66 research outputs found

    Dark MaGICC: the effect of Dark Energy on galaxy formation. Cosmology does matter

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    We present the Dark MaGICC project, which aims to investigate the effect of Dark Energy (DE) modeling on galaxy formation via hydrodynamical cosmological simulations. Dark MaGICC includes four dynamical Dark Energy scenarios with time varying equations of state, one with a self-interacting Ratra-Peebles model. In each scenario we simulate three galaxies with high resolution using smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH). The baryonic physics model is the same used in the Making Galaxies in a Cosmological Context (MaGICC) project, and we varied only the background cosmology. We find that the Dark Energy parameterization has a surprisingly important impact on galaxy evolution and on structural properties of galaxies at z=0, in striking contrast with predictions from pure Nbody simulations. The different background evolutions can (depending on the behavior of the DE equation of state) either enhance or quench star formation with respect to a LCDM model, at a level similar to the variation of the stellar feedback parameterization, with strong effects on the final galaxy rotation curves. While overall stellar feedback is still the driving force in shaping galaxies, we show that the effect of the Dark Energy parameterization plays a larger role than previously thought, especially at lower redshifts. For this reason, the influence of Dark Energy parametrization on galaxy formation must be taken into account, especially in the era of precision cosmology.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figure

    The Role of Cold Flows and Reservoirs in Galaxy Formation With Strong Feedback

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    We examine gas accretion and subsequent star formation in representative galaxies from the McMaster Unbiased Galaxy Simulations (Stinson et al. 2010). Accreted gas is bimodal with a natural temperature division at 10510^5 K, near the peak of the cooling curve. Cold-mode accretion dominates inflows at early times, creating a peak in total accretion at redshift z=2-4 and declining exponentially below z\sim2. Hot-mode accretion peaks near z=1-2 and declines gradually. Hot-mode exceeds cold-mode accretion at z\sim1.8 for all four galaxies rather than when the galaxy reaches a characteristic mass. Cold-mode accretion can fuel immediate star formation, while hot-mode accretion preferentially builds a large, hot gas reservoir in the halo. Late-time star formation relies on reservoir gas accreted 2-8 Gyr prior. Thus, the reservoir allows the star formation rate to surpass the current overall gas accretion rate. Stellar feedback cycles gas from the interstellar medium back into the hot reservoir. Stronger feedback results in more gas cycling, gas removal in a galactic outflow and less star formation overall, enabling simulations to match the observed star formation history. For lower mass galaxies in particular, strong feedback can delay the star formation peak to z=1-2 from the accretion peak at z=2-4.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Systematic problems with using dark matter simulations to model stellar halos

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    The limits of available computing power have forced models for the structure of stellar halos to adopt one or both of the following simplifying assumptions: (1) stellar mass can be "painted" onto dark matter (DM) particles in progenitor satellites; (2) pure DM simulations that do not form a luminous galaxy can be used. We estimate the magnitude of the systematic errors introduced by these assumptions using a controlled set of stellar halo models where we independently vary whether we look at star particles or painted DM particles, and whether we use a simulation in which a baryonic disk galaxy forms or a matching pure DM simulation that does not form a baryonic disk. We find that the "painting" simplification reduces the halo concentration and internal structure, predominantly because painted DM particles have different kinematics from star particles even when both are buried deep in the potential well of the satellite. The simplification of using pure DM simulations reduces the concentration further, but increases the internal structure, and results in a more prolate stellar halo. These differences can be a factor of 1.5-7 in concentration (as measured by the half-mass radius) and 2-7 in internal density structure. Given this level of systematic uncertainty, one should be wary of overinterpreting differences between observations and the current generation of stellar halo models based on DM-only simulations when such differences are less than an order of magnitude

    Consequences of cosmic microwave background-regulated star formation

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    It has been hypothesized that the cosmic microwave background (CMB) provides a temperature floor for collapsing protostars that can regulate the process of star formation and result in a top-heavy initial mass function at high metallicity and high redshift. We examine whether this hypothesis has any testable observational consequences. First we determine, using a set of hydrodynamic galaxy formation simulations, that the CMB temperature floor would have influenced the majority of stars formed at redshifts between z=3 and 6, and probably even to higher redshift. Five signatures of CMB-regulated star formation are: (1) a higher supernova rate than currently predicted at high redshift; (2) a systematic discrepancy between direct and indirect measurements of the high redshift star formation rate; (3) a lack of surviving globular clusters that formed at high metallicity and high redshift; (4) a more rapid rise in the metallicity of cosmic gas than is predicted by current simulations; and (5) an enhancement in the abundances of alpha elements such as O and Mg at metallicities -2 < [Fe/H] < -0.5. Observations are not presently able to either confirm or rule out the presence of these signatures. However, if correct, the top-heavy IMF of high-redshift high-metallicity globular clusters could provide an explanation for the observed bimodality of their metallicity distribution.Comment: ApJ in press, 10 pages, emulateap

    NIHAO project II: Halo shape, phase-space density and velocity distribution of dark matter in galaxy formation simulations

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    We use the NIHAO (Numerical Investigation of Hundred Astrophysical Objects) cosmological simulations to study the effects of galaxy formation on key properties of dark matter (DM) haloes. NIHAO consists of 90\simeq 90 high-resolution SPH simulations that include (metal-line) cooling, star formation, and feedback from massive stars and SuperNovae, and cover a wide stellar and halo mass range: 106<M/M<101110^6 < M_* / M_{\odot} < 10^{11} ( 109.5<Mhalo/M<1012.510^{9.5} < M_{\rm halo} / M_{\odot} < 10^{12.5}). When compared to DM-only simulations, the NIHAO haloes have similar shapes at the virial radius, R_{\rm vir}, but are substantially rounder inside 0.1Rvir\simeq 0.1R_{\rm vir}. In NIHAO simulations c/ac/a increases with halo mass and integrated star formation efficiency, reaching 0.8\sim 0.8 at the Milky Way mass (compared to 0.5 in DM-only), providing a plausible solution to the long-standing conflict between observations and DM-only simulations. The radial profile of the phase-space QQ parameter (ρ/σ3\rho/\sigma^3) is best fit with a single power law in DM-only simulations, but shows a flattening within 0.1Rvir\simeq 0.1R_{\rm vir} for NIHAO for total masses M>1011MM>10^{11} M_{\odot}. Finally, the global velocity distribution of DM is similar in both DM-only and NIHAO simulations, but in the solar neighborhood, NIHAO galaxies deviate substantially from Maxwellian. The distribution is more symmetric, roughly Gaussian, with a peak that shifts to higher velocities for Milky Way mass haloes. We provide the distribution parameters which can be used for predictions for direct DM detection experiments. Our results underline the ability of the galaxy formation processes to modify the properties of dark matter haloes.Comment: 19 pages, 17 figures, analysis strongly improved, main conclusions unchanged, accepted for publication in MNRA