1,842 research outputs found

    Cell Cycle–Specified Fluctuation of Nucleosome Occupancy at Gene Promoters

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    The packaging of DNA into nucleosomes influences the accessibility of underlying regulatory information. Nucleosome occupancy and positioning are best characterized in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, albeit in asynchronous cell populations or on individual promoters such as PHO5 and GAL1–10. Using FAIRE (formaldehyde-assisted isolation of regulatory elements) and whole-genome microarrays, we examined changes in nucleosome occupancy throughout the mitotic cell cycle in synchronized populations of S. cerevisiae. Perhaps surprisingly, nucleosome occupancy did not exhibit large, global variation between cell cycle phases. However, nucleosome occupancy at the promoters of cell cycle–regulated genes was reduced specifically at the cell cycle phase in which that gene exhibited peak expression, with the notable exception of S-phase genes. We present data that establish FAIRE as a high-throughput method for assaying nucleosome occupancy. For the first time in any system, nucleosome occupancy was mapped genome-wide throughout the cell cycle. Fluctuation of nucleosome occupancy at promoters of most cell cycle–regulated genes provides independent evidence that periodic expression of these genes is controlled mainly at the level of transcription. The promoters of G(2)/M genes are distinguished from other cell cycle promoters by an unusually low baseline nucleosome occupancy throughout the cell cycle. This observation, coupled with the maintenance throughout the cell cycle of the stereotypic nucleosome occupancy states between coding and non-coding loci, suggests that the largest component of variation in nucleosome occupancy is “hard wired,” perhaps at the level of DNA sequence

    Foot care education and self management behaviors in diverse veterans with diabetes

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    The objective of this study was to examine differences in self-reported diabetes foot care education, self management behaviors, and barriers to good foot care among veterans with diabetes by race and ethnicity. Data was collected using the Veterans Health Administration Footcare Survey, a validated tool that assessed demographic, general health, diabetes and foot self-care information, barriers to foot self-care, receipt of professional foot care, and satisfaction with current care. We mailed surveys to a random sample of patients with diabetes from eight VA medical centers. Study participants were 81% White; 13% African American; 4% Asian, and 2% American Indian and Pacific Islanders. The majority of respondents felt that they did not know enough about foot self-care. There were large gaps between self-reported knowledge and actual foot care practices, even among those who reported “knowing enough” on a given topic. There were significant differences in self-reported foot care behaviors and education by race and ethnicity. These findings document the need for culturally-specific self-management education to address unique cultural preferences and barriers to care

    Simultaneous control of spectroscopic and electrochemical properties in functionalised electrochemiluminescent tris(2,2\u27-bipyridine)ruthenium(II) complexes

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    Using a combination of electrochemical, spectroscopic and computational techniques, we have explored the fundamental properties of a series of ruthenium diimine complexes designed for coupling with other molecules or surfaces for electrochemiluminescence (ECL) sensing applications. With appropriate choice of ligand functionality, it is possible to manipulate emission wavelengths while keeping the redox ability of the complex relatively constant. DFT calculations show that in the case of electron withdrawing substituents such as ester or amide, the excited state is located on the substituted bipyridine ligand whereas in the case of alkyl functionality it is localised on a bipyridine. The factors that dictate annihilation ECL efficiency are interrelated. For example, the same factors that determine ΔG for the annihilation reaction (i.e. the relative energies of the HOMO and LUMO) have a corresponding effect on the energy of the excited state product. As a result, most of the complexes populate the excited state with an efficiency (Φex) of close to 80% despite the relatively wide range of emission maxima. The quantum yield of emission (Φp) and the possibility of competing side reactions are found to be the main determinants of ECL intensity

    Chemiluminescence from osmium(ii) complexes with phenanthroline, diphosphine and diarsine ligands

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    The reaction of various [Os(L)2(L′)]2+ complexes (where L and L′ are phenanthroline, diphosphine or diarsine ligands) and organic reducing agents after chemical or electrochemical oxidation of the reactants produces an emission of light corresponding to MLCT transitions. In certain instances, the emission was greater than that of [Ru(bipy)3]2+, but the relative signals were dependent on many factors, including reagent concentration, mode of oxidation, reducing agent and the sensitivity of the photodetector over the wavelength range

    New perspectives on the annihilation electrogenerated chemiluminescence of mixed metal complexes in solution

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    Preliminary explorations of the annihilation electrogenerated chemiluminescence (ECL) of mixed metal complexes have revealed opportunities to enhance emission intensities and control the relative intensities from multiple luminophores through the applied potentials. However, the mechanisms of these systems are only poorly understood. Herein, we present a comprehensive characterisation of the annihilation ECL of mixtures of tris(2,2′-bipyridine)ruthenium(ii) hexafluorophosphate ([Ru(bpy)3](PF6)2) and fac-tris(2-phenylpyridine)iridium(iii) ([Ir(ppy)3]). This includes a detailed investigation of the change in emission intensity from each luminophore as a function of both the applied electrochemical potentials and the relative concentrations of the two complexes, and a direct comparison with two mixed (Ru/Ir) ECL systems for which emission from only the ruthenium-complex was previously reported. Concomitant emission from both luminophores was observed in all three systems, but only when: (1) the applied potentials were sufficient to generate the intermediates required to form the electronically excited state of both complexes; and (2) the concentration of the iridium complex (relative to the ruthenium complex) was sufficient to overcome quenching processes. Both enhancement and quenching of the ECL of the ruthenium complex was observed, depending on the experimental conditions. The observations were rationalised through several complementary mechanisms, including resonance energy transfer and various energetically favourable electron-transfer pathways

    Long term vaccination strategies to mitigate the impact of SARS-CoV-2 transmission: a modelling study

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    BACKGROUND: Vaccines have reduced severe disease and death from Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). However, with evidence of waning efficacy coupled with continued evolution of the virus, health programmes need to evaluate the requirement for regular booster doses, considering their impact and cost-effectiveness in the face of ongoing transmission and substantial infection-induced immunity.METHODS AND FINDINGS: We developed a combined immunological-transmission model parameterised with data on transmissibility, severity, and vaccine effectiveness. We simulated Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) transmission and vaccine rollout in characteristic global settings with different population age-structures, contact patterns, health system capacities, prior transmission, and vaccine uptake. We quantified the impact of future vaccine booster dose strategies with both ancestral and variant-adapted vaccine products, while considering the potential future emergence of new variants with modified transmission, immune escape, and severity properties. We found that regular boosting of the oldest age group (75+) is an efficient strategy, although large numbers of hospitalisations and deaths could be averted by extending vaccination to younger age groups. In countries with low vaccine coverage and high infection-derived immunity, boosting older at-risk groups was more effective than continuing primary vaccination into younger ages in our model. Our study is limited by uncertainty in key parameters, including the long-term durability of vaccine and infection-induced immunity as well as uncertainty in the future evolution of the virus.CONCLUSIONS: Our modelling suggests that regular boosting of the high-risk population remains an important tool to reduce morbidity and mortality from current and future SARS-CoV-2 variants. Our results suggest that focusing vaccination in the highest-risk cohorts will be the most efficient (and hence cost-effective) strategy to reduce morbidity and mortality.</p

    Iridium(III) N-heterocyclic carbene complexes: an experimental and theoretical study of structural, spectroscopic, electrochemical and electrogenerated chemiluminescence properties

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    Four cationic heteroleptic iridium(III) complexes have been prepared from methyl- or benzyl-substituted chelating imidazolylidene or benzimidazolylidene ligands using a Ag(I) transmetallation protocol. The synthesised iridium(III) complexes were characterised by elemental analysis, (1)H and (13)C NMR spectroscopy and the molecular structures for three complexes were determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. A combined theoretical and experimental investigation into the spectroscopic and electrochemical properties of the series was performed in order to gain understanding into the factors influencing photoluminescence and electrochemiluminescence efficiency for these complexes, with the results compared with those of similar NHC complexes of iridium and ruthenium. The N^C coordination mode in these complexes is thought to stabilise thermally accessible non-emissive states relative to the case with analogous complexes with C^C coordinated NHC ligands, resulting in low quantum yields. As a result of this and the instability of the oxidised and reduced forms of the complexes, the electrogenerated chemiluminescence intensities for the compounds are also low, despite favourable energetics. These studies provide valuable insights into the factors that must be considered when designing new NHC-based luminescent complexes