ability of Fungi Isolated from Canadian Arctic Marine Bird Feathers

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    We present the first records of fungi associated with feathers from seabirds and sea ducks in the Canadian Arctic&nbsp;and sub-Arctic. Birds sampled in Nunavut and Newfoundland (Canada) included the Common Eider (Somateria mollissima), King Eider (S. spectabilis), Black-legged Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla), Northern Fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis), Glaucous Gull (Larus hyperboreus), Black Guillemot (Cepphus grylle), and Thick-billed Murre (Uria lomvia). In total 19 fungal species were cultured from feathers, identified using ITS rDNA barcoding, and screened for their ability to degrade keratin using a keratin azure assay. Our results indicate that 1) of the 19 isolates, 74% were ascomycetes, while the remaining 26% were basidiomycetes (yeasts); 2) 21% of the ascomycete isolates demonstrated keratinolytic activity (a known pathogenicity factor for fungi that may potentially be harmful to birds); 3) the largest number of fungi were cultured from the sampled Thick-billed Murre; and 4) based on a multiple correspondence analysis, there is some indication that both the King Eider and the Thick-billed Murre collected in the low Arctic had distinct fungal communities that were different from each other and from the other birds sampled. Although our sample sizes were small, initial trends in point (4) do demonstrate that additional study is merited to assess whether the fungal community differences are influenced by variation in the known ecologies of the&nbsp;avian hosts and fungi identified.Nous prĂ©sentons les premiers enregistrements de champignons se rapportant aux plumes d’oiseaux et de canards&nbsp;de mer dans l’Arctique et la rĂ©gion subarctique du Canada. Parmi les oiseaux Ă©chantillonnĂ©s au Nunavut et Ă  Terre-Neuve (Canada), notons l’eider Ă  duvet (Somateria mollissima), l’eider Ă  tĂȘte grise (S. spectabilis), la mouette tridactyle (Rissa tridactyla), le fulmar borĂ©al (Fulmarus glacialis), le goĂ©land bourgmestre (Larus hyperboreus), le guillemot Ă  miroir (Cepphus grylle) et le guillemot de BrĂŒnnich (Uria lomvia). En tout, 19 espĂšces de champignons ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©levĂ©es Ă  partir de plumes. Elles ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©es au moyen de codes Ă  barres ITS ADNr et examinĂ©es afin de dĂ©terminer si elles sont capables de dĂ©grader la kĂ©ratine, et ce, Ă  l’aide d’une Ă©preuve de dĂ©gradation de la kĂ©ratine au bleu azur. Nos rĂ©sultats indiquent : 1) que parmi les 19 isolats, 74 % Ă©taient des ascomycĂštes et que les 26 % restants Ă©taient des basidiomycĂštes (levures); 2) que 21 % des isolats d’ascomycĂštes ont affichĂ© une activitĂ© kĂ©ratinolytique (un facteur de pathogĂ©nicitĂ© pour les champignons, facteur susceptible de nuire aux oiseaux); 3) que le plus grand nombre de cultures de champignons a Ă©tĂ© prĂ©levĂ© chez le guillemot de BrĂŒnnich; et 4) que d’aprĂšs une analyse de correspondance multiple, il y a une certaine indication que les Ă©chantillons de l’eider Ă  tĂȘte grise et du guillemot de BrĂŒnnich recueillis dans le Bas-Arctique comprenaient des communautĂ©s fongiques distinctes qui diffĂ©raient les unes des autres ainsi que des autres oiseaux Ă©chantillonnĂ©s. MĂȘme si la taille de nos Ă©chantillons Ă©tait petite, les premiĂšres tendances ressortant du point (4) dĂ©montrent qu’il y a lieu de faire des Ă©tudes plus poussĂ©es afin de dĂ©terminer si les diffĂ©rences entre les communautĂ©s fongiques sont influencĂ©es par la variation des Ă©cologies connues des&nbsp;hĂŽtes aviaires et des champignons identifiĂ©s
