9 research outputs found
Osteodistrofia Hereditária de Albright: relato das manifestações bucais de um caso
A Osteodistrofia Hereditária de Albright é uma desordem metabólica de caráter hereditário, de etiologia autossômica dominante, caracterizada geralmente por baixa estatura, face arredondada, metacarpos e metatarsos pequenos, retardo mental, osteoporose, calcificações subcutâneas, hipocalcemia e hiperfosfatemia variáveis. Neste estudo, relatamos um caso clínico de uma jovem de 17 anos com Osterodistrofia Hereditária de Albright e discutimos as suas características clínicas, radiográficas, laboratoriais e manifestações bucais, relacionando-as com as encontradas na literatura, bem como a conduta odontológica pertinente ao tratamento de doenças periodontais e ao planejamento da correção das más oclusões existentes.Albright hereditary osteodystrophy is a hereditary metabolic disorder of dominant autosomal etiology that is commonly characterized by short stature, round face, small metacarpus and metatarsus, mental retardation, osteoporosis, subcutaneous calcification, variable hypocalcemia, and hyperphosphatemia. In this study, we report a clinical case of a 17-year-old woman with Albright hereditary osteodystrophy, and we discuss her clinical, radiographic, and laboratory test characteristics together with the oral manifestations, and we correlate them with the characteristics found in the literature. We also discuss the odontological management of treatment of related periodontal disease and planning for corrections of related malocclusions
Robustness of a Cellular Automata Model for the HIV Infection
An investigation was conducted to study the robustness of the results
obtained from the cellular automata model which describes the spread of the HIV
infection within lymphoid tissues [R. M. Zorzenon dos Santos and S. Coutinho,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 168102 (2001)]. The analysis focussed on the dynamic
behavior of the model when defined in lattices with different symmetries and
dimensionalities. The results illustrated that the three-phase dynamics of the
planar models suffered minor changes in relation to lattice symmetry variations
and, while differences were observed regarding dimensionality changes,
qualitative behavior was preserved. A further investigation was conducted into
primary infection and sensitiveness of the latency period to variations of the
model's stochastic parameters over wide ranging values. The variables
characterizing primary infection and the latency period exhibited power-law
behavior when the stochastic parameters varied over a few orders of magnitude.
The power-law exponents were approximately the same when lattice symmetry
varied, but there was a significant variation when dimensionality changed from
two to three. The dynamics of the three-dimensional model was also shown to be
insensitive to variations of the deterministic parameters related to cell
resistance to the infection, and the necessary time lag to mount the specific
immune response to HIV variants. The robustness of the model demonstrated in
this work reinforce that its basic hypothesis are consistent with the
three-stage dynamic of the HIV infection observed in patients.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, 21 references, Latex style Elsar
Codes of Commitment to Crime and Resistance: Determining Social and Cultural Factors over the Behaviors of Italian Mafia Women
This article categorizes thirty-three women in four main Italian Mafia groups and explores social and cultural behaviors of these women. This study introduces the feminist theory of belief and action. The theoretical inquiry investigates the sometimes conflicting behaviors of women when they are subject to systematic oppression. I argue that there is a cultural polarization among the categorized sub-groups. Conservative radicals give their support to the Mafia while defectors and rebels resist the Mafia. After testing the theory, I assert that emancipation of women depends on the strength of their beliefs to perform actions against the Mafiosi culture
Oral manifestations of Albright hereditary osteodystrophy: a case report.
Albright hereditary osteodystrophy is a hereditary metabolic disorder of dominant autosomal etiology that is commonly characterized by short stature, round face, small metacarpus and metatarsus, mental retardation, osteoporosis, subcutaneous calcification, variable hypocalcemia, and hyperphosphatemia. In this study, we report a clinical case of a 17-year-old woman with Albright hereditary osteodystrophy, and we discuss her clinical, radiographic, and laboratory test characteristics together with the oral manifestations, and we correlate them with the characteristics found in the literature. We also discuss the odontological management of treatment of related periodontal disease and planning for corrections of related malocclusions