44 research outputs found

    Home-based toothbrushing interventions for parents of young children to reduce dental caries: A systematic review

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    Background: Dental caries is the most prevalent preventable condition in children. A key preventive home-based oral health behaviour is the adoption and maintenance of parental supervised toothbrushing until eight years of age. Aim: To examine interventions promoting parental supervised toothbrushing practices to reduce dental caries in young children (<8 years old). Design: Interventions promoting parental involvement in home-based toothbrushing in children under eight years old and their impact on caries were subjected to review. Electronic databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE, PubMed, Web of Science, PsycINFO, Scopus and the Cochrane Library), references and unpublished literature databases were searched for relevant literature. Results: Of the 10,176 articles retrieved, forty-two articles were included. The Theoretical Domains Framework was used to code intervention content, with the main domains addressed being knowledge (41/42), skills (35/42), and environmental context and resources (22/42). Sufficient descriptions of the intervention development, delivery and evaluation were lacking, with only 18 studies being underpinned by theory. Twenty-nine studies explored the impact on caries yielding mixed results. Conclusions: There are few interventions targeting home-based oral health behaviours underpinned by theory and methodological rigour in their development and evaluation. This demonstrates a clear need for future interventions to be guided by complex intervention methodology

    Recommendations for delivering oral health advice: a qualitative supplementary analysis of dental teams, parents’ and children’s experiences

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    Background: Tooth decay has a significant impact on children, their families and wider society. The dental consultation provides an opportunity to prevent tooth decay by engaging in an effective oral health conversation with parents and children. However, there is limited literature which explores how these oral health conversations are delivered, received, and understood. Aim: To explore the common facilitators of delivering oral health advice from dental teams, parents' and children's experiences, to identify and inform practical recommendations for clinical practice. Method: The current paper used a qualitative supplementary analysis to reanalyse data of existing published studies by applying a different research question. Qualitative focus groups were undertaken following a semi-structured interview guide with 27 dental team members (dentists, dental nurses, practice managers and receptionists), 37 parents and 120 children (aged 7–10 years old) in the northern region of England. Thematic analysis informed the identification of themes and aggregation of findings. Results: Three overarching themes were developed: (1) An engaging and personalised dental visit for parents and children; (2) Dental teams, parents and children working collaboratively to improve oral health habits; and (3) Recommending appropriate oral health products. Many parents and children had little recollection of any preventive oral health conversations when visiting the dentist. Practical solutions were identified by different stakeholders to facilitate three-way, personalised, non-judgemental and supportive oral health conversations. Adopting these innovative approaches will help to enable parents and their children to adopt and maintain appropriate oral health behaviours. Conclusion: Understanding the context and triangulating the experiences of stakeholders involved in preventive oral health conversations for young children is an essential step in co-designing a complex oral health intervention. This study has provided recommendations for dental practices and wider paediatric health care services. Furthermore, the findings have informed the design of a complex oral health intervention called "Strong Teeth"

    Organizational Barriers to Oral Health Conversations Between Health Visitors and Parents of Children Aged 9–12 Months Old

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    Background: Dental caries is the most prevalent preventable childhood disease and a major public health priority. Local authorities in England have a statutory responsibility to improve child health, including oral health, through the “Healthy Child Programme.” The “Healthy Child Programme,” which includes the provision of oral health advice is delivered by health visitors to parents of young children. To date, research has mainly concentrated on individual interactions between health visitors and parents, with less attention given to the broader context in which these oral health conversations between health visitor and parents take place. Objective: Our study explored the organizational factors that obstruct health visitors from engaging in meaningful conversations with parents about young children's oral health. Methods: Qualitative interviews and focus groups were held with health visiting teams (n = 18) conducting home visits with parents of 9–12-month olds in a deprived, urban area in England. Results: The study revealed the wide variation in what and how oral health advice is delivered to parents at home visits. Several barriers were identified and grouped into four key themes: (1) Priority of topics discussed in the home visits; (2) Finance cuts and limited resources; (3) Oral health knowledge and skills; and (4) Collaborative working with other professionals. It was evident that organizational factors in current public health policy and service provision play an important role in shaping oral health practices and opportunities for behavior change. Conclusion: Organizational practices and procedures play an important role in creating interaction patterns between health visiting teams and parents of young children. They often limit effective engagement with and positive change in oral health. For future oral health interventions to be effective, awareness of these barriers is essential alongside them being founded on evidence-based advice and underpinned by appropriate theory

    "Strong Teeth": an early-phase study to assess the feasibility of an oral health intervention delivered by dental teams to parents of young children

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    Background Tooth decay (caries) is a significant health burden in young children. There is strong evidence for the benefits of establishing appropriate home-based oral health behaviours in early childhood. Dental teams are well placed to provide this information and there is clear advice on what oral health information should be given to parents. However, research has shown that there is limited guidance, training and resources on how dental teams should deliver this advice. "Strong Teeth" is a complex oral health intervention, using evidence-based resources and training underpinned by behaviour change psychology, to support behaviour change conversations in dental practice. This early phase evaluation aims to assess the feasibility of this intervention, prior to a full-scale trial. Methods The study recruited 15 parents of children aged 0–2-years-old and 21 parents of children aged 3–5 years old, from five NHS dental practices across West Yorkshire. Participant demographics, self-reported brushing behaviours, dietary habits, a dental examination and three objective measures of toothbrushing were collected in a home-setting at baseline, then at 2-weeks and 2-months post-intervention. Recruitment, retention and intervention delivery were analysed as key process outcomes. Brushing habits were compared to national toothbrushing guidelines – the Delivering Better Oral Health toolkit (Public Health England). Results Strong Teeth was feasible to deliver in a General Dental Practice setting in 94% of cases. Feasibility of recruitment (37%) exceeded progression criterion, however retention of participants (75%) was below the progression criterion for the 0–2 age group. More than half of children recruited aged 3–5-years had caries experience (52%). Total compliance to toothbrushing guidance at baseline was low (28%) and increased after the intervention (52%), an improvement that was statistically significant. Dietary habits remained largely unchanged. Plaque scores significantly decreased in the 3–5-year-olds and toothbrushing duration increased in all age groups. Conclusion "Strong Teeth" intervention delivery and data collection in the home setting was feasible. There was a positive indication of impact on reported toothbrushing behaviours. Some amendments to study design, particularly relating to the inclusion of the 0–2-year-old group, should be considered before progression to a full trial. Trial registration ISRCTN Register: ISRCTN10709150. Registered retrospectively 24/7/2019

    HABIT-an early phase study to explore an oral health intervention delivered by health visitors to parents with young children aged 9-12 months: study protocol.

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    Background: Parental supervised brushing (PSB) when initiated in infancy can lead to long-term protective home-based oral health habits thereby reducing the risk of dental caries. However, PSB is a complex behaviour with many barriers reported by parents hindering its effective implementation. Within the UK, oral health advice is delivered universally to parents by health visitors and their wider teams when children are aged between 9 and 12 months. Nevertheless, there is no standardised intervention or training upon which health visitors can base this advice, and they often lack the specialised knowledge needed to help parents overcome barriers to performing PSB and limiting sugary foods and drinks.Working with health visitors and parents of children aged 9-24 months, we have co-designed oral health training and resources (Health Visitors delivering Advice in Britain on Infant Toothbrushing (HABIT) intervention) to be used by health visitors and their wider teams when providing parents of children aged 9-12 months with oral health advice.The aim of the study is to explore the acceptability of the HABIT intervention to parents and health visitors, to examine the mechanism of action and develop suitable objective measures of PSB. Methods/design: Six health visitors working in a deprived city in the UK will be provided with training on how to use the HABIT intervention. Health visitors will then each deliver the intervention to five parents of children aged 9-12 months. The research team will collect measures of PSB and dietary behaviours before and at 2 weeks and 3 months after the HABIT intervention. Acceptability of the HABIT intervention to health visitors will be explored through semi-structured diaries completed after each visit and a focus group discussion after delivery to all parents. Acceptability of the HABIT intervention and mechanism of action will be explored briefly during each home visit with parents and in greater details in 20-25 qualitative interviews after the completion of data collection. The utility of three objective measures of PSB will be compared with each other and with parental-self reports. Discussion: This study will provide essential information to inform the design of a definitive cluster randomised controlled trial. Trial registration: There is no database for early phase studies such as ours

    HABIT: Health visitors delivering Advice in Britain on Infant Toothbrushing - an early-phase feasibility study of a complex oral health intervention

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    Objectives To conduct an early-phase feasibility study of an oral health intervention, Health visitors delivering Advice on Britain on Infant Toothbrushing (HABIT), delivered by Health Visitors to parents of children aged 9–12 months old. Design A mixed-methods, early-phase, non-controlled, feasibility study. Participants Recruitment consisted of Group A—HABIT-trained Health Visitors (n=11) and Group B—parents of children aged 9–12 months old about to receive their universal health check (n=35). Setting Bradford, West Yorkshire, UK. Intervention A multidisciplinary team co-developed digital and paper-based training resources with health visitors and parents of young children. The intervention comprised of two components: (A) training for health visitors to deliver the HABIT intervention and (B) HABIT resources for parents, including a website, videos, toothbrushing demonstration and a paper-based leaflet with an oral health action plan. Primary and secondary outcome measures Recruitment, retention and intervention delivery were analysed as key process outcomes for Groups A and B. Group B demographics, self-reported toothbrushing behaviours, dietary habits and three objective measures of toothbrushing including plaque scores were collected at baseline, 2 weeks and 3 months post intervention. Results HABIT intervention delivery was feasible. Although the intended sample size was recruited (Group A=11 and Group B=35) it was more challenging than anticipated. Retention of Group B participants to final data collection was satisfactory (n=26). Total compliance with toothbrushing guidelines at baseline was low (30%), but significantly improved and was maintained 3 months after the intervention (68%). Plaque scores improved post intervention and participants found video recording of toothbrushing acceptable. Dietary habits remained largely unchanged. Conclusion This feasibility study has demonstrated that HABIT is an appropriate oral health intervention. Adaptions to the study design are recommended to maximise recruitment and data collection in a definitive study. These quantitative findings have demonstrated an early signal of impact for improved oral health behaviours for young children at high risk of decay

    “Strong Teeth”—a study protocol for an early-phase feasibility trial of a complex oral health intervention delivered by dental teams to parents of young children

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    Background Dental attendance provides an important opportunity for dental teams to explore with parents the oral health behaviours they undertake for their young children (0–5 years old). For these discussions to be effective, dental professionals need to be skilled in behaviour change conversations. The current evidence suggests that dental teams need further support, training and resources in this area. Therefore, the University of Leeds and Oral-B (Procter & Gamble Company) have worked with the local community and dental professionals to co-develop “Strong Teeth” (an oral health intervention), which is delivered in a general dental practice setting by the whole dental team. The protocol for this early phase study will explore the feasibility and acceptability of the Strong Teeth intervention to parents and the dental team, as well as explore short-term changes in oral health behaviour. Methods Forty parents (20 of children aged 0–2 years old, and 20 of children aged 3–5 years old) who are about to attend the dentist for their child’s regular dental check-up will be recruited to the study. Parents and children will be recruited from 4 to 8 different dental practices. In the home setting, consent and baseline oral health behaviour data will be collected. The researchers will ask parents questions about their child’s oral health behaviours, including toothbrushing and diet. Three different proxy objective measures of toothbrushing will be collected and compared with self-report measures of parental supervised toothbrushing (PSB). Discussion The parent and child will then attend their dental visit and receive the Strong Teeth intervention, delivered by the dental team. This intervention should take 5–15 min to be delivered, in addition to the routine dental check-up. Furthermore, children aged 0–2 years old will receive an Oral-B manual children’s toothbrush, and children aged 3–5 years old will receive an Oral-B electric rechargeable children’s toothbrush. At 2 weeks and 2–3 months following the Strong Teeth intervention, further self-report and objective measures will be collected in the parent/child’s home. This data will be supplemented with purposively sampled qualitative interviews with parents (approximately 3 months following the intervention) and dental team members (following delivery of the intervention). Trial registration ISRCTN Register, (ISRCTN10709150

    Designing high-quality implementation research: development, application, feasibility and preliminary evaluation of the implementation science research development (ImpRes) tool and guide

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    Background:  Designing implementation research can be a complex and daunting task, especially for applied health researchers who have not received specialist training in implementation science. We developed the Implementation Science Research Development (ImpRes) tool and supplementary guide to address this challenge and provide researchers with a systematic approach to designing implementation research. Methods:  A multi-method and multi-stage approach was employed. An international, multidisciplinary expert panel engaged in an iterative brainstorming and consensus-building process to generate core domains of the ImpRes tool, representing core implementation science principles and concepts that researchers should consider when designing implementation research. Simultaneously, an iterative process of reviewing the literature and expert input informed the development and content of the tool. Once consensus had been reached, specialist expert input was sought on involving and engaging patients/service users; and economic evaluation. ImpRes was then applied to 15 implementation and improvement science projects across the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC) South London, a research organisation in London, UK. Researchers who applied the ImpRes tool completed an 11-item questionnaire evaluating its structure, content and usefulness. Results:  Consensus was reached on ten implementation science domains to be considered when designing implementation research. These include implementation theories, frameworks and models, determinants of implementation, implementation strategies, implementation outcomes and unintended consequences. Researchers who used the ImpRes tool found it useful for identifying project areas where implementation science is lacking (median 5/5, IQR 4–5) and for improving the quality of implementation research (median 4/5, IQR 4–5) and agreed that it contained the key components that should be considered when designing implementation research (median 4/5, IQR 4–4). Qualitative feedback from researchers who applied the ImpRes tool indicated that a supplementary guide was needed to facilitate use of the tool. Conclusions:  We have developed a feasible and acceptable tool, and supplementary guide, to facilitate consideration and incorporation of core principles and concepts of implementation science in applied health implementation research. Future research is needed to establish whether application of the tool and guide has an effect on the quality of implementation research

    The self-organizing fractal theory as a universal discovery method: the phenomenon of life

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    A universal discovery method potentially applicable to all disciplines studying organizational phenomena has been developed. This method takes advantage of a new form of global symmetry, namely, scale-invariance of self-organizational dynamics of energy/matter at all levels of organizational hierarchy, from elementary particles through cells and organisms to the Universe as a whole. The method is based on an alternative conceptualization of physical reality postulating that the energy/matter comprising the Universe is far from equilibrium, that it exists as a flow, and that it develops via self-organization in accordance with the empirical laws of nonequilibrium thermodynamics. It is postulated that the energy/matter flowing through and comprising the Universe evolves as a multiscale, self-similar structure-process, i.e., as a self-organizing fractal. This means that certain organizational structures and processes are scale-invariant and are reproduced at all levels of the organizational hierarchy. Being a form of symmetry, scale-invariance naturally lends itself to a new discovery method that allows for the deduction of missing information by comparing scale-invariant organizational patterns across different levels of the organizational hierarchy

    Targeting Huntington’s disease through histone deacetylases

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    Huntington’s disease (HD) is a debilitating neurodegenerative condition with significant burdens on both patient and healthcare costs. Despite extensive research, treatment options for patients with this condition remain limited. Aberrant post-translational modification (PTM) of proteins is emerging as an important element in the pathogenesis of HD. These PTMs include acetylation, phosphorylation, methylation, sumoylation and ubiquitination. Several families of proteins are involved with the regulation of these PTMs. In this review, I discuss the current evidence linking aberrant PTMs and/or aberrant regulation of the cellular machinery regulating these PTMs to HD pathogenesis. Finally, I discuss the evidence suggesting that pharmacologically targeting one of these protein families the histone deacetylases may be of potential therapeutic benefit in the treatment of HD