80 research outputs found

    Spider surgical system versus multiport laparoscopic surgery. Performance comparison on a surgical simulator

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    BACKGROUND: The rising interest towards minimally invasive surgery has led to the introduction of laparo-endoscopic single site (LESS) surgery as the natural evolution of conventional multiport laparoscopy. However, this new surgical approach is hampered with peculiar technical difficulties. The SPIDER surgical system has been developed in the attempt to overcome some of these challenges. Our study aimed to compare standard laparoscopy and SPIDER technical performance on a surgical simulator, using standardized tasks from the Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS). METHODS: Twenty participants were divided into two groups based on their surgical laparoscopic experience: 10 PGY1 residents were included in the inexperienced group and 10 laparoscopists in the experienced group. Participants performed the FLS pegboard transfers task and pattern cutting task on a laparoscopic box trainer. Objective task scores and subjective questionnaire rating scales were used to compare conventional laparoscopy and SPIDER surgical system. RESULTS: Both groups performed significantly better in the FLS scores on the standard laparoscopic simulator compared to the SPIDER. Inexperienced group: Task 1 scores (median 252.5 vs. 228.5; p = 0.007); Task 2 scores (median 270.5 vs. 219.0; p = 0.005). Experienced group: Task 1 scores (median 411.5 vs. 309.5; p = 0.005); Task 2 scores (median 418.0 vs. 331.5; p = 0.007). Same aspects were highlighted for the subjective evaluations, except for the inexperienced surgeons who found both devices equivalent in terms of ease of use only in the peg transfer task. CONCLUSIONS: Even though the SPIDER is an innovative and promising device, our study proved that it is more challenging than conventional laparoscopy in a population with different degrees of surgical experience. We presume that a possible way to overcome such challenges could be the development of tailored training programs through simulation methods. This may represent an effective way to deliver training, achieve mastery and skills and prepare surgeons for their future clinical experience

    Moderni orientamenti nella chirurgia della parotide

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    La scelta del tipo di approccio nella chirurgia parotidea è di fondamentale importanza per condurre al meglio l’atto curativo pur preservando le delicate strutture del compartimento parotideo. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è di dimostrare come un’approfondita conoscenza dell’anatomia ed una scrupolosa esecuzione dell’atto chirurgico permettano di conciliare radicalità chirurgica e salvaguardia delle strutture nobili. Descriveremo quindi osservazioni anatomo-chirurgiche alla luce delle patologie di nostra pertinenza, ricordando le diverse tipologie di interventi eseguibili. Queste considerazioni saranno lo spunto per discutere ed analizzare alcune strategie chirurgich

    Verso l’ideale dell’etica e della responsabilità collettiva: riflessioni sulla cooperazione e il capitale sociale fra teoria e utopia

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    Towards the ideal of ethics and collective responsibility: Reflections on cooperation and social capital between theory and utopia. The article introduces a contribution to the theoretical reflections about the concepts of ethics and responsibility. The treatment crosses the concepts and it deal with them having recourse to definitions proposed in social psychology, philosophy, and economy. Specifically, our concern is addressed to the related themes which, in latest years, have been linked to ethics and responsibility: trust, social capital, cooperation and competition: Which are implications of reciprocal behaviors? Which processes does reciprocity feed, and which implications towards a collective responsibility? How could scholars define and study collective responsibility beyond risks of disengagement? The whole account plays between theoretical frames and real life contexts and between individual aspects and collective dimensions of processes and matters at issue. Theoretical proposals are discussed by means of organizational world and real life contexts in order to make our reader - reflexively and actively - actor of his own future, which is already here
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