1,655 research outputs found

    MARCKS mediates vascular contractility through regulating interactions between voltage-gated Ca2+ channels and PIP2.

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    Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) acts as substrate and unmodified ligand for Gq-protein-coupled receptor signalling in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) that is central for initiating contractility. The present work investigated how PIP2 might perform these two potentially conflicting roles by studying the effect of myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS), a PIP2-binding protein, on vascular contractility in rat and mouse mesenteric arteries. Using wire myography, MANS peptide (MANS), a MARCKS inhibitor, produced robust contractions with a pharmacological profile suggesting a predominantly role for L-type (CaV1.2) voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (VGCC). Knockdown of MARCKS using morpholino oligonucleotides reduced contractions induced by MANS and stimulation of α1-adrenoceptors and thromboxane receptors with methoxamine (MO) and U46619 respectively. Immunocytochemistry and proximity ligation assays demonstrated that MARCKS and CaV1.2 proteins co-localise at the plasma membrane in unstimulated tissue, and that MANS and MO reduced these interactions and induced translocation of MARCKS from the plasma membrane to the cytosol. Dot-blots revealed greater PIP2 binding to MARCKS than CaV1.2 in unstimulated tissue, with this binding profile reversed following stimulation by MANS and MO. MANS evoked an increase in peak amplitude and shifted the activation curve to more negative membrane potentials of whole-cell voltage-gated Ca2+ currents, which were prevented by depleting PIP2 levels with wortmannin. This present study indicates for the first time that MARCKS is important regulating vascular contractility and suggests that disinhibition of MARCKS by MANS or vasoconstrictors may induce contraction through releasing PIP2 into the local environment where it increases voltage-gated Ca2+ channel activity

    A systematic literature review of the use of social media for business process management

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    In today’s expansion of new technologies, innovation is found necessary for organizations to be up to date with the latest management trends. Although organizations are increasingly using new technologies, opportunities still exist to achieve the nowadays essential omnichannel management strategy. More precisely, social media are opening a path for benefiting more from an organization’s process orientation. However, social media strategies are still an under-investigated field, especially when it comes to the research of social media use for the management and improvement of business processes or the internal way of working in organizations. By classifying a variety of articles, this study explores the evolution of social media implementation within the BPM discipline. We also provide avenues for future research and strategic implications for practitioners to use social media more comprehensively

    Heteromeric TRPV4/TRPC1 channels mediate calcium-sensing receptor-induced relaxations and nitric oxide production in mesenteric arteries: comparative study using wild-type and TRPC1−/- mice

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    We have previously provided pharmacological evidence that stimulation of calcium-sensing receptors (CaSR) induces endothelium-dependent relaxations of rabbit mesenteric arteries through activation of heteromeric TRPV4/TRPC1 channels and nitric oxide (NO) production. The present study further investigates the role of heteromeric TRPV4/TRPC1 channels in these CaSR-induced vascular responses by comparing responses in mesenteric arteries from wild-type (WT) and TRPC1-/- mice. In WT mice, stimulation of CaSR induced endothelium-dependent relaxations of pre-contracted tone and NO generation in endothelial cells (ECs), which were inhibited by the TRPV4 channel blocker RN1734 and the TRPC1 blocking antibody T1E3. In addition, TRPV4 and TRPC1 proteins were colocalised at, or close to, the plasma membrane of endothelial cells (ECs) from WT mice. In contrast, in TRPC1-/- mice, CaSR-mediated vasorelaxations and NO generation were greatly reduced, unaffected by T1E3, but blocked by RN1734. In addition, the TRPV4 agonist GSK1016790A (GSK) induced endothelium-dependent vasorelaxations which were blocked by RN1734 and T1E3 in WT mice, but only by RN1734 in TRPC1-/- mice. Moreover, GSK activated cation channel activity with a 6pS conductance in WT ECs but with a 52 pS conductance in TRPC1-/- ECs. These results indicate that stimulation of CaSR activates heteromeric TRPV4/TRPC1 channels and NO production in ECs, which are responsible for endothelium-dependent vasorelaxations. This study also suggests that heteromeric TRPV4-TRPC1 channels may form the predominant TRPV4-containing channels in mouse mesenteric artery ECs. Together, our data further implicates CaSR-induced pathways and heteromeric TRPV4/TRPC1 channels in the regulation of vascular tone

    Reduction of circulating cholesterol and apolipoprotein levels during sepsis

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    Sepsis with multiple organ failure is frequently associated with a substantial decrease of cholesterol levels. This decrease of cholesterol is strongly associated with mortality suggesting a direct relation between inflammatory conditions and altered cholesterol homeostasis. The host response during sepsis is mediated by cytokines and growth factors, which are capable of influencing lipid metabolism. Conversely lipoproteins are also capable of modulating cytokine production during the inflammatory response. Therefore the decrease in circulating cholesterol levels seems to play a crucial role in the pathophysiology of sepsis. In this review the interaction between cytokines and lipid metabolism and its clinical consequences will be discussed

    An inhibitory pull-push circuit in frontal cortex.

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    Push-pull is a canonical computation of excitatory cortical circuits. By contrast, we identify a pull-push inhibitory circuit in frontal cortex that originates in vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-expressing interneurons. During arousal, VIP cells rapidly and directly inhibit pyramidal neurons; VIP cells also indirectly excite these pyramidal neurons via parallel disinhibition. Thus, arousal exerts a feedback pull-push influence on excitatory neurons-an inversion of the canonical push-pull of feedforward input

    Chronic digital infection presenting with gross enlargement of the toes: two case reports and review of the literature

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    There are many conditions ranging from the benign to the malignant, which can present with enlargement of one or more digits. An understanding of the differential diagnosis is important such that the potentially serious aetiologies are not missed and patients can therefore be treated appropriately

    Consolidated health economic evaluation reporting standards (CHEERS) statement

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    <p>Economic evaluations of health interventions pose a particular challenge for reporting. There is also a need to consolidate and update existing guidelines and promote their use in a user friendly manner. The Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards (CHEERS) statement is an attempt to consolidate and update previous health economic evaluation guidelines efforts into one current, useful reporting guidance. The primary audiences for the CHEERS statement are researchers reporting economic evaluations and the editors and peer reviewers assessing them for publication.</p> <p>The need for new reporting guidance was identified by a survey of medical editors. A list of possible items based on a systematic review was created. A two round, modified Delphi panel consisting of representatives from academia, clinical practice, industry, government, and the editorial community was conducted. Out of 44 candidate items, 24 items and accompanying recommendations were developed. The recommendations are contained in a user friendly, 24 item checklist. A copy of the statement, accompanying checklist, and this report can be found on the ISPOR Health Economic Evaluations Publication Guidelines Task Force website (www.ispor.org/TaskForces/EconomicPubGuidelines.asp).</p> <p>We hope CHEERS will lead to better reporting, and ultimately, better health decisions. To facilitate dissemination and uptake, the CHEERS statement is being co-published across 10 health economics and medical journals. We encourage other journals and groups, to endorse CHEERS. The author team plans to review the checklist for an update in five years.</p&gt

    Management of a South African family with retinitis pigmentosa—should potential therapy influence translational research protocols?

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    Mutation analysis of retinal candidate genes is performed as part of an ongoing research to identify the causative genetic defect in South African families with retinal degenerative disorders (RDDs). A translational research protocol has been established whereby probands are counseled and given their molecular genetic results to take back to other family members, who can then request individual diagnostic testing. A Thr17Met mutation of the rhodopsin gene was identified in a Caucasian South African family with autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa. Patients with this mutation appear to benefit from treatment using oral vitamin A supplementation. This family has been informed that a molecular diagnosis is available; however, one individual has refused testing and none of the younger generation has shown interest in receiving molecular results or genetic counseling. Adapting the established protocol for the translation of RDD research results and contacting mutation positive individuals may be justifiable in light of the potential benefit of therapy

    Does training with amplitude modulated tones affect tone-vocoded speech perception?

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    Temporal-envelope cues are essential for successful speech perception. We asked here whether training on stimuli containing temporal-envelope cues without speech content can improve the perception of spectrally-degraded (vocoded) speech in which the temporal-envelope (but not the temporal fine structure) is mainly preserved. Two groups of listeners were trained on different amplitude-modulation (AM) based tasks, either AM detection or AM-rate discrimination (21 blocks of 60 trials during two days, 1260 trials; frequency range: 4Hz, 8Hz, and 16Hz), while an additional control group did not undertake any training. Consonant identification in vocoded vowel-consonant-vowel stimuli was tested before and after training on the AM tasks (or at an equivalent time interval for the control group). Following training, only the trained groups showed a significant improvement in the perception of vocoded speech, but the improvement did not significantly differ from that observed for controls. Thus, we do not find convincing evidence that this amount of training with temporal-envelope cues without speech content provide significant benefit for vocoded speech intelligibility. Alternative training regimens using vocoded speech along the linguistic hierarchy should be explored

    The Epstein-Barr Virus G-Protein-Coupled Receptor Contributes to Immune Evasion by Targeting MHC Class I Molecules for Degradation

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    Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a human herpesvirus that persists as a largely subclinical infection in the vast majority of adults worldwide. Recent evidence indicates that an important component of the persistence strategy involves active interference with the MHC class I antigen processing pathway during the lytic replication cycle. We have now identified a novel role for the lytic cycle gene, BILF1, which encodes a glycoprotein with the properties of a constitutive signaling G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR). BILF1 reduced the levels of MHC class I at the cell surface and inhibited CD8+ T cell recognition of endogenous target antigens. The underlying mechanism involves physical association of BILF1 with MHC class I molecules, an increased turnover from the cell surface, and enhanced degradation via lysosomal proteases. The BILF1 protein of the closely related CeHV15 c1-herpesvirus of the Rhesus Old World primate (80% amino acid sequence identity) downregulated surface MHC class I similarly to EBV BILF1. Amongst the human herpesviruses, the GPCR encoded by the ORF74 of the KSHV c2-herpesvirus is most closely related to EBV BILF1 (15% amino acid sequence identity) but did not affect levels of surface MHC class I. An engineered mutant of BILF1 that was unable to activate G protein signaling pathways retained the ability to downregulate MHC class I, indicating that the immune-modulating and GPCR-signaling properties are two distinct functions of BILF1. These findings extend our understanding of the normal biology of an important human pathogen. The discovery of a third EBV lytic cycle gene that cooperates to interfere with MHC class I antigen processing underscores the importance of the need for EBV to be able to evade CD8+ T cell responses during the lytic replication cycle, at a time when such a large number of potential viral targets are expressed