914 research outputs found

    Targeted monitoring for human pharmaceuticals in vulnerable source and final waters

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    A range of pharmaceuticals has been detected in soils, surface waters and groundwaters across the world. While the reported concentrations are generally low (i.e. sub μg l-1 in surface waters), the substances have been observed throughout the year across a variety of hydrological, climatic and land-use settings. As a result, questions have been raised over the potential for pharmaceuticals in surface waters to enter drinking water supplies and to affect consumers. In a previous Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI) funded study, results from a simple exposure model were used alongside information on therapeutic doses of pharmaceuticals to identify pharmaceuticals that are likely to be of most concern in UK drinking water sources. However, this previous study was entirely desk-based and did not involve any experimental measurements of pharmaceutical concentrations. The current study was therefore performed to generate actual measurements on the occurrence of pharmaceuticals in source and treated waters in England. The study considered a range of pharmaceutical compounds and their metabolites that have either a) high predicted exposure concentrations; b) toxicological concerns; or c) a low predicted exposure to therapeutic dose ratio. An illicit drug and its major metabolite were also investigated. The study compounds (in total 17) covered a range of chemical classes and varied in terms of their physico-chemical properties. The study was done at four sites where concentrations in source water at the drinking water treatment abstraction point were predicted to be some of the greatest in England. The study therefore is likely to provide a ‘worst case’ assessment of potential human exposure to pharmaceuticals in drinking water in England and Wales. Ten of the 17 study compounds were detected in untreated source waters at sub-μg/l concentrations. Six of these compounds (namely, benzoylecgonine (a metabolite of cocaine), caffeine, carbamazepine (an antiepileptic medicine), carbamazepine epoxide (a metabolite of carbamazepine), ibuprofen and naproxen (both non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) were also detected in treated drinking water. With the exception of carbamazepine epoxide, concentrations in treated drinking water were generally significantly lower than in source water. Even though England is a densely populated country and in some regions there is limited dilution of wastewater effluents, these observations, made at sites that were predicted to have some of the highest concentrations of pharmaceuticals in England and Wales, are in line with results from similar studies performed in other countries. Comparison of measured concentrations of the study compounds in drinking waters with information on therapeutic doses demonstrated that levels of these compounds in drinking water in England are many orders of magnitude lower than levels that are given to patients therapeutically. It would therefore appear that the low or non-detectable levels of pharmaceuticals and illicit drugs present in drinking waters in England and Wales do not pose an appreciable risk to human health

    Movement speed is biased by prior experience

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    © 2013 The American Physiological Society. This is an Open Access article licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution license CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en_US which permits unrestricted re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.How does the motor system choose the speed for any given movement? Many current models assume a process that finds the optimal balance between the costs of moving fast and the rewards of achieving the goal. Here, we show that such models also need to take into account a prior representation of preferred movement speed, which can be changed by prolonged practice. In a time-constrained reaching task, human participants made 25-cm reaching movements within 300, 500, 700, or 900 ms. They were then trained for 3 days to execute the movement at either the slowest (900-ms) or fastest (300-ms) speed. When retested on the 4th day, movements executed under all four time constraints were biased toward the speed of the trained movement. In addition, trial-to-trial variation in speed of the trained movement was significantly reduced. These findings are indicative of a use-dependent mechanism that biases the selection of speed. Reduced speed variability was also associated with reduced errors in movement amplitude for the fast training group, which generalized nearly fully to a new movement direction. In contrast, changes in perpendicular error were specific to the trained direction. In sum, our results suggest the existence of a relatively stable but modifiable prior of preferred movement speed that influences the choice of movement speed under a range of task constraints.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Reward and punishment enhance motor adaptation in stroke

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    Background and objective: The effects of motor learning, such as motor adaptation, in stroke rehabilitation are often transient, thus mandating approaches that enhance the amount of learning and retention. Previously, we showed in young individuals that reward and punishment feedback have dissociable effects on motor adaptation, with punishment improving adaptation and reward enhancing retention. If these findings were able to generalise to patients with stroke, they would provide a way to optimise motor learning in these patients. Therefore, we tested this in 45 patients with chronic stroke allocated in three groups. / Methods: Patients performed reaching movements with their paretic arm with a robotic manipulandum. After training (day 1), day 2 involved adaptation to a novel force field. During the adaptation phase, patients received performance-based feedback according to the group they were allocated: reward, punishment or no feedback (neutral). On day 3, patients readapted to the force field but all groups now received neutral feedback. / Results: All patients adapted, with reward and punishment groups displaying greater adaptation and readaptation than the neutral group, irrespective of demographic, cognitive or functional differences. Remarkably, the reward and punishment groups adapted to similar degree as healthy controls. Finally, the reward group showed greater retention. / Conclusions: This study provides, for the first time, evidence that reward and punishment can enhance motor adaptation in patients with stroke. Further research on reinforcement-based motor learning regimes is warranted to translate these promising results into clinical practice and improve motor rehabilitation outcomes in patients with stroke

    The diversity of CM carbonaceous chondrite parent bodies explored using Lewis Cliff 85311

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    Lewis Cliff (LEW) 85311 is classified as a Mighei-like (CM) carbonaceous chondrite, yet it has some unusual properties that highlight an unrealised diversity within the CMs, and also questions how many parent bodies are sampled by the group. This meteorite is composed of rimmed chondrules, chondrule fragments and refractory inclusions that are set in a fine-grained phyllosilicate-rich matrix. The chondrules are of a similar size to those in the CMs, and have narrow fine-grained rims. LEW 85311 has been mildly aqueously altered, as evidenced by the preservation of melilite and kamacite, and X-ray diffraction results showing a low phyllosilicate fraction and a high ratio of cronstedtite to Fe,Mg serpentine. The chemical composition of LEW 85311 matrix, fine-grained rims, tochilinite and P-rich sulphides is similar to mildly aqueously altered CMs. LEW 85311 is enriched in refractory elements and REEs such that its CI-normalised profile falls between the CMs and CVs, and its oxygen isotopic composition plots in the CV-CK-CO field. Other distinctive properties of this meteorite include the presence of abundant refractory inclusions, and hundreds of micrometer size objects composed of needle-fibre calcite. LEW 85311 could come from part of a single CM parent body that was unusually rich in refractory inclusions, but more likely samples a different parent body to most other members of the group that accreted a subtly different mixture of materials. The mineralogical and geochemical evolution of LEW 85311 during subsequent aqueous alteration was similar to other CMs and was arrested at an early stage, corresponding to a petrologic subtype of CM2.7, probably due to an unusually low proportion of accreted ice. The CM carbonaceous chondrites sample multiple parent bodies whose similar size and inventory of accreted materials, including radiogenic isotopes, led to a comparable post-accretionary evolution