12 research outputs found

    The Interrupted Life

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    This catalogue is a significant compendium of materials related to a thematic exhibition on "the politics and poetry surrounding issues of mortality." Work by 41 international artists is represented; also includes texts by 11 writers and interviews with 14 people of various backgrounds on the subject of death. 49 bibl. ref

    Origem e distribuição do nervo femoral do mocó, Kerodon rupestris (Cavidae)

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    O mocó (Kerodon rupestris Wied,1820), um mamífero roedor da família Cavidae, que se assemelha bastante ao preá, é um animal altamente adaptado às condições de calor e de escassez de água e de alimento, principalmente nos períodos das grandes secas que assolam periodicamente a região do semi-árido nordestino. Verifiica-se que na literatura há escassez de dados referentes à anatomia funcional dos mocós, em especial de trabalhos envolvendo a anatomia do sistema nervoso. Visando conhecer a origem do nervo femoral junto aos forames intervertebrais, sua localização e distribuição pelo membro pélvico, a musculatura envolvida em seu trajeto, a importância desse estudo para clínica de animais silvestres e contribuir para o desenvolvimento da neuroanatomia comparada, procedeu-se esta pesquisa, na qual foram utilizados dez animais adultos de diferentes idades (4 machos e 6 fêmeas) que vieram a óbito no Centro de Multiplicação de Animais Silvestres (Cemas) da Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido (Ufersa). Os animais foram fiixados em solução aquosa de formaldeído a 10% e posteriormente tiveram a cavidade abdominal dissecada até a completa visualização do nervo femoral. Foram verifiicadas variações no número de vértebras lombares nos animais, entre seis (30%) e sete (70%) vértebras, alterando, conseqüentemente, a origem do nervo. No antímero direito, verifiicou-se que em 40% dos animais o nervo femoral originava-se de ramos ventrais de L5L6, em 40% de L5L6L7 e em 20% de L4L5L6. Já no esquerdo 50% dos exemplares o nervo femoral foi formado de raízes ventrais de L5L6, em 30% de L5L6L7 e em 20% de L4L5L6

    Angular dependences of perpendicular and parallel mode electron paramagnetic resonance of oxidized beef heart cytochrome c oxidase.

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    Cytochrome c oxidase catalyzes the reduction of oxygen to water with a concomitant conservation of energy in the form of a transmembrane proton gradient. The enzyme has a catalytic site consisting of a binuclear center of a copper ion and a heme group. The spectroscopic parameters of this center are unusual. The origin of broad electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) signals in the oxidized state at rather low resonant field, the so-called g' = 12 signal, has been a matter of debate for over 30 years. We have studied the angular dependence of this resonance in both parallel and perpendicular mode X-band EPR in oriented multilayers containing cytochrome c oxidase to resolve the assignment. The "slow" form and compounds formed by the addition of formate and fluoride to the oxidized enzyme display these resonances, which result from transitions between states of an integer-spin multiplet arising from magnetic exchange coupling between the five unpaired electrons of high spin Fe(III) heme a(3) and the single unpaired electron of Cu(B). The first successful simulation of similar signals observed in both perpendicular and parallel mode X-band EPR spectra in frozen aqueous solution of the fluoride compound of the closely related enzyme, quinol oxidase or cytochrome bo(3), has been reported recently (Oganesyan et al., 1998, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 120:4232-4233). This suggested that the exchange interaction between the two metal ions of the binuclear center is very weak (|J| approximately 1 cm(-1)), with the axial zero-field splitting (D approximately 5 cm(-1)) of the high-spin heme dominating the form of the ground state. We show that this model accounts well for the angular dependences of the X-band EPR spectra in both perpendicular and parallel modes of oriented multilayers of cytochrome c oxidase derivatives and that the experimental results are inconsistent with earlier schemes that use exchange coupling parameters of several hundred wavenumbers

    Occurrence of aquatic invertebrates of the wheatbelt region of Western Australia in relation to salinity

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    The wheatbelt region of Western Australia has been extensively cleared of indigenous vegetation for agriculture and is now severely affected by dryland salinity. Wetlands that were once freshwater are now saline and others are under threat, as are the animals and plants that inhabit them. Rising groundwater is also affecting the many naturally saline playas. To provide a framework for setting conservation priorities in this region a biological survey was undertaken, including sampling of aquatic invertebrates at 230 wetlands. In this paper, we have used data from the survey to summarise occurrence of species in relation to salinity. Total species richness at a wetland showed no response to salinity below 4.1 g l)1 and then declined dramatically as salinity increased. When halophilic species were excluded from consideration, species richness was found to decline from 2.6 g l)1. These patterns are compared to previous studies of richnesssalinity relationships. There is some evidence that the freshwater invertebrate fauna of the wheatbelt may be comparatively salt tolerant, with 46% of freshwater species collected at salinities above 3 g l)1 and 17% above 10 g l)1, though these proportions differed between various invertebrate groups. While this tolerance will provide a buffer against the effects of mild salinisation, many species are at risk of regional extinction as salinisation becomes more widespread.Adrian M. Pinder, Stuart A. Halse, Jane M. McRae & Russell J. Shie